The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 50: Jiangbei


Bai Yang also saw the news about Zhong Yue. First, I saw the concept video of "Fighting the Murder in the Northwest Wilderness", and then there was a big wave of tearing.

Xiao Zhong is really great, Bai Yang thought, the filming is too powerful. This will definitely win the Tianlong Award.

He sent Zhong Yue a WeChat message: "Is the filming hard? I think Mr. Li is almost sunburned."

Zhong Yue replied to him: "Director Zang is more terrifying."

Bai Yang is the only person who can make Zhong Yue happy, the pure part of his heart that will never be defiled.

Bai Yang cheered him up again: "Don't pay attention to what's said on the Internet, it's all nonsense. Quickly check your account, I've paid you a lot of attention."

After half an hour, Bai Yang was swiped by a large wave of UR cards from Sunou. This time, Zhong Yue was very lucky, and there was a large wave of fruit emperors.

Both of them giggled at their phones.

Zhong Yue's phone was quickly taken away by Li Nian, "It's not the time to play. Keep your emotions."

But these poplars don't know.

In the past, when Zhong Yue was in his most difficult time, he spoke up for him without hesitation, now it's time for him to stand up for Xiao Zhong, Bai Yang thought.

Bai Yang frantically swiped and posted on Weibo in the same way.

[No matter what difficulties Xiao Zhong has, I think he played a great role, and overcoming difficulties is the greatest. (Love)] [Trust Director Zang's vision, Director Zang will not be wrong. (Angel)][Xiao Zhong and I will not disband. (Love)]

[I love Xiao Zhong! (Love X3)]

He has his hair here, and Jiang Ruiyun and Ning Ning Huihui are holding up their mobile phones to watch.

"It's disgusting, it makes you look like the real thing."

"It's none of your business." Bai Yang ignored him.

"Aren't you dating someone else?"

Jiang Ruiyun suddenly asked him.

Bai Yang stopped his hand of tweeting, stayed for a while, and looked at Jiang Ruiyun angrily: "None of your business."

Jiang Ruiyun stopped talking. After a while, the latest Weibo of Jiang Ruiyun popped up on Bai Yang's phone.

[I love Xiao Zhong.]


What the hell

It's none of Jiang Ruiyun's business to stir up some mud. Bai Yang kicked Jiang Ruiyun, "What are you doing? You don't know Zhong Yue."

Jiang Ruiyun closed his eyes, "I want you to take care of it."

Bai Yang wanted to kill him.

This thoughtless show of love on Weibo was widely retweeted. Jiang Ruiyun's fans are obviously accustomed to their idol's psychotic style, queuing up and swiping the screen under Weibo, "I love Xiao Zhong." "I love Xiao Zhong too." " I have the same taste as the male god."

Played the effect of confusing shit.

Jiang Ruiyun was still not satisfied, so he posted one a day, especially when Bai Yang was filming: [Zhong Yue's acting skills are too good.]

[My male god is Zhong Yue.]

As soon as Bai Yang came back, he saw Jiang Ruiyun's latest Weibo without taking medicine, and he couldn't stop him.

I have to say that Jiang Ruiyun is probably a brainwashing madman. He acted like a monster, and the fans had no objection. No matter what the idol posted, they were like a cult, "The king said it well." "You are handsome and you are right." Your Majesty is wise."

Bai Yang looked confused, how long has it been since Jiang Ruiyun took medicine? What about Qin Nong? The actress will come out and take care of your family, okay? Don't care about going to heaven? !

Not only did Qin Nong ignore it, he even gave Jiang Ruiyun a thumbs up.

Damn the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked.

The fighting has been directed to strange places. Zhong Bai and Jiang Bai's fans suddenly discovered that their two cucumbers formed a bicycle and ran away. It was unbearable. Having said that, the old party members of the two parties have different opinions on whether this official big candy is Zhong Bai or Jiang Bai.

The Three Kingdoms War, a miasma. Any repetition of Bai Yang's past scandals and attacks on Zhong Yue's stuttering were immediately judged as "demolition of the CP". Mrs. Big Hands, the idol is left behind, and the fans tear themselves apart.

There was chaos on Weibo and BBS. Questions about Zhong Yue's stuttering were drowned in the smoke of the CP fan war, and gradually became silent.

Li Nian didn't have to worry about deleting posts anymore, fans pinched their eyes red, as long as someone posted negative news about their idol, a wave of heavy-duty pornographic texts would immediately follow. Then lock the post and delete it.

A turmoil ended in a mess without a clue.

Bai Yang didn't know whether to beat up Jiang Ruiyun or say thank you to him. He found that Ning Ning Huihui was using her mobile phone to brush the posts, and the posts were those familiar pornographic texts. Bai Yang almost thought that Ning Ning Huihui was responsible for all the little Huang Wen, but Ning Ning didn't take the credit, and explained to him skillfully: "There are too many people who brush, we just fish in troubled waters, you come to write too, Brother Bai." Bar."

... There are so many slots, such a good girl, she was turned into a fool by Jiang Ruiyun just like that.

He has great sympathy for Jiang Ruiyun's fans, wake up girls, your male god is actually a male psychopath.

Seeing that he had been stealing from Jiang Ruiyun, Bai Yang endured it.

Zheng Meili and Xu Zhiliu worked together for the first time, and the effect was unexpected, better than they and Jin Shian imagined. Although the competition was fierce, Xu Zhiliu had many fresh ideas. He carefully surveyed the historical and cultural sites in Jiangbei, and offered free support to repair these scenic spots.

Xu Zhiliu said emotionally at the bidding: "Shuanglin is a Nanjing-based enterprise. No one knows Nanjing and this city full of memories better than us. No one will do it more seriously than us. We are capable and more Feelings."

He's a smart guy who knows how to move people.

Shuanglin Construction has successfully won the two largest land parcels in Jiangbei, and is responsible for the infrastructure construction in related areas.

Jin Shian fulfilled his promise, invited him to dinner, and asked him what he would like to eat.

Xu Zhiliu thought about Jin Shian's preferences, and remembered that he used to take walks in Xiaguan, maybe Jin Shian liked people close to people.

Xu Zhiliu smiled and said, "Why don't we go to Xiaguan to eat crayfish."

Jin Shi'an's face turned ugly for a moment.

Xu Zhiliu's heart sank—no matter how close Jin Shi'an was to the people, he grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth. He invited him to dinner, but he wanted to eat crayfish. Isn't this taking Jin Shi'an's face

"... How about going to Gaochun to eat crabs?" Xu Zhiliu was a little hesitant.

Jin Shi'an ignored him, and only called Zheng Meimei: "Let's have a meal with Zhiliu at noon, you can arrange it, the grade can't be low. Zhiliu has been here for so long, we haven't caught him yet."

Xu Zhiliu stood aside, panicked and embarrassed.

Originally, he planned to ask Jin Shi'an to eat some ordinary home-cooked food, so as to get closer to each other. If the food is not good, he can also drink more.

Xu Zhiliu's thoughts were blatant, eating was nothing but drinking was what he wanted, and it was hard to say what would happen after that.

He failed to get his wish, and Jin Shian took Zheng Meimei along with him. The only thing that comforted him was that Jin Shi'an was polite to him at the table, and Zheng Meili was no longer so sharp.

He is not discouraged, the more difficult a man is, the more interested he is. Thinking about the stars that Jin Shi'an has recruited before, although their ability is not as good as his, Humei's ability is probably much better than him.

Xu Zhiliu has this patience.

The work of Shuanglin Construction started in an orderly manner. In November, Shi'an was invited to represent Hailong to Pukou to attend the inauguration ceremony of the renovation of a martyr's tomb.

Xu Zhiliu is very good at handling things. A martyr's cemetery doesn't cost much, but the things are nice to hear. Of course, this kind of honor and luster must bear the banner of Hailong. Jin Shian went with Zheng Meimei.

The cemetery is located in a remote location, but it has been carefully repaired. This kind of repair does not require restoring the history, as long as it is solemn and elegant. The leaders of the municipal government gave a speech first, thanking the local enterprises for their filial affection for Nanjing’s history and culture, and invited Shi’an to speak. Shi’an only briefly expressed his sincerity, “The predecessors sacrificed their blood, and the future generations should commemorate it. This is what we should do. of."

To be honest, he has never experienced this period of history at all, and Bai Yang only mentioned that there was a massacre in Nanjing. He could only offer his homage in vague terms.

After that, the leaders of various subordinate departments gave speeches, such as the Martyrs Cemetery Administration, Municipal Department, Civil Affairs Department, and Propaganda Department, one by one. Everyone clap clap clap clap clap again.

Shi'an listened patiently to their ramblings, and couldn't help being amused. Eighty years ago, the officialdom was like this, and eighty years later it still hasn't changed much.

Finally, the cemetery administration led all the leaders to visit each martyr's tomb in turn and present flowers. The leaders were only focused on posing for the reporters, but Shi'an was in the mood to read the inscriptions on the tomb carefully.

Some of these martyrs are regular soldiers, and some are just civilians. The horse leather shrouds the body and dies for the country, which is really eloquent.

Walking to the innermost tombstone, Shi'an didn't have much time to look at it carefully. Every epitaph is similar. This tomb is a little taller than others. During the renovation, in order to maintain the original appearance, it was not changed.

Shi'an turned around, his eyes swept over the tombstone.

This glance made him feel cold all over.

Regardless of the deputy mayor still offering flowers, he walked straight forward a few steps, pushing the deputy mayor aside.

Deputy Mayor Feng looked at him blankly, so he just smiled and asked him to bow together. Shi An stood still.

The huge words on the tombstone read:

Tomb of Bai Lusheng Martyrs

Different from other tombs, there are two lines of small red characters on the front and back of this tombstone, engraved with the date of birth and death.

September nineteenth, 1896

February 18, 1944

——September 19 is Lu Sheng's birthday in the old calendar, and it can't be wrong.

It was as if a pocket of ice water suddenly splashed down from his head, splashing drippingly all over his body, making him bone-chillingly cold.

Both Zheng Meili and Xu Zhiliu saw that his complexion was not good, and seeing him crumbling, Zheng Meili pushed Xu Zhiliu away and supported him, "What's the matter, Mr. Jin?"

Mayor Feng was a little unhappy beside him, but seeing President Hai Long's distraught look, he guessed it might be someone from his senior. The mayor has the measure of the mayor, so Mayor Feng waved to Director Fang of the Cemetery Administration, "Look at what's going on with Mr. Jin over there."

Shi'an still hadn't recovered, and murmured, "This martyr's name is Bai Lusheng?"

Director Fang knew the martyrs in the cemetery he managed very well, and answered fluently: "Yes. The martyrs here all died in the battle in Shiqiao Village. The people left their names."

The reporters hurriedly gathered around to take pictures, and took down Director Xia's introduction by the way.

Shi'an asked again: "Is the name correct?"

Director Fang was a little confused: "How can this be written wrongly? These martyrs' monuments were repaired by an old overseas Chinese in the year of Hong Kong's return to China. Many of our materials were also given by him."

Shi'an's face was pale, and he turned to look at Director Fang: "How did you sacrifice?"

Director Fang was a little embarrassed. Didn't he say that when he went up to speak just now? Looking at Jin Shian's expression, he had no choice but to introduce again: "In 1944, a Japanese puppet army entered Shiqiao Village. The New Fourth Army led the masses to fight with them. Nine people were killed and nineteen were captured. Cemetery The seven tombstones here are the seven soldiers who died in the battle at that time."

Shi An comforted the head of the stele, "The bones are all buried here, aren't they?"

Director Fang felt a little regretful, "No, this is the tomb. The martyr Bai Lusheng did not leave a body."

Shi'an heard thousands of arrows gathering in his heart, and a mouthful of blood rushed up and down in his chest. Under the great grief, he cried without tears, opened his mouth speechless, and just stood there motionless.

Director Fang looked around, and really didn't know what was wrong with this Jin, so he had to ask him with an apologetic smile, "Why is President Jin so excited?"

All kinds of feelings are swirling in Shi'an's heart, and he can't tell whether it is ups and downs. Hearing Director Fang's question, Shi'an only vaguely said: "It's me... it's me... it belongs to my ancestors, old friends. There has been no news, I didn't expect …”

Everyone was moved, and Director Fang was moved to tears. Mayor Feng said next to him, "The sacrifice of the predecessors is commemorated by the posterity, just as Mr. Jin said."

The reporters were extremely excited. They really didn't expect to gain so much from the interview today. It was originally a political mission, but they didn't expect to dig out a bloody story. The reporters all turned their cameras to Shi'an: "Could Mr. Jin tell you in detail, let us know the story of Martyr Bai?"

Shi'an didn't care to listen to what they had to say, so he just turned around blankly, "Mayor Feng, Director Fang, thank you."

The author has something to say: The tomb of the martyrs in Shiqiao Village does have its place, and it is now Pukou District, Nanjing. The battles described in this article are all historical facts, except that the description is fictional.