The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 48: mottled


Bai Yang sat on the ponytail and waited for the stage. The heroine was having an awkward scene with Jiang Ruiyun.

I heard that the heroine is the director's girlfriend, and her acting skills are really worrying. No matter what kind of emotion she has, she will solve it with one expression, that is, stare.

Jiang Ruiyun looked at her tenderly, and she stared; Jiang Ruiyun looked at her angrily, and she stared; Jiang Ruiyun looked at her helplessly, and she continued to stare; Jiang Ruiyun looked at her devastated, but she still only stared.

Bai Yang was really afraid that her colored contact lenses would fall off.

If it was the past, Bai Yang would probably laugh beside him until his stomach hurts.

The days after the breakup were easier than he imagined, but also more difficult than he imagined. Bai Yang cried at home for a week and lay dead for a week. Li Nian thought he had committed suicide, and ran to the door with Xiao Ma Xiaoxie: "Why don't you answer the phone?"

Bai Yang charged the phone, it was full of missed calls from Zhong Yue and Li Nian.

None of Jin Shian's.

He broke Jin Shian's heart. Bai Yang knew.

"President Li, I want to take on the show."

Bai Yang said with red and swollen eyes.

Time passed quickly, he pestered Li Nian to take over the play for him, any play, no matter the leading role or the supporting role.

If the mainstream movie circle rejected him, then he would climb up again in the TV circle. Starting from a supporting role, you can always pry a few corners.

The more you act, the better you can act. The more you practice, the more you can grow. This is an irrefutable truth.

He is a stupid bird. Since he didn't fly first, he can only fly hard.

The various crews did not reject him as he imagined. On the contrary, the first crew spoke highly of him—willing to endure hardships, not putting on airs, and his acting skills came naturally.

He didn't know how Zang Yuanchao evaluated him behind his back, he just thought he was probably lucky. Maybe it's very pitiful that I exude an aura of broken love, so the director takes special care of me.

It must be so.

When a person's emotions are at a low ebb, his career will be at a high ebb, Bai Yang thought.

His skills have grown far faster than his consciousness, and he feels that he is still a rookie, while most of the directors he has worked with have found him very useful. Bai Yang's acting skills in the natural department are not particularly eye-catching, but he can always support the rhythm at the right time, and even invisibly resolve some originally broken plots.

Soft acting, full of authenticity.

A good actor will naturally have a good reputation, not to mention that this actor is willing to take on big and small dramas now.

Various crews opened their doors to him.

It is conceivable that Bai Yang's face will be frantically swiped on the screen for some time to come.

Li Nian originally did not allow him to act in this play. The director sent an invitation, but Li Nian declined, and the director called Bai Yang alone, "You two have worked together in Jiang Ruiyun's play, you acted as the second male lead, you have a good character, and you're not tired, so go and make trouble with Mr. Li. "

To put it bluntly, he actually wanted to find a bunch of popular young meat to praise his girlfriend.

Li Nian sternly refused: "Do you also participate in any bird drama? Don't you know that Qin Nong's drama is outstanding? Do you still want to take advantage of her?"

Bai Yang is not afraid of Qin Nong, since he is in the entertainment industry, he can't rely on Li Nian to protect him for the rest of his life. He has a small mind, but he doesn't want to live in the shelter of others forever.

"In case something happens to you again, tell me how to explain to your father Jin."

Li Nian couldn't stop him, so he had to come back from Gansu. When Bai Yang saw him, he burst out laughing. Li Nian followed the crew in the wind and sun, and didn't pay attention to maintenance. He looked like a rotten sweet potato, black and purple.

"It's a pity that you can still laugh. I didn't see that you are so cruel. Your father Jin is almost crying because of you."

Li Nian fooled him.

Bai Yang immediately became sad.

Li Nian couldn't help him, "Forget it, don't put on such a face for me, saying that you're the one who pretended to be pitiful and broke up with me, why do you play so much?"

Bai Yang held back for a long time, then asked him sullenly, "Is he still angry now?"

"I'm angry, I hate you to death. What do you want to do? It's okay to make a fuss. How can Jin Shi'an feel sorry for you? Be careful that he commits suicide after making such a fuss."

Li Nian took out his cigarette to smoke.

"It's not that he's sorry for me, it's that I don't deserve him. I have caused so many troubles, and I don't want to cause troubles for him anymore. "

Bai Yang said dejectedly.

Li Nian was about to vomit from these two Qiong Yao spirits.

Bai Yang raised his head, "Mr. Li, I won't see him again until I become famous. I'll put all my heart into acting, and I won't embarrass you."

Li Nian looked at him delicately for a while, finally took down the cigarette, and patted Bai Yang's head.

"Work hard, if Jin Shi'an changes his mind and finds someone else, don't cry with me anymore."

Bai Yang was taken aback by what he said.

Yes, Jin Shian will like him, and it is also possible to like others again.

That was his own fault.

"Then I wish him happiness." Bai Yang said softly.

Jin Shian is so good, he deserves better.

Li Nian was confused by him, and sighed, "Little ancestor, you really know how to do it, so you can do whatever you want."

People live in this world, there are a few people who can really wait for a lifetime without complaint or regret.

Probably Jin Shian is, and so is Bai Yang.

Regarding the TV drama, Bai Yang pestered Li Nian many times, and Li Nian got annoyed, "Just go, what's so good about this crap show? Let me tell you, the heroine is worse than your acting skills."

"I just want to see how Jiang Ruiyun will act on the spot."

Bai Yang is very serious.

He ran so many crews, almost no one can beat Jiang Ruiyun's acting skills. Bai Yang knew that he didn't have many chances to cooperate with the actor Shidi, and Jiang Ruiyun was already within his reach and the best model for him to learn from.

He didn't want to lose this opportunity.

Li Nian is out of words, okay, in the past this bastard would not make progress by beating and cursing, but now it's fine, even being tied up can't stop him from making progress.

Fashion shows aren't too dangerous, so let it be.

"Be careful when you enter the group, go back when you're done, and don't talk to Qin Nong."

Li Nian had no choice but to tell him.

Bai Yang took his pony, Ma Xiaoniu, to Beijing cautiously, and entered the group on time.

Qin Nong really cared about Jiang Ruiyun, and whenever Jiang Ruiyun starred in the works, Qin Nong readily agreed to play a special role. In order to praise her own niche, Qin Nong also gave a lot of face.

Bai Yang met her several times on the set, Qin Nong was not as cruel as Li Nian said, Qin Nong also saw him, and nodded to him gently to say hello.

Qin Nong is really beautiful, so beautiful that it is impossible to imagine that she has really done so many bad things that Li Nian said. She has a kind of pitiful weakness in her whole body. When her eyes meet, she feels that this woman is very firm in her heart, and she is truly soft but strong.

No matter how you look at it, she looks like the elegant and pure goddess in those TV movies, without any dirt.

Bai Yang looked at Qin Nong's back, and suddenly felt a sense of sympathy. No matter how bad Qin Nong was, he had never been so bad in person like Li Jin. When Bai Yang saw her, he had Yan-Dog Syndrome, and felt that she had found Li Jin. Really blind, flowers stuck in cow dung.

People in the production team also like to gossip about her behind Qin Nong's back. It is said that she fell out with the gold master for a literary film. There were a lot of nude scenes in it.

This naked movie ended Qin Nong's history of nurturing, but made her get a second actress.

For Qin Nong, Jin Shian probably couldn't understand her in the past. To Jin Shi'an in the past, Qin Nong was just ungrateful.

True or false, no one knows what happened back then. It is true that she kicked Li Nian, but Bai Yang felt it was understandable that she broke up with Jin Shi'an.

People are really elusive, many things, not the parties involved, no one knows what the truth is.

Qin Nong didn't do anything to him, maybe because he heard that he and Jin Shi'an had broken up, or because he felt that Li Nian might not care about Bai Yang anymore.

In short, Bai Yang was safe and sound in the crew, and concentrated on watching Jiang Ruiyun's acting.

Jiang Ruiyun's acting skills are still so good, but he is really ruthless to the heroine. The leading actress threw herself into the sewer, Jiang Ruiyun relentlessly let her go, she played hers, Jiang Ruiyun played her own, and the two reproduced the wonderful scene of him and Bai Yang's love on the left side and my heart on the right side.

Bai Yang looked embarrassed.

Anyway, this is also a play starring Jiang Ruiyun, why doesn't he teach this girl

He wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Except for Kim Se-an, he seems to have lost his ability to smile for others. Laughter is only in the play.

Acting is really a good thing. It can let go of your worries and cry or laugh for others.

People who have been in love probably understand that there will be a period of lovelorn in lovelorn. It's like people have amputated limbs, and there are illusions of phantom limbs.

The more memories of being in love, the more enough to overwhelm a person, as if the person is gone, but the love is not dead. Love was alive and walking and breathing and, like all dying creatures, wanted to go on living and walking and breathing.

Even if there is only one person left.

A person's love can't get any supplements, and can only constantly find fragments from the past. Bai Yang recalled the words Shian wrote, the books he read, and the things he taught him in the past.

It turned out that the two of them were so strangers that he really didn't understand him.

Many times he forgets that this man is actually from 1930, alone in this world.

When no one was around, he would take out the plum blossoms that Jin Shian gave him to look at, and he kept them in a small iron box and carried them with him. Two withered flowers, looking back and forth.

A remnant of a past love.

When Jiang Ruiyun came off the court, he couldn't help mocking him at the first sight: "What kind of garbage are you holding back and forth?"

Then he snatched his box away.

Bai Yang snatched it back forcefully: "It's none of your business."

Jiang Ruiyun walked away with a bad face.

Jiang Ruiyun came to the set the next day and threw him a plastic bag. Open it, and there is a big sunflower inside.

It is still ripe, the petals are gone, but the melon seeds can be broken off and eaten.

Bai Yang wanted to laugh, "Why did you give me this?"

Jiang Ruiyun closed his eyes to save electricity, "Don't you like dried flowers?"

Dried flowers are not so big... Are these vegetables? !

Bai Yang asked him patiently, "Where did it come from?"

"I picked it up."

"...where did you pick it up?"


Bai Yang didn't want to talk to him, Bai Yang was disgusted by him. Jiang Ruiyun is really a dog who can't spit ivory out of his mouth, and everything can make him smell like shit.

Jiang Ruiyun lay on the chair with his eyes closed, and after a long time he asked, "Do you want to eat? Give it back to me if you don't eat."

Why don't you eat it? Bai Yang wouldn't give it back to him. Bai Yang hid beside him to crack sunflower seeds.

He wants to laugh and cry.

Jiang Ruiyun didn't understand why he wanted to look at those two plum blossoms, was he an idiot? Get a big sunflower.

It's useless to just immerse yourself in grief, it's you who said you broke up, not Jin Shi'an.

Bai Yang didn't expect Jin Shi'an to wait for him all his life, they had it, it was enough. He only hopes that in his future life, he can have a little bit of success, to be worthy of the many favors that Jin Shi'an has given him.

Thinking of Jin Shi'an, he still felt infinitely gentle in his heart, and a smile crawled to the corner of his lips unconsciously.

Jiang Ruiyun didn't know when he stood beside him, "Laughing?"

Bai Yang was taken aback by him, "What are you doing?!"

Jiang Ruiyun rolled his eyes at him, "I haven't seen you smile since I joined the film crew. You're so disgusted that you make a bitter face every day. You're already ugly."

Even uglier is more handsome than you.

Bai Yang didn't want to argue with this idiot, but he also refused to admit his cowardice. Bai Yang raised his head and grinned forcefully at Jiang Ruiyun.

"It's ugly."

Jiang Ruiyun gave a bad review.

Before I knew it, it was already autumn.

The autumn sunshine in the north is always extraordinarily strong. In the corner where they are standing, countless golden spots of light pass through the yellowed autumn leaves and fall mottledly on their bodies.

Jiang Ruiyun looked down at the light and shadow of the miniature sun round after round.

It seems that summer is not far away.

It's like summer is coming back.