The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 80: Phi star


On the way back to Nanjing, Bai Yang received an international call from Li Nian, "Little ancestor, are you done with your work? Something happened to Jin Shi'an."

"… What's wrong?"

"Your father Jin is dying for you. Come quickly."

Bai Yang hung up the phone indifferently.

Li Nian called again, Bai Yang blocked him.

After a while, Xiao Ma called him nervously: "Brother Bai, something really happened to Mr. Jin, Mr. Li is very anxious."

Bai Yang answered the phone dubiously, and Li Nian yelled, "Can you stop making trouble, little ancestor? Where did you hit your father Jin? Did you hit his internal organs? His liver is ruptured and hemorrhages, and he is waiting to die. "

"..." Bai Yang was taken aback. He really hit hard that day. He drank and woke up and only remembered beating Jin Shi'an and Li Nian. remembered.

Bai Yang calmed down, thought for a while, and still felt that Li Nian was lying to him: "I'm not a martial arts master, why didn't he stay in the hospital the day he was injured, you don't lie to me."

Li Nian suppressed a smile: "Really, we thought it was okay at first. I accompanied him to France to relax. Who knew that the plane bumped a bit, and he started vomiting blood when he landed. Now he just said he wanted to see you. If he didn't see you, he would just lie down and wait." died."

Bai Yang was dubious: "You send him to the hospital first."

Li Nian couldn't help but said, "You can bring Mr. Zheng over here, I really can't persuade him here, his French is better than mine, and the ambulance that was called was sent away by him again."

Hearing what he said seriously, Bai Yang felt both angry and sad. Jin Shi'an really let him down, will he die if he doesn't love him? With the effort to torment yourself now, why couldn't you explain it clearly to him back then

Forget it, he was the one who beat the man, even if Li Nian lied to him, Bai Yang still told Xiao Ma and Xiao Niu: "Book the ticket, go directly to Lukou Airport, and Xiao Niu contact Mr. Zheng."

Here Li Nian hung up the phone, and Shi'an listened helplessly beside him, "You have completely ruined my fame in two lifetimes, and I have never bluffed like this before."

Li Nian laughed loudly: "You foolish baby who lied to you, you should also be silly for him."

Li Nian's idea was still sleazy, and he dragged Shi'an to Paris, saying: "Didn't you plan to bring him to France to play before? After running for a few days to get a round-trip visa for you, the two of you didn't go. You are the most disgusting, write him a letter to explain the situation."

Shi'an was annoyed by him: "You think he will leave as soon as he is in China, and he will not be able to fly for a while when he goes abroad, don't you?"

"It's refreshing to talk to you," Li Nian clapped his hands, "Trick him to Paris and buy some time. Then you lie on the bed and pretend to be dead. I will lock the door behind you. You can use your handsomeness and greatness. What are you doing?" Until he is convinced."

The words are really obscene, Shi'an really doesn't bother to talk to him. Li Nian wanted to provoke him, so he rested his chin to read his letter: "Chairman Jin, isn't Bai Yang particularly flirty on the bed? This kind of little white flower is very cute in contrast, and it's very flirty in bed. He must miss you these days." big brother."

Shi'an flicked the pen away and Li Nian blushed: "Speak a little bit of virtue, I really want to pull out your tongue."

Li Nian didn't even wipe his face, and trembled on the edge of the table: "Relieve your anxiety, do you know how ugly your face is. The face is ashen, it's you."

"You're no better than me, look at your sallow complexion." Shi'an didn't even look at him: "Go out, no smoking."

Bai Yang didn't care about taking a break along the way, and went directly to Lukou Airport, where Zheng Meimei was already waiting for him.

Zheng Meili didn't say anything, she was very busy. Anlong's finances need to be re-planned. Now that it is preparing to go public, it must be carefully calculated. Even if the listing work cannot be implemented next year, Anlong must expand. Li Nian concentrated on his business, he was happy to relax in finance and personnel affairs, and left it all to Zheng Meimei.

Zheng Meili gritted her teeth in her heart, this rogue, obviously she got hold of him, but he chased her bluffing and bit her back. When she came to Anlong, she was more than just a cow and a horse, she was a heroine who took the blame.

Bai Yang said that Jin Shi'an was ill, but Zheng Meimei didn't take it seriously at all, why else? It is also appropriate to reconcile Bai Yang and Jin Shi'an earlier, so as to save President Jin from being insane all day long and hindering her work.

Zheng Meili just greeted Bai Yang briefly, then stopped talking, stared at her notebook, and typed quickly. She still has to prepare the materials for next month's regular meeting, and the managers of various departments are still knocking her back and forth on her newsletter, Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng, please give instructions, please give instructions.

People are different. Some people live a chic life and have unlimited time to live and die for love. She is born with a bitter life and can only live and die for money.

Their flight took off at 8:00 p.m., and Bai Yang looked at the desolate night from the porthole. There was no moon in the night, and only bright cold stars fell on the surrounding fields. They will fly in this night sky all day and night, to Paris.

Wearing the stars and wearing the moon, traveling day and night, is it like this now, Bai Yang thought, he will cross many continents and mountains, many longitudes and latitudes, with this many time and space gaps, I wonder if he can recover his love that is riddled with holes.

Here, Li Nian is counting the time when they get off the plane and leave the customs. Everything is left to Zheng Meili. Fortunately, Bai Yang has never been to Paris, so everything depends on Mr. Zheng's methods.

He has seen Zheng Meimei's fierceness before. The widow's face hangs and her eyes stand up, which guarantees that Bai Yang will be scared to death, and when she is tender, she will be able to give full play to her female strengths. That's why he asked Bai Yang to bring Zheng Meili here.

Zheng Meili secretly sent him a text message when he landed: "It's here, don't pick it up, I'll take a taxi there."

When Shi'an was chasing Zheng Meimei, he brought her to Paris, and she knew the location.

Li Nian pushed Shi'an to lie on the bed, and Shi'an got a headache from him, "Speak well when we meet, why bother to put on such an accent?"

Li Nian pinched the smoke and said: "Chairman Jin, you have always ordered me around, this time you listen to me, you see I have made Zhong Yue obedient, and he dare not say anything if he is asked to say one thing."

Shi'an leaned on the bed, and said slowly: "Li Nian, I never talk about this matter, what do you do to Zhong Yue? The two men are against the rules. If you really don't love him, let him go." He went to find someone else, and getting married and having children is a major event in life. Why hang him like this."

"He is willing to go, and I support it with both hands." Li Nian played with the cigarette butt, "Sometimes it is hard to tell clearly about feelings."

Li Nian actually showed such an expression, Shi'an was a little touched. He originally thought that Li Nian was always cynical, but from this point of view, he also has true feelings for Zhong Yue.

"You like him, why don't you live with him well, you tortured Zhong Yue until he changed." Shi'an sighed, "I didn't see him like this before, but now he is very cold and hard."

Li Nian took out a small box from his pocket, "Guess what it is?"

Shi'an laughed, "It's definitely not the ring you bought for him."

Li Nian also smiled, and opened the box to show him, it was a complete and brilliant diamond, a huge one, crystal clear. It's not that Shi'an has never seen the treasure, but when he saw Li Nian taking it out, he couldn't help admiring: "What a fire, are you going to give it to him?"

This is much more sincere than the ring. Shi'an suddenly felt ashamed, even Li Nian had such intentions, he never gave Baiyang anything.

Li Nian lifted the diamond up and looked at the light, "Jin Shi'an, which do you think is more beautiful, pearls or diamonds?"

Shi'an didn't know why he asked this question, and thought for a moment, "Each has its own beauty. In terms of high value, it is naturally a diamond, but pearls also have roundness and cuteness. In my opinion, pearls are soft and bright, and they are better than diamonds."

Li Nian rolled the diamond between his fingers: "Only a rich and idle person like you thinks pearls are cute. Pearls have a heart of sand, so they don't last long, and soon fade." He looked into Shi'an's eyes: " I hope he can make diamonds, without heart, hard and bright, so that everyone knows that he is expensive."

Shi'an didn't expect him to say this, always felt that he was a twisted fallacy, and felt that he might not be able to listen to other people's persuasion.

"Yang Yang has never lost his sincerity, nor has he fallen behind Zhong Yue," Shi'an said, "Does this circle have to be ruthless and thoughtless to stand?"

"You think that everyone is as lucky as Bai Yang and is favored by you." Li Nian sneered, "He is the pearl on the emperor's head, how can others compare."

Most of the pearls in this world are dimmed with the passage of time. The pearls in the palm of the eye at first have turned into rotten things in the dust. Only diamonds, no matter how old they are, will always shine brightly.

All gems are born through pain, pearls need the pain of oysters, diamonds need to be melted by fire.

Li Nian put away the diamonds, and stopped talking with Shi'an about these sour words, "Bai Yang should be here soon, you should lie down, don't reveal your secrets."

Shi'an sneered and said, "If you do all these kung fu for Zhong Yue, he will be happy for a few months."

Li Nian blindly closed his eyes: "Stop talking, people will be here soon."

"Remember to show him the letter."

"I know, I know, it's really long-winded."

Shi'an lay down, opened his eyes suddenly and said, "Did you hear anything?"

"The sound of your big baby calling for the bed," Li Nian sprayed him, "It's all right, don't show lovesickness, just close your eyes honestly, do you want to go to the bathroom first?"

Shi'an didn't want to pay attention to him, and closed his eyes with a smile. He was indeed tired, and he didn't close his eyes for a while, and the tiredness also came to him.

When Bai Yang came out of the airport, it was already midnight. Zheng Meili pulled him all the way, ignoring his protest at all: "You have never been to Paris, listen to me. I will not finish with you until I delay rescuing my old lady."

Bai Yang thought about Zheng Meili's tearing off his leg again, Bai Yang shut up.

Here, Zheng Meili dragged him into the house all the way and successfully completed the task. Li and Zheng threw Bai Yang into the bedroom and locked the door behind them.

Bai Yang pounded on the door for a long time, then sat down angrily and laughing.

"Jin Shi'an, do you want to be ashamed?"

Shi'an lay still and didn't speak, as if he was asleep.

Looking at his sleeping face, Bai Yang felt hatred in his heart, but was overwhelmed by infinite tenderness.

He loves him and has forgiven him, Bai Yang thought, didn't he say that in the past? He is so good that many people love him. If others like him, what is there to be angry about

Maybe Jin Shian didn't want to keep it from him all the time, but just didn't find the right time to confess.

Whatever Bai Lusheng had with him was in the past. He loves him, he understands that he has squandered a lot of money and time for him, and has squandered countless feelings and lives. He left Hai Long for him, and he did not hesitate to turn against his biological parents.

Shi'an failed Bai Lusheng all his life, and Bai Lusheng sacrificed terribly. Shouldn't he write a play for him

Without this drama, I would not be where I am today.

Jealousy is inevitable, resentment is inevitable, all because of crazy love. Bai Yang thought, it turns out that he has such a strong possessive desire, wishing to possess all of Jin Shian, and would not give any of it to others.

Jin Shi'an really fell asleep, and his sleeping face was still so pretty, with straight eyebrows, Bai Yang thought of his indifference and determination to Wang Jinglin, and felt like crying. His Grandpa Jin was tough with everyone, but only She was too gentle to him and spoiled him like an only child, unwilling to share any sweets with others.

It is clear that Lu Sheng and Shi An knew each other before.

Why was he not born eighty years earlier, so that others would not have any chance to share any bit of Shi'an's life.

Swallowing tears, Bai Yang gently covered Shi'an with a blanket, and Shi'an's letter fell out.

This time I didn’t use a brush, and many characters were changed into simplified characters, which is different from the Zhongwang Xiaokai that Shi’an often writes. On the light yellow paper, it is stretched and straight like Huangshan Valley. Bai Yang was fascinated by Shi'an, and already knew a little bit of calligraphy. Although he couldn't tell what style it was, he still thought it was very beautiful.

Yang Yang:

This time I don't write to see the words, because I am right in front of you.

I'm really ashamed to see you, and it's all because of my indecision in the past that made you sad. Please also remember your old love and read this letter.

Lu Sheng met me when he was thirteen years old. At the beginning, I only thought of him as a child, pitied him for his hard work in the Chunhua class, and admired his outstanding talents, so I took him to live separately. In the past ten years, I have indeed been a bosom friend and a good friend. I ask myself, and I also have a heart of love. But I see that he has grown up since he was a child, and he really has no evil thoughts. What I have done with you in the past three years, I have not done the slightest thing with him in the past ten years——Lu Sheng felt resentment in his heart, and stabbed me in a hurry Death, that's why I come to you.

Maybe you want to be angry, and you should be angry. If I hadn't come to this world, maybe I really thought that Lu Sheng was the love of my life, he hated me and resented me, I really couldn't understand it in the past. It wasn't until my soul possessed this body and met you that I realized that there is such a thing as love and desire in the world. It was because I mistakenly regarded my bosom friend as affectionate in the past, which really delayed Lu Sheng's life.

Thinking about it from both sides, if Lusheng is willing to have a brighter future, I will definitely not stop him, and since you left me the day before yesterday, I really feel that life will be meaningless from now on. I was at fault for deceiving you, but I really can't tell you everything, I just hope you don't know everything. Being a human being in two lives, how can I think that love and desire can make people so absurd. I dare not pray for your forgiveness, but I still hope that you can forgive me. I think you really want to break my heart.

"Dream of the Qinhuai River", I came up with this idea when I learned about Lu's life and death. But before I decided to write Qinhuai Dream, I always wanted to do something for you, but God's will tricks people. I wanted to write a play for you. After Lu Sheng died, I couldn't help but write about my past with him. You probably don't want to believe me, but where Shen Bailu's sorrow turns and turns, it's really about Lu Sheng, and where she is charming and evasive, it's about you. Lu Sheng and I were not as affectionate as in the play - but I wrote you by accident, and I couldn't help it, and wrote a piece of love for you on Shi Jing. How many times have I wanted to mention it to you, how do I speak? I'm afraid you'll ignore me after I tell you. I really can't live a day without you.

In the past few days, I sat quietly alone, thinking about it carefully, my Yang Yang, pure and kind, will one day be able to understand my heartfelt feelings. I don't want to believe you, I blindly deceive you, it's me who failed you. Today, Mr. Li made these low-level ideas. If in the past, I would have absolutely refused. In order to be able to see you, what's the point in asking me to die again? Although I didn't take the blame today, I just lay down on the couch to apologize, if you are willing to forgive me, are you still willing to kiss me


The letter is so well written. Bai Yang looked at it, cried for a while, and then laughed again. It's so disgusting, my teeth are going to be sour. He also kissed him, and Bai Yang blew air through his nostrils. How thick is Jin Shi'an's skin? He was so angry with him that he was so embarrassed to let him kiss him on his own initiative!

Shi'an's fingers moved, Bai Yang's sharp eyes said calmly, "Are you still pretending to be asleep?"

He folds up the letter and throws it in Se-an’s face.

"I'm done reading, you get up."

Shi'an didn't move, his breath rose and fell under the letter paper.

"If you don't get up again, I will beat you."

Shi'an still didn't move.

Bai Yangzhen punched him in the chest, "You really want me to kiss you? It's a big dream!"

This punch was so hard that Shi'an sat up immediately. Bai Yang looked at him with tears in his eyes, "Asshole."

Shi'an obviously lay down for too long, his expression was a little dull, he blinked vigorously, and looked at Bai Yang.

Bai Yang pushed him, "What's the use of writing nasty letters, I want to hear what you say."

Shi'an did not speak, and looked at him strangely for a long time: "... Bai Yang?"

Bai Yang was taken aback by his call.

Shi'an turned over and got up: "Fuck... your fucking hands are really heavy, where are you?"

He threw Bai Yang aside and looked around in a hurry, "Where is my mobile phone? Is there a computer? Where is this place?" He went to open the door, but it was locked by Li Nian. Jin Shi'an kicked the door and yelled loudly: "My mother, who locked the door? Open it for me!"

Bai Yang looked at him blankly, Li Nian and Zheng Meimei heard that the voice inside was not right, so they hurriedly opened the door, Jin Shi'an looked at them a few times: "Li Nian?" Then looked at Zheng Meimei: "Sister Rong?"

He stretched his head out and took a look: "This is my mother's house in Paris, right? I haven't lived in it for so many years. Why did you bring me here? Let's not talk about it. Who has a computer? Does this house have internet?"

The other three people broke out in a cold sweat, Bai Yang stood up and went limp again. Yes, this is Jin Shi'an, both Li Nian and Zheng Meimei were thinking, this is the Jin Shi'an they knew.