The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 42: Yu Ru Yu Cheng


Li Nian sent Zhong Yue home, went in and made a meal for Zhong Yue, watching Zhong Yue bury his head in eating.

"It's impossible to hide the matter of stuttering from Zang Yuanchao. You don't have to be afraid. This is an advantage. Killers generally have congenital defects. Your stuttering may make Zang Yuanchao look at you differently."

Zhong Yue raised his head from the bowl, "Bai Yang...what to do."

He knew very well that he had a much stronger advantage than Bai Yang.

Li Nian smiled, "I have my own way, let you both choose. These are not things for you to worry about."

Zhong Yue didn't understand what he meant and looked at him dubiously.

Li Nian became a little impatient, "I didn't want you to go, but now that Anlong is being targeted so badly, I have to get double insurance." He reached out and wiped the corners of Zhong Yue's lips, "In the end, I can only rely on you."

Zhong Yue became worried about Bai Yang. Li Nian said that he could only rely on him, and Zhong Yue felt a little sweet in his heart.

Li Nian saw that he had almost eaten, "wash the dishes yourself, I'm going back."

When he reached the door, Zhong Yue stopped him, Li Nian opened the door, and Zhong Yue closed the door again.

Li Nian turned to look at him.

Zhong Yue wanted to kiss him.

He didn't want much, just a light touch of lips to lips.

Li Nian avoided his face.

"Xiao Zhong, I'm not in the mood to do those things right now."

Zhong Yue didn't speak, just stared at him.

Li Nian threw the cigarette into the fish tank next to him: "Are you in a hurry?"

It was only then that Zhong Yue realized that his lower body had been pushed up. Embarrassed, he took a step back.

Li Nian smiled knowingly, then knelt down suddenly, opened Zhong Yue's pants, and ripped off his underwear along the way.

Zhong Yue's protruding lower body bounced out impatiently, and the feeling of being exposed made him tremble all over.

Li Nian hugged him, and maintained that kneeling posture, without hesitation, he embraced the thick fleshy root in front of him, and began to serve him skillfully.

The two stood in the messy hallway, the lights were dim, and their postures were shameful.

Li Nian's tongue is very dexterous, really glib. The rough coating of the tongue is poisoned by nicotine for many years, and it is paralyzing. He licks it very thinly, even licking the scrotum behind.

Zhong Yue clearly felt Li Nian's throat constrict and relax on his eyes.

It was so exciting that Zhong Yue couldn't help but want to call out. Shame and pleasure controlled his senses at the same time. He looked down at Li Nian, but Li Nian didn't look at him. Li Nian focused on his erect penis, stroked it with his fingers, kissed it with his lips, and licked it with his tongue. , and the whole package into the mouth.

"Don't do this." Zhong Yue said with difficulty.

Li Nian dismissed his resistance. The more he talked, the more erotic and wanton Li Nian licked, as if what was in his mouth was not a man's murder weapon, but his favorite cigarette.

Li Nian knelt in front of him, his posture was very pious, Zhong Yue wanted to see his face clearly, but he couldn't see clearly no matter what. He only saw his own things being hesitant in Li Nian's mouth.

Zhong Yue's consciousness fell into a blank again.

To Li Nian, he might be no different from a cigarette, rolling in Li Nian's mouth, burning, gushing, and slowly turning into ashes.

One day it will be thrown into the fish tank, or the trash can.

Zhong Yue felt despair, unspeakable shame, and intense pain piercing back and forth in his heart without any scruples.

And his body obviously didn't obey his will, his body was swelling and excited, and Li Nian's mouth was so refreshing that he was trembling.

He really didn't want to hear an orgasm-like sound from his mouth. Zhong Yue wanted to suppress this sound. The more he restrained, the more Li Nian teased him. Touching and slapping on the buttocks.

Like a plaything. It is pain based on supreme pleasure.

Zhong Yue was so stimulated that he bowed his waist.

Li Nian stopped talking, "Very comfortable? Call out if you are comfortable, anyway, there is no one."

These words should be said with love, not with mocking tolerance.

Li Nian hugged him again, and raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Come if you want to."

Zhong Yue felt very angry again.

Even he himself didn't know why. He impatiently grabbed Li Nian's hair and lashed it into his mouth.

The thrust was very deep, and Li Nian was pushed backwards by him, and let out a short muffled groan.

Zhong Yue felt both sad and happy at the same time. Yes, he was very comfortable, so good that he wanted to melt. Li Nian knelt in front of him, like a worshiping believer, while he stood here, grabbed Li Nian's hair, and stabbed his swollen body into Li Nian's throat.

It's really fun to give up on yourself.

Tears flowed down uncontrollably from Zhong Yue's face. He forced Li Nian to look up, but Li Nian was actually smiling at him, as if he was encouraging or appreciating.

Zhong Yue doesn't understand why Li Nian likes him to be so rough, he loves him and is willing to treat him gently, even if he gets into him, he can endure it.

He never thought of treating Li Nian like this, but he had to admit that it was really comfortable. It seems that people have given up their emotions, reason, and conscience, which is such a barbaric comfort. Li Nian's dry throat was convulsed by his penetration, his tongue was still rubbing vigorously at his root, and the saliva flowed slowly and viscously along his thigh.

He ejaculated in a chaotic mood, deep in Li Nian's throat. He felt himself crumbling.

Li Nian calmly swallowed his semen, carefully licked every part of his genitals and thighs, then stood up and lit the cigarette again.

"Go to bed when you feel good, time is running out, hurry up and read the script."

Zhong Yue looked at him dead silently, watching him walk out of the room slowly, while his smoke still remained in this room.

The hopeless loneliness of a murderer, the anger that only killing can dispel, he thinks he already understands.

If it was as usual, Shi'an would definitely send Bai Yang to Beijing.

But not now. The paparazzi are still staring at them, one is a financial tycoon and the other is a popular newcomer. How many cameras are waiting to film them.

They didn't dare to go back to Zijin Garden, and moved to live in Qixia Villa as if they were having an affair. Before leaving, they still lingered all night, and both of them were exhausted.

Bai Yang asked in a daze in Shi'an's arms, "Did I cause you a lot of trouble?"

Shi An couldn't explain much to him, and was even more afraid that he would be distracted before the battle, so he just kept kissing him: "Never."

"I won't embarrass you." Bai Yang whispered.

Shi'an's stuff was still inside him, and when he heard the words, he became hard again, Shi'an laughed softly, "It was you who said I was shameless just now."

It was lingering to death, and I still had to set off on the road the next day.

From the south to the north, the imperial capitals of the two sides have their hope of extinction.

Zang Yuanchao's studio is very large, it is said to be a studio, and its scale is no smaller than that of An Long. Zang Yuanchao specially arranged a whole floor to receive the auditioned actors, many of whom are popular niches. Bai Yang saw Jiang Ruiyun, Jiang Ruiyun still had dead fish eyes, Bai Yang waved to him, Jiang Ruiyun refused to pay attention to him, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

What are you pulling, can you die without being arrogant

They arrived in Beijing one day ahead of schedule. The previous night, Bai Yang and Zhong Yue didn't dare not to sleep, and they couldn't sleep, so they slept for a while and got up to discuss for a while.

Li Nian couldn't sleep well next door, so he came to make rounds every two hours, and every time he made rounds, he caught two buddies who didn't sleep. Cramming for the time being, can you research a fart if you don’t sleep all night?”

Li Nian doesn't want to care about them anymore, the dark circles under the eyes are just the dark circles, the dark circles are more like murderers.

Bai Yang and Zhong Yue's audition was arranged in the afternoon, Zhong Yue went in first, Li Nian told Bai Yang to wait, and went to the bathroom to smoke.

It's impossible to say he wasn't nervous, and he felt nervous too, but he couldn't let that affect the artist.

There seemed to be no one in the bathroom, Li Nian had just lit his cigarette when he heard someone laughing softly in the cubicle.

It's Li Jin.

Li Nian knew that Li Jin would also come, and Li Jin's audition was scheduled for the morning, so it stands to reason that he should have gone back long ago. He didn't want to see this person, so he left the cigarette and walked outside.

Li Jin grabbed him and pushed him into the toilet cubicle.

Another toilet, another cubicle, and the two of them again.

I have to say that Li Jin is really well-maintained, with a lean figure, which is a typical way to look thin and fleshy when undressed. Li Nian was caught in his hands, like a grass chicken.

Li Nian knew he was shaking. He didn't want to show weakness, he didn't want to shout, let alone talk. He took out a cigarette with one hand and tried to light it, but the lighter fell from his hand.

Li Nian stared straight at the lighter he landed on the ground. He didn't want to look into Li Jin's eyes. These eyes made him feel sick from the bottom of his heart.

His attitude was indifferent, but Li Jin's attitude was very affectionate. Li Jin pushed him down on the toilet and said, "Why, it's been a long time since I haven't greeted each other, so I can't justify it."

Li Nian let him grab his collar, with an unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth.

Li Jin stared at him for a long time, and finally smiled sinisterly: "How are you doing recently? I heard that you signed two trashes, and I slept with one of them."

Li Nian still did not speak.

Li Jin didn't care, "Have you gone to visit your mother's grave? If you haven't gone back for so many years, your mother's grave will be herding sheep."

Li Nian instinctively wanted to break free from him, but Li Jin was tall and struggled to no avail.

"You also avoid me in Hengdian, are you afraid of me? But I miss you very much—brother, I have fucked so many people, none of them are as comfortable as you."

Li Nian's face turned pale.

Li Jin was obviously satisfied with the change in his expression.

"It's so much better to fuck you than anything else. I want to fuck you to death when I see you. Do you want to do it again here? Brother?"

Before he could finish his sentence, someone kicked in from behind him.

Zhong Yue dragged Li Nian out, and Li Nian was thrown to the ground by him. Zhong Yue didn't look at him, and punched Li Jin who was in the cubicle again.

Li Jin was punched in the face, and laughed maniacally in the cubicle: "This is the man you've just found? Boyfriend? You do it every day?"

Zhong Yue wanted to fight again, but Li Nian got up and pressed his hand: "Let's go."

Zhong Yue refused to move, glaring at Li Jin. Li Jin didn't take him seriously, and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth with a big smile, "Brother, in this life, you only deserve to be slapped around by men, and you don't even have the ability to reach out and hit me—Isn't it President Hai Long?" Fucked you too?"

Li Nian didn't look back, nor was he angry, he just pulled Zhong Yue up: "Let's go."

It seems that he can only say one word now, go.



The farther you go, the better. Leave this man who made him sick and terrified.

Zhong Yue was dragged all the way by him. Li Nian didn't look back, nor did he speak. It wasn't until the end of the corridor that Li Nian turned around and asked him, "How was the audition?"

Zhong Yue looked at him blankly, wondering why Li Nian was so calm. Even he couldn't stand those words just now, so why can't such a person who is not as good as a beast be beaten.

The lighter was left in the toilet, Li Nian wanted to light a cigarette but there was no fire, and became even more irritable: "What is going on, what is your mind on, I'm asking you!"

Zhong Yue looked at him for a long time, then lowered his head.

"I tried my best. Bai Yang is inside. I also... don't know whether Director Zang is satisfied or not."

Li Nian softened his face: "Just try your best, whether we can succeed or not is not up to us."

The two faced each other in silence, waiting for Bai Yang to come out. The end of the corridor where they were standing was all glass, outside was the dazzling sunshine in June, and the vast and vast Beijing city stretching as far as the eye could see, reflecting the rare blue sky.

The hugeness of the city and the brilliance of the sun make them seem very small in the shadows.

"If... let me go in now," Zhong Yue said, "I will definitely look alike."

"Like what?" Li Nian looked at him, "A murderer?"

Zhong Yue nodded indifferently.

Li Nian sneered, "You want to kill people for such a thing, can you kill them? There are thousands of bitches and beasts, and they still live well."

Zhong Yue couldn't accept Li Nian's cold and calm, even he felt heartache, but Li Nian didn't care.

That's probably what it's all about.

"Zhong Yue, the beast will let him fend for himself. Do you know what Li Jin is most afraid of? He is most afraid of disappearing in front of me."

Li Nian held his cigarette in his mouth, and laughed sinisterly, "You take away the role he wants, let him have no place in this circle, let him watch you become popular, he will feel worse than death .”

Zhong Yue suddenly felt that the smile on Li Nian's face was so similar to Li Jin's.

They really are brothers, in many small details. Maybe they both resented the similarity to each other.

Does Li Nian hate looking in the mirror, Zhong Yue suddenly thought.

The blue sky hangs down to the ground, covering the surrounding fields, and it seems that they are within reach, but they are always far away.

The audition was over, and they stayed in Beijing for a week, hoping to hear from Director Zang as soon as possible. Staying is also a respect for Zang Yuanchao. Even if he is not selected, if Zang Yuanchao changes his mind temporarily, he can still fight for it.

Poplar has been in a wilting state. Zhong Yue asked him if he wanted to go to the Forbidden City to play, but Bai Yang refused for the first time.

"I want to read a book."

Zhong Yue was in a daze for a moment, wondering if Bai Yang had been dropped.

Bai Yang hasn't given up yet, he is still pondering with Lu Shigang's materials.

It can only be said that Bai Yang was unlucky. Before and after his audition, two people put him under great pressure. Before him was another first-line student Du Yu, and after him was Jiang Ruiyun.

Bai Yang felt that he had tried his best, and it was because of this that he felt even more depressed. Du Yu and Jiang Ruiyun performed really well. Although Bai Yang didn't see their performance all the way, but the moment Du Yu came out, and the moment Jiang Ruiyun entered, he knew that he had lost.

Both of them had a murderous look. Du Yu is vicious and unruly, and Jiang Ruiyun is perverted and neurotic.

Which one looks more creepy than Lu Shigang himself.

In comparison, Jiang Ruiyun looks even better. Although it is not as eye-catching as Du Yu's appearance, it has the concise feeling of a movie cafe.

He vaguely knew that this role would eventually belong to Jiang Ruiyun.

Bai Yang is not jealous of Jiang Ruiyun. He is really a genius, when he plays a hero, he is upright and awe-inspiring, and when he plays Shi Xiaosheng for himself, he is elegant and coquettish. Jiang Ruiyun is synonymous with omnipotence in his heart.

Sometimes he really feels sad, and he also knows that the lack of talent needs to be made up for by hard work, but how long will it take to make up for it? God is not fair to everyone. He already has Jin Shi'an, so there's no reason to be jealous of others, but is he sorry for Jin Shi'an's sacrifice for him

Bai Yang wants to seize every bit of time to watch and learn.

Regret that I wasted so much time before, what the hell was I doing in the past.

He read the information there, Zhong Yue was more comfortable than him, Zhong Yue was playing lovelive next to him, Bai Yang remained motionless, completely immune to temptation.

Zhong Yue was worried about Bai Yang, and begged Li Nian to explain. Li Nian was smoking a cigarette, "You are the only one who knows how to be a manager. I grew up eating shit?"

Zhong Yue was so choked by him that he couldn't speak.

Li Nian left him alone and continued to smoke.

Worried, only Zhong Yue is worried? Zhong Yue also took himself too seriously, as a manager, he was more worried than anyone else. On the night of the audition, Li Nian called Zang Yuanchao's assistant. The assistant stammered.

Li Nian said kindly: "Help me, just tell me about their situation, I don't ask if they were selected or not."

The assistant wondered: "Both of them are actually quite good, the one with short hair is especially good, I think Director Zang's eyes are bright. The one with long hair...why does he stutter."

Li Nian was quite surprised, "Can't Zhong Yue do it?"

The assistant was silent for a while, "Lu Gang has a lot of lines, he really can't do that. The appearance is pretty good, but it's too flamboyant, which doesn't fit the tone of the movie."

Unexpected loss, but also unexpected joy. Li Nian really didn't expect Bai Yang to brighten Zang Yuanchao's eyes, he originally thought that Zhong Yue would be safer than Bai Yang.

He didn't see how Bai Yang performed it with his own eyes, but Bai Yang has hope for this role.

An Long was saved.

Li Nian was determined, although he didn't dare to say that he was selected, but seeing Bai Yang's listless look made him angry, could Bai Yang have something to offer

Li Nian patiently persuaded him: "Assistant Director Zang said you are very good, better than Zhong Yue, stop pretending to be a good baby here, go play with Zhong Yue. Relax."

Bai Yang looked at him indifferently, he was better than Zhong Yue, did Li Nian regard him as mentally retarded

Bai Yang didn't want to talk to him, so Bai Yang continued to read. Bai Yang is addicted to reading, and reading makes him happy.

There is only one thing that can divert his attention now, and that is Shi An's text message.

Jin Shi'an was afraid of disturbing him, so he didn't dare to post more, and only sent him one photo a day.

Sometimes it is the lotus leaf of Tongshuiyuan, sometimes it is the incense burner of Jiming Temple, and sometimes it is the plaque of Yuejiang Tower.

Everywhere they've been.

Shi'an didn't say anything, Bai Yang understood.

He secretly searched Dragonsea's stock, but he couldn't understand it. He only saw many people scolding the CEO of Dragonsea for taking care of men and defrauding them of money.

It's nothing, if he doesn't succeed, he has to endure it. Bai Yang watched Leslie Cheung's Farewell My Concubine on his mobile phone, and thought that one day, he would be able to hold the hand he loved the most like his brother, and tell others, not for money.

And Shi'an wrote it alone over and over again in a place and when he didn't know, rich and blessed, honor my life, poor and humble and worry, Yuru Yucheng.

Difficulties and hardships, Yu Ru Yu Cheng.

The author has something to say: I don't know if I wrote too implicitly or if everyone has prejudice against Xiaobai.

Zhong Yue graduated from Nanyi, Qin Nong graduated from Nanguang, and Jiang Ruiyun graduated from Shanghai Opera. These people are all of professional background. But Xiaobai is not.

Can't help being stupid, his starting point is much later than others.

I hope everyone can see a little bit of Xiaobai's hard work. I don't care if I say it, let a professional person talk about it.