The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 63: Spring is gone


When Zhong Yue and Anatole met for the first time, they both had a good impression of each other—Anatole was also in his fifties, but unlike Shan Qici Ding Congyuan, he was well-maintained, and his flaxen curly hair was not messy. , a pair of hazel eyes, lined with a Greek-style aquiline nose, just like those portraits hanging in the conservatory.

Zhong Yue respected him very much. In the past, he had no chance to get in touch with such a master—in fact, the circle is like this, there are too many people who are underappreciated, what they lack is a stepping stone. By coincidence, Jin Shi'an moved Qiao Shasha, and by relying on Qin Huaimeng, he moved Shan Qici, and after that, relying on Shan Qici, he touched Zhang Huitong.

Without these people, Anatole would never look at Zhong Yue directly, and would not even know that this person existed.

Of course, the stepping stone is just a brick, and to really win the favor of the master still depends on one's ability.

Zhong Yue did it, Anatole lived in Paris, and often left Zhong Yue at home. They Zhang Qin Daiyu, intoxicated in the music world where the East and the West meet, forget all their worries and troubles.

Now they are playing together, Anatole uses the piano to replace the flute and huqin, Zhong Yue plays the pipa, and interprets the theme music that the master just wrote for Qin Huai Meng.

At the end of the song, Anatole himself applauded excitedly, held Zhong Yue in his arms again, and kissed him passionately.

Zhong Yue had no choice but to extend his face politely.

But the master first kissed his left and right cheeks, then kissed his forehead, and kissed his long hair. Before Zhong Yue could doubt it, Anatole lifted his chin and kissed his lips.

This beautiful Asian man must be his muse, his melancholy eyes include all the poems with oriental feelings.

Zhong Yue finally felt something was wrong, he pushed Anatole away in fear: "...NO."

The Master looked at him in bewilderment, and tried to kiss him again. As much as he could, he thought it was natural.

Zhong Yue took a few steps back, and stammered an explanation in Chinese English: "Sorry... I hАVe, lover, only."

Anatole was surprised for a moment, "My child, you don't look like someone who has love."

Zhong Yue couldn't understand his French, so he just kept repeating, "I love him, forever."

The master looked at him for a long time, his expression gradually changed, he ignored Zhong Yue's resistance, and hugged him again.

"You must have had a sad love affair, my poor child."

Although Zhong Yue didn't understand what he was talking about, but when he saw Anatole's eyes, this time he was no longer full of lust, but a truly loving father.

The feelings of the French have changed so drastically, Zhong Yue thought with shame.

Anatole kissed his face affectionately again, "Love is the eternal source of our creation, even if it is sad."

He sat down and gurgled mournful notes from the piano, which is the common language of the soul.

Zhong Yue listened from the side, outside the floor-to-ceiling windows behind him was Paris in full bloom, and he was sitting here, listening to a foreigner express his unspeakable thoughts.

Every year, spring is all over the world, it comes to the Seine River, and it also comes to the Suzhou River, and the spring is so fast that it is always afraid that the spring will be gone in a blink of an eye.

The crew of Qin Huai Meng rushed to Suzhou to start filming the location before the spring faded. Zhang Huitong visited Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and selected Chong'anli in Suzhou as one of the locations. Bai Yang and Jiang Ruiyun walked over and over again in this alley with the style of the Republic of China, looking at each other, the wind of pink willows and green was blowing by their side, and the warm, Jiangnan rain fell from the sky.

Sometimes they are lucky and can catch up with the real rain. The spring rain in Suzhou is warm, and it feels gentle when it floats on the body. When there is no rain, it is more miserable. They can only make artificial rain. There's always a weird smell coming out of it.

The two of them were drenched in the rain for three days. The first few scenes were light rain, and then they had to act in the heavy rain. Of course, the heavy rain didn't come from the sky, it was poured by the faucet. Bai Yang didn't think much of it, Jiang Ruiyun felt like he had a fever after three days.

No way, Jiang Ruiyun had several more one-man scenes than Bai Yang, and they were all filmed in heavy rain, which might only last a few tens of seconds in the movie, but Zhang Huitong let him soak for a whole day.

Fortunately, there are supporting roles, so they still have room to breathe, so they don't have to do 24 hours of continuous drowning.

Ning Ning Huihui urgently distributes ginger soup to the whole group. Jiang Ruiyun knows how to behave, and soup is always shared by the whole group. Hearing his hoarse voice, Bai Yang felt a little sympathetic: "You will definitely not be able to pass this line. If you don't take a day off, Director Zhang will definitely ask you to reshoot with a hoarse voice."

Jiang Ruiyun didn't speak, but lowered his head to save electricity.

Zhang Huitong probably wanted him to look like a maniac, that is, he wanted him to be hoarse. Famous directors have always been very cruel, giving their lives for art, this sentence is really not a joke.

He was too lazy to explain to Bai Yang, he just wanted to take a rest.

"Do you want me to ask for leave for you?" Bai Yang asked him patiently.

Jiang Ruiyun didn't appreciate it, "You're so noisy."


WTF! Bai Yang looked at him furiously, wasn't he always thinking of the crew? A dozen times, but isn't it a waste of everyone's energy? When will Jiang Ruiyun stop going crazy and lie down and rest when he is sick

He was angry here, Jiang Ruiyun suddenly asked him, "Does your waist still hurt?"


"At the time of Jian Zong, you fell, and your waist hurts in the rain."

"...It's okay." Bai Yang was a little at a loss for his sudden channel change.

In fact, it will always hurt. Although the operation is successful, Jian Zong fell off the cliff when he was looking for love, which left Bai Yang with a lifelong illness. The moment the cold water is poured, you will feel sore.

But compared to Ouyang Qian's winter pouring ice, Zhang Huitong's water is nothing. Is it possible to be a star without suffering? Bai Yang looked at Cheng Yuan who was filming in the distance—this veteran actor who has been fighting cancer for many years, Bai Yang also played the guard at his gate back then.

Reunited in the production team of Qin Huai Meng, Cheng Yuan could no longer recognize him, but Bai Yang heard that Cheng Yuan's hearing was almost zero due to years of illness, but the actors who played with him could not feel his deafness at all .

Cheng Yuan memorized all the lines, and only relied on his mouth and demeanor to grasp the rhythm of the play.

He is a true artist, representing all those in this circle who love acting with their lives. Compared to Cheng Yuan, Bai Yang felt that his back injury was not worth mentioning at all—is the Bronze Rooster embarrassed to speak up in front of Bai Jin

He looked at Cheng Yuan full of respect, Jiang Ruiyun had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Bai Yang is stupid, Jiang Ruiyun is really sleeping and pretending to be sleeping? If you really sleep, this second sleep skill is too good. He lowered his head to look at Jiang Ruiyun's face, the color was terrible, even the foundation couldn't cover the flush of high fever on his face.

He was a little afraid to move again.

Ning Ning ran over in embarrassment and mouthed, I'm sorry, brother Yun took medicine.

Bai Yang smiled at him and waved his hands.

Huihui and Xiao Ma brought a blanket together and put it on Jiang Ruiyun's shoulders. Jiang Ruiyun was really fast asleep. They hurriedly put the blanket on him, and he fell asleep on Bai Yang's shoulder, unconscious.

If Jin Shi'an saw this, Jin Shi'an would overturn the Shanxi Vinegar Factory, Bai Yang thought tremblingly.

It's strange, since he came to Suzhou, Jin Shi'an hasn't called him a single time, not even a text message.

Although they never agreed on anything, Bai Yang still felt a little unhappy. He has already begun to miss Jin Shian's weird traditional text messages in the past.

But he refused to take the initiative to call Shian. In the past, Li Jin also disappeared while playing with him, but Bai Yang didn't dare to fight at that time. But now he is confident, and Jin Shi'an hasn't contacted him for a few days, so there will be a big incident.

Anyway, it's almost summer, Bai Yang decided to take Shi'an to have a meal of super spicy crayfish, it would kill him.

Looking at the green willows protruding from the alley, he thought, how time flies. It has been almost three years since he and Jin Shi'an.

It's amazing that he and this man from 1930 actually fell in love like this. He remembered that when he was in school, a female classmate told his fortune, "Your true love may not be human."

Bai Yang burst out laughing on the spot, "What is that, a fairy?"

The female classmate blushed, "A psychic warlock like me shouldn't be counted..."

Bai Yang didn't even bother to listen to what she had to say, he just patronized hahahaha.

Thinking about it now, she was pretty accurate.

He was smirking here, Jiang Ruiyun leaned on his shoulder, unsteady, and fell into his arms.

Bai Yang struggled to support his head, thinking that for Director Zhang's sake, I would not care about you.

The moment he supported Jiang Ruiyun, he suddenly felt a little strange. The warm sunshine in spring shone over Jiang Ruiyun's shoulders, making it hard for him to keep his eyes open.

This scene made him feel familiar, as if they had seen it before.

He was thinking here, Zhang Huitong came over, he didn't care that Jiang Ruiyun was still asleep, he just said: "Xiaobai, come here, I have something to tell you."

Jiang Ruiyun woke up immediately.

Bai Yang had a feeling of being cheated. He pushed Jiang Ruiyun away and followed Zhang Huitong to the side.

"The Nanjing police want you to go back and ask a question. You should go back quickly. We will shoot Xiao Jiang's scene first."

Bai Yang saw that his expression was different, and asked him blurtly: "Did something happen to Jin Shi'an?"

Zhang Huitong was silent for a while, "He is also at the Public Security Bureau." He looked at Jiang Ruiyun not far away, and took Bai Yang a few steps away: "You can watch the news on your mobile phone."

Bai Yang fumbled for the phone, Jiang Ruiyun called him hoarsely: "Looking for a phone?"


The phone fell into Jiang Ruiyun's arms.

Bai Yang took the phone, clicked on Weibo, and didn't even search, what was reflected in his eyes was overwhelming headlines.

[The civet cat was replaced by the prince, Jin Hailong, the founder of Hailong Group, has been referred to the police for investigation] The news picture is an uncle he doesn't know, who looks subtly similar to Jin Shi'an's face, with a look of grief and indignation.

What follows is even more sensational.

[Injury and amnesia or stealing? How many secrets does Hailong Group still have? [Where is the corpse of the young rich man? Today's headlines are hotly discussed]

[Dragonsea Group will hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, and its assets will shrink by hundreds of millions overnight]