The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 45: night rain



The weather in Nanjing this year is very strange, God seems to have suffered a great grievance, the rain never stops.

It's not heavy rain, it's just a long and continuous muddy rain, which will stop and stop for a while, like a person crying and twitching.

Li Nian came back from Beijing and brought back a great partner in a sitcom for Bai Yang.

This did not comfort Bai Yang.

It was the official news from Zang Yuanchao's studio that arrived in Nanjing earlier than Li Nian. All the main characters of "The Wilderness in the Northwest" have been finalized, starring Zhou Ningshan, with Li Jin as the first and Zhong Yue as the second.

It is scheduled to officially launch in August.

Zang Yuanchao hesitated several times, and finally decided to add Zhang Xiaobing to the script, which was renamed Zhang Xiaobing.

"Zhong Yue's expression is very suitable. Has this child suffered any ordeal? He looks like a person who has suffered. I like his empty eyes very much."

Li Nian originally thought that this role could be given to Bai Yang.

It's not surprising that it was given to Zhong Yue. When not talking, Zhong Yue looked like a mechanical doll, beautiful but lifeless.

Especially the days of the audition.

"Although it is said so, the child's mental state does not seem to be very good. But I want Mr. Li to try to keep him in this mood."

Zang Yuanchao was very proud of himself. He got a suitable actor and added color to the script. He is in a good mood now, so he stopped by to mention Li Nian.

"This emotional acting is too suitable, just like Zhang Xiaobing's feeling. But after the filming is over, you have to give him a good enlightenment, so young, he looks lifeless."

Zang Yuanchao was probably elated on the other end of the phone.

Li Nian just smiled apologetically, okay, okay, thank you so much Director Zang.

Now An Long is fine, but he doesn't know how to explain to Jin Shi'an. Bai Yang lost the election and Zhong Yue got in, which seemed to show that he had strong selfishness.

In terms of merit and demerit, he held up the scene for Jin Shi'an, but failed to win a chance for Bai Yang. It was inevitable that Jin Shian would be unhappy, but Jin Shian still needed him.

He needs to win some Jin Shi'an's goodwill to prevent him from really looking for another talent.

When Bai Yang saw the news, he was still in the studio. He is co-shooting the cover of a fashion magazine with Tong Xinlei.

It was really Li Jin.

Li Nian's phone came after him: "I assure you, it's really not that you acted badly or that the role is not suitable. You are absolutely no worse than Li Jin."

So what Li Jin said was true.

He put down his phone and walked back to the set.

The photographer was a little startled, Bai Yang's state suddenly exploded, and Tong Xinlei was made extremely shy by him. A second ago, the two of them were still a little embarrassed, but Bai Yang came back from looking at his mobile phone, and the state suddenly came, holding Tong Xinlei's hand with affection, the two of them are very close, they look handsome and beautiful, very eye-catching.

The photographer wondered suspiciously, are they really in a relationship, is the fake show real

Tong Xinlei was too embarrassed to talk to Bai Yang after the stage.

Bai Yang stood on the basement floor and dialed Jin Shian's phone number, "Can you come pick me up?"

Shi An was surprised, "Where's Xiao Xie?"

Xiao Xie was standing next to him with a dazed look on his face, did Brother Xiaobai not want him? Why should Mr. Jin come to pick him up.

Bai Yang just repeated: "Can you come pick me up."

There is nothing wrong with Bai Yang's request. When did Shi'an refuse, he is not afraid of being photographed.

It rained heavily on the way here, and there was a traffic jam. When Shi'an and Xiao Ma rushed to Zhujiang Road, it was already dark.

Bai Yang got into the car, Shi'an told Xiao Xie to drive back first, and asked Bai Yang, "What do you want to eat? Or go home to eat?"

Bai Yang only said "go home", then leaned back on the chair and stopped talking.

"What's wrong?"


The road was still stuck in traffic, and they moved slowly in the eager rainstorm. In fact, in the rainstorm compartment, it is really one of the best existences in the romantic area. There is chaos outside the window, and the two people inside the window are dependent on each other. Cold can be resolved with body temperature, wetness can be burnt dry with lust.

Many movies will probably arrange some sweet plots at this time.

And their atmosphere was stagnant.

Shi'an is most afraid of people like this. He knows he is unhappy, but he refuses to say it out loud.

That's always been the case with Lusheng.

Concern is chaos. If Bai Yang was just someone else, he would probably be able to solve it easily, but if it was the person in his heart, he would feel at a loss, and nothing seemed right.

Bai Yang was unusually silent, no matter how teased he didn't speak. Walking to Xiaguan, Bai Yang suddenly said: "Take me home."

Both Xiao Ma and Shi'an turned to look at him.

"Why do you want to go home today?"

Bai Yang forced a smile: "...I want to go back and get something. I won't go to your house today."

Shi'an said gently, "Then I won't need much time to wait for you to take the things."

Bai Yang insisted: "I want to go home."

The atmosphere became even colder. Shi An had no choice but said to Xiao Ma: "Then send him back."

The car walked to the gate of Bai Yang's community, the rain had gradually subsided, Bai Yang looked out the window, "Xiao Ma, can you get out of the car for a while?"

Xiao Ma hurriedly grabbed the umbrella and got out of the car. He looked around nervously, and couldn't help but recall the passionate car shock between Boss Jin and his little white brother—isn't little white brother planning to do something with President Jin here again? !

—This is too exaggerated, the pony wants to pee a little bit.

He didn't dare to go far, and stood by the flower bed with his umbrella in a daze.

Here Shi'an and Bai Yang were sitting side by side, Bai Yang stretched out his hand to turn on the air conditioner, and a gust of cool wind blew over him, making him shiver.

"It's raining and cold enough, why don't you turn on the air conditioner, so you won't be afraid of catching a cold."

Bai Yang didn't speak, and let Shi'an turn off the air conditioner again.

He was very upset and manic, and all kinds of unspeakable anxieties were floating up and down in his heart. In the past, he would definitely cry in Jin Shi'an's arms, but now he is not worthy.

Zhong Yue appeared in Zang Yuanchao's movie, as it should be, he was also happy for Zhong Yue. But another role was taken by Li Jin, that can only mean one thing.

It is this circle that really hates people like themselves.

Bai Yang didn't want to think about it deeply, his expectations for this movie were too high - he didn't succeed, he felt ashamed in front of Jin Shi'an, since he knew Jin Shi'an, apart from spending his money endlessly, he just gave him infinite money. Make trouble endlessly.

He stayed by Jin Shian's side for a day, and those malice would never stop attacking.

Being together is not good for any of them.

Shi'an tried to caress Bai Yang's shoulder, "It's getting colder, wear thicker clothes tomorrow."

Bai Yang suddenly said, "Jin Shi'an... let's break up."

The words came out of nowhere, Shi An's hand was still on his shoulder, he felt that he had heard wrong, and asked him with a smile: "What did you say?"

Bai Yang lowered his head, and raised his head after a long time: "Let's break up."

The sound was fainter than the sound of rain.

Shi'an only felt his heart being pounded by something, and asked again in a daze: "Yang Yang, what did you say?"

Bai Yang didn't repeat any more, and didn't dare to look into Jin Shi'an's eyes. Instead, he turned his head to look at the water marks on the glass.

"You're too good at the moment, I'll take you to rank after you practice better."

Bai Yang suddenly remembered that when he first played League of Legends in the past, he met a trumpet with very good skills. He hugged the trumpet's thigh and went up to the silver segment, and then fell down several times, even the trumpet followed him. .

In the end, the trumpet couldn't hold on any longer and told him so.

"It's useless to hug your thighs alone. You have to know how to play first. I'll take you when I have a chance."

Trumpet disappeared from his friends list and never came online again.

Bai Yang knows that he has always been bad, his operation has never been better, his acting skills are the same, and his reputation is even more so.

He really wanted to be recognized by others, and then went to be with Jin Shi'an confidently.

But that's not now.

Now he is nothing but unworthy.

Shi'an silently looked at him from behind, Bai Yang looked at Shi'an's face dimly through the glass, and both of them became more and more sad as they watched.

Which line said that liking is not a qualification to be together.

This is a real world, where the strong stand side by side with the strong, and the weak eat dirt and cry by themselves.

Bai Yang wanted to get out of the car, get out of the car now, and run away immediately. He understands that he is a piece of mud that cannot support the wall, why should he be greedy to stay by the side of someone who should not belong to him

"We're not suitable. Together, it's not good for you or me. If this goes on, no director will use me." Bai Yang wiped the corners of his eyes, and he probably cried: "I don't want to be so useless. I don't want to affect your company's image, we are a scandal together."

Shi'an took his hand firmly: "Who said that? Who said that to you?"

Bai Yang wanted to push his hand away, but there was no strength: "All the news is written like this, I don't believe you didn't see it."

"What other people say is other people's business, Yang Yang, why bother with gossip?"

One by one, he pulled his fingers out of Shi An's palm. Shi'an held it so tightly, as if the two hands were supposed to grow together, and when separated, they were connected with blood and tendons.

He now knows how painful it is to dig out his heart and lungs.

"I don't want to care about it, but I can't help it. No director is willing to use me. Others are still talking about you, so I will only cause you trouble. Let's break up, let's break up..." He raised his face with tears: "Yes I'm worthless, I'm not worthy."

There were too many difficulties lying in front of them, and he was always counting on Jin Shi'an to solve the problems, and he was never able to do anything by himself.

Unfair feelings are not called love. If there is nothing he can do for him, there is no reason to continue loving him.

He has a father, and Jin Shian also has parents—he used to be with Li Jin and never thought about his parents, but he fell in love with Jin Shian, and these problems were unavoidably pressing on his mind.

Hai Long's family business was ruined by him alone, Bai Yang knew he couldn't afford it.

If people do not fall in love for the purpose of living a lifetime, they will not have so many troubles.

"Let's break up." Bai Yang said softly.

He opened the door and got out of the car in the rain.

The night wind blew the rain around, and it floated into the car with the door wide open, and into the arms of the man who had been left behind.

Shi'an heard him say break up, break up over and over again—the three words are so light, and they are full of holes in his heart. Go down, float up, sink down again.

He didn't realize how Bai Yang pushed his hand away and how he got out of the car.

The rain fell one after another, hitting the eyes, making the eyes full of desolation, and hitting the body like a knife.

Bai Yang wanted to say something more to Shi'an, but when the two looked at each other, they finally had nothing to say.

They would have had nothing to say.

Shi'an watched Bai Yang step back slowly, one step, two steps. Countless sounds of rain rang around them, as if the rain in Nanjing had stopped, became thinner, and fell silent.

There was only an inch between them, and it was still raining continuously.

Shi'an felt that he couldn't shed a single tear. It turned out that the injury was so painful that he didn't have a single tear.

Bai Yang's figure slowly merged into the night as far as he could see. The wind and rain are getting bigger and bigger, as if the world is deliberately trying to bury the connection between them.

In the torrential rain, Shi'an thought wistfully, what was the sin he committed in that life, why the people he loved always stabbed him in the heart.