The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 71: Jin Yu



Shi'an moved into Bai Yang's small house a few days ago. Bai Yang didn't expect that he had so little stuff that he could pack it in a suitcase.

"That's all you have?"

Shi'an smiled and spread his hands: "I have nothing now, only you."

Bai Yang jumped into his arms: "Aren't I not enough?!"

Sure enough. They have each other, the whole world.

Shi'an looked at the huge South Bird poster beside Bai Yang's bed, and Bai Yang wrote many graffiti on it: "My bird blesses today's filming smoothly", "Love birds give me courage", "Bird God asks Jin Shian to take care of his father", " Set up the flag, my dad agrees to print 100 first-release discs."

There are also some kaomoji and gibberish Japanese English.

Bai Yang was embarrassed by him, this was his own little world, and he never thought that Jin Shi'an would live in it one day. Whenever he was in trouble, he slipped back to pay his respects to his little bird.

Nan Xiaoniao smiled brightly on the poster, as if she would really give people infinite love and courage.

Bai Yang lay on the wall like an octopus, blocking the poster: "I won't post this anymore, you can write me a word later, and I'll hang it up."

Shi'an took him back into his arms, and looked around the walls: "Keep your picture, little girl, to see that your love is like a treasure. It has been hanging on the wall for two years?" He looked at the blank wall opposite, "write The words can be placed on the opposite side."

Bai Yang was in his arms: "What are you writing? Just write a big double happiness."

Shi'an smiled and held his hand, and suddenly remembered that when Bai Yang went to audition for Zang Yuanchao's movie, he wrote over and over again at home, "Wealth and blessings, my life is good, poverty and sorrow are sorrowful, and you will be successful."

They used to be rich and blessed, and one day they will be able to achieve their goals.

Bai Yang knew that Anlong was short of funds now, and he wanted to help, but besides working hard to make a good movie and hoping for a high box office, Bai Yang didn't know what else he could do.

It is irrational to accept announcements and advertisements now, and the quality of movies comes first.

Bai Yang racked his brains until his intestines were pierced, thinking that in the end he used the most useless method of begging his father, so Bai Yang called his father.

"Dad, how much money is left at home?"

Bai Fuqiang didn't expect his son to call back just to ask for money, but he was a little happy when his son knew he was asking for money.

Bai Yang has big ideas since he was a child. Although he is not very smart, he seldom begs his parents. What he likes is to come up with some crazy ideas by himself. When he was in junior high school, he wanted an MP3 player, but he went to Wuxi to be a young actor without saying a word during the summer vacation. His father was so angry that he beat him several times.

Beat it back, that summer vacation, Bai Fuqiang took his son to Shanghai to play again.

He is gratified that his son is promising, and he is happy to know that he is homesick. As a parent, I have a long and short heart, but I just worry about this bastard.

"How much do you want?" Bai Fuqiang asked.

Bai Yang hesitated for a while: " many."

Bai Fuqiang's voice became serious: "What do you want so much money for?"

As soon as Bai Yang heard that his father was serious, he was afraid: "I, I have a friend who is in a hurry to use the money. Dad, you can lend it to me first. Next year, my movie will definitely hit the box office. I will pay you back ten times."

Bai Fuqiang was so angry that he yelled at him on the phone: "Give back your mother's bastard, and borrow money from me, I'm your fucking father!"

Bai Yang was so frightened that his tongue got stuck: "Dad, don't be angry, I'm really in a hurry, please help me."

"Is that Mr. Jin?" Bai Fuqiang asked suddenly.

Bai Yang's legs also softened, "Yes... no... yes, don't ask me if it's not Dad."

Holding the phone, Bai Fuqiang walked around the room a few times, "Wait, I'll send it to you."

Ignoring his son still wailing over the other end, "just transfer the money", he hung up the phone and sat down discouraged.

His son and Mr. Jin may really be innocent, Bai Fuqiang thought sadly.

He listened to the gossip and gossip, and he had everything to say.

The son will not be the kind of person who sees money openly, and it is even more impossible to make Xiaomi for a man for money. He has met Jin Shi'an, and he is also a gentleman, no matter how he thinks these two people shouldn't have caused these things.

When Bai Fuqiang went to ask for leave, Lao Hu from the logistics office asked him, "Will you see your son?"

Bai Fuqiang forced a smile, and Lao Hu didn't ask any more questions, and sighed: "These little bastards, it's fine if they don't come back, and their parents have to travel thousands of miles."

Others probably vaguely guessed that his son was gay, and it was hard to ask about this kind of thing, let alone persuade him. Only when everyone was having dinner, a few old guys asked implicitly: "Old Bai, when is your son so promising? Find a wife."

The person who asked was drinking too much, and the people around thought he couldn't speak, "Xiao Yangyang is a big star, how could he get married so early, there are many little girls who are rushing to line up and can't get in, so fuck you .”

"Don't tell me, when Yang Yang was so tall, in my office, he sang Teresa Teng for me and Lao Hu. He sang very well at such a young age. I said that Yang Yang would definitely be promising in the future."

One sentence aroused everyone's infinite emotion. In the past, Bai Yang would shuttle and play in their compound with bare buttocks. In a blink of an eye, the child had grown up, and he didn't even return home during the holidays. Lao Bai could only watch his son on TV. .

The same is true for their children, who drift away and take root elsewhere. They watch and look forward to it at home, and they only care about this for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, they also forgot why Bai Yang was mentioned, and joked in one go, "If I have a daughter, Lao Bai don't worry about it, it just happens to be married."

"It's a good thing you don't have a girl with a big donkey face. If the girl doesn't have to cry the whole Artillery Academy, you still expect Lao Bai to be your in-law!"

"Yang Yang is so handsome, at least, his girlfriend must be at the level of Fan Bingbing and Lin Chiling."

"Those are too old. I think Qin Nong is fine. She is still young, beautiful, and capable."

The old guys drank too much, each thinking about what kind of girl is worthy of their Yang Yang, but Bai Fuqiang was displeased, and just poured wine: "Anything is fine, as long as he is happy."

Here Bai Yang asks Jin Shi'an for help: "What should I do, my dad is here."

Shi'an suppressed a smile and asked him: "Why are you so incapable of doing things? Even if you want to see your father, I should come to the door in person."

Bai Yang drooped his head: "I asked him to send some money, but he said he would send it himself."

"Just a little?"

Bai Yang lowered his head even lower: "...don't be angry, I just want to help."

Shi'an really didn't know what expression he should make, how could he be angry? Bai Yang is really stupid, how much money can he save, and he has to work for his father-in-law to come to Nanjing.

Shi'an laughed in his heart, Bai Yang really took care of him and took care of him. He has lived two lifetimes, this is really the first soft meal for the first time.

eat sweet.

Bai Yang looked at him beggingly again: "Don't tell the truth to my dad this time, don't be disgusted if you don't have much money, I'll send him away if you take it. I just said that I was nervous about filming, so he definitely has nothing to say."

Shi'an deliberately asked him: "What about confessing to uncle in the past?"

Bai Yang looked blind: "You asked me to prepare mentally, this is too sudden, I am mainly afraid that he will hit you." He grabbed Shi'an's shoulders: "You don't know, my dad has a bad temper, and he beats people whenever he gets angry. He came out of the army, I am really afraid that he will break your leg."

Shi'an looked at him lovingly: "When you were young, did you often hit you?"

"Hey, who didn't get beaten when he was young, anyway, I wouldn't cry after the beating, he was the one crying." Bai Yang covered his face with a pillow, "Anyway, you promise me, don't mess with him this time. If he didn’t go home, he might be on fire. It’s not a good time to borrow money again this time.”

Shi'an didn't speak, just lifted the pillow and kissed it tenderly.

Bai Yang asked Zhang Huitong for a day off, and Shi'an sent Li Nian to pick up his father-in-law at the station.

On the way here, Li Nian first said something nice about Jin Shi'an, but it couldn't shake Bai Fuqiang's mind.

The more Li Nian flattered him, the more Bai Fuqiang felt that Boss Jin was not a kind person, and he deceived his stupid son with sweet words.

Now he is sitting in the small living room of Bai Yang's house, facing Jin Shi'an and Bai Yang.

Bai Fuqiang put the money on the table, "200,000, that's all. Yang Yang sent it to me. He begged me to help you. We ordinary people can only do this."

This little money is simply a drop in the bucket for the current Anlong. But Shi'an couldn't refuse, he had to accept the money, if he didn't accept it, he was not being polite, but looking down on others.

Bai Fuqiang stared at the two of them, hesitating to speak.

Shi'an understood what he was thinking, got up and walked in front of Bai Fuqiang, and bowed first: "Uncle's kindness, I am very grateful. I have one thing to ask uncle to fulfill."

Without waiting for Bai Fuqiang to speak, he said bluntly, "Please uncle, Yang Yang and I, let us be together."


Bai Yang was stunned, this is different from what was agreed? ! ! ! It was rare that Bai Fu resisted asking, but Jin Shi'an was so bold that he brought it up by himself.

Bai Yang rushed to his father immediately: "Dad, listen to my explanation!"

Bai Fuqiang was furious, and pushed Bai Yang away: "Excuse me!" He stared at Jin Shi'an: "I see you as a dog, and I thought you were a decent person." He pointed at Bai Yang: "My son has no heart, How did you deceive him? You have a big face at a young age, and you don't know how to be ashamed when you speak?"

Shi'an knew that he would be angry, but this matter cannot be kept secret. Keeping it a secret is the greatest insult to Bai Yang and his father. They originally loved each other sincerely, why bother not daring to tell the truth in front of their parents? After a year or two, Bai Fuqiang will only hate him even more.

Bai Fuqiang and Wang Jinglin are two kinds of people. Bai Fuqiang is a real simple father. He loves his son out of the heart and has no other calculations. Shi'an will not threaten him like he did to Wang Jinglin, let alone deceive him.

Sincerely take it seriously, even if Bai Fuqiang refuses to agree this time, he is willing to wait until Bai Fuqiang nods.

Shi'an knelt down steadily: "Uncle's words are wrong. I have never lied to Yang Yang, and I believe Yang Yang treats me the same way."

Bai Fuqiang was so angry that he rolled his eyes and was tongue-tied for a long time, only asking "When did it happen?"

"It was love at first sight." Shi'an said frankly.

Bai Yang beside him wanted to cry but had no tears.

Bai Fuqiang opened his mouth and closed it, stood up and sat down again, wanted to reach out and hit him but couldn't.

This is someone else's son, and if you want to beat him, you should beat his own son of a bitch.

Bai Fuqiang grabbed the vase on the tea table and threw it on Bai Yang's head. Bai Yang was stunned and didn't dare to hide, Shi'an stopped him, "Yang Yang is not wrong, it's all my fault, if you want to beat or scold, uncle just come to me."

Bai Yang also knelt down: "Dad, don't be angry, I like him."

Bai Fuqiang broke his throat and roared angrily: "What do you two men like? You are a man and he is also a man. Did I raise you for nothing?!"

Bai Yang said stubbornly: "I love him, no matter whether he is a man or a woman, I want to be with him."

These two bastards, I'm about to die of anger, Bai Fuqiang sat on the sofa, feeling overwhelmed.

In fact, he had already understood that he had already guessed the ending when he came. He just doesn't want to face it.

The good cabbage that has been raised for many years, just like this, is a boar.

After all, he felt that there was nothing wrong with Jin Shian. Whether he treats Bai Yang well or not, he also sees it. If Bai Yang was a girl, he would agree to this love ten thousand times.

But Bai Yang is his only son.

How could he have the face to see his dead wife underground.

Bai Fuqiang suddenly felt sad, and tears flowed down his face.

"Boss Jin, we are an ordinary family with a small family. You are rich and don't know our difficulties. My son has never seen the world, and he is probably trying to get your money. You are a good-looking talent. You can't find any good girls. arrive?"

He didn't want to cry in front of the junior, so he had to cover his face hard.

Bai Yang quickly said, "I'm not doing it for money."

Shi'an stopped him, and said in a gentle voice: "Uncle understands things best, he doesn't judge people's status based on rich or poor. Yang Yang is pure in heart, he is not a person who is greedy for money, uncle understands better than me. I am now in poverty, and Yang Yang does not despise me. , Uncle sees all the adversity." He pulled Bai Yang, and slowly bent down and kowtowed: "I beg Uncle to help you."

Bai Yang also begged him tearfully: "Dad, I have grown up so much, I have never asked you for anything, I love him, please."

Bai Fuqiang was speechless, wiped his tears, and suddenly asked: "What about the child?"

Bai Yang was taken aback by his question.

Shi'an said quietly: "You can adopt."

Bai Yang also reacted: "Children can be adopted. Dad, how many grandchildren do you want? Granddaughters are also fine!"

"Fart your mother!" Bai Fuqiang slapped the table and glared at Jin Shi'an: "Adopt? It's easy for you to say! Is the adopted one from my old Bai's family? You don't know how to get pregnant!"

Bai Yang shrank to the ground after being yelled at by him, and when he heard his father say "big belly", he suddenly wanted to laugh again. He peeked at Jin Shi'an lying on the ground obediently, and wanted to laugh even more, causing his stomach to ache.

Shi'an couldn't solve this problem, so Shi'an had to be as quiet as a chicken and wait for Bai Fuqiang's anger to pass.

Bai Fuqiang looked at them fiercely for a long time, and finally had nothing to say. Bai Fuqiang stood up and left: "As you like, I will go home."

Both Bai Yang and Shi'an stood up to stop him, but Bai Fuqiang pushed them away: "I'll be angry when I see you two, and you won't be in front of me in the future. I've bought the ticket, so don't stop me." He looked at Bai Yang again: "Don't stop me anymore. Come back, I'll lose all face for you."

Although he is over fifty years old, he is from the military after all and has great strength. Bai Yang and Shi'an were pushed aside by him. Seeing that he opened the door angrily and left, they had to chase after him all the way to the downstairs.

Seeing his father's resolute departure, Bai Yang was so frightened that he burst into tears: "Dad, I was wrong, don't leave, I was wrong, it was my bastard who caused you to have no children and grandchildren, Dad, I was wrong!"

Shi'an was ashamed when he heard it, it would be better not to recognize this mistake. He was afraid that Bai Fuqiang would beat his son again, so he only protected Bai Yang behind him.

Bai Fuqiang didn't do anything, just stared at Shi'an: "Send me to the station."

Shi'an quickly responded, and Bai Yang also followed, Bai Fuqiang said angrily: "Go back, it's none of your business."

Bai Yang still wanted to follow, Shi'an comforted him softly: "You go back first, uncle must have something to tell me, don't be afraid."

Seeing the two of them getting bored and crooked, Bai Fuqiang felt even annoyed, and shouted loudly: "You son of a bitch, go back!"

Shi'an was even more ashamed, thinking that Bai Fuqiang and his son had been careless in their family, and calling their son a coward, didn't they scold themselves too

Topol was left in the end. Shi'an drove all the way to send Bai Fuqiang to the high-speed rail station.

The two of them had nothing to say all the way, Shi'an didn't have much to say, and Bai Fuqiang had nothing to say to him. When he arrived at the station, Bai Fuqiang didn't get off the bus, so Shi'an naturally didn't rush, and looked at his father-in-law sincerely.

Bai Fuqiang also looked at him, looked at him for a long time, and sighed.

He took out a small red satin box from his pocket and threw it at Jin Shi'an.

Shi'an took it in his hand and opened it to see that there was a gold necklace and a jade bracelet inside. The necklace is not bulky, and the bracelet is only of average quality. Both pieces of jewelry are a bit dull, obviously they have seen their age.

"It's his mother's," Bai Fuqiang said with a sullen face, "I originally planned for my daughter-in-law to come over as a gift."

Shi'an was so flattered that he didn't know what to say for a while, as there was a lot of people outside the car window, he couldn't get out of the car immediately to salute his father-in-law.

After hesitating for a moment, thousands of words and words were swirling in his mind, but he couldn't say a single word.

But Bai Fuqiang looked at him: "If you treat Yang Yang even the slightest bit badly, I can tear you apart."

"Yes Yes."

"It's the same, if he dares to do anything to you, I'll beat him to death."

"No, no."

Bai Fuqiang let out a long sigh and opened the car door, Shi An also got out of the car and wanted to see him off, but Bai Fuqiang held him down: "Don't get down, you are a dignified person, and people will watch everything you do, and if you let the reporters take pictures, it's not good for you. "

Shi'an was infinitely grateful, and even more moved. Bai Fuqiang pressed him, and he held Bai Fuqiang's hand: "Dad, don't worry."

"Fuck you, I'm calling my dad, is it your turn?"

Bai Fuqiang shook off his hand and got out of the car with a cold face.

Shi'an looked at his back from the car window, and vaguely saw him stretching out his hand and repeatedly wiping his face.

Bai Yang waited at home tearfully, the door opened, and Jin Shian came back alone.

Bai Yang stared at him eagerly, Shi'an walked up to him slowly, hugged him tightly, and only after a long time did he let go, and took out the box that Bai Fuqiang gave him.

"'s my mother." Bai Yang wiped away tears.

"Uncle said that he originally planned to leave it to his daughter-in-law as a meeting gift."

Bai Yang was stunned for a while, then suddenly burst into tears. Shi'an held him in his arms, and she couldn't help crying.

Poor parents in the world.

The two looked at each other with tears in their eyes, both felt sour and sweet in their hearts, Bai Yang was sobbing in Shi'an's arms and said, "Jin Shi'an, do you know why I really want to be a star?"

Shi'an wiped his tears for him, "Why?"

"My mother wanted to sing and act all her life, but she was in the art troupe and never got ahead." Bai Yang cried until his nose came out: "Before she left, she told me that she really wanted to see me become a big star."

Maybe Bai Yang's mother just saw what her son loved since he was a child, but Bai Yang remembered his mother's words for a lifetime.

Dazed for a while, Bai Yang looked at Shi'an again and said, "My mother must have never expected that I married such a tall and mighty daughter-in-law."

Shi An was angry and laughed, and hugged Bai Yang horizontally: "I want to teach you, let you know what a new daughter-in-law is."