The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 84: diamond


Li Nian was sent to Huashan Hospital as soon as he landed, and it was too late to be transferred to Nanjing. He was unconscious on the way to the hospital, and kept asking, "Where's Xiao Zhong?"

Bai Yang had never heard him call Zhong Yue so intimately, and he was scared and anxious, crying and saying, "Little Zhong will be here soon."

Li Nian passed out on the road and never woke up again. A blood-stained box fell out of his hand. Shi'an recognized that it was the diamond he wanted to give to Zhong Yue.

—Whether Bai Yang, Shi An, or Zheng Meimei, they always felt that if Li Nian smoked three packs of cigarettes a day, if he was going to die someday, he should die of lung cancer.

When the doctor said "liver cancer", all three of them were stunned. Everyone really felt that the diagnosis was wrong, and the doctor became displeased: "How can it be wrong? You can see the tumor by yourself. The pain in the advanced stage of liver cancer is severe. He may want to smoke to relieve pain."

As he spoke, the doctor looked at them again: "Aren't there any relatives?"

"We're all his friends."

"No family?"

Everyone was speechless, Shi'an said: "We are his family, and we will bear all the expenses."

Bai Yang went to pick up Zhong Yue, Zheng Meili lowered her head sadly in the corridor, Shi An walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder lightly.

"It's all my fault, I should have told you a long time ago." Zheng Meimei said, tears came down again. What kind of offense did An Long make, one got up and the other fell down.

"You already knew?"

"... not too early, just last month."

Last month, Zheng Meimei took Xinxin to a public hospital for a physical examination. Xinxin is ten years old and very independent. She went to school and extracurricular classes by herself, and she didn't know what gossip was said by her classmates during that time. When Xinxin returned home, her face was blue and purple. Zheng Meili didn't have time to ask her indiscriminately, so she scolded her first, and Xinxin finally cried out of grievance, and said while crying, Mom, you don't accompany me for anything, and you don't come to the parent meeting. wild child.

Zheng Meimei felt sad: "Mom is wrong, mom will take you out to play tomorrow."

Xinxin looked at her, wiped her eyes and smiled again: "I'm not convinced, I beat her up."

Zheng Meimei felt even more uncomfortable. The next day, she asked the school and the company for half a day off. First, she took Xinxin to see the injury on her face, and then planned to take her to play for half a day. Who would have thought that the hospital ran into Li Nian. Li Nian didn't see her, and walked past with her head down.

Zheng Meimei saw that he went to the oncology department.

She felt that something was wrong, so she called Dean Sun to ask, but while Dean Sun was hesitating, Li Nian rushed over from behind: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here for the client."

Zheng Meimei sneered: "Li Nian, everyone is on the stage, don't fucking talk nonsense. If you are sick, you will be sick. Can I still kick you out of Anlong?"

Seeing the two of them getting angry, Dean Sun ran away with oil on his feet. Li Nian took Xinxin by the hand, "Speak politely in front of your daughter." He changed his flattering face again: "I'm really not seriously ill, I just have a small tumor. Sister Zheng, Sister Zheng Meimei, President Zheng, do something good , don't say it out."

Zheng Meili pulled Xin Xin back, and squinted at him for a while, she knew that Li Nian had always been in Qian's eyes, and now it was An Long's starting time, probably because she was afraid that she would steal his power. Zheng Meili felt even more disdainful, "It's my mother's business whether you say it or not, you take care of yourself first, don't fall down and no one will save you."

After finishing speaking, she didn't bother to talk too much with him, she only had half a day off, so she led Xinxin to the park.

Li Nian refused to let her go, just stared at her and never let go. Zheng Meili once discussed the case with him and didn't agree to go together, so he threatened him by saying, "If you say I'm right, I'm right. You fucking talk to me again." Let me tell you about your illness."

This really poked a hornet's nest, Li Nian raised his face and smiled at her: "President Zheng, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, if you dare to say it, I will make you unable to come down."

Zheng Meili just annoyed people to do this to her. Zheng Meili blew on her nails: "Go, let's take a look at this crazy place in Nanjing. You have the final say and I have the final say."

Li Nian really has the guts to keep her from coming to the stage every minute. The next day Li Nian gave her a bouquet of 3,000 roses, and the whole company burst into laughter and said that Mr. Li was going after Mr. Zheng.

Li Nian called her with a smile: "Do you like Hua? Sister Zheng, I can let the whole city of Nanjing know that I am chasing you."

Zheng Meili was so disgusted by him that she didn't even eat her lunch.

Can't lose, she, Zheng Meimei, hasn't seen any battle before, and she will be discouraged by sending flowers? Zheng Meili didn't mention the matter of being sick anymore, she just stayed put and didn't let go of her talk with Li Nian.

Finally, one day when she came home, Xinxin timidly came over and asked her, Mom, are you going to find me a new father

Zheng Meili was dumbfounded.

Xinxin looked at her crying, "Is that Uncle Li?"

Zheng Meili has the heart to kill Li Nian. When she went to work the next day, she rushed into Li Nian's office. Li Nian crossed his legs and looked at her: "New dad."

Zheng Meimei glared at him: "Forget you, I promise you that if you don't say anything, if you dare to whisper anything into Xinxin's ears, I will never die with you."

She was thinking at the time, Li Nianzhen was fucking useless, they were all on the same boat, Jin Shi'an treated them well, he had seen all the big winds and waves, what kind of fights were going on.

How could she have thought that Li Nian had liver cancer—he couldn't let go of An Long's affairs, no wonder he was eager for her to promote a newcomer, and he took pony hand in hand.

Zheng Meili thought about it, and burst into tears again, saying over and over again, "It's all my fault."

Shi soothed her shoulder: "Now is not the time to say this, think of a way first, and save him no matter what."

Huashan did not dare to treat them slowly, and immediately called an expert consultation. Director Lou came out here, Shi'an and Zheng Meimei went up to meet him and asked, "How is it?"

"It's too late," Director Lou shook his head: "At this point, we really can't do anything. They are all earning a lot of money, and they are not short of the cost of medical treatment. Why are they sent to the hospital until now?"

Shi'an asked him, "Is there no way?"

Director Lou sighed, "It's nothing else, liver cancer can't be delayed. Did he find out a long time ago? I called Nanjing just now and said that he has been taking medicine. If he knows taking medicine, he should at least ask for leave to recuperate and not survive. Forget it, how can you send yourself to the road of death."

The parents of the doctor would not say that until they were in a hurry, but how could the doctor understand the hardships they have endured in the past few months.

Zheng Meimei refused to give up, "Money is not a problem, as long as you can save people. You can hire any experts. Director Lou, think of a way."

Director Lou looked at them for a long time, then sighed again: "Liver cancer is the king of cancers, and he will die in three months. He can procrastinate until now because of the good medicine. I'm not talking big, Huashan Hospital is also the top in the country. It’s not a question of whether there are experts.”

A doctor came out to call him. Director Lou looked at Shi'an, then at Zheng Meimei, and said regretfully, "There are no family members. Please help prepare for the funeral. It's not that we don't want to save people."

Seeing him stepping in quickly, Shi'an felt sour in his eyes. Zheng Meili turned around a few times and ran to the corridor. Shi'an heard her grabbing the phone and scolding loudly: "Sun Peiren, you bastard who killed a thousand dollars! If you have something to say, you wait to go into the coffin? My mother asked you, what the hell will you do?" I'm hiding it, I'll tear down your people's hospital tomorrow!"

Sun Peiren said tremblingly on the phone: "I, I, I contacted President Li at the University of California Hospital, and he said that he would go immediately if he asked for leave this month..."

Shi'an went over to persuade her: "Forget it, forget it, I think the consultation is still going on inside, maybe there is still hope."

It doesn't make any sense at all. What hope? Zheng Meili hated to owe others anything, but she owed Li Nian her life. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and she leaned against the wall and just shed tears.

Zhong Yue came out from Hongqiao Airport, saw Bai Yang, and hugged him as usual. Bai Yang didn't dare to say more, and pulled him into the car.

Zhong Yue is now a hot celebrity in Beijing, and the fashion circle loves young and beautiful artists like him the most. He is so busy in Beijing that he hardly has time to rest. Next month, he'll be at Anatole's recital in Austria, and the last few weeks have been busy with events, with magazines queuing up for him to be on the cover.

Bai Yang didn't dare to tell the truth on the phone, so he only informed Zhong Yue that there was something urgent and asked him to come to Shanghai immediately.

Bai Yang hoped that when he and Zhong Yue returned to the hospital, they would get a helpful answer.

The atmosphere was dull along the way, Zhong Yue asked him, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Mao also secretly asked Xiao Ma: "What's wrong?"

Bai Yang reluctantly said: "It's nothing..."

Zhong Yue asked again: "What's the matter?"

Bai Yang watched him for a long time, not daring to be in a hurry, let alone cry. He lowered his head and said, "Boss Li vomited blood on the plane back and was sent to the hospital, saying it was liver cancer..."

Zhong Yue didn't respond. After a long time, he let out a soft "Oh" from his throat.

Bai Yang grabbed his hand: "Xiao Zhong, Huashan Hospital is very powerful, it will definitely be cured, don't worry."

Zhong Yue was still as cold as ice, his whole body was frozen in the snow, and he still only said softly, "Oh."

It was late at night when they arrived at the hospital.

Shi'an and Zheng Meimei sat in the reception room and waited. Seeing Zhong Yue come in, they both stood up.

Zhong Yue didn't say a word, just stared at Jin Shi'an.

Shi'an said slowly: "We are still in consultation, and there may be some difficulties for the time being. We are trying to figure out a way."

Zhong Yue turned his dark eyes to look at Zheng Meimei, Zheng Meili hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face, it was already too late.

"Where is he?" Zhong Yue asked.

"In the ward."

"I want to see him."

They were all afraid that Zhong Yue would do something stupid, so they searched him first, but Zhong Yue didn't move, and they let them dig around. The nurse doctor changed Zhong Yue's clothes and accompanied him into the intensive care unit.

Shi'an handed Zhong Yue a small box at the door: "Boss Li wanted to give it to you, you can take it." Then he said, "He originally planned to ask for leave to recuperate, but our negligence delayed him."

Zhong Yue didn't look carefully, grabbed the box coldly, and lowered his head into the ward.

He sat down beside Li Nian's bed, without saying a word, for the whole night, neither crying nor fussing, sitting there like a beautiful doll, with no blood on his face or expression.

The three people outside did not dare to leave, and they took turns standing at the door of the ward. They were all thinking, Li Nian is such a rambunctious person, his mouth is really poisonous, his behavior is obscene, and a person who is so cheap—it is said that the scourge will last for thousands of years, how could he die. For the sake of his lack of virtue, why not let him live a few more years

Even for the sake of Zhong Yue's infatuation! Li Nian owed Zhong Yue a lifetime of affection, how could he dare to die, I really hated him to the point of tears.