The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 81: white night


Li Nian and Zheng Meimei were tongue-tied, and Jin Shi'an was already impatient: "Yes, yes, I have traveled back and forth again. Let's not talk about the old days. Do you have a computer? I'm in a hurry, and someone can lend me a mobile phone!"

Bai Yang grabbed him from behind: " is it you?"

Shi'an was staggered by him, and turned around angrily: "Why can't it be me?!"

Bai Yang was angry and anxious, and asked him tearfully, "Where did Jin Shi'an go?"

Jin Shi'an looked at him fearlessly: "This body is mine, please pay attention to what you say." He looked at the three people beside him and took a deep breath: "I have very important things to do now. I really don’t have time to talk to you guys.”

He pushed Bai Yang away, and only urged Zheng Meimei and Li Nian: "Do you have a computer?"

Zheng Meili is still in a trance, the plot is too confusing, it has surpassed her comprehension ability, and Shi'an has subdued her for three years, has unconsciously established a certain majesty in her heart, even though the person in front of her is not her Following President Jin, Zheng Meili took the computer reflexively: "I brought it."

"My elder sister Rong is more reliable." Jin Shi'an held the computer happily, and Bai Yanghong rushed up with eyes: "Please tell me clearly, where is Jin Shi'an?"

Both Li Nian and Zheng Meimei looked at him: "Yes, no matter how busy you are, you have to explain clearly, what is crossing, what is going on?"

The atmosphere was at a stalemate, and the three of them surrounded Jin Shi'an tightly.

Shi'an looked at them, lowered his head and then raised his head: "I know, you don't welcome me back."

The three of them were stunned speechless by his words. Bai Yang just grabbed him, lost his soul and only asked one sentence: "Where is Jin Shi'an?"

"He's better than me, isn't he? He's subdued you all." Shi'an looked at the three of them and said calmly, "He is your ideal President Jin."

Both Li Nian and Zheng Meimei were embarrassed.

Shi'an stopped talking, just looked at them sincerely: "It's okay, I don't have any skills, but I have business to do when I come back. I also ask you to help me, help me find all the information about the Japanese invasion of China in 1938, especially their How to fight from Wuhu to Wuhan, I kneel down and beg you."

As he spoke, he really knelt down.

Both Li Nian and Zheng Meimei rushed to help him up. They were not stupid, and Jin Shi'an didn't need to say that they already understood that he was the original person now, and that President Jin from the previous three years might now be a soul and disappeared.

Jin Shi'an had no intention of entangled with them, they helped him up, and he simply stood up and turned on the computer.

"Where did you go?" Zheng Meimei saw him frantically starting up the computer, and finally asked him.

"In the Republic of China, in 1931," Shi'an answered her without looking up, "I joined the army to fight against the Japanese. Now the Japanese have captured Yanjiang and are attacking Wuhan. If they can't hold them back, China will be finished."

He looked back at Bai Yang: "I only have one day, at this time tomorrow, I will disappear, are you relieved?"

Bai Yang never thought that things would turn out like this—how could it turn out like this? He flew all the way from Nanjing in the starry night, just to have a quarrel with his grandpa Jin, lose his temper, and he was ready to forgive him, kiss and make love to him. And Jin Shi'an pretended to be asleep for him absurdly, and when he woke up, he was no longer the person he knew.

They have been together for so long, so long that he almost often forgets that he came from time travel, and never thought that one day this body would be taken back by the original owner. Yes, it was Jin Shian who wanted to take off his pants and beat him violently.

He is the original owner of this body.

Bai Yang stared at him blankly, if Jin Shian simply came back, he would definitely rush to beat him, but what did he say? Anti Japanese. Yes, anti-Japanese. He came back just like the dead Bai Lusheng, to save the country.

Hasn't it been many years? China has long been liberated, isn't it

Shi An seemed to understand his thoughts, and raised his head to look at him: "Bai Yang, the situation over there is very bad. Many people died in the war, and Nanjing was robbed by devils. I really had no choice but to come back. Wuhan is now in a mess. , Grandpa was also killed by the Japanese."

Jin Zhongming had already been shot by the Japanese army, and Shi'an's eyes turned red when he thought of the tragic death of his grandfather.

Bai Yang believed that he was telling the truth, but his tears still fell uncontrollably, and he asked in a trance, "Then he will come back, won't he?"

Shi'an was silent for a long time, looking back at him: "I don't know. I can't guarantee it. But I want to fight devils, and I have to come back to find information. I hope you forgive me."


Bai Yang looked at him tearfully—forgive him? What qualifications does he have to forgive him? Jin Shian was right, he traveled back in time to this era in order to find information about the Anti-Japanese War—compared to his righteousness, his own love is really insignificant. He has no right to stop him.

"Help me, all of you, is there a library near here?" Shi'an said, looking at Bai Yang again, "Help me too, the mobile phone can also be Gооgle, I will leave immediately after I get the information, maybe the young master will still return."

These words immediately gave Bai Yang hope, Bai Yang didn't say anything, wiped away his tears and took out his phone: "What information do you want?"

"From 1938 to 1939, I wanted everything related to the Japanese invasion of China, focusing on how they attacked Wuhan." He looked at Zheng Meili and Li Nian: "The devils destroyed Nanjing. It's over."

Zheng Meili said blankly, "A Shi, are you crazy?"

"He's not crazy," Bai Yang said, "What he said is true."

Li Nian scratched his head aside: "I know about time travel, Mr. Zheng, let's go to the outhouse and let them stay inside. I'll explain it to you."

Zheng Meili was in a daze for a while, before she said: "The information you want should be about the Battle of Wuhan, Li Nian is here to help, and I will go to the downtown library when the sun rises."

Li Nian pulled her out: "It's hard to work when we're all crowded together, time is tight, call us if you need something."

They no longer had the mood to ask Jin Shian what he had experienced, his urgent expression said everything, and Jin Shian's sudden change made them believe that everything he said was true.

They have all experienced too many incredible things, and now they are numb to everything.

Zheng Meili walked to the living room and sat down. She took out her mobile phone and thought sadly that she and Li Nian were indeed ruthless. They had known Jin Shian for so many years, and now they were pressing him why he came back. Even during the three years he traveled through, they never thought about whether he had been robbed.

What kind of friend is he like this.

But she has no choice, she is just a follower. While Zheng Meimei blamed herself, she cruelly hoped that the soul from afar that she would willingly follow would come back again, and lead her and Li Nian to fight again and revitalize Anlong.

As for A Shi, whom she had known for many years, since she was twenty-three years old, Zheng Meili couldn't imagine that he would go to join the army to fight against Japan. He used to be so fun-loving, spending time and drinking, being anything but a woman, opening his mouth and shutting it up to have sex, and when he got into trouble, he would shout and dance, "Sister Rong, save me"—what did he experience in a world she didn't know? He has grown up, and she can understand at a glance that there are more ups and downs in his eyes, and more determination.

A Shi may have her own pursuit, a pursuit that she has never been able to achieve, a pursuit that she may have scorned in the past. Because these things have passed so long ago, they were born in the spring breeze and grew up under the red flag, and they have long forgotten what China has experienced.

— It's all in the past, but A Shi seems determined to go back. They always think that history has turned over, but history will never turn over because of the past.

What can she do for him? She could only sit here, desperately flipping through the webpages, looking for her very strange past of the war.

He is also her friend, she can't keep him if he wants to leave, but she can't let him come and go empty-handed.

"Mr. Zheng, the thing is like this—" Li Nian said.

"Needless to say," Zheng Meili stopped him, "Hurry up and do things, A Shi didn't mean that there is only one day, we have to hurry up."

As she spoke, she didn't know that tears were streaming down her face.

Everything today, if you tell people about it in the future, you may be laughed out of your teeth. It's ridiculous, their friends crossed over, went to fight against Japan, and then wore it back, still for the purpose of fighting against Japan. And they have only seen the word "anti-Japanese" in books and on TV.

Whether it be for Jin Shi’an’s return, for Bai Yang’s heartfelt love, or just for A Shi’s kneeling down, begging them to save that devastated China—for something that they themselves have never thought of, for this The country's past of blood and fire is for the hardships and hardships this nation has experienced. In the prosperous era after the wind and rain, they checked the historical materials of wars decades ago in the suburbs of Paris thousands of miles away from China, and they only thought about time, time, and gaining time.

Here, Shi'an and Bai Yang were fiddling with the computer in silence, Shi'an fiddled with it a few times, and became anxious, "Fuck... I haven't typed for a few years, and I can't use the keyboard anymore. Come on, you use the computer, and I use the mobile phone."

Bai Yang immediately gave him the phone and sat down in front of the computer.

The night is deep, only the slight sound of the keyboard and the sound of paper and pen moving, counting the time in silence.

"You like that young master?"

Shi'an lowered his head, looked at the phone, and suddenly made a sound.

"I love him." Bai Yang kept copying to the computer without raising his head.

Jin Shi'an laughed: "You're so funny. In the past, if I wanted to fuck you, you would die or die, but if you changed the memory, you would immediately agree."

Bai Yang didn't look at him, but focused on the computer: "I'll die if he's not here, and help you save the future before I die." After speaking, he suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but stop typing on the keyboard.

"Jin Shi'an, have you traveled to the past, have you ever met a... person named Bai Lusheng?"

Jin Shi'an raised his head when he was asked, the two looked at each other, Shi'an licked his lips and smiled, "I love him."

Bai Yang didn't expect him to answer like this, so he froze for a moment.

Shi'an lowered his head to poke the phone again, "Although I don't know how many times you have had sex with this young master, if I guess correctly, Lu Sheng and I are just like you and him. I can't live without him."

Bai Yang stared at him for a long time, then smiled wistfully, and then shed tears again. He quickly wiped away the tears, and went to look at the computer again.

"How are you doing over there?"

"It's good," Shi'an said, "but Nanjing is not good. They were beaten badly, and many family members died."

When he said "family members", Bai Yang was still taken aback, and Shi'an was also taken aback, only to realize that it was not his family, and he had already regarded Jin Zhongming as his own grandfather, and he had already regarded Aunt Zhou Shuliu as his family. people.

"... My parents, are you okay?"

Bai Yang didn't dare to look into his eyes, he was confused for a moment, his voice choked up: "Very well, Uncle and Aunt love you very much, and even made a special trip to see you."

Shi'an smirked: "They are only my son, they don't love me, but you have a big thick leg next to you."

Bai Yang lowered his eyes and forced a smile.

Shi An looked at him with mixed feelings in his heart, his parents would never treat him as well as Bai Yang said, Bai Yang might be lying to him.

He knew that Bai Yang was afraid that he would be sad, so that was fine. He already had Grandpa, Uncle Zhou, Aunt Liu, and Lu Sheng. Bai Yang is willing to tell him a white lie, so why isn't he lying to Bai Yang

He didn't dare to tell Bai Yang that he had actually seen the young master.

The meeting between souls and souls does not actually see the face clearly, but just understands the demeanor of the person meeting the face for no reason. Standing in front of him in the darkness, he thought to himself, so this is the young master Jin that Lu Sheng was thinking about, and he was indeed more gracious than himself, so he was a little unwilling.

He asked him if he could give him his body back, just one day. The Japanese devils came in, and he was going to find information, save Wuhan, save Nanjing, save Shanghai, save the entire future China, and save Lusheng.

Young Master Jin looked at him in the dark, did not speak for a long time, just looked at him.

"... Is Lu Sheng okay?"

"It's very good, don't think about it, she is my wife." Shi'an retorted decisively.

Young Master Jin seemed to be smiling.

"I give you my body back, can I still come back?" he asked him.

Shi'an hesitated for a moment, and said frankly: "Maybe not, I came with the amulet, if you return it to me, you should die."

— Yes, if he took his body, he would take his life too. Returning the soul from a dead body was originally a matter of unconsciousness on both sides. If one side insisted against the trend, one of them would lose his life.

Young Master Jin was silent.

But he refused to give up hope, and still asked him: "Can you give it back to me? I'm sorry for you. I will pay for your life after I finish the war." He groped in the dark, and knelt down straight: "Young Master Jin, you You are also Chinese, Lu Sheng said you are also very patriotic, I beg you."

Young Master Jin was silent for a long time, and stretched out his hand to help him up. Shi'an couldn't see his hand clearly, but felt that it was warm and strong.

It turns out that the hands of ghosts will be so warm.

"National affairs are more important than personal feelings," Young Master Jin said in a calm and gentle voice, "Don't tell Yang Yang, I'm afraid he will be sad."

Shi'an suddenly couldn't help being sad, tears were rushing in his chest, and he felt that he was so stupid to cry in front of his rival.

"You don't have to pay back your life. Live well and treat Lu Sheng well."

Shi'an desperately wiped away his tears, and promised him in a hoarse voice, "I know, you don't need to tell me."

The two were relatively silent, and the boundless darkness enveloped them, like the darkness that once enveloped this suffering country, and no matter how hard it is, there are always people who support each other, go through fire and water, sacrifice their lives for righteousness, and hope to pursue the light.

"The fate of the country is so difficult, we should do our best to save it." Young Master Jin's voice floated far away in the wind, "Today's prosperity can be expected, yesterday's vengeance is still alive, I am alone, I can only ask you to take care of me, and restore my China .”

Shi'an raised his head, the wind blew past, the night was like ink, but his eyes were dimly lit, like a fire burning, it was a ray of hope in front of his eyes.

He looked at Bai Yang, they all told white lies to each other, not for any reason, just for a glimmer of hope. Like China, which has suffered thousands of deaths, it walks in the night and lives in blood. This hope is in Shanghai, in Nanjing, in Chongqing, in Yan'an, in Wuhan, in Beiping—in the corners of people's hearts that will never go out, burning and gushing, watching it shatter in the wind and clouds time and time again, dyeing it again and again Blood picks it up.

Shi'an looked at Bai Yang who was concentrating on it, and hesitated to speak. Bai Yang probably liked that Young Master Jin very much, and they would never see each other again. Unlike him, he could still go back to see Lu Sheng.

But one cannot live without hope.

He was struggling here, but Bai Yang suddenly stopped and looked at him hesitantly.

"...Jin Shi'an, the Wuhan battle was lost."

Bai Yang was very sad, he didn't expect to lose this battle. The encyclopedia described this battle as tragic and tragic, but lost, lost, or lost.

Looking at the past from now on, it would be so hopeless.

But Shi'an smiled brightly: "I will definitely lose. The Kuomintang is too fucking corrupt. Good people are suppressed and not promoted. They are all fucking officials, and Lao Jiang can't do anything about them." Then he bowed his head again, " Otherwise, I wouldn't rush back."

Bai Yang looked at him unexpectedly: "Then what should we do?"

"What should I do? I just want to know how the devils are coming. I can delay it for one more day. If I delay them, I can prepare support from the rear. Lao Jiang is not someone who gives up so easily."

It was only then that Bai Yang came to his senses: "Why did you go to the Kuomintang army?"

"The Communist Party is too far away, okay? I'm in a hurry to join the army. If someone recruits, I'll report it directly. Whatever else, if I survive, I'll surrender when I meet the Communist Party." Shi'an stretched out his head, "Yan'an really you Mom Yuan, you can also help me find out how the Communist Party joined the gang, and if you want to bring more cheats, bring more."

Bai Yang only knew that he came back to find information, but he didn't think that he would die long ago to serve the country, and he said it so lightly, Bai Yang's eyes were red for a while, he thought about it, and tried his best to calmly say: "Jin Shi'an, there is something I want to tell you something. Bai Lusheng...may be sacrificed."

Shi An looked up at him.

"I saw his martyr's monument, which is in Pukou."

Shi'an stayed for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder: "I'm afraid of being a bird, that's a thing of the past, now Lusheng has me, I promise I won't die—Brother is a man with cheating, okay? How about the male lead of Shuangwen from Qiqidian?" ?”

Bai Yang was so teased by him that he burst into laughter, Shi An hooked his shoulder: "How about it, do you regret it? Your brother and I are still very attractive, right?"

Bai Yang pushed him away: "Don't be ashamed, Jin Shi'an and I are going to get married in the Netherlands, who the hell regrets it for you."

Shi'an salivated and smiled: "You always wanted to be a star, have you made it now?"

Bai Yang nodded, "It's done, big star, Golden Horse Golden Lion Newcomer Award, box office 1.6 billion."

Shi'an was amazed: "6666666, I really didn't see it, you can be a big star."

Both of them laughed loudly, then bowed their heads again. It turns out that there is a romantic relationship in the world. Eighty years later, they fell in love with each other vigorously, and for this romantic relationship, they either worked hard in the art world or desperately served their country.

Love does not know where it comes from, the living can die, and the dead can live, Bai Yang thought of the Peony Pavilion he had learned, there is a destiny in the world, and we will meet each other after thousands of miles, life and death cannot be separated, it is probably like this now.

The author has something to say: In 1938, from summer to autumn, the Chinese army and the Japanese invaders fought in Wuhan, and the war spread throughout Anhui, Henan, Jiangxi, and Hubei. The Chinese soldiers fought bloody battles, with more than 400,000 casualties and 257,000 enemy defeats. At the price of blood, the Japanese army's delusion of a quick victory was shattered, and China's War of Resistance Against Japan changed from a strategic defense to a strategic stalemate.