The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 82: red line


The day passed quickly, Jin Shi'an desperately recited a large sheet of paper that three people had copied for him, and Bai Yang asked him again and again.

"Have you memorized everything?"

"Remember, never forget."

"The fighting conditions are poor, so don't be reluctant to spend money, take care of yourself and take care of yourself." Zheng Meimei said aside.

"Yes, I have become an officer, and some of them are filial."

Li Nian didn't speak, just smoked.

He looked at Jin Shi'an's expression coldly, and always felt that he seemed to be hiding something. He had a vague feeling in his heart that Jin Shi'an might not come back again. He couldn't bring it up directly, so he simply went to the balcony and smoked one cigarette after another.

"Change and wash underwear frequently. I read in the data that many soldiers have skin diseases." Zheng Meimei still refused to stop.

"Understood, Sister Rong, you are almost becoming my mother." Shi'an grinned.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at each other. Shi'an scratched his hair and lay back on the bed.

The clock is already pointing to twelve o'clock.

Zheng Meili felt very sad, and walked out of the bedroom quickly, only to hear her asking Li Nian for a cigarette.

Here Bai Yang sat down on the bed, Shi An glanced at him, feeling uncomfortable: "Don't cling to me, it's so gross."

Bai Yang insisted: "I want him to see me when he wakes up."

Jin Shian felt guilty, closed his eyes and stopped talking, waiting for time to bring him back to the past. But Bai Yang asked him softly: "Jin Shi'an, will we meet again?"

Shi'an didn't understand what he meant, but said ambiguously: "Yes, he will come back after I leave."

Bai Yang said seriously: "I said you and I, will we meet again?"

The night is dark and full of stars, like a thousand hectares of pearls filling the night sky, and shaking infinite star shadows into the room.

Shi'an opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth: "If there is a destiny, see you in eighty years."

Before he finished speaking, his pupils were dilated and gradually dilated. Bai Yang watched him gradually close his eyes in tears. He leans over to listen to Se-an’s heartbeat, which has stopped.

The bell rang heavily, once, again, again, twelve times, Li Nian sounded like a death knell, but Bai Yang felt that the bell contained infinite hope.

Yes, he loves Kim Se-an, but he also loves his own country, which is their mutual lover. No matter in the past or in the future, they hope that she will be free, prosperous and prosperous forever.

Victory, Bai Yang thought, beat the devils away, he and Jin Shi'an will wait at this end of time, this period of history will never be forgotten.

He sat on the head of the bed for three days. At the beginning, everyone was holding on to hope, waiting for Shi An to wake up. One day or two passed, Zheng Meimei and Li Nian both felt bad, and came to persuade Bai Yang, but Bai Yang refused to move, "He will wake up," Bai Yang said unwaveringly. "Most definitely."

Seeing that Shi'an was still awake, Bai Yang refused to eat, Zheng Meimei persuaded again and again, "Even if you want to wait, you can't wait like this, you still have to drink water if you can't eat."

Li Nian looked at Jin Shi'an, he was completely cold, his joints were stiff, and there were strange purple lines on his wrists.

Maybe it's the corpse spots, Li Nian thought angrily, he is dead after all, just like that. Why are they all confused, just waiting for the prime time for emergency treatment to pass, when they should have been sent straight to the hospital.

It's too late to say anything now. How to bring the body back? How to explain to the police

Zheng Meili still has a child, and Bai Yang has to film, so he can only bear the blame himself.

Li Nian walked into the bedroom and pulled Bai Yang up: "Don't wait, he is really dead, if you wake up, you won't wait until now. Cover him up."

Bai Yang pushed him away forcefully: "No one is allowed to touch him!"

Zheng Meimei was also at the door, her face was ashen, "Bai Yang, my condolences are changing, no one wants this kind of thing to happen, you get up first."

Bai Yang pushed them thoughtlessly: "I told you not to touch anyone! Get out!"

Li Nian looked at him helplessly, "I'm going to call the police here, and this matter must be explained to the police. You come out first, and I will take responsibility when the time comes."

Bai Yang tried his best to hold back his tears, and said quietly, "Call the police and say that I killed him. If he doesn't wake up, I'll die."

Li Nian couldn't help but hate, "Jin Shi'an came to this world to see you give up on yourself and commit suicide? Can you let him close his eyes at ease in the ground? Little ancestor, fight for a little bit, okay? You should get a movie king anyway, Your golden father will be able to rest in peace if he has knowledge."

Bai Yang was heartbroken when he heard that, he desperately wiped away his tears, pushed Li Nian out of the room, locked the lock, and ignored Li Nian banging on the door outside.

Was Jin Shi'an really dead? He fell down on the bed.

He obviously wanted to wait for him to come, didn't it be written in the letter that he wanted him to kiss him? Why did he die like this? Didn't he give him plum blossoms, saying that he couldn't live a day without him

He lied to him again, how many times did he have to forgive him? It doesn't matter how many times you forgive, you can forgive, forgive immediately, Jin Shi'an will forgive whatever he does.

Bai Yang hit Shi'an on the heart: "I'm right here, wake up! You bastard, wake up!"

Li Nian wasn't in front of him, Zheng Meimei wasn't there either, he didn't want to hide his tears, so he just fell on Shi'an and cried bitterly. Crying, he grabbed Shi'an's hand again, he really hoped that this hand could be raised again, touched his head, lifted his chin, and said as always, why are you crying, be obedient, stop crying, you make me cry My heart is also broken.

And Shi'an lay there with his eyes closed, as if in a deep sleep forever.

Bai Yang swallowed his tears, and in his blurred vision, he wanted to connect their lifeline again, but why the palm prints were so blurred, as if they disappeared all at once, Bai Yang clasped his hand, crying loudly, refusing to let go . It seemed that if he cried louder, Jin Shi'an would not be able to stand his acting like a baby, so he turned around and came to him.

isn't it? Isn't that so? Every time he was bullied or caused trouble outside, he only needed to cry and make trouble, and Jin Shi'an's heart would soften. Jin Shi'an would write to him to apologize, hug him and kiss him, and go to see Yuejiang Tower and eat crayfish with him. He was so hot that he couldn't speak, and looked at him badly, forcing him to drink water calmly.

Isn't it always like this

No one will ever love him like this again.

He really lost him.

Bai Yang was buried in Shi'an's chest, weeping endlessly, he thought of the many nights he spent with him, how hot the chest was, he was moving in his body, his heart was beating in the chest, the two of them seemed to be only one A heart pounding loudly. And this chest was no longer warm, and finally stopped beating.

Li Nian shouted hoarsely outside: "Bai Yang, don't cry, come out."

But Bai Yang couldn't hear it.

I can't let go of his hand, Bai Yang thought, even if he dies, I just hold hands with him to die like this, maybe I can travel through time after death.

Thinking of this, he regained his energy. His IQ was never high anyway, so he just threw it all away now. He died, how would others laugh at him? Maybe the streets and alleys are full of news about his death.

That's fine, Bai Yang thought, it might be cruel to those fans, but until he died, he finally told others that he only had one lover in his heart, not Zhong Yue, nor Jiang Ruiyun, but a gentleman from 1930.

Li Nian knocked on the door outside and his hands were green, Zheng Meili stopped him: "Forget it, prepare to call the police. Call the ambulance and give Bai Yang a tranquilizer."

Li Nian sat down angrily, "Let me make preparations, this matter has too much negative impact on him."

"What negative effects are you thinking about at this time?" Zheng Meili was bothered and sad, "He looks like he's about to collapse."

I won't be able to act in a few years.

An Long's sky has collapsed.

The two sat opposite each other in panic, still retaining a trace of unrealistic fantasy in their hearts, although they knew it was really impossible.

"I will pay Baiyang's alimony first when I go back. The company can't go bankrupt," Zheng Meili fumbled for a cigarette, "Put your mind on Zhong Yue, lock the news about Baiyang, and then sign a new one, it's up to you ability."

Li Nian was stunned for a moment, grabbed the cigarette and said, "Stop smoking, he gave it to me."

The two of them have never felt so helpless, they are both heroes who are used to wind and rain in the circle, but at this time they are crying relative to each other.

The road still has to go on, Jin Shi'an left this property, they have to continue.

Bai Yang didn't know anything about the outside world, he leaned on Shi'an, feeling exhausted himself, he just looked at the interlocking hands of the two people.

Why do palm prints disappear when a person dies? The more Bai Yang thought about it, the more he felt unwilling. He stood up and picked up the pen, and drew a long line from Shi'an's hand, all the way to his own palm.

After finishing the painting, he also felt that he was an idiot, so he sat down and laughed, and when he had had enough of laughing, his sadness welled up, and he lay down on Shi'an and cried again. Crying and laughing, others must think he is crazy when they see him.

It was dark again.

He said a lot about him and didn't know what he was talking about, but they had a lot to say anyway. He said that he was planning to go to the Netherlands to register for marriage with him, and he wanted to say something at the celebration banquet, but he was so angry that he didn't mention it again. He said that he also hoped to make a second part of "A Dream of the Huaihe River", so let's write it. He has already thought about what happened to Bai Lu. He said that he had secretly learned to write, even though he couldn't write well, but he could write better than Jiang Ruiyun anyway. Jiang Ruiyun confessed to him, but he didn't agree. The moment Jiang Ruiyun confessed, he realized that he would never fall in love with others again.

"Aren't you jealous?" Bai Yang closed his eyes and scolded him in a low voice, "Other people are chasing me, aren't you in a hurry?"

It seemed that someone patted his head lightly, "Why are you not in a hurry."

Bai Yang still didn't realize it, and cursed continuously with tears streaming down his face, "Pull up the ruthlessness, I ran away when I got on it, where did you go?"

The man wondered again: "No really, I'm here."

Bai Yang jumped up all of a sudden.

Panting for breath, Shi'an struggled to get up from the head of the bed, staring at him motionless.

Shi'an looked at Bai Yang, and Bai Yang also looked at Shi'an. After looking at each other for a long time, Bai Yang asked him in a daze, who are you

Shi'an burst into tears, and embraced Bai Yang in his arms.

Bai Yang struggled lightly, then returned his arms and hugged Shi'an tightly.

"Jin Shi'an, you bastard!"

"Bastard, I'm a bastard."

Bai Yang patted him hard: "Where have you been? You bitch!"

Shi'an hugged him tightly, unable to speak for a long time, just called him softly, "Yang Yang, my Yang Yang."

Hearing him calling him, Bai Yang couldn't bear it anymore, and threw herself into his arms and cried loudly.

Shi'an kissed his hair: "Don't cry, be obedient, I am here and I will never leave again."

Bai Yang looked up with tears in his eyes, "I really thought you were dead."

Shi'an kissed his tearful eyes, and put his hand on his heart, "Didn't I say that you are my life."

—It's true, he's his life.

How did he get out of that darkness? He returned his body to the young man, only to feel that the strong wind was blowing him, floating around, and countless pasts were turning around him like a revolving door, and at the end, there were all faces he seemed to be familiar with.

Shi'an wanted to reach out to grab it, but the surroundings fell into darkness again.

He was in the cold darkness, like wading through water, and like passing through a raging fire. There is only a flickering line hovering in front of his eyes, holding his hand and moving forward step by step.

"Jin Shi'an, your lifeline and mine can be connected together."

As he walked in a trance, he just kept thinking of this sentence, who said it? Can't remember, who is he going to see? have no idea.

He seemed to have been walking in the dark for many years, chasing the thread, but he couldn't let it out of his hand no matter what.

He chased him, and he became confused, and heard someone crying and shouting in his ear.

... This is my Yang Yang, he thought, I want to see him, he is my life.

The author has something to say: Face T awakens to get a new skill: revive teammates.