The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 41: Gao Zhi


On the way to Anlong, Shi'an asked Li Nian: "The director Zang you mentioned really likes Bai Yang?"

Li Nianwo sat on the seat: "How is it possible, you think your little baby is RMB? Everyone likes it. The film contract is forged, half true and half false. I just reached an investment agreement with Director Zang. As for the intention of this film contract , I asked his assistant to make a temporary fax last night, and gave him 200,000."

This makes sense, Shi'an nodded, "Then can you join the group?"

Li Nian lit a cigarette: "Okay, I won't do anything I'm not sure about, and the two of them are not as useless as you think, they can come out and rush to the big scene."

It was almost dusk. The four sat in the company's rehearsal room.

Normally Li Nian would only discuss these matters with Jin Shi'an alone, but today Zhong Yue and Bai Yang were the protagonists for the first time, and they sat obediently on the floor. Shian leaned on the sofa and listened.

Li Nian projected the information on the whiteboard with a slide: "Zang Yuanchao, I won't introduce it. We all grew up watching his movies, and he also won the Tianlong Award last year. In the past, Qin Nong won the Best Actress Yifei from this award." Soaring to the sky." He tapped on the whiteboard with a cigarette between his fingers: "The Gansu serial murder case was just solved last year. I don't need to tell you how rare this script is."

The Gansu serial murder case is quite famous. For ten years, this case has been regarded as a headless case and has never been solved. At the end of last year, the murderer was finally arrested and brought to justice. After being arrested, he confessed to the crime.

Once the ten-year unsolved case is solved, countless innocent souls will see the light of day.

Zang Yuanchao acted swiftly and adapted the case into a movie. The script is based on the old criminal policeman Fang Zhengjun, whose alias is Hong Xun in the script. It tells the thrilling story of him running around the northwest for ten years and catching the murderer alone.

The script was initially titled "The Wilderness in the Northwest".

It is Zang Yuanchao's consistent style to promote justice and have various thrilling elements such as reasoning, fighting, gun fighting and street fighting. Zang Yuanchao has always been strict with the quality of films - there is a joke in the circle that director Zang can hold his shit for two years. Although the jokes are vulgar, they are very apt. Zang Yuanchao often takes a long time to prepare a film. It takes three or four years to produce a work, but all of them are high-quality goods.

He especially loves to shoot tough guy movies, and people in the circle call him a movie king maker.

This year's situation is special. Presumably Director Zang broke the usual principle of slow work and meticulous work in order to get this rare script first. He just shot a best film last year and started working again this year.

Due to time constraints, Zang Yuanchao directly found his old partner to cooperate, and actor Zhou Ningshan played the old policeman Hong Xun. It's hard to say that the leading actor is the film king. What the newcomers want to compete for is the best supporting role in the movie.

—The murderer, Lu Shigang.

The screenplay is renamed Lu Gang.

He was a thin man with large, hollow eyes. Just looking at his appearance, it's hard to imagine that he killed dozens of people during the ten years of lurking. From the appearance, it looks a little like Bai Yang, and from the look in his eyes, Zhong Yue can also match him.

Billowing smoke came out of Li Nian's nostrils: "The competition is fierce. Both of you go, and Jiang Ruiyun will definitely go too. No one in the first and second tiers wants to eat this piece of fat. We have almost no advantage in casting roles. What can be counted on is that you two can perform supernormally and convince Director Zang with your strength."

Both Zhong Yue and Bai Yang couldn't help shrinking their shoulders, the pressure was too great.

Shi'an said from the side: "Didn't you say that you signed an investment cooperation with Director Zang?"

Li Nian nodded: "Yes, I invested 50 million directly. Don't worry about this investment. Zang Yuanchao's movies are sure to make money. If you invest 50 million, you can get back 500 million. If there is less, I will give you my head." You pay."

Both Bai Yang and Zhong Yue nodded in agreement.

Seeing their expressions, Shi'an knew how powerful this director Zang is. He pondered for a while, "Since there is investment, can't director Zang be accommodating and give them a little more chance."

All three of them looked at their Boss Jin like an idiot.

Is Zang Yuanchao accommodating? Zang Yuanchao is well-known in the circle as an iron-faced and iron-fisted man, and he never accepts the trick of going through the back door. Zang Yuanchao has become stricter and more ruthless since he publicly fell out with actress Xiao Ying a few years ago. Anyone who wants to engage in capital interference in art will be blacklisted.

"You're talking about buying corners with Zang Yuanchao, why don't you just eat some shit and calm down." Li Nian smiled smokyly.

Both Bai Yang and Zhong Yue looked at Jin Shi'an with contempt, it was too despicable, how could they use money to tarnish their great director Zang

Shi'an felt a little wronged, so he chose to shut up.

Li Nian withdrew his smile, "You two have been scolded by the director and me for your acting skills in the past, but I will send you over now—I said yes, and it is okay. You two have beaten each other. After such a long time, I have suffered no less than others, so don’t shrink back and feel that you are not good enough, I won’t let someone who is not good enough do it.”

Both Bai Yang and Zhong Yue lifted their spirits, Li Nian had never praised them so much before.

Li Nian stared into the eyes of the two newcomers, "Lu Shigang's information, all you can find is in front of you, time is running out, we will leave for Beijing in two days. Don't do other things these two days, just concentrate on trying to figure out the role. Zang Yuanchao likes simplicity Don’t try to perfuse him with flashy acting skills.” He pointed at Jin Shi’an: “You have to be clear, now Dragonsea’s shareholders are questioning you, I took the risk of beheading and forged the film contract, saying that the two of you You will definitely be selected. If you fail this time, your father Jin will have no face to meet Mr. Zheng, and no face to see the shareholders. Whether Anlong Entertainment lives or dies is up to you."

Shi'an was dissatisfied at the side: "Why talk like this, if you can't be selected, you can't be selected. There are many opportunities, so don't worry about me."

Bai Yang and Zhong Yue didn't want to listen to what he had to say.

Both of them were in a trance—Zang Yuanchao's movie, they grew up watching, a master of the film industry, and now they have the opportunity to try to cooperate with him.

Things you can't even dream of.

Whatever you say, you have to fight, for yourself, for An Long, and for Jin Shi'an who has spent countless money on them.

The author has something to say: The case is indeed inspired by the case you guessed, but the facts of the case are completely fabricated. The outline has been drawn up a long time ago, and I was surprised to see that this case was actually made into a movie a few days ago.

The director's prototype is not the director, and the plot of the case is also far away from the real case. Any similarity is a coincidence_(:з"∠)_