The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 70: In the same boat


The president of Hailong who turned out to be—no, the former president of Hailong and the current chairman of Anlong caused a huge earthquake in the fan world that Shi'an and Baiyang didn't know about.

The fans were dumbfounded and heartbroken, and they forcibly turned a blind eye. It is strictly forbidden to mention Mr. Jin in various chat groups, and anyone who mentions it will get out of the group.

Fan RPS is so worried, let alone expecting to get married and come out of the closet. From time to time, he will give you a slap in the face when you get married and have children. What you never imagined is that you can also make a CP. What they hoped most was that one of Jiang Baizhong was really a gay, but they didn't expect that the gay might be real, but love is not the couple they hoped for. Shi'an's words were like a knife piercing their hearts, no matter how they thought about it, they felt stuck.

The girls can only comfort themselves, that's just a screenwriter and company boss, artists are all like this, it's definitely not a show of love, it's just hype. After all, I heard that "Dream of the Qinhuai River" has a sensitive subject matter, so this boss will always play it! It must be like this. It can't be wrong.

Their assumptions were indeed correct in some respects. With the help of this wave of Hailong's equity storm, "Qinhuai Dream" has already been discussed in the streets and alleys before it is completed. Everyone wants to watch this movie - firstly, they want to see what kind of monstrous existence this male protagonist, who has ruined the country and ruined the city, is able to stir up President Hai Long to leave the house for him; Xuanhe, in the past, the film industry rarely talked about the script, but this time, everyone focused on the script.

In China, screenwriting has always been underestimated. Anyone can write a screenplay. The original work can be written, the director can write, and even the actors can change the play independently. There are very few screenwriters who are as famous as Shan Qici. Even the top new generation like Qiao Shasha is still clinging to Shan Qici's light. In addition, she is a popular writer herself, so she can earn a living.

Screenwriting is a bottom-level industry in the entertainment industry, and it is worse than a trick. Although this sentence sounds ugly, it is the truth. Many people have long ceased to regard them as literary and artistic creators, but just handymen for filming.

They are the real behind-the-scenes workers, and they are also well-deserved all-rounders. When a work comes out, people praise the leading actor, the director, and the producer, but they don’t praise the screenwriter; , First find out and criticize the screenwriter.

The screenwriters have been holding a sigh of relief for many years, and "Qinhuai Dream" gave them a glimmer of hope.

They have been working hard all year round in this flashy circle of light and shadow, weaving scaffolding for people's magnificent fantasies. They really hope that Jin Shi'an can win back for them, so that people can see that a work is not just an actor The hard work of the director, the hard work of the director, and countless painstaking efforts of the screenwriter.

People should remember that there is also the word "screenwriter" in the list of main creators.

Zhang Huitong called Shi'an, "See if you can add this part of the civet cat to the prince and add it to the script. It doesn't need to be too realistic, just add this part. The emotional conflict between Shi Jing and Bai Lu is not enough. Add this part of sharing adversity. Definitely more exciting."

Before he finished persuading him, Shan Qici had already called at the door: "Shi'an, we must join, what a show! Husband and wife turn against each other, father and son become enemies, only Bailu and Shijing are in the same boat, it's so beautiful."

Shi An just laughed.

Seeing him smile, Shan Qici suddenly felt embarrassed: "...I'm not talking about you, don't worry about it, this kind of thing is inevitable for a rich family."

He suddenly remembered that he was talking vigorously, but what he was talking about was all about his grandson's family affairs. He only cared about the drama and didn't consider his grandson's mood.

Shan Qici suddenly became embarrassed and blushed.

Shi'an showed him the half-written manuscript: "I think the same as Mr. Shan. Director Zhang called me, and I drafted the outline overnight."

Shan Qici didn't expect him to be so open-minded. His bald head and eye circles were all red. He looked down at Shi'an's manuscript and was amazed: "Not to mention, Shi'an, you are really good at writing!"

Putting down the manuscript, he cried again: "What's the matter, it's hard for you, don't be sad!" He grabbed Shi'an's hand: "Let's try our best to make a big achievement, impress your parents, and give us screenwriters this opportunity." Let's argue."

Shi'an also felt moved and nodded to him endlessly.

Jiang Ruiyun was ill for many days, and when he saw Bai Yang again, he was in the studio of Nanying Studio.

He was watching the video with his mobile phone, Bai Yang walked over behind him, and at a glance he found that he was watching "Looking for Love in the Sword Trail", Bai Yang's embarrassing cancer immediately broke out.

He was too familiar with that scene, this was the only part of Bai Yang's performance in Sword Trace that he didn't learn from Jiang Ruiyun, he shook his head around Jiang Ruiyun, and Bai Yang still remembered the lines he said.

There are trees in the mountains, and the trees have branches, and the heart is pleasing to the king, and the king does not know it.

This is really an out-and-out black history. Jiang Ruiyun sees which part is not good, and insists on looking at this part of my heart's eternal and loving offering.

At the beginning, Bai Yang thought that he acted very well in Sword Trace, but now he simply didn't want to take a second glance, and he was blinded by which one he glanced at, so he covered Jiang Ruiyun's phone screen: "Why are you watching this? It's too shameful. "

After all, he was filming a Hollywood-style drama, so wouldn't it be good to watch some masterpieces that are good for the body and mind

Jiang Ruiyun didn't look back, took off the earphones after a long time, and asked in a muffled voice, "... Are you really with that person?"

Bai Yang was taken aback by his question, and said stubbornly, "Yes, so what."

Jiang Ruiyun turned to look at him, looked at him for a long time, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Probably Jiang Ruiyun thought he was disgusting. Bai Yang thought, it doesn't matter, anyway, he won't hide this matter for the rest of his life, Jiang Ruiyun ignores him and ignores him, after all, not everyone is friendly to gays.

He dared to tell the truth to Jiang Ruiyun because he admired his acting skills. He knew that even if Jiang Ruiyun thought he was disgusting, it would not affect the filming in the slightest.

Bai Yang wants to tell the whole world that he just likes Jin Shian, just loves him, and wants to be with him.

He dragged the reclining chair two steps away so that Jiang Ruiyun wouldn't feel uncomfortable sitting next to him.

Jiang Ruiyun closed his eyes and pulled back the chair again.


"In the future, when others ask you, don't answer like this." Jiang Ruiyun said, "You are a star, so you need to have some common sense."

Bai Yang didn't understand what he meant, but Jiang Ruiyun had good intentions, so he could still understand.

He didn't say anything more. The filming was hard. Like Jiang Ruiyun, he curled up on the chair, closed his eyes and rested.

They are entertainers, they can't say love when they love, and they can't say hate when they hate. They are idols enshrined by others, so naturally they must be kept pure and numb like wood carvings and clay sculptures.

Bai Yang closed his eyes and wondered if Jiang Ruiyun would be like him, with many unspeakable love and hate thoughts.

Their thoughts have never been discussed with each other, yet they have been discussed with each other ten thousand times in their fanfiction. In the secret text that they don't know, the two of them talk to each other all day long, and return their promises every now and then.

As everyone's attention to the movie increased, it was inevitable that they gradually became familiar with the screenwriter Jin Shi'an. The girls were a little bit reluctant to part with this handsome and unusual new-generation screenwriter.

After all, he is a handsome guy, so it would be a pity not to take advantage of him.

So Shi'an, in the fandom world he didn't know, sometimes assisted Jiang Ruiyun, and sometimes assisted Zhong Yue. After a long time, everyone developed a love for him. Pursue Jiang Ruiyun. Anyway, for circles with different hobbies, whoever is an eyesore should be paired with President Jin—Zhong Bai’s fan girl gave Jiang Ruiyun to President Jin, and Jiang Bai’s fan girl gave Zhong Yue to President Jin—Boss Jin is Socialism is a brick, where it is needed, it can be moved, and the fan world is a gold melon, where it is needed, it can be inserted.

It's just too easy to use.

It's almost summer, but Shi'an sneezes inexplicably.

Li Nian handed him a piece of paper: "I tell you, don't pretend to be sick, give me money, give me money, give me money."

Shi'an covered his nose, "What are you calling for? You put out the cigarette, why does my nose always feel uncomfortable."

Li Nian took a puff of smoke at him.

Shi'an turned his head away, smiled and waved away the wisp of smoke.

They finally tided over the difficulties together, unknowingly, Li Nian was no longer obedient to him as in the past, and he was no longer so full of thoughts in front of him, and was a little more comfortable and sincere.

Shian believes that whether a person obeys or disobeys depends not on his nature, but on whether the object he follows is worthwhile.

Li Nian is a smart person, and smart to the end, he is no longer a vicious dog raised by Shi'an, but his real right-hand man.

They are short of money now, "Qin Huai Meng" is short of funds, Li Nian has turned An Long upside down, there is really no way, so he has to come three times a day to ask Jin Shi'an for milk.

"If it doesn't work, I will lay off people." Li Nian said.

Shi'an looked at him and smiled: "Don't come here, your paparazzi can save a little money by laying off a litter. Besides, the news of layoffs from Anlong at this time is not pleasant."

"I can't wait, my father," Li Nian scratched his head, "You don't want Bai Yang's movie to be finished until August, do you?"

If you can't finish the filming, you won't get an award. Then you have to lower yourself to compete for the Tianlong Award at the beginning of next year.

Li Nian was not reconciled. He originally planned to get any nominations in the Golden Horse and Golden Lions, so that the movie will be released in November, and the box office will also have a bonus. By the time of the Tianlong Awards next year, the day lily will be cold.

Seeing his frown, Shi'an said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have entrusted someone to sell the house for me."

Li Nian didn't understand his words at first, and said with a smoke in his mouth, "What kind of house are you selling?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Li Nian couldn't hold the cigarette anymore. He caught the half of the cigarette that fell with his bare hands: "... Which house are you selling?"

"It's all sold," Shi'an rubbed his nose. "The four sets in Boston and Sydney seem to have been sold. I didn't ask for a high price. The small set in Paris is worthless. I keep it. The three sets in Nanjing are going through mortgage procedures."

Li Nian was dumbfounded: "Then where do you live?"

Shi'an smiled ambiguously: "Of course I live with Yang Yang."

Li Nian was disgusted by him: "You fucking mean it!"

Whatever Shi'an said, the shortage of funds is the top priority now. He hopes that Anlong can be listed next year. It is also good to prepare more funds now. Big money and small money are all money.

Money is all outside the body, what is the use of so many houses for him. Wherever there is poplar, there is his home.

Li Nian had nothing to say, only to be convinced, Jin Shi'an is really a rascal, for the sake of being reasonable and reasonable, he even sold the whole house upside down. Bai Yang's little hardcover is so talented, the two of them will definitely have a good time every day when they are caged together.

Li Nian imagined the picture, feeling very yellow.

He controlled his crooked mind, "How long will it take for the money to arrive, Zhang Huitong is very anxious."

He dared to default on other people's money, but not Zhang Huitong's.

Shi'an politely said: "It depends on your ability to coax him."

Li Nian fiercely stubbed out the cigarette butt: "I really owed you in my previous life, and deserved to be your cow."

Both of them laughed, and suddenly a sandy female voice sounded outside the door: "I heard that you are short of money?"

It's Zheng Meili.

Shi'an did not expect her to appear here, and was quite surprised: "Why are you here?"

Zheng Meili stepped in quickly, and her high heels made a crisp sound on the floor. She sat down on the sofa and said, "Your mother beat me into a pig's head. Will I have a good life with her?"

She was not telling the truth, Wang Jinglin promised Shi'an to let Zheng Meili stay on as Hailong's vice president, and before Wang Jinglin left, she left a call for Shi'an.

"Don't worry," she said, "I don't like Xiao Zheng very much, but after reading her resume and previous reports, I will make her the appointed chairman of Dragonsea."

This is where Wang Jinglin is shrewd and capable. Heroes don't care about their backgrounds. She employs people without being influenced by feelings.

And Zheng Meili gave up this appreciation, and also gave up the interests and status she had been pursuing.

Zheng Meili put a small folder on the table: "Thirty million, girl, Ben, take me into the team, do you want it?"

Shi'an and Li Nian looked at each other, and the three smiled at each other.

"You will be Anlong's vice president." Shi'an said.

Li Nian fell down on the sofa in pain: "I'm really an insult to your ancestors. I used to be the king of the mountain in Anlong, and the one on the left and the one on the right are all fucking on my head. It's amazing to be rich!"

Zheng Meili smiled and pulled him up.

Shi An also held the hands of both of them.

"The two tiger generals are both dragons and phoenixes among men. I can't afford much wealth and honor now. The feeling of adversity is unforgettable."

The three of them stared at each other, had intrigues, and confronted each other. They didn't expect that standing together today would be difficult.

Li Nian trembled: "Chairman Jin, don't call me Anlong like a slum, okay? After all, I am also a media giant, what is the feeling of adversity? Can you speak?"

Shi'an glanced at him, "I'm not talking about you, Zhong Yue got tanned after filming for a few days and came back for nothing. Why do you still have this face of eating bran and swallowing vegetables, you should smoke two less cigarettes."

Li Nian pinched an orchid finger: "If I had his beauty, I would still be your cow and horse here, and I would be a star myself, okay?"

Zheng Meili just looked at them with a smile.

It's a bad ending, but a good one too.

After all the ups and downs, she finally had her own career. She is worried about doing it with others.

She can trust Jin Shi'an and Li Nian.