The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 47: Fiction and reality


When Xu Zhiliu walked into the coffee shop, he was slightly taken aback.

President Hai Long is far more dignified than he imagined, this man is elegant, steady and personable. This was too different from the prodigal young master who was rumored to like to keep celebrities, so he didn't dare to go forward for a while.

Jin Shian is really eye-catching. This cafe in Brooklyn was crowded with people of all colors, and Jin Shian was alone in a corner, with a cigar in his mouth, looking out the window at the street scene.

Even the passing female waitress couldn't help but look back at him.

Probably sensing his puzzled gaze, Jin Shi'an gave him a gentle smile.

He was looking at Jin Shian, and Jin Shian was also looking at him.

Li Nian handled affairs as quickly as Zheng Meimei, and it didn't take long to report to him: "There is a talented student who graduated from the Ivy League and worked in an investment bank in New York for several years. He wants to return to China to develop. I think he is a good person."

"what is it call?"

"Xu Zhiliu."

Li Nianren was filming with Zhong Yue in Gansu, and only teased Jin Shian on the phone: "Let me tell you, the photo looks a little bit like Poplar."

Shi An smiled and spat at him.

Li Nian is really smart and knows what he wants. Paradoxically, it was done beautifully.

No one can entrust this matter. Jin Shi'an went to the United States in person to meet this talented man. To Zheng Meili, she only said that she was broken in love and relieved.

Zheng Meili probably didn't bother to care about him, so she had no objection.

Xu Zhiliu took a seat in front of Shi'an, and Shi'an looked at him with great interest, he looked a little bit like Bai Yang, except that this man had wolf-like eyes, hidden behind thin glasses and thick eyelashes, he looked refined.

He and Li Nian are on the same road, Shi An nodded in his heart first.

"Sorry, I was caught in a traffic jam."

Xu Zhiliu bowed his head to apologize, he looked more like Bai Yang because he couldn't see his eyes.

“…Why don’t we speak in our native language”

Shi An took down the cigar and returned the same tribute. Shi'an wanted to laugh a little, this person was hypocritical, and he wanted to show off a few sentences of English.

It's also a good thing, this kind of person is overconfident, and his heart is higher than the sky, which can disturb Zheng Meili's restlessness. He just needs such a person with a strong desire to express, to check and balance Zheng Meimei.

Both of them laughed heartily.

Xu Zhiliu took the lead, "Mr. Jin, I heard that Dragonsea's stock has fluctuated recently."

"Which stock is not volatile."

It seems that he is impatient, Shi'an thought he was very interesting, so he just responded lightly.

Xu Zhiliu smiled, "I thought it would be your boss Zheng who came to see me at most, but I didn't expect that it was President Jin who came in person, so I'm very terrified."

"If you are willing to come to Hai Long, I'm afraid you won't need her to see anyone in the future."

Apparently Xu Zhiliu already knew Hai Long's situation very well, so there was no need for Shi'an to waste his time talking, he liked to get straight to the point, and spoke simply and directly.

Xu Zhiliu felt astonished, and he couldn't help but feel ecstasy.

"What kind of treatment can you give me?"

He couldn't wait.

Shi'an turned his head slightly to avoid the sun, "What do you think of Hailong's second-in-command treatment?"

Xu Zhiliu was very satisfied.

Jin Shian satisfied him so much that he forgot all the conditions he had prepared before the meeting. A good bird chooses a tree to live in. He considers himself a good bird, but he didn't expect Jin Shi'an to be such a Zhilan Yushu.

He knew what he was going to face. I have honed this good sword for many years, and what I am waiting for is to know people and understand the Lord. He concealed the joy in his eyes, and suddenly looked at Jin Shi'an slyly.

"Mr. Jin, excuse me, I heard that you like men."

Unexpectedly, Shi'an asked him such a question, and couldn't help but smile—this Xu Zhiliu, who has a long view of Shu, what does he mean by asking him like this

Shi'an stretched his arms, and pushed the coffee he had drank in front of Xu Zhiliu, "There is no one who loves talent."

The gorgeous daylight of New York shone brightly on this man through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Xu Zhiliu even felt a little dizzy.

He took Jin Shian's coffee, lowered his head to drink it, and smiled knowingly.

A week later, Jin Shi'an returned to Nanjing with Xu Zhiliu.

Zheng Meili hesitated at the door of Jin Shian's office.

She heard that Jin Shi'an had broken up, but she didn't take it seriously. Jin Shi'an is a fool with a lot of money, and he only wants to be a celebrity, so it's only natural to be dumped.

Isn't that what happened? A bitch is ruthless, an actor is meaningless, people have been immersed in the entertainment industry a lot, once they become famous, the money owner is just a springboard. For the sake of fame and fortune, anything can lead to the end of the loose nurturing relationship. Qin Nong is like this, Bai Yang is also the same. This kind of thing is gender-neutral.

She is concerned with another matter. Jin Shi'an has no relationship to talk about now, and she is afraid that Jin Shi'an will turn around and trouble her. It would be very annoying if Jin Shi'an cut off his affection and tried his best to govern.

Zheng Meili persuaded him emotionally: "It's nothing, why don't you go and relax, A Shi, there are many good girls."

… Well, there are plenty of good boys too.

Shi'an took it very seriously, "I'm ashamed, I really don't have the heart to take care of the company's affairs now, and I feel uncomfortable. I want to go to the United States for a vacation."

As she wished, Jin Shi'an was immersed in the grief of losing his love. She looked much sadder than when she broke up with Qin Nong. Jin Shi'an dumped the company to her, "You have to work harder during this time. I want to be quiet."

very good. You go slowly, Zheng Meili thought.

She didn't expect Jin Shi'an to come back so quickly, and brought back another man.

—Is it true that Jin Shian can’t live without doing that? It's really beautiful. It's only been a few days since I lost my love, and I have a new love by my side.

But this time it's not a star.

Zheng Meili couldn't help being a little wary.

This young talent who returned from overseas has a handsome appearance and a bit of Bai Yang's temperament. Jin Shi'an is obviously very fascinated by him, and he will be put in the finances for him when he comes back, and he will be greatly promoted.

Of course Zheng Meili would not allow him to do this.

"It's against the rules. No newcomer goes to a key department as soon as he comes in."

"He has been doing finance abroad, and he has been in the industry for many years, so he is not a newcomer."

Jin Shi'an stubbornly resisted.

The two of them stuck together for many days, neither of them would give in. Jin Shi'an called Xu Zhiliu to the office every day to talk about everything.

Then he messed with her again. If the finances are not good, it can always be put into personnel affairs, right

Zheng Meili felt very annoyed, it was not a good sign if it went on like this. She has been in Hailong for so many years, and Jin Shi'an has always let her decide who to employ. Now that Xu Zhiliu came out of nowhere, Zheng Meimei has long been used to being dominated by one person, and she is unavoidably anxious.

If Xu Zhiliu is just a newcomer, that's fine, the key is that he is Jin Shi'an's heart and soul now, and it will be extremely difficult to kick him out.

It's time for a showdown with Jin Shi'an. The timing wasn't good, but she couldn't wait any longer. She can use Xu Zhiliu as a bait, as long as Jin Shi'an agrees to give her shares, then it doesn't matter if Xu Zhiliu is put in the finances.

In a department like finance, if you can play well, you can cover up the sky with one hand, but if you can't play well, you can just make money for others. In case something "accidentally" goes wrong again, how many times can Jin Shi'an catch Xu Zhiliu

Xu Zhiliu was alone, and Zheng Meili really didn't take him seriously.

Jin Shian is writing. It's rare that he didn't stick with Xu Zhiliu today.

Zheng Meili put down a crayfish for him: "I brought it back at noon."

Shi'an glanced at it briefly: "Zhiliu doesn't like this."

Zheng Meili was furious for a while.

To be honest, whether it is Bai Yang or Qin Nong, it is not a big deal, but she has seen enough of Jin Shian's fickleness. When I was with Bai Yang, I went to Xiaguan to eat lobster regardless of my identity, but now I turned around and opened my mouth because Zhiliu didn't like it.

Men are like this, when they are in love, they are like treasures, and when they are not in love, they are like shoes.

She didn't bother to talk to Jin Shi'an anymore, "You want to put Xu Zhiliu in the finance department, that's fine, I'll let him be in charge of the finance department."

Jin Shian stopped writing and looked up at her.

"Correspondingly, should Hai Long show me something?" Zheng Meili leaned over to meet his gaze, "It's not much, 20% of the shares, if you let me feel at ease, I can make you earn more."

Jin Shian's face became displeased.

"You already have 0.5 of the shares."

"Too little, isn't it?"

Speak bluntly. This zero point five was what she got when she first came to Dragonsea. She has worked for so many years, and there is hard work without credit. Hai Long is getting bigger and bigger, so naturally she should give her more.

Jin Shi'an was even more displeased, and straightened up to look at her.

"The company is mine. If I don't give you shares, I can still arrange Zhiliu well."

Zheng Meili smiled heartily, "Then do you think he has the ability to stand up?"

Jin Shi'an dropped his pen, and his face sank like water.

"Beauty, do you really want to make trouble like this? Why can't you tolerate Xu Zhiliu?"

"It's not that I can't tolerate it, I'm begging you to leave Hai Long a root. Anyone can take it from the company. Today is Xu Zhiliu, who else will tomorrow? Zhang Zhiliu? Wang Zhiliu? Jin Shi'an, uncle and aunt. You left this property, not for you to behave like this. How many shareholders’ money is in our hands, and I can bear it if you use it to curry favor with celebrities. Now you want to lure wolves into the house, and I want to leave a way for shareholders to survive. "

"Zhiliu is not as unbearable as you make it out to be."

Jin Shian obviously flinched a little.

Zheng Meili was angry, and seeing him was even more annoying, "You ask Li Nian to deal with me, don't think about who recommended Li Nian to you at the beginning. If you want to play in the entertainment industry, you can concentrate on playing in Anlong and keep 20% of the shares Give me, let me look after your home, if there are winds and waves in the future, you will have a way out."

Zheng Meili understood it with reason and emotion: "In this way, Xu Zhiliu can also go into finance as you wish. This is a good thing. It is good for you and me."

Jin Shi'an looked annoyed, and turned to look at the window.

Zheng Meili waited for him comfortably.

She didn't notice that Jin Shian was smiling.

Recommend Li Nian? If he hadn't mentioned Li Nian himself, Zheng Meimei would have said it? She avoided talking about Li Nian so much at that time, obviously she knew that Li Nian was not a good dog. Now I am ashamed to take credit for it.

The tigress couldn't hold back after all, she bared her fangs after teasing her. 20% of the shares, the original appetite is not much.

He touched the corner of his lips, he had done enough acting today.

Shi An suddenly put aside the subject, turned his back to Zheng Meimei, and asked leisurely: "I heard that you chopped off Tang Qiji's toes."

Zheng Meili knows that he is avoiding the question, she is very patient now, she has been waiting for two years, she is not afraid of Jin Shian playing this game with him. Zheng Meili nodded calmly: "He has the guts to provoke Hai Long, can he afford this loss?"

Good woman, it's really fierce.

Shi'an turned around: "Are you afraid that he will sue you?"

Zheng Meimei didn't take it seriously: "Go, he would have sued if he had the guts. I'll give him eighteen guts and ask him if he dares."

"—what if I give him the guts?"

Shi'an appreciated her attitude very much, and his tone was more kind.

Zheng Meili didn't realize what he was saying for a moment.

She felt astonished, Jin Shi'an gave Tang Qiji the courage? She didn't have time to think about it, and said instinctively: "If this matter is exposed, Bai Yang will be finished."

As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized how stupid she was.

Shi'an looked straight at her, and smiled happily: "We have already broken up. Don't you know?"

… Yes, of course she knew.

She couldn't understand how much Jin Shi'an felt vengeful towards the lover who broke up. Qin Nong broke up with him, and he harassed Qin Nong for a whole year - he spent so much money for Bai Yang, Bai Yang broke up with him, Jin Shi'an wanted to kill Bai Yang as a matter of course.

How could Jin Shi'an care about the harm caused by a drug scandal to Bai Yang? He will only be happy with it. This ruthless man now has a new love, hitting Bai Yang is simply the happiest thing he can do.

Cold sweat slowly seeped from Zheng Meimei's delicately made-up face.

Jin Shi'an looked away, slowly picked up the pen, and lowered his head to write again.

"Meimei, do you want to know where Tang Qiji is now?"

He didn't care about Zheng Meili's panic, he just wrote steadily, writing countless huge "Yong" characters.

"Or, I can also prevent him from calling the police, hold a press conference, and ask Director Tang to talk about how you broke his leg and cut off his toes and fed them into your mouth."

Zheng Meili's brain is running fast, what does Jin Shian want to do? She only wants 20% of the shares, which is not too much. Jin Shi'an used Tang Qiji to threaten her, killing eight hundred enemies and losing one thousand

She felt more and more confused now, Jin Shi'an made her feel strange, yet extremely familiar. His desire for revenge is still so strong, but his scheming is far better than before.

No wonder there was no news from Tang Qiji all of a sudden, she chopped off Tang Qiji's foot just to make him shut his mouth tightly.

When did Jin Shi'an hide Tang Qiji

No, Jin Shi'an might just be angry with her. After so many years, he is still so willful and does things regardless of the consequences. Zheng Meili calmed down—she just needed to let Jin Shi'an understand that it would be of no benefit to anyone if Tang Qiji's incident broke out, so it's better to be obedient and give her shares.

Zheng Meili calmed down, and her tone softened, "There's no need, A Shi, you asked Tang Qiji to call the police. Have you ever thought about how much Hai Long will suffer? Being involved in the underworld is not something that can be easily settled. How much competition? Opponents are waiting to pour dirty water on us."

"You went down the dirty water yourself first," Shi'an raised his head, "I'm never afraid of ruining everything."

Zheng Meili looked at him in astonishment.

Only now did she understand that it was not she who came to Jin Shi'an for a showdown today, but Jin Shi'an was waiting for her to show up.

Jin Shi'an was warning her that she must either keep her own place or die together.

She never expected that the act of inadvertently flattering Jin Shi'an at the beginning would become Jin Shi'an's sharp edge to blackmail her in turn—Jin Shi'an was so infatuated, with an attitude that he must be a king, how many days the company didn't care, and ran to accompany her This little star is eating, shopping, chatting and filming. Jin Shi'an had never cared so much about Qin Nong, she really thought that Bai Yang was his destiny and could not be wrong.

Really fell for him.

What's even more unexpected is, since when did Jin Shi'an start to have the idea of burning everything together, and would rather destroy Hai Long than take a share of her pie

Hai Long is gone, why should he please Xu Zhiliu? Xu Zhiliu was obviously nothing in his heart.

She felt chilled, and even more terrified.

She has paid so much for Hai Long, but after all, she is still inferior to others. But what can I do? Jin Shi'an was far more shrewd and ruthless than she imagined, it was she who underestimated him.

The two stalemate silently, Shi'an just writes, Zheng Meili is at a loss.

"Shi'an, what are you doing?"

Xu Zhiliu stood at the door, he didn't expect Zheng Meili to be here, so he couldn't help but pause, but seeing Zheng Meili's terrified expression, he felt a little complacent, and only smiled at Shi'an, "Come back to Nanjing, You haven't shown me around yet."

Jin Shi'an didn't raise his head, "Go out, I'm talking to Mr. Zheng."

Xu Zhiliu froze for a moment.

Zheng Meili also turned around and looked at him sharply.

Shi'an raised his eyes slightly, calmed down, and said again, "Go out, I'm talking to Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Meili's mood calmed down slightly. What kind of thing is Xu Zhiliu, a bed crawler, she talks to Jin Shi'an, and it's his turn to intervene

Xu Zhiliu's face was pale and pale, Shi'an only nodded to him, "You go out first, what's the matter, let's talk about it later."

Anyway, he saved a little face.

Xu Zhiliu left, Shi'an closed the door and looked back at Zheng Meili.

"What is my relationship with you, and what is my relationship with him? Beauty, you also take yourself too lightly, why bother."

Zheng Meili was saddened by what he said, and sat on the sofa slumped.

Shi An also sat down with her.

"When I took over Dragonsea, I have always worked hard for you. You deserve 20% of the shares."

Zheng Meili didn't expect him to show weakness at this time, and she was a little confused.

Shi'an said slowly, "But you shouldn't make up your own mind for this. The company is owned by the two of us. I don't want you to leave me."

"I never thought of leaving you behind." Zheng Meili raised her head quickly.

"I know. You value friendship the most." Shi'an looked at her with emotion.

Zheng Meili gradually felt guilty.

"I was ignorant in the past, and everything made you hard. I just ask you to look at our friendship for so many years. If I don't understand, you can mention it more."

Shi'an knew that this matter was almost done, only the last fire was needed.

He has never been clear about how much Zheng Meili wants, and he has no idea where Zheng Meili's bottom line is. He originally wanted to wait for Zheng Meili slowly.

But Bai Yang left, he no longer has the patience to continue wasting with Zheng Meili.

Xu Zhiliu was just a cover. Zheng Meili didn't care about Bai Yang Qin Nong in the past, because they didn't have a direct influence on Hai Long, but Xu Zhiliu, who vaguely looks like Bai Yang, can intervene company affairs.

Of course Zheng Meili couldn't help it. No matter how good a friendship is, it can't match a plausible young mistress.

The beating is almost done, with both kindness and majesty, now give Zheng Meili a sip of sugar, and if she is asked to go east, she will not go west.

Shi'an looked into Zheng Meimei's eyes and smiled softly.

"In one year, you took me with you to double Dragonsea's performance. If this is done, I will give you 30% of the shares, and you will stand shoulder to shoulder with me. The company is yours as well as mine."

It is impossible for Zheng Meimei not to be tempted by this bargaining chip. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Even if you don't say anything about the shares, I still want to give them to you. You have worked so hard for so many years, and you deserve what you deserve—it's just that last year I spent money on Bai Yang, and the performance was really not good. Giving you shares now will inevitably make the shareholders feel bad." , It also seems that you and I are at odds, as if I left this mess to you. If you work hard for another year, you will give shareholders confidence, and then the icing on the cake will be icing on the cake, and no one will say anything."

Shi'an held her hand, "If you don't believe me, make a document now, what do you think?"

——Jin Shi'an was really thoughtful, she still didn't make this friend in vain. Zheng Meili was afraid that Jin Shi'an and her would be killed, but it turned out that Jin Shi'an was only afraid that she would win the championship.

"...No need, I believe you." Zheng Meili said dully, and then asked, "What about Xu Zhiliu?"

Shi'an let go, leaned on the sofa and laughed, "Finance and personnel are not suitable, let him go to develop and manage a project."

"Are you willing?"

Seeing her doubts, Shi'an laughed even more, "What kind of thing is he that can be compared with you? If you say no, you just can't."

Zheng Meili blushed again.

Shi'an took out a piece of paper from under the fruit plate, "Tang Qiji's address, you can take it, but don't hide anything from me in the future."

Without Tang Qiji, Qiu Minxuan and Wang Lei are still in his hands.

Zheng Meili didn't expect this level, and just nodded solemnly.

Shi'an added, "Recently, several major departments have undergone personnel changes and job rotations. I will explain to you how to arrange it."

Zheng Meili knew that this was inevitable, if she wanted to get something, she had to give up something, so she nodded again.

Se-an looks at her gratefully.

—One year is enough for Xu Zhiliu to gain a firm foothold in Hailong, and it is also enough for Li Nian to secure Anlong's foothold. Putting Xu Zhiliu at the grassroots level will make it easier for him to take root. What about 30% of the shares? If he can give it, he can get it back.

What's more, women are emotional animals, no matter how fierce Zheng Meimei is, she will give in sometimes. It's hard to say whether Hai Long can double in one year.

Zheng Meili is used to arrogance, she has always been domineering, and she really has talent in her belly. He said that if he doubled it, Zheng Meili had the guts, so he agreed without hesitation.

In the days to come, it all depends on how Zheng Meili will work so hard for this mouthful of hanging meat.

Greedy people will always be strangled to death by their own desires.

Shi'an stood up, "Go ahead, Xu Zhiliu is so angry, I'll go coax him."

Xu Zhiliu was probably mad, he was the one who called the people, and he was the one who drove them away. He just wanted to use Xu Zhiliu to tease Zheng Meili a little bit, to plant a little jealousy in her heart.

The effect is very good.

He raised his foot to leave, but Zheng Meimei suddenly asked in a daze behind him, "Are you A Shi?"

Shi'an didn't look back, just lowered his head and smiled, "It doesn't matter whether it's right or not. You can only rely on me, and I can only rely on you."