The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 85: Glowing


The sky was bright, and the three of them felt extremely tired, and they were worried about letting the assistant guard them. They still stood at the door of the intensive care room in turn with red eyes.

Zhong Yue still didn't move or speak, no different from Li Nian who was unconscious on the hospital bed.

Everyone was thinking that this might be the last time to see Li Nian, and thinking about it made them even more sad. They made a lot of money, but what is the use of money

Shi'an was afraid that Zheng Meimei would blame himself too much, so he just said, "You go back to Nanjing first, the company can't be left alone. You take Xiao Ma back, and I'll stay here with you."

Zheng Meili was exhausted physically and mentally, she nodded silently.

They handed over here, and discussed in a low voice what to do about Li Nian's funeral, whether to inform his parents. Zheng Meili knew that Li Nian's parents were in Shanghai, and that he had a bad relationship with his family, so he hesitated for a while. It's fine if Li Nian's parents are reasonable, but if they don't understand human affairs, it will be even worse if they quarrel.

But it cannot be said that even the parents will not know when a person dies.

Speaking here, Director Lou rubbed his eyes and came over: "I thought you were in the reception room, and you didn't rest all night?"

Shi'an sighed and said: "When something like this happens, how can I still sleep, it's just a moment to be with me for a while."

Director Lou was also very sad: "In fact, his differentiation is not bad. The cancer cells are all on one side, and the spread is not serious. The hematemesis is because the heparin is too low-if it is delivered earlier, liver transplantation can be considered. But it is too late now, there is no need to Can't wait. We contacted all the transplant banks we could contact last night, and the matching was not matched. If he has relatives, he can still consider donating. The key is that none of the family members are here now..." Director Lou frowned: "Really one No relatives? Maternal and paternal are fine, at least let’s see if we can match up.”

Before he could finish his sentence, the eyes of the three of them lit up, and Zhong Yue rushed out of the ward like a wind: "Can't I? Give him my liver!"

Both Shi'an and Bai Yang felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell what was wrong. They only felt that something had changed in Zhong Yue, and they didn't have time to think about it for a while, so they both said, "We can all do it, can you consider us?"

Director Lou was confused by Zhong Yue. He didn't expect these rich people to donate their livers on the spot, and he was also moved. However, he still shook his head: "There are regulations, living organ transplants can only be performed by relatives and husband and wife."

Everyone was stunned, Director Lou hesitated for a moment, and said implicitly: "So I said send it to the hospital early, send it early, you can transfer it to a foreign country, and go to a place with looser control. Besides, you are not short of money. , think of a can always get it." He hesitated, and immediately interrupted himself, "Anyway, we can't provide this channel, so you should think of a way yourself, as soon as possible."

Zhong Yue immediately followed up and asked, "You mean buying organs from the black market?"

Director Lou waved his hands desperately: "I didn't, I didn't say that. You must not think like this—this is really too much a responsibility and we can't do this."

Zheng Meili knew that he was afraid of taking responsibility, and indeed this kind of thing was also a crime. The key point is that the liver bought in the black market will definitely save Li Nian? She also grabbed Director Lou's hand: "If you are not a relative, you must not do it? Director Lou, don't worry, as long as we can match, we will find a way in terms of procedures to ensure that the secret is kept and we will never tell it."

Director Lou was very embarrassed, and looked at the four of them again and again: "If you really make up your mind, come and check to see if you can match, but don't say anything. I really see that you are eager to save people, and we want to save them too. Boss Li, this is all at great risk."

Director Lou is telling the truth. The risk is double. Firstly, it is stipulated by the law. Secondly, the survival probability of transplantation without genetic relationship is very slim. He also saw that Zhong Yue and his party were in great grief, and he felt extremely sympathetic.

As a doctor, rules and regulations are secondary, and helping the world and living talents is the top priority. Director Lou made up his mind that he left Huashan Hospital no matter how serious the consequences would be.

He was afraid that Zhong Yue would continue to ask, and it would be bad for the nurse to hear, so he nodded and left. Here Zhong Yue grabbed Jin Shi'an: "I'm going, I can definitely match."

Shi'an looked at the three of them, "Don't go for beauty treatment, you orphans and widows can't bear this crime, Zhong Yue and I will try it."

Bai Yang scrambled to the side and said, "I want to go too."

Shi'an didn't want him to do these things, but wanted to save Li Nian so much, after thinking about it, he still nodded: "Then Yang Yang will come with me."

Zheng Meili didn't answer, but just contemplated, and asked for a moment, "Does Li Nian have a younger brother?"

Both Bai Yang and Zhong Yue's expressions were ugly. Shi'an didn't know that Li Jin and Li Nian were brothers, but just listened to Zheng Meimei's words, and measured, "You mean Li Jin?"

Bai Yang immediately vetoed: "That scumbag, you must not tell him, it's fine if he doesn't come to gloat, if he is willing to save President Li, I'll cut off his head and give it to you."

Zhong Yue didn't speak, but looked anxiously at Shi'an: "Let's go."

Zheng Meili said: "You guys go check it out, I'll think of a way when I go back to Nanjing, and see if the people under me are willing to be type AB."

The results of the examination were mixed. Bai Yang was drawing blood before he remembered: "Oops, I'm type B."

Bai Yang is type B, Shian is type A, and only Zhong Yue is type AB.

Matching also miraculously passed.

Zhong Yue was on the rise, Shi'an asked Xiao Mao, and planned to participate in Anatol's concert tour next month. It's just that human life is at stake, Shi'an won't stop him, it's just a pity. Shi'an originally thought that it would be great if he could be worthy of Li Nian, so that the two young people would not suffer more.

Thinking about Li Nian and Zhong Yue, maybe it was really a bad relationship in the past life. But Zhong Yue is the only one who can get along.

Zhong Yue was overjoyed, and finally showed a smile on his face. The nurses and doctors beside him blushed when he smiled—Zhong Yue was chilled from the moment he entered the door, and even though he didn't say a word, everyone felt trembling. Seeing him smiling at this moment, it is really spring blossoms in full bloom.

A star is a star, the nurses all thought, they have seen countless hands and feet of stars in Huashan, but it is really rare to grow like this. Should I take the opportunity to ask for an autograph

They still stick to the original heart of professional ethics, just daydream for a moment, and bow their heads to do things separately.

Just for the smile of Wanli Chunhua, God should take pity on that severe liver cancer. People thought and prayed secretly in their hearts, it would be great if they could be saved.


Zhong Yue made adjustments and preparations for two days. During the two days, he tried to work and rest on time and control his diet.

During the day, he just sat in Li Nian's room without saying a word, like a big silent dog.

Zheng Meimei went back to Nanjing to arrange work, but still rushed back. After all, she still contacted Li Jin through Qin Nong.

Li Jin didn't answer her.

They were disappointed, but not surprised. Li Jin hated his brother to the bone, his brother was finally going to die, Li Jin was too happy, how could he come to save him

Zheng Meili tried her best to find Li Nian's family, and it was his stepmother who answered the phone.

"When he was prosperous, he thought about his family, right? When he was sick, he would call for someone." Su Tingting smiled on the skin.

Zheng Meili hung up the phone directly.

Qin Nong, on the other hand, came to the hospital as soon as she received the call. She lives in Shanghai and came very quickly. When Zheng Meili saw her for the first time, she thought it was Li Jin who was coming, Qin Nong shook her head: "He's going crazy at home."

She stared at Zheng Meili for a long time, and Zheng Meili was horrified by her look.

"Can I see him?" Qin Nong asked.

Zheng Meili was stared at by her clear water eyes, and felt an indescribable weirdness in her heart. She has seen Qin Nong many times, but she has never looked haggard like this today, without makeup, standing with her face up to the sky.

Zheng Meili didn't want her to go in at first, but seeing her pitiful look, she said softly, "It can't be too long, let the nurse help you prepare first."

Qin Nong nodded and went.

After all, Qin Nong still has a conscience. Zheng Meili looked at the back of her West Wind Shaking Willow, and thought to herself, she has pitted Li Nian so badly, and fought with him back and forth for several years, but it was all in the circle. thing. No matter how much hatred there is, it is no match for life and death. After all, it was Li Nian who single-handedly made Qin Nong the queen of the movie, and he had a kindness for her.

It's out of the question to wipe away all grievances with a smile, and it's too late for Qin Nong to regret it. It was good for her to come and see him.

Li Jin refused to come, and the hospital had no other choice. On the eve of the operation, Director Lou visited Zhong Yue's ward again. According to the practice of bone marrow transplantation, he also explained to Zhong Yue the possible harm of liver donation.

"The liver is hematopoietic. Mr. Zhong, although you are young, you must know that if you donate half of your liver, you will not be a complete person in the future. Your immunity and hematopoietic function will be affected. What's more, you are still a celebrity, and the workload itself Big." Director Lou's expression is sincere: "Huashan Hospital has received many celebrities. Yao Ming and Liu Xiang have all undergone surgery here. I really don't advise you because you are a star. Donating a liver is too debilitating. Really. No relatives? After all, blood is thicker than water and has a higher survival rate."

Li Jin won't come, Shi'an and Bai Yang thought, they were terrified when they heard it, and Zhong Yue's expression was just impatient.

"Come on," he said.

"What should I do with the formalities?" Director Lou saw that he was determined, so he had to ask the last question, which was also the most difficult one.

"I'm his lover." Zhong Yue said, "I'm his boyfriend. We've lived together for four years. Does this qualify?"

Both Bai Yang and Shi'an were surprised, they didn't want him to say it so frankly, Director Lou stayed where he was.

Director Lou thought about Mr. Li's gender carefully, then looked at Zhong Yue blankly.

Seeing his hesitation, Zhong Yue thought that the conditions were not enough, and immediately said: "We will get married abroad, and I will announce it publicly. Marriage, this is always fine."

Bai Yang suddenly came back to his senses, "Xiao don't stutter?!"

Zhong Yue was also taken aback for a moment, and smiled at Bai Yang: "Any illness will be cured."

Director Lou thinks why they can't grasp the key point? He tried his best to digest the complicated information that "the big star Zhong Yue is gay and lived with his agent for four years. The two are planning to get married. After the operation, there may be a large wave of reporters who will crowd the gate of Huashan".

Director Lou was sweating on his head.

His sweat came down, and so did his tears. Huashan Hospital is indeed the top in the country. He has seen so many ruthless people on this operating table. There is no filial son in front of the long-term hospital bed, and the husband and wife are separated and fly away separately. And this young man in full bloom in front of him, the love in his heart, told him frankly that he would publicly announce this possibly unacceptable relationship.

Zhong Yue bet his whole life on saving Li Nian. Director Lou thought, what else can I say? There is true love in the world, they are doctors, they only hope that the scythe of death will fall later.

"Even if you save him, he may relapse again, Mr. Zhong, have you really considered it properly?"

Zhong Yue didn't answer yes repeatedly, but just looked at him expectantly.

There is always death in life, but they still hope that the god of death will come back later, leaving some time for people, tender time.

"That's it." He stood up, wiped his eyes again and again, "Tomorrow, I will perform the operation myself."