The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 77: Remnant light



The celebration banquet ended in the early morning.

Bai Yang didn't speak all the way, one thunder after another was still exploding in his heart one after another.

Yes, why is he so stupid, Jin Shian, An Shijing, Shen Bailu, Bai Lusheng.

It turned out to be like this.

It turned out to be the case.

It turned out that the love story that he was moved, expected, and moved to tears did not happen to someone else, it was Jin Shian's own story.

No wonder he wrote so affectionately. He left Bai Lusheng and would never go back. Of course he would miss him. He must be very sad that Bai Lu died.

Bai Yang can understand Shi An's sadness, but he can't control his jealousy and madness now.

"No wonder Shi'an said that no one is more like Xiaobai."

Jin Shi'an actually told him such a big lie. He always regarded him as another Bai Lusheng.

Why? He loves him, it has nothing to do with his past, why should he catch the failed love of others, destined to be a continuation

Bai Yang admired Shen Bailu and admired him, but he never thought of turning himself into someone else.

He suddenly remembered that when Shian woke up, he held his hand and said the first sentence to him.

He almost forgot.

"Lu Sheng."

—He called him "Lu Sheng".

... Yes, from the beginning to the end, it was only because he looked like Bai Lusheng that his Grandpa Jin had a special preference for him. He is so ignorant, never good enough, always willful and causing trouble, but Shi'an tolerates him no matter what.

What else could it be? Because of this face.

Jin Shi'an never forgot Bai Lusheng, Bai Yang understood that after he broke up with him, he continued to remember his Lusheng, and the script was never for him, just because no one looked more like Bai Lusheng than him, So he was lucky enough to get this opportunity.

That's why he blindfolded him and didn't allow him to mention Shen Bailu more, because he was not worthy in the first place, and he only wanted him to be obedient.

When Bai Yang got out of the car, Shi'an saw that his expression changed drastically, and he already knew what he had guessed. Zhang Huitong's filming was always well-known for his detailed and accurate materials.

Shi'an knows that what should be, what should not be, is all on it, and maybe many posterity have added oil and vinegar.

Bai Yang didn't speak, so he had no choice but to hold his hand all the way back.

Bai Yang walked downstairs, shook off his hand, and asked blankly, "You are An Shijing, aren't you?"

Shi'an was full of anxiety, but he didn't know where to explain it. He held Bai Yang in his arms, "No, it's not what you think."

"Bai Lusheng is Shen Bailu, right?" Bai Yang broke away from him.

"That's not the case, Yang Yang, you have to be obedient, you listen to me, you listen to my explanation."

Bai Yang resisted his gentle coercion like never before, he took two steps back and looked into Shi An's eyes.

"Okay, please explain." Bai Yang looked at him: "Explain why you kept it from me for so long, is it difficult to tell me the truth?"

Shi An was speechless. Yes, he kept it from him, hoping he didn't know anything. He just wanted to possess him, even if it was with lies.

"You told me that you were friends with them in the liquor store. You said that you were not familiar with Shen Bailu."

"Jin Shi'an, is that you sitting in the photo?"

"Yang Yang, Lu Sheng and I are not what you think. I shouldn't hide it from you, but you have to listen to my explanation."

No matter if he didn't say anything, Bai Yang finally heard him call the word "Lu Sheng" clearly at this moment. These two words really made him unbearable, like two bullets hit his heart.

Jin Shian didn't need to say anything. His pale face explained everything.

Shi'an looked at Bai Yang insanely, and his heart was pierced. He pulled Bai Yang into his arms and kissed him forcefully: "You misunderstood, Yang Yang, you misunderstood, it's not what Director Zhang said."

Bai Yang leaned into his arms coldly, avoiding his kiss: "You wrote Qin Huai Meng for him—I look a lot like him, don't I?"


"You just answer me, yes or no."

"... yes, but—"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Yang had already punched him in the face. Another punch, another punch.

Shi'an refused to back down, let him hit him one after another, he could hit him however he wanted, as long as he was willing to listen to his explanation.

And Bai Yang hit him more than ten times, finally stopped, threw the house key into his arms, turned around and left.

Shi'an chased after him, but Bai Yang turned around without a single tear, "Don't touch me, and don't follow me, unless you want to see me die right now."

The phrase "die now" is so familiar.

Things still turned out like this, the last thing he wanted to see.

He lived a new life, but he was still at a loss for the word love. Shi'an thought sadly, why is he always hurting people unconsciously

Bai Yang ran fast, Shi'an came to his senses, and chased after him, but there was no one left.

Panting with difficulty, he called Li Nian, but Li Nian turned off his phone, so he had to call Zheng Meili, Xiao Ma, and Xiao Xie, "Go and find Bai Yang, you must find him, I'm afraid he will do something stupid."

They searched all night, but could not find it.

Bai Yang walked alone in the wind, the streets of Nanjing at midnight, the lights were dim, like the last decayed makeup of the night.

He didn't know where he could go, and he didn't want to open a room. After thinking about it, only Xiao Zhong could comfort him.

He had vented enough outrage and resentment. Tears were still streaming endlessly on his face, but his heart was deadly peaceful.

If it was someone else, he might still be jumping up and down.

Losing to Bai Lusheng, he had nothing to say. He exhausted all his strength and failed to explain that Bai Lu was born in case, Jin Shi'an will never forget his life and death, which is reasonable.

That's the man who deserves him.

Bai Yang admitted that his regret for Shen Bailu always contained a kind of smugness. Shen Bailu was so good, but he still didn't get An Shijing—what about him? He was so bad and got Kim Se-an.

The cheap sympathy she gave at the beginning has turned into disgust now, it is the embarrassment and cowardice that Bai Yueguang shines on her face, like a slap in the face.

What a white moonlight, who lived great and died gloriously, amazed Qinhuai when he was alive, and devoted himself to the country when he died.

He really lost.

Did Jin Shi'an really love him a little bit? Maybe there is, he would rather believe that, after all he will not go back, and in this world, he only has him.

so what? He loves him wholeheartedly, a blank slate, and has always believed that Jin Shian will be honest with him. Bai Yang realized that he was still an unlucky person. He was stupid enough in the past that he couldn't see through other people's lies. He thought he was smarter at last, but the malice in this world is so great that lies can never be seen through.

Bai Yang had never felt so cold before.

There was a car honking its horn behind him, Bai Yang didn't bother to turn his head back, and moved closer to the edge of the green belt, the horn sounded twice, he turned his head, the dazzling headlights made him close his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Yang squinted his eyes, only to see that it was Huihui driving the car, and Jiang Ruiyun poked his head out of the rear window.

Jiang Ruiyun opened the door and pulled him into the car. Huihui started the car and accelerated all the way.

"...Where do you take me? I'm going to Zhong Yue's house. I'm going to Sanshan Street."

Jiang Ruiyun looked at him with a half-smile: "Idiot, you just walked in the opposite direction of Sanshan Street."

Only then did Bai Yang realize that his face was still dripping with tears and snot, so he quickly turned his head, "Thank you, Sanshan Street Xinhai Garden."

Huihui fiddled with the car panel a few times: "Brother Yun, the navigation is broken."

"Use a mobile phone." Jiang Ruiyun looked at her from the rearview mirror.

Huihui stopped the car aggrievedly, lowered her head and used her mobile phone to set the navigation.

Sanshan Street was not far away, and there were few cars at night, so Bai Yang didn't dare to talk too much, nor did he want to talk too much. Jiang Ruiyun seemed to see his embarrassment and didn't ask him anything.

When the car drove into the gate of the community, Jiang Ruiyun suddenly pressed his hand.

"Huihui go down."

Huihui got off the car and walked away.

"Why are you crying?" Jiang Ruiyun asked him.

"I didn't cry, you read it wrong."

"Because of Jin Shi'an?"

"... It has nothing to do with you, I didn't cry."

"What's that big pile on your face?" Jiang Ruiyun turned his face away.

"... The box office is good, can't I be excited?! Let me go!"

Bai Yang wanted to withdraw his hand, but Jiang Ruiyun pressed hard, and he pulled him into his arms, "What did he do to you?"

Bai Yang was really not in the mood to joke with him anymore, he pushed Jiang Ruiyun away hard, "It has nothing to do with you, thank you for sending me off."

If others didn't ask, he could still hold back his tears. Why did Jiang Ruiyun insist on asking him? He really felt so useless.

Bai Yang opened the car door and walked away without looking back. He will repay Jiang Ruiyun's kindness later. Tonight, he has no patience.

Jiang Ruiyun chased him out and grabbed his hand.

"Bai Yang, do you remember—"

"Please," Bai Yang turned his head, he couldn't take it anymore, and didn't want to hide his downfall anymore, he wiped away the tears on his face, and retreated all the way, "Jiang Ruiyun, please, I'll talk about it tomorrow if I have anything to say , I really want to die now, really, really want to die."

He shook off Jiang Ruiyun's hand and ran upstairs all the way, forgetting to take the elevator.

Jiang Ruiyun stood in the cold wind for a long time. Huihui put a coat on him, "Brother Yun, go back."

Jiang Ruiyun stood still.

Huihui whispered: "Why use a mobile phone to navigate? The navigation is not broken. I can drive directly to the hotel..."

Jiang Ruiyun suddenly turned his head and looked at her angrily.

Huihui didn't dare to speak anymore, she lowered her head and rubbed her hands.

He missed him again. Jiang Ruiyun thought, how many times they will miss.

Bai Yang has been to Zhong Yue's house twice, and it is rare for him to remember where the door of Zhong Yue's house is when he has a headache from crying. He rang the doorbell for five minutes, but no one answered.

That's right, maybe Xiao Zhong is not at home at all. Bai Yang thought in frustration. The phone was dead, and he sat down in front of Zhong Yue's house.

For the first time in his life, he felt homeless.

The door opened, and Li Nian opened it.

Zhong Yue showed his face from behind him, with blood on the corner of his mouth. Both of their clothes were quite messy, and Li Nian was still buckling his belt. Clearly they knew what they were doing without explaining.

"How did you come here?"

Li Nian was a little surprised, he didn't feel ashamed at all about his disheveled clothes.

"Where's your father Jin?" Li Nian asked him.

Bai Yang looked at the silent Zhong Yue behind him, and at Li Nian's sloppy expression, the anger that had just been extinguished surged up again.

Does Li Nian not know how to write the word shameless

He really had seen enough of the scumbag tonight. Bai Yang didn't say a word, he stood up and beat Li Nian so hard.

Zhong Yue held Bai Yang from behind, "Hurry up and go."

This fucking looks like an affair scene, but Bai Yang looks like the main house who caught the rape, he really doesn't know what he is doing, "Let me go! Xiao Zhong! Let me go!"

Li Nian didn't bother to explain, and just said to Zhong Yue: "Take care of him, don't let him run around."

Li Nian put on his coat, closed the door and left.

Bai Yang turned his head and pushed Zhong Yue away, making Bai Yang very angry.

"Xiao Zhong, how long have you been doing this?"

Zhong Yue looked at him, his face turned red and white: "It's been a long time."

Bai Yang was about to die of anger from him.

"You don't know that Li Nian is chasing Zheng Meimei?"

Zhong Yue didn't speak.

"So you are still shooting?!"

Zhong Yue still didn't speak.

Bai Yang has even broken Zhong Yue's heart, he now knows what it means to hate iron but not steel, if Zhong Yue is not good-looking, Bai Yang would have stood up and beat him long ago, anyway, he has already completed the fight against Jin Shi'an and Li Zhongyue today. Nian's double kill, another Zhong Yue hit is nothing.

Bai Yang looked at Zhong Yue's face, and felt that he couldn't do anything. Zhong Yue was very calm, with an expression of death.

"What are you guys? Friends with benefits? Second master? Ordinary friends with a physical relationship?"

Zhong Yue raised his head, "I was the first..."

Do not speak.

Bai Yang was stunned: "You first?"

Zhong Yue said with difficulty: "He will be with me first."


"Earlier with me."


Bai Yang jumped up violently: "I'm going to kill that bastard Li Nian!"

Zhong Yue held him firmly: "Don't."

Bai Yang got up and went out, Zhong Yue jumped on him, Zhong Yue hugged Bai Yang's waist tightly: "Yes, I made him..."

Bai Yanghong glared at him.

Zhong Yue sat up, and said word by word: "Brother Nian, he is a good manager, I begged him, the matter between me and him... don't worry about it."

Bai Yang suddenly felt that he wanted to cry, but the tears had preceded his realization, and big ones fell on the floor.

A scumbag deserves a slut, and now Bai Yang absolutely agrees with this sentence. He double-killed two scumbags today, now it's time to make a pair of sluts with Zhong Yue and hug and cry.

Bai Yang lay on the ground and burst into tears.

Zhong Yue pulls him up sadly. He didn't know why Bai Yang was crying, but he didn't go home today, he knew that he might have quarreled with Jin Shi'an.

Bai Yang shook off his hand and cried even louder.

Crying until midnight, the two lay side by side on Zhong Yue's big bed.

Bai Yang turned his head to look at Zhong Yue, dying and said: "Little Zhong, if I liked you back then, it would be fine."

Zhong Yue answered him firmly: "I only like Brother Nian."


Bai Yang felt very disgusted, Zhong Yue wanted to feed him dog food at this time, and it was fucking poisonous dog food.

Bai Yang fell asleep sadly.