The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 56: blue sky


Zhang Huitong finally signed the contract. Shan Qici cherishes the students and refuses to be named first, so Jin Shian must sign first.

"What kind of ecstasy soup are you pouring on Mr. Shan? Let me tell you, Mr. Shan's daughter is not married yet, so be careful that he recruits you as his son-in-law."

Li Nian teased Jin Shian in the office.

Bai Yang and Zhong Yue sat next to each other and laughed.

Looking at the faces of Jin Shi'an and Bai Yang, he knew they were reconciled, and he didn't know what they did last night. Look at Jin Shi'an's smug face, and look at Bai Yang, with an expression of rain and dew nourishing the seedlings, and he began to blush again without saying a word.

"You have to hide it from Zheng Meili, and let her know that she is going to be a demon again."

"What are you hiding from her? She is fighting for the 30% shares." Jin Shi'an smiled, "It's her turn to care who I want to be with."

Nauseous, nasty, Li Nian didn't see it. This topic is too blind, let's talk about the script.

Shan Qici and Zhang Huitong talked with Li Nian all night, and they both felt that An Shijing's role should be added. As for who should play this role, Director Zhang never let go: "Except for Jiang Ruiyun, I don't need others. "

This kid Jiang Ruiyun is really lucky. He hugged Qin Nong's leg and the journey went smoothly. Jin Shi'an spent so much effort to get a good script for Bai Yang, and Jiang Ruiyun picked peaches when he came over.

Li Nian gritted his teeth with hatred.

Hate to hate, he also admitted that Jiang Ruiyun has this ability, otherwise why would even Zhang Huitong take him seriously. Li Nian understood that among the young students of this generation, Jiang Ruiyun would be the one who would rise the fastest, and his strength was something that he couldn't hold back or hide.

"We can still fight for it. Zhong Yue is not much worse than him, and the lines can be dubbed." Li Nian still wanted to struggle.

Film dubbing means that it cannot be submitted to category A film festivals, but domestic film festivals do not pay much attention to original sound. Li Nian didn't dare to have such extravagant hopes, as long as he can be selected for the Tianlong Award, it is already very good.

Judging from what Zhang Huitong meant, he wanted An Shijing to be the first protagonist. In terms of awards, domestic single awards have a precedent of double yolk eggs, and the Tianlong Award has been double yolk eggs for two consecutive years, so both protagonists have the hope of winning the best actor. Unlike foreign film festivals, which have to choose between the two—foreign film festivals are not without double yolk eggs, but they are not so polite to Chinese people.

It took a long time to shoot and let Jiang Ruiyun take the lead, so it would be really boring.

Besides, of course one's own play should praise one's own people.

Zhong Yue suddenly said beside him, "Brother Nian, I won't take pictures."

Everyone turned to look at him.

"I don't shoot." Zhong Yue said again from the side, "I'm not suitable."

He is very clear about the gap between him and Jiang Ruiyun. This is Bai Yang's big play, he can't ruin the whole movie just to fight for the limelight.

Li Nian looked at him sharply: "I didn't ask you."

Zhong Yue didn't avoid his gaze, "I'm not suitable."

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, so Jin Shi'an had no choice but to come out to smooth things over, "If you don't want to, don't force it, and then ask Director Zhang. Director Zhang has never met him, so maybe there is still room for change."

Li Nian put down the cigarette and suddenly laughed, "You can go out now."

Zhong Yue got up and left. This time it was Bai Yang's turn to look left and right, Shi An cast a wink at Bai Yang, Bai Yang hurriedly followed Zhong Yue, and before leaving, he still didn't forget to throw the paper box on the coffee table towards Li Nian Tou.

Here, Shi'an advised him, "Can you be kind to Zhong Yue, he is not a child, you have to respect him."

Li Nian leaned on the sofa, "Qin Huai Meng's specifications are so high, I'm afraid that Jiang Ruiyun will steal your big baby's actor."

"For something that hasn't started filming yet, I don't think about winning an award or not. Even if he really wins an award, he can't force Zhong Yue to come up. I watched him film Zang Yuanchao, and he suffered a lot, and he lost weight. "

"Chairman Jin, look at my face. I have suffered less than him. If I can't endure hardship, I'm still an artist. Forget it, if you don't shoot him, you'll get out. You have no ambitions." Li Nian took out the cigarette again, "Don't tell me That's it, Jiang Ruiyun's role is probably a certainty, but I want to take revenge."

Shi'an looked at him with a smile, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

Li Nian smoked, "Guess."

Shi'an shook his head, "I guess you want to pass on a false imperial decree and send an invitation to Li Jin as well."

The smoke fell from Li Nian's mouth, "It's amazing, my brother, how did you guess that?"

"You have such an enmity with Qin Nong that you insist on disturbing her house." Shi'an poured tea for himself, "Jiang Ruiyun and Li Jin are both hers, you send them in duplicate, the two of them will inevitably quarrel Get up. Qin Nong's palms and backs are full of flesh, which is really embarrassing."

Li Nian happily blew smoke rings, "I just want her to be unhappy. She posted Weibo to run on Bai Yang and Zhong Yue, you forgot, but I didn't forget." He laughed again, "Don't say it, Li He and Bai Yang have had so many festivities today, Bai Yang looked at him, and he could really act out Shen Bailu's deep hatred."

"Director Zhang doesn't know how to use him."

"It's because I don't know how to use it that I want to send it to him. If Qin Nong sends Li Jinlai in the end, I don't want them to worry about it. The final decision is Jiang Ruiyun, so Qin Nong should be suspicious of Jiang Ruiyun."

Shi'an smiled helplessly, "You want to alienate Jiang Ruiyun."

"Why not? If he can enter Anlong, he will be another cash cow." Li Nian pressed Shi'an's hand, "You have to say hello to Mr. Shan and let him lie about it."

Shi'an felt helpless against his small belly, "You can do whatever you want. I just want to advise you, I think Zhong Yue cares about you very much, so don't be too ruthless. Jiang Ruiyun really deserves it, do you want to abandon Zhong Yue?"

"He's an artist and I'm a manager. How can I feel affection for him? He stuttered, and I won Zang Yuanchao's movie for him, right?"

Shi Jing looked at him quietly, "Even an outsider like me can tell that he obeys you in everything, but you never take him seriously."

"Be obedient in everything?" Li Nian sneered, "I didn't obey just now. It's all right, Chairman Jin, don't apply your Qiong Yao's kung fu to others. Whether Zhong Yue is good or not is his own business, and I am not him. Mother."

Bai Yang ran out following Zhong Yue, Zhong Yue walked in front, and he followed behind, Zhong Yue had long legs, and walked faster and faster, Bai Yang wanted to save face and suffer, and ran behind to become a pug.

Zhong Yue didn't even take the elevator, and went down to the sixth floor in one breath. Bai Yang ran so hard that he didn't even have the energy to shout "Xiao Zhong, wait a minute", and followed him all the way to the side of the street.

Bai Yang was really afraid that Xiao Zhong would get overwhelmed and run into a car on the road.

Zhong Yue suddenly stopped, turned his head, Bai Yang didn't prevent him from stopping suddenly, and plunged into his arms, both of them fell to the ground.

"...Xiao Zhong, I beat Mr. Li for you."

He had caught Zhong Yue, but he didn't dare to let go, and said with a red face that Boss Li had already ordered him to stop being angry.

Zhong Yue helped him up, and burst out laughing.

Laughing is really overwhelming, and Bai Yangyan's dog syndrome exploded in an instant.

They sat on the edge of the flower bed downstairs, Zhong Yue tied up his hair, biting a rubber band in his mouth, "I'm not angry."

Bai Yang looked enviously at his hair that looked like a Rejoice commercial: "Anyway, Boss Li deserves a beating, and I'll ask Jin Shi'an to scold him later."

Zhong Yue tied his hair tightly and shook it slightly, "Brother Nian is right, he is, for my own good."

He is indeed speaking much more fluently now, it doesn't sound like a stutter, but it seems that he is just aloof and caressing words like gold.

"Bai Yang, I'm different from you." Zhong Yue looked at Bai Yang, "I don't like acting."

"... Then what do you like?"

"Sing." Zhong Yue said.

When he sang he was intact, not disabled by a stutter.

"Yes...Xiao Zhong, you sing very well." Bai Yang nodded empathetically, "If you become a singer, you will definitely be a superstar."

The cold wind was blowing downstairs, Bai Yang only wanted demeanor but not temperature, he was wearing a sweater naked, and he left his coat in the office. Zhong Yue took off his coat, but Bai Yang quickly refused, "You also wear less, why don't we go back."

Zhong Yue handed Bai Yang a sleeve, "Stretch it in, let's keep warm together."

Xiao Zhong's boyfriend's strength really exploded, Bai Yang actually blushed a little. Others are brothers who wear a pair of trousers, but they are relatives and friends who wear a cotton jacket.

Zhong Yue held his hand in his coat, "I think we will always be separated. Bai Yang, you have your way, and I have my way."

Bai Yang was a little confused.

I want to make music, Zhong Yue said, in the past, I promised him whatever brother Nian asked me to do, but now I understand it, I have my dream.

—He is not only Li Nian, he also has his dream. Bai Yang likes acting, and he got what he wanted. He is very envious and happy for Bai Yang. And he doesn't want to act.

He is not a person who is good at pretending, nor is he like Bai Yang, who can empathize with others. It is too difficult for Zhong Yue to play the heart of others.

Zhong Yue knows that his illness cannot be cured, and even if he is cured, it is impossible to achieve the lines skills of other actors. He loves music, loves music. Love is not the only thing for people. In a long life, there are many hopes and dreams waiting for people to pursue.

There are always many stars in the sky, if you try to spot them, they will always light up.

"Xiao Zhong, have you given up on President Li?" Bai Yang timidly asked beside him.

"No, I want to save him, so I want to succeed."

Zhong Yue said softly.

... Bai Yang suddenly felt that he was illuminated by the Holy Light of Enchantment, did Li Nian suffer from some incurable disease? No money for medical treatment

"But Mr. Li may not agree, he said that it is difficult to get ahead in singing now."

Zhong Yue didn't answer him, but just smiled shyly.

Bai Yang discovered for the first time that Zhong Yue is actually a very firm person, and no one can shake what has been decided.

He didn't understand what Zhong Yue wanted, but he instinctively thought that Zhong Yue did the right thing.

"Are we disbanding?"

Bai Yang finally couldn't bear to ask him.

Zhong Yue held Bai Yang's hand tightly in his cotton coat, "Never separate, forever."

They may embark on different paths, like seeds drifting away with the wind, and then grow into towering trees. But as long as people don't forget each other, there is no separation.

Bai Yang looked up at the clear winter sky, so blue and without haze. The new wind was blowing up, as if above the sky, there was a Kunpeng spreading its wings and soaring thousands of miles into the sky.