The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 53: Qinhuai Dream


Shan Qici is in Hangzhou. Introduced by Qiao Shasha, Shi'an brought Xiao Xie to visit this master who has created countless excellent works and won the Plum Blossom Award twice.

Qiao Shasha had already passed Shi'an's first draft to Shan Qici, and as soon as they met, Shan Qici gave up his seat with a smile: "The writing is very good, is this the first time?"

Shi'an didn't expect him to praise him so much, so he was a little embarrassed, "It's really the first time, it's rare that Mr. Shan is willing to give advice." He asked Xiao Xie to put down the gift. Mrs. Shan liked his good looks and good manners, so she just said, "Come as soon as you come, what are you polite about, Shasha usually comes empty-handed, and she has to bring a full meal back."

Everyone thought of Qiao Shasha and laughed.

Shan Qici was nearly sixty years old, with a slightly fat body, and the top of his head was extremely witty and hairless. In the preface, he is younger than Zang Yuanchao's generation, and he is expected to be mature, and he is the leader in the industry, so everyone in the industry calls him "Shan Lao". He didn't exchange many pleasantries when he met Shi'an, obviously he couldn't wait to talk about his views. Mrs. Shan made tea and served fruit, and Shan Qici took Shi'an to read the script.

"The writing style is solid, and the lines have a sense of the times, but the plot arrangement is a bit lengthy—I think this book is not suitable for filming TV dramas, it should be shortened, and it is better for film scripts."

Qiao Shasha is good at writing foot-bound dog-blood dramas, and the sample sent to Shi'an is generally the same. Shi'an's first draft inevitably inherited many of her faults.

"The story should be more concise, but it should also add more content." Shan Qici said, "Your story lacks a lot of wonderful things. The protagonist should not only be Shen Bailu, this An Shijing is the real drama."

Shi'an didn't want him to be so sensitive, and his heart skipped a beat when he said it, and he felt more convinced.

Shan Qici looked at him with a smile: "You know the Republic of China very well, where did you hear this story?"

"It's the past of my ancestors, so some places are taboo for the elders, so it's inconvenient to write in too much detail." Shi'an has already thought up his explanation.

"You can't have so many scruples when writing a script. If you have scruples about this and that, the story will be flat."

Shan Qici flipped through the script, he circled it with a red pen, and changed a lot. Seeing from the side, Shi'an saw that the master's moves were really extraordinary. The plot was slightly changed to make it more natural, and it hardly hurt his original intention. The two watched together and started discussing without knowing it.

Shan Qici has always been obsessed with traditional art, and usually loves to play with words and ink, and when he talks to Shi'an, he feels that he is very speculative, and he even opens up a chatter box, giving advice with eloquence. Speaking of understanding, the two clapped their hands and smiled.

"Mr. Shan," Shi'an stood up, "I want to ask you one thing."

Shan Qici wasn't surprised, and didn't look up, "Say it."

"I dare to ask you to name and polish this script. I am just an unknown person, and my writing skills are not good enough. I would like to ask you to give me your advice."

Shan Qici still didn't look up, "You have to know, Qiao Shasha is my only student, and I have never been named in any of her scripts."

Shi'an didn't speak, but looked at him sincerely.

Shan Qici finally raised his head with a smile, "For the sake of your good book, I promise you."

Shi An expected that he would not refuse, so he smiled back.

Efforts, sincerity, and sincerity are what art practitioners are tirelessly pursuing.

A villain is a metaphor for profit, a gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness, sincerity and sincerity will naturally open gold and stone.

Shi'an stayed at Shan Qici's house for a whole day, and Shan Qici was still a little bit reluctant before leaving, "If it wasn't for your busy business, I really want to keep you in Hangzhou for a few days. Now young people can talk to me Not many people talk anymore."

Shi'an shook the hands of Mr. Shan and Mrs. Shan emotionally, "A teacher for a day can be a father for a lifetime. If there is anything I can help, sir, just ask." He bowed to Shan Qici again, "The script Shan Lao has to worry about things."

Mrs. Shan also loved this young elegant businessman very much, "That's how you say, you will be a teacher for a day and a father for life. You recognize our old man as your master, and you will come to eat during the holidays!"

Shi'an laughed, "This is the patriarch, the seniority cannot be wrong."

Shan Qici was coaxed into laughter by him, "The name of the script was decided earlier, you have written so much, and you still don't have a name yet."

Shi'an said sincerely, "Please give me a name, sir."

Shan Qici just shook his head, "No, it's not appropriate for me to occupy the magpie's nest and name it in the front. How can I name it for you? You just choose one yourself, and I will try your skills."

Shi'an knew that he wanted to cultivate, so he no longer refused, "Sir and Madam, don't send it off, and come to visit another day."

Bai Yang and Zhong Yue returned to Nanjing one after the other.

Before leaving, Jiang Ruiyun asked him why no one was with you when filming this time.

Bai Yang vaguely said that Mr. Li was in Gansu with Zhong Yue.

"I'll say another one." Jiang Ruiyun hit the nail on the head.

When Bai Yang was asked about his pain, he wanted to be angry and felt that he had no position. Bai Yang turned around to get some snacks, and sneered back while eating: "Xiao Ma and Xiao Niu are always here, who is like you, can't do without Qin Nong, Ma Bao male."

Jiang Ruiyun was silent behind him for a while, "Do you want me to see you off?"

Bai Yang choked on a banana slice.

Jiang Ruiyun repeated again, "I'll see you off."

"I'm an adult, okay?!" Bai Yang couldn't take it anymore, "Let's draw a line between the two of us, Sister Nong doesn't have a good relationship with Mr. Li, so be careful of her losing her temper."

"She doesn't care," Jiang Ruiyun insisted, "I'll leave when I get to Nanjing."

"No. I don't have money to buy your ticket, so you and your sister Nong go back to Shanghai."

Bai Yang flatly refused. Jiang Ruiyun could do anything good by following him, he must have played him black and blue. It's rare that Qin Nong didn't touch a single hair of him during the whole filming. If he kidnapped Jiang Ruiyun, Qin Nong wouldn't eat him alive.

"You really think I want to send you off?" Jiang Ruiyun suddenly changed his face.

"You feel really good about yourself, idiot." Jiang Ruiyun taunted.

Bai Yang is used to it, and if the neurosis does not show up, he will suffocate to death, it is normal, I understand.

When he returned to Nanjing, Li Nian was not there, but Zhong Yue came to pick him up at the airport.

When Zhong Yue saw him, he immediately hugged him.

Bai Yang was suffocated by him.

"...Xiao Zhong, I'm going to be strangled to death by you."

Zhong Yue still didn't let go, and hugged him tightly. Zhong Yue was darker and thinner, but he was still shockingly handsome. It can only be said that skin color is the touchstone for measuring real beauty, there is no distinction between black and white skin, Zhong Yue is black and African, Bai Yang believes that he is still so handsome.

Zhong Yue kept holding Bai Yang's hand when he got in the car.

Bai Yang was terrified by him, agreed that you like Brother Nian so much that you want to cry? Why did Zhong Yue develop the conjoined twins mode when he came back from filming a scene

Zhong Yue still had a sick look on his face.

"Bai Yang, I miss you very much."

He was speaking from the bottom of his heart, Zang Yuanchao's drama had squeezed him to the brink of collapse, he had been shrouded in darkness for several months, and Li Nian couldn't give him any comfort.

Seeing Bai Yang, he felt he could breathe again.

Bai Yang nodded submissively, yes, I miss you too, but not as exaggeratedly as you.

Xiao Zhong was probably exhausted, Bai Yang thought, why didn't Li Nian accompany him, where did he go

Li Nian is reading his script at Jin Shian's house.

"... You really wrote it?"

Shi'an shook his head, "Mr. Shan helped me polish a lot, it's not my credit."

Li Nian sighed, "You can do it. I was away in Nanjing for a few months, and you even invited Shan Qici. I paid him 10 million yuan to invite him, but I didn't meet him in person."

After all, apart from fame and fortune, there are still people in this circle who sincerely desire art—they are willing to wait rather than perfunctory.

"This book needs to be shot by a great director. It cannot be wasted. A good director can make this film famous and rich."

Shi'an looked at his expression: "Do you have an idea?"

"Yes, I would like to invite Zhang Huitong to take pictures."

Zhang Huitong is a master as famous as Zang Yuanchao. The two are walking together at the same age, and each has a great reputation, which seems to be bright for a while. Zang Yuanchao has a good reputation in the country, and the box office is even more domineering. Zhang Huitong is good at delicate literary works and has a very good reputation.

Both of them are the type of slow work and meticulous work.

"Although he lost to Zang Yuanchao in the Tianlong Awards last year, he is definitely not inferior to Zang Yuanchao." Li Nian is full of ambition, "There is one thing, his box office is not as stable as Zang Yuanchao. When it is good, it is like taking medicine. When it is not good Time to go down the drain."

Zhang Huitong's literary films are sometimes high-sounding, too sunny, and they are really shot in a profound way. People simply don't understand what the master wants to express. They can't spend dozens of dollars to go to the cinema to express their ignorance.

Shi'an murmured, "But I see that you are determined to find Zhang Huitong."

"You don't understand. Although he is a bungee at the box office, his reputation will never fail. No one dares to say that Zhang Huitong's movies are bad movies. At most, he can only say that he can't understand." Li Nian lit up a cigarette excitedly, "Golden Lion Golden Horse He I’ve taken them all. Foreigners like him very much. If Bai Yang can get out of his films, he will be a golden hen in the future. I didn’t have the guts to invite him in the past. With your book, he and Shan Qici The relationship is good, and I can guarantee you will be able to move."

Shi'an deliberately asked him, "Aren't you afraid that Zhang Huitong will lose all your money in the shoot."

Li Nian blew out a smoke ring, and smiled faintly, "You probably won't believe me when I tell you, I've been in this industry for so long, and it's not all for money, I also have pursuits, okay?"

Shi'an was amused by him, "The person you fall into the eyes of money, also talk to me about pursuit."

Li Nian changed the topic, "Yes, Chairman Jin, I really didn't see that you are so infatuated. You are convinced to write the script in order to praise Bai Yang. Hurry up and decide on the name, and discuss it with Shan Qici again. Hurry up, you're done, I'll go to Zhang Huitong right away."

Li Nian left, Shi'an sat alone on the balcony leaning on the railing.

It's the end of late autumn, the night is dark and dew heavy, only a bright moon is shining in the sky, with some clouds on all sides, like an ice wheel going out to sea.

Shi'an recalled that when he first saw Lusheng on the platform, it was the same way, the moonlight was like water, and the frost poured down on the ground.

As a human being in two lifetimes, he is really destined to live and die in this city. This city lives in a dream. How many people are dreaming in the mountains and rivers. The old dreams are buried in the sand, and the new dreams are unfolding under the spring breeze and autumn moon—love here He and Lu Sheng are not the only ones who are yearning, hating, looking forward to, and complaining.

Dream like dew, wake up and smile Nanke.

He went downstairs and called Paul loudly, "Come to grind ink."

Yawning, Paul spread the paper and ink for him, only to see his Mr. Jin write three words on the paper with a pen.

"Qinhuai Dream".