The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 78: Mint


Bai Yang didn't sleep well, and woke up at five o'clock in the morning. He got up furtively and tried to run.

Zhong Yue opened his eyes and pressed him on the bed: "Where are you going?"

Bai Yang was already very disappointed with Zhong Yue, he let Zhong Yue hold him and charged his phone. There were a bunch of Jin Shian's missed calls above, Bai Yang blocked him.

In front of Zhong Yue, he called Jiang Ruiyun: "Are you going back to Shanghai today?"

"Back," Jiang Ruiyun said, "what's the matter?"

"Let's go together, I'll take your car." Bai Yang said, "You can book a hotel for me. It happens that next week we will go to a play for a seminar."

Jiang Ruiyun didn't ask him why, but simply said, "I'll pick you up."

He hung up the phone and looked at Zhong Yue: "Are you relieved?"

Zhong Yue let go of his hand, "Are you arguing?"

Bai Yang was silent for a moment, then sat up, he and Jin Shian were finished, but he would not tell Jin Shian's secret. Their romance is over, but he won't take revenge on him for it.

He now has a kind of empty peace, death is not enough, he is not only in love, he is twenty-six years old, and he will not die or live for a failed love.

"I'm going to Shanghai, and I will report to your Brother Nian." Bai Yang stood up, "There's no need to send it off, I'll go with Jiang Ruiyun's car."

Zhong Yue suddenly hugged him forcefully.

"... Bai Yang, why, we always love so hard."

Bai Yang was hugged and wept silently in his arms. Zhong Yue's embrace was still firm and warm, like alcohol cotton balls spread on the wound, he wanted to heal him, but he still felt very painful.

Yes, they obviously have better choices, why do they always love so hard. I always love what makes people painful, hate what I can't forget, and torture myself again and again.

In which line did you see it, "If love does not make people feel painful, then it is not love."

People are probably that cheap.

Shi'an looked for Bai Yang all night, and it was Zheng Meili who told him that Bai Yang went to Zhong Yue's house. Zheng Meili didn't know what happened to them, so she only advised him with a woman's intuition, "I'll let people watch him, don't go there first, Go get the bruise on your face."

The next day when Li Nian came to see him, the two of them saw each other with bruises on their faces, and couldn't help smiling wryly.

Shi'an didn't ask him why he turned off the phone yesterday. The methods of beating people are all a routine, and they can be seen from the same fist at a glance.

"What's the matter with you?" Li Nian touched the bruise on his head, "I didn't fight back because of your face, you big baby beat me to death."

Li Nian accompanied him to Zhong Yue's house, Zhong Yue opened the door, but ignored Li Nian, first punched Jin Shi'an again.

Li Nian wanted to laugh, President Jin probably violated Tai Sui these two days, and he has been beaten since last night. He grabbed Zhong Yue and asked him, "Where's Bai Yang?"

"Let's go." Zhong Yue looked indifferent.

"Where did you go?"


Li Nian looked through the itinerary and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I didn't go looking for death or life. They have a seminar at the show next week." He called Bai Yang, and Bai Yang actually answered.

Li Nian covered Shi'an's mouth, "Ancestor, have you gone to Shanghai?"

Bai Yang's voice was cold and polite: "President Li, I'm following Jiang Ruiyun's car, don't worry, I'll stay in the hotel and won't go out."

"Okay, okay, then I'll let the pony follow you, where do you live?"

"No need, I can do it myself."

"You don't bring an assistant when you go out, aren't you giving yourself a discount? Be good, I won't tell Jin Shi'an where you are, you stay here, and send me the address, and I'll let Xiao Niu and Xiao Ma go over there to accompany you you."

After a while, Bai Yang said, "Jin Jiang Hotel."

"New and old?"

"… new."

Everyone heard what Li Niankai said. When he hung up the phone, Shi'an immediately said, "Get the car ready, I'm going to Shanghai."

"Take it easy," Li Nian stopped him, "Qiong Yao's kung fu is closed, why are you looking for him now? If you can't provoke him, don't provoke him." He touched the bag on his head, "I and When you talk about Chairman Jin, it means that you can get used to him all over the world, and you give him a little cold so that he can figure it out on his own."

Li Nian really couldn't figure out why Bai Yang had such a temper, the last breakup was inexplicable, why Jin Shi'an didn't go his way this time? This is getting started.

Zhong Yue was annoyed when he heard it, and went to grab Li Nian's collar. Li Nian closed his eyes: "Are you guys eating guns or gunpowder? If you have a long mouth and don't speak, you must slap it? I can't control you, can I?" Zhong Yue, why don’t you go to Shanghai with your President Jin, and don’t accompany the Frenchman back to Beijing, let’s go together and watch Bai Yang jumping the Huangpu River, and tomorrow the newspaper will be published to cheer the people of the whole country.”

Zhong Yue was choked speechless by him.

Li Nian looked at Jin Shi'an: "Heal your injury first—are you making the employees laugh at you with this face? Let Bai Yang finish the time. There are so many media watching TV and newspapers, you can't run away from him."

Shi'an was silent for a long time, "You come to my house at night, I have something to tell you."

Li Nian held his breath and arranged a lot of work for Bai Yang. The media in Shanghai almost burst into laughter. They had been interviewing Bai Yang last month, and they couldn't arrange a time. The media thought, that's great, An Long is interesting enough, after all, give them a chance to interview.

When they wanted to interview Bai Yang, they wanted to invite Zhang Huitong and Jiang Ruiyun in a roundabout way. Zhang Huitong refused to bow down to these media, and he ignored them if they weren't big media. He only went to a big show on Huangpu Satellite TV. Jiang Ruiyun is willing to save face, and will come to all invitations.

Zhang Huitong talked about the sequel of "Qinhuai Dream" in preparation on the show, and praised himself vigorously. Bai Yang sat on the side, heartbroken by what he heard, but could only smile on his face. However, these stupid media are as careful as a hair, and they are not willing to let the Bai Lusheng that Zhang Huitong talked about, and they are making news in different ways.

Bai Yang has been busy in Shanghai for a week, and has also been a guest on several variety shows. At the end of January, Shanghai was still shrouded in cold, and there was ice floating on the Huangpu River. The variety show wanted to make big news. Without telling Bai Yang and Jiang Ruiyun, they were pulled directly to Pukou, and the two leading actors were asked to discuss their next creative ideas.

Bai Yang was already numb. He wiped his nose, looked at Bai Lusheng's martyr monument, and said quietly: "I will learn from the martyrs, and strive to perform better in the next work."

Jiang Ruiyun looked at him and echoed, "We will do our best."

The recording was over here, and the director came to apologize with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't tell the two of you beforehand, the main reason is to hope that there will be an effect on the show, you don't mind."

Bai Yang smiled weakly, "It's okay, I understand."

Feeling ashamed may be this feeling, Bai Yang thought, he still has to live, he can't just die like this, why should he not be as good as Bai Lu for the rest of his life.

He looked at Lusheng's tomb and felt very sad. There was nothing wrong with Bai Lusheng, his love was also love, and the fault was Jin Shi'an's fault. But Bai Lu died in a chic and heroic way, dying for the country, which made the caressing personal relationship pale.

It's a pity that he wasn't born in the war years, Bai Yang thought, otherwise he would definitely go to the army to fight and serve the motherland, and he wouldn't have to think about anything when he went to the battlefield. The motherland is the greatest lover, and it is worth throwing his head and blood for her.

Sitting next to him, Jiang Ruiyun suddenly asked him: "Bai Yang, if I died suddenly like this person, would you feel sad for me?"

Bai Yang was taken aback by his question: "Yes."

Normally, if Jiang Ruiyun asked him this way, Bai Yang would only think that he was playing tricks on him, but he wanted to die in his heart right now. When Jiang Ruiyun asked him suddenly, he became vigilant: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Ruiyun lowered his head and smiled, "Idiot, I won't really die."

Bai Yang's heart suddenly moved. Before he had time to think about it, he sneezed five or six times.

"... idiot, will you die if you wear more clothes?"

"I didn't bring a down jacket."

Jiang Ruiyun looked at Xiao Ma indifferently, Xiao Ma shrank his head, he and Xiao Niu came in a hurry, fearing that their little brother Bai would commit suicide by jumping into the river, but Bai Yang didn't bring any clothes.

Jiang Ruiyun took off his coat and threw it on Bai Yang's head.

Tomorrow they have to go to the theater for a seminar, and they have to rush back to Shanghai overnight. Jiang Ruiyun watched him take a sickly step, let Xiao Niu and Ning Ning sit in the same car, and Bai Yang sat in the nanny car in front.

Xiao Ma looked at Bai Yang's reddened face worriedly, "Brother Bai, you have a fever."

Bai Yang didn't speak, he lay down on the chair with the backrest flat. He felt that he might really faint, so he could only vaguely say to Huihui and Xiaoma in front of him, "Help me buy medicine."

Jiang Ruiyun looked at him silently from the side, and suddenly said: "If you can't do it, go to the hospital, you're not a movie star, what are you going to do?"

This big devil can always smear good words, Bai Yang is also convinced.

He is not in the mood to thank Jiang Ruiyun for his kindness now, he has no strength at all.

When people are sick, they always think of the saddest thing. Now that he is sick, the sad thing is Jin Shian.

The weather is really cold, maybe Jin Shian is also catching a cold.

Why does he still care about him? Obviously he doesn't love him, he lied to him. Bai Yang really wanted to know what Shi'an thought about him, but he still didn't have the courage to face it.

I always feel that many things become more embarrassing when they are broken.

He still loves him, yes, no matter what he's done. He can't forget him, yes, no matter how hurtful he is.

He even wondered, is it possible for them to continue to be together? Can he bow his head to Shi'an, admit his mistakes, tolerate and forgive him for treating him as Bai Lusheng

He remembered what Jiang Ruiyun asked him, would he feel sad if he died

Of course he would, but he didn't love Jiang Ruiyun.

Jin Shi'an to Bai Lusheng, is this possible

Vaguely, there seemed to be another glimmer of hope shaking faintly in his heart. Even if it was just a little hope, he started thinking about him like crazy again, about his whole body, about how he made love to him softly and wildly, flirted with him elegantly and old-fashionedly.

He seemed to feel that Shi An was in front of him again, watching him silently and kissing him tenderly.

When Bai Yang was touched by his lips, he couldn't help crying, and silent tears flowed down endlessly from the corners of his eyes. He is so hateful, he has lied to him for so long, yet he can still kiss so frankly and tenderly. Does Shi An also feel guilty? At first, she just touched his lips cautiously, but Bai Yang was reluctant to avoid him, but she kept crying, so Shi An held his tongue in his mouth like in the past, as if to swallow him.

Bai Yang pushed him angrily, "Don't touch me."

Shi'an didn't speak, but turned his face gently but forcefully, and kissed him again.

Bai Yang felt that his kiss was very strange. He was completely unfamiliar. It was as if they had never known each other. Shi An used to kiss him with a strong possessive desire, but now he kisses him like a temptation that has been suppressed for a long time.

He was kissed by him, kissed for a long time, as if he didn't need to say anything, and any problem could only be solved with a long kiss.

Bai Yang finally couldn't bear it anymore and pushed him away, "Jin Shi'an, you bastard."

Shi'an dissipated in the haze again, and was shattered when pushed by him.

Bai Yang opened his eyes and sat up, suddenly breaking out in a cold sweat. He looked at Jiang Ruiyun in embarrassment, Jiang Ruiyun was playing with his phone expressionlessly.

Xiao Ma and Huihui didn't seem to notice anything, probably he didn't speak aloud in his sleep.

After Bai Yang felt relieved, he felt a bursting headache and a strange mint taste in his mouth. He was sweating all over, already exhausted, sat up and fell down again.

"You are sure not to go to the hospital." Jiang Ruiyun said indifferently.

"...No, Xiao Ma is going to buy some medicine, there are activities tomorrow."

When they arrived at the hotel, several assistants hurriedly helped Bai Yang into the room. Jiang Ruiyun stood outside, staring at Xiao Ma and Huihui.

Xiao Ma became nervous, he was so embarrassed just now that he didn't dare to look back.

Huihui immediately said: "Brother Yun, don't worry, we didn't see anything."

Jiang Ruiyun looked at them again and entered the room.

He fell on the bed.

He actually did such a disgusting thing, something he had never thought of and disdained.

The sugar melted into sharp flakes in his mouth, Jiang Ruiyun took out the sugar bowl irritably, and poured a whole jar of mints into his mouth without thinking.