The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 62: Split fly


Zhang Huitong's habit has always been to go forward with multiple positions. Shi'an admired him deeply. He is an old man in his sixties, and he is more energetic than young people in doing things.

"Jiang Ruiyun said that abstinent people have good energy." Bai Yang heard him sigh, and said something blankly.

Shi'an couldn't listen to him mentioning Jiang Ruiyun, so Shi'an immediately grabbed him on his lap: "I don't think the relationship between you two is too bad."

It's all about abstinence, is it still human if you don't get jealous

Bai Yang was embarrassed, this time he was the one who slipped the tongue, so Bai Yang had no choice but to act coquettishly and offer a kiss, "I love you."

This coquettish act was too careless, Shi'an pinched his ear and kissed him little by little, "Forget it, you should restrain yourself and learn from Director Zhang."

Bai Yang became anxious: "I'm not sixty years old."

Shi'an smiled and let him go, "Be obedient, filming is too tiring." He stroked Bai Yang's face, "I did that kind of thing because I love you, not because I want you to make up for something."

Of course he is willing to enjoy the joy of cloud and rain, but he does not want Bai Yang to use this method to solve the problem. As long as he said no, he would of course believe it, so why bother to submit evidence

Bai Yang looked at him pitifully: "Then you don't love me now?"

"No," Shi'an smiled and kissed him, "When you finish filming this movie, we can do whatever you want."

Bai Yang blushed, he vaguely expected Qin Huaimeng to finish filming soon.

Now he also feels that the so-called public figures really have to sacrifice some of their own lives. Public figures do live a beautiful life, but they also live involuntarily.

Bai Yang rolled up the blanket and lay in Shi'an's arms, Shi'an asked him: "Did Zhong Yue go to France?"

"Yes, you heard."

"Well, I heard from Mr. Li that Zhong Yue will participate in the soundtrack of your movie."

——If Zhong Yue hadn't gone to France, Shi'an really didn't know that he had several properties abroad. Li Nian mentioned it to him, and he remembered to check it.

Jin Shi'an's parents were indeed able to earn money. The two divorced, and each took their money and houses away, and Shi'an also had several houses in foreign countries, large or small, under his name.

The set in Paris is said to be a wedding anniversary gift from Jin Hailong to his wife Wang Jinglin. The house is not big, which is rare in the city of Paris, and it is also very delicately decorated.

The couple separated, and Wang Jinglin didn't take this house with her, but left it to Jin Shi'an together with several other overseas properties.

Shi'an let Zhong Yue settle in his small apartment.

"Xiao Zhong is really good." Bai Yang lay on his chest, playing with the buttons of his pajamas, "It seems that the composer Director Zhang worked with really liked him. I thought he would be a singer."

Zhong Yue is in France, following Zhang Huitong's royal French composer Anatole to compose film music for "A Dream of the Huaihe River". At first, Anatol, like Zhang Huitong, was skeptical of this unknown newcomer in the industry. Zhang Huitong found it ridiculous after reading his resume, "He just acted in Zang Yuanchao's movie, and he also took the role of Tianlong male supporting role. , switch careers to do soundtrack?"

Li Nian laughed and said, "Okay, I'm not boasting. Director Zhang listen to his works. He wrote them specially for Qin Huaimeng."

Zhang Huitong heard it, and Anatol soon heard it too. The so-called famous general knows the talent, this well-known soundtrack master, after listening to Zhong Yue's demo, immediately called Zhang Huitong.

"Let this kid come to France, I want to see him."

Zhang Huitong had no choice but to tell Li Nian: "Zang Yuanchao found out about this, and he's going to call."

Li Nian just smiled: "Acting and composing are both right."

Zhang Huitong sighed: "I hope these young people will be more focused, the same spirit is better than everything."

In his works, Zhong Yue cleverly displayed oriental elements, which is what Anatole wanted most. He has always been familiar with western film circles, but he has not tried oriental elements.

He hopes to get some inspiration from this young man, and also wants to pass on some of his experience to the younger generation.

Seeing Zhong Yue, he liked it even more. After all, the love of beauty does not distinguish between races. Even if Zhong Yue is just an idiot, Anatole is willing to keep this beautiful man by his side as a muse, let alone this beautiful young man from the East. , has a talent that is known at a glance by insiders.

Zhong Yue stuttered, but it was convenient when he was abroad. He couldn't speak French, so he could only communicate in simple English, and Anatole didn't bother to speak English with him. Two people talk on the piano, one plays a section, and the other pops out his thoughts.

Zhong Yue studied pipa part-time in college and took it with him to France. He is smart and knows how to get the attention of his peers. Anatole loved him very much, and he hugged this handsome young man from the East tightly, kissing back and forth on the left cheek and the right cheek.

"My child, you are an angel."

Zhong Yue didn't understand what he was talking about, and he also knew that the French were so enthusiastic. He smiled shyly at Anatole, wondering why everyone was gentler to him than Li Nian.

On the day he won the Tianlong Award, Li Nian was indeed very gentle to him. He is an orphan and has no parents. He couldn't even say "thank you to my parents" in his acceptance speech, so he had to say honestly: "I want to thank, my agent, Mr. Li Nian, thank you, director Zang Yuanchao, thank you, I My friend, Bai Yang, and my assistant, Mao Congxin, and the fans who support me."

He didn't mention Jin Shi'an because he was afraid of causing trouble to Bai Yang.

His world is so monotonous that even those who are grateful can say it all.

Bai Yang and Shi'an had neither time nor convenience to go to Beijing to watch the ceremony, they were all watching the live broadcast. When Zhong Yue and Li Nian returned to Nanjing, they celebrated him lively in Shi'an's villa.

On the way back, Li Nian said, "It shouldn't be such a long thank you speech, you can just thank Zang Yuanchao. Why do you still put me in front of Zang Yuanchao? Didn't I tell you to put Director Zang first in everything?" place?"

Zhong Yue didn't speak - why? Zang Yuanchao was kind to him, but that was what Li Nian fought for.

Because Zang Yuanchao is famous, should he be grateful to him and want him to surpass all his feelings

He drank too much at Shi'an's house, Bai Yang took several assistants to drink him in turn, Li Nian sent him upstairs, he pulled Li Nian into the door, and closed the door behind his back.

"I won the prize." Zhong Yue said.

Li Nian looked at him amusedly, "You did a good job, and you will win more awards in the future. Zang Yuanchao likes you very much."

Zhong Yue unbuttoned his collar, "Should I, should, give me a reward."

"Okay, what do you want?"

Zhong Yue stared at him without speaking.

Li Nian smiled knowingly, and knelt down in front of him. Zhong Yue knew what he was going to do, he felt extremely disgusted, he pushed Li Nian's head away, "Don't do this."

"What do you want?"

Li Nian is very patient, and his voice is very gentle. Zhong Yue won the award, as he wished, so now Zhong Yue can indulge in whatever he wants.

Zhong Yue still didn't speak.

Li Nian looked at him and helped him take off his gown, "What do you want to play? Or should I wait for you to take a bath first?"

Zhong Yue suddenly flipped his hands over Li Nian and pressed him on the table, Li Nian was suddenly restrained by him, the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground, Zhong Yue grabbed his neck and looked at him coldly.

"Do you think that I dare not treat you like this?"

Li Nian raised his eyes, there was no emotion in his eyes, neither fear nor disappointment could be seen.

Zhong Yue's hand slowly loosened, and then tightened again. He pressed Li Nian and kissed him on the lips. Li Nian wanted to push him, but he let go of Li Nian's neck, and pressed his two hands.

Li Nian firmly pressed his forehead against his lips, "This is the only thing I can't do, I'm afraid of you, everything else is fine, but this is the only thing I can't do. I really can't."

"I will cure you." Zhong Yue said.

But he didn't kiss anymore after all, he pulled Li Nian up and threw him on the bed, he quickly took off his clothes, and Li Nian lay there, at his mercy.

This is a boring sex thing. With the wine on his head, Zhong Yue did as much as he wanted. He did all the various movements and postures he had fantasized about countless times in the past, regardless of whether Li Nian was willing to accept it or not.

In the end, he was tired of Li Nian's non-resisting attitude, and he grabbed Li Nian's face: "Be proactive."

Li Nian also rode on him, graciously catering to his ups and downs, Zhong Yue bit the two raised blush on his chest, "Call."

Li Nian also called out obediently.

Like a rehearsed play.

When he came back to his senses, Li Nian had already collapsed under the bed.

Zhong Yue sobered up from all the wine in an instant. Naked, he helped Li Nian up, not knowing whether to go to the bathroom or call an emergency first. He unconsciously shouted in panic, "Brother Nian, wake up, Brother Nian, wake up."

Li Nian wasn't in a coma, he just seemed completely exhausted.

"I'm fine." Li Nian said, "help me lie down."

Zhong Yue picked him up carefully and put him on the bed. Li Nian's body was covered in sex mucus, and he remembered to get a towel again.

"No need," Li Nian held him back, "Lie down too."

Zhong Yue stood still.

Li Nian looked extremely tired, "I know you like to be clean, I'll wash it tomorrow, just wash everything on the sheets. Lie down." He didn't want to open his eyes, just said, "I'm cold."

These words woke Zhong Yue up, and Zhong Yue lay down beside him, holding him in his arms.

Li Nian let him hold him.

Now he doesn't even want to ask "Are you comfortable?" He doesn't want to anger Zhong Yue for the time being, because he really has no strength.

Zhong Yue hugged him, was silent for a long time, and said, "I'm sorry."

"There's nothing I'm sorry about, just do what you like, as long as I can do it."

Zhong Yue felt heartbroken, the joy of winning the award and the pleasure of debauchery were all wiped away by Li Nian's words. He really wanted to ask Li Nian how difficult it was to tell the truth.

Or there is no sincerity between the two of them.

"Xiao Zhong, if you go this way, don't expect true love. Bai Yang's luck is not for everyone. Most people in this circle understand that love is the biggest weakness of career. Only those who have no feelings can truly love each other. indestructible."

Li Nian's voice was tired, but Zhong Yue felt that what Li Nian said might be the truth.

"It's the same for you." Zhong Yue said.

"Yes, the same for me."

They hugged each other in silence, thinking about their own affairs. It was an excruciating silence, the room smelled of copulation, of bodily fluids.

"Can I, don't want a career."

"I know what you want to say," Li Nian reached out to touch the cigarette, "Xiao Zhong, I can love you forever, but I don't need you to love me."

Zhong Yue saw him rummaging through his clothes feebly, and simply took his cigarette away.

Li Nian gave up struggling, and lay back on his hand again: "I don't want you to be like me, to be a weak person. The weak are only worthy of being trampled underfoot, and you have a bright future."

Artists have fledgling complex, Li Nian understands.

In the past, he used this complex to control artists and constrain them to regulate their growth, but he didn't want them to hide under his hypocrisy for a lifetime. Qin Nong saw it through and left, so she succeeded. The same goes for Zhong Yue.

He didn't expect them to love him, as long as they succeeded.

Perhaps Zhong Yue is different to him, so he is indecisive now, and only hopes that Zhong Yue can understand this matter sooner.

He was a poison himself, he knew it all too well.

"Brother Nian, I don't want to act."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Music," Zhong Yue said, "my ideal."

"Do you know how much work I have put into acting for you?"

"I love music more than I love you."

Zhong Yue answered him calmly.

Li Nian suddenly opened his eyes, looked at him, and laughed.

"Or, I'll change another one, manager." Zhong Yue didn't look at his smile, this was something he had thought about for a long time, he would no longer be Li Nian's puppet, nor would he follow Li Nian's arrangement, like Each chess piece moves step by step.

He wanted to save him, so he would no longer be subject to him. If Li Nian had followed the right path in the past, then he shouldn't be still sick today.

Whether Li Nian agrees or not, Zhong Yue has already made up his mind.

Before that, he will also, as Li Nian said, abandon his feelings and stop looking forward and backward.

Li Nian looked at him for a long time, then raised his hand to touch his long hair.

"Yes, you can do whatever you want." His voice sounded a little bewildered, "I will try my best."

They finally reached this point, Li Nian thought, Zhong Yue had to start all over again, it would take a lot of time, and he didn't have much time anymore.

I hope he can see the day when Zhong Yue spreads his wings and soars high.