The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 88: legend



Time waits for no one, and another Jin Shi'an is threatened by time, so I'm afraid he won't wait for them either.

Shi An and Bai Yang immediately flew to Los Angeles. Before leaving, they carefully asked the University of California Hospital if there was an old man named Jin Shi'an.

The hospital replied decisively: "We have no comment on the patient's privacy, please explain your identity first."

How could they have any identities, so Shi'an had no choice but to recognize a grandson, "I am his grandnephew."

Of course the hospital did not believe it and refused to give an answer.

After all, it is easy to do things with money. They found the original director Huang and promised a lot of money. Director Huang called back, "I checked the medical records of hospital admissions in recent years, and there is no such person."

Everyone was surprised, Shi An asked: "Are there any Chinese? They are very old, maybe over a hundred years old."

Director Huang was very forthright this time: "There is this one. His name is Jin Qiuyue. If you want to see him, hurry up. This person has just terminated the hospice care."

Whether it is true or not, they must go and see each other.

They met Jin Qiuyue in Beverly Hills.

Just entering the door, Shi'an was already taken aback, for nothing else, this mansion looked no different from all the mansions in Beverly Hills from the outside. But Shi'an could clearly recognize that the decoration of the entire room and hall inside was exactly the same as that of the Jin Mansion back then.

He followed the housekeeper and walked in, and the more he walked, the more he understood that the outer room was decorated according to the Jin Mansion, and the second floor was decorated according to the small house on Rongzhuang Street.

Shi'an stopped beside a charcoal sketch under the window. At that time, he also hung such a painting at home. It was made by Li Tiefu, and he also wrote a small English poem beside it: "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening".

Resting horses by the forest in the evening of snow.

This is when he invited Li Tiefu to come to his house, and when he talked about Xingnong, Li Tiefu made this sketch on the spur of the moment.

Lu Sheng liked it very much and hung it on the wall all the time.

No need to ask any more, he was already sure that the owner of this house was Jin Shi'an, but he didn't understand why he changed his name.

Jin Qiuyue was over a hundred years old, his face was full of wrinkles and dark spots, his teeth were all lost, but his eyes were still clear. When he saw Shi'an and Bai Yang, he broke into a difficult smile.

Shi'an stared intently at this old face, this was his past self, but he didn't know how much he had gone through.

Jin Qiuyue stretched out his trembling hand to them, and Bai Yang and Shi'an quickly took his hand.

Jin Qiuyue just stared at Shi'an for a long time, tears gradually poured out, and he muttered non-stop.

Shi'an listened closely, and finally heard him say:

"Lusheng is dead."

Shi'an also shed tears.

"Grandpa is dead."

"Uncle Zhou is dead."

"Aunt Liu is also dead."

"Uncle Chen, Mama Zhang, Miss Qin, and Sister Zhu are all dead..."

Shi'an hadn't heard these names mentioned for a long time, and when he mentioned them suddenly, his heart felt infinitely sour. They are ordinary people, they are ambitious but not ambitious businessmen; .

These people either died in the massacre or died on the battlefield. A handful of loess, white bones.

The two held hands, Qiu Yue's eyes were full of muddy tears.

"But I... avenged them, avenged them."

Shi'an and Bai Yang felt even more sad, and both wept silently.

Seeing the two of them crying sadly, Qiu Yue put away his tears and slowly grinned and said, "I've been waiting for you two for a long time."

Both squeezed his hand.

Bai Yang looked at him for a long time, and finally asked him: "Jin... Jin Shi'an, do you remember going back to Paris?"

He still used to call him Jin Shi'an, and hoped that Jin Qiuyue would tell him that he didn't remember—then maybe in another world, Lusheng would not die.

But Qiu Yue looked at him and smiled brightly, which was no different from the smile they had when they looked at each other in the middle of the night in Paris.

"I came back, but I didn't save...Wuhan. Lusheng... was rescued, but still, I went. It's a pity, and it's not a pity."

Jin Qiuyue's breathing gradually became rapid.

He looked at the pillow, Bai Yang understood, lifted the pillow, a square black box, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, the four corners have been polished, obviously it has been carried around for a long time, and it is often rubbed.

Asking Yue to stretch out his hand, Bai Yang put the box in his arms.


It was Lu Sheng who said to him, the ends of the earth, he let him go. Live or die, always together.

Lu Sheng wanted him to live well and show him the prosperous world he had told him about.

He also lived so earnestly.

He walked, looked forward, and shuttled in time. The Anti-Japanese War was over, and he left China because he didn't want to see the troubled times. After the reform, he couldn't help thinking about returning to his hometown after all.

Very by chance, he met Jin Hailong. At that time, Jin Hailong was still a self-employed man, setting up a street stall on Matai Street—he was his father after all, and he recognized him immediately in the crowd.

He gave Jin Hailong a sum of money and told him to go to Shanxi and Huainan to dump coal, go to Shenzhen and Pudong to speculate on land, and then trade in stocks.

Jin Hailong exploded in those one or two years, and respected him like a god. Jin Hailong never knew his name, and only called him "Master" devoutly.

Jin Hailong told him excitedly that Double Happiness is coming, that he has really made a lot of money in stocks, and that Wang Jinglin is also pregnant.

He really hoped that his father could treat his mother well, so he told Jin Hailong: "Money, you will have more money in the future, and you will have a son. Your family, don't leave Nanjing. Your son must stay there. "

Will time and space be distorted by him? Will there be another world? Jin Qiuyue didn't know.

And Jin Hailong was immersed in his prophecy of wealth and childbirth, just rubbed his hands in ecstasy and asked him: "Master, can you give my son a name?"

He pondered for a long time, "Call it Jin Shi'an."

He knew that even if he did it all over again, he would not change anything. Jin Hailong was still the same as in the past, and there was no day of enlightenment.

Time is so ruthless, some things are predestined, and he was lucky enough to meet Lu Sheng.

In 1997, he donated to build the tomb of the martyrs in Tuqiao Village in Pukou, and left China.

He took Lu Sheng with him like this, waiting, waiting, waiting for many years. Sometimes he wondered if that day and night in Paris was just a dream

Will the time-folded life at this time be just a Qinhuai dream

Lu Sheng seemed to be beside him again, smiling brightly, and said, "Sing that song of yours again."

They traveled to many places in the world until they couldn't move anymore and stayed in Los Angeles for several years. He was downstairs at the University of California Hospital and saw two familiar faces kissing passionately.

He wanted to stop them, but he finally did not move. Qiu Yue thought, the time they crossed finally overlapped at that moment.

He asked his lawyer to call Nanjing, and the lawyer told him that Dragonsea Group donated to renovate Tuqiao Tomb.

And Shi An and Bai Yang finally came to see him.

There are many regrets in this life, but in the end it is considered complete.

Jin Qiuyue looked at Baiyang, then at Shi'an, his face gradually turned red, and his eyes showed a strange light.

Everyone understood that the old gentleman was really going.

"Take us back to Nanjing," Qiuyue said, "and sprinkle it in the Yangtze River."

After that, Bai Yang and Shi'an could no longer hear or understand what he was saying. That wasn't what they were talking about, Jin Qiuyue looked into the void, Bai Yang heard him humming intermittently.

The melody was very familiar.

Like Zhang Zhenyue's "Love Me Don't Go".

Bai Yang didn't know why he was humming this song at this time, he felt confused and sad at the same time, but couldn't stop crying.

And Jin Qiuyue was humming, and his breathing gradually became intermittent along with the humming.

Life and death are unavoidable things in life. For them, reunion is joyful, and parting is not necessarily sad. Or, what Qiuyue has been waiting for all his life is the moment of returning home.

Qiu Yue went and left a will. Half of the sold Beverly mansion was left to Shi'an and Bai Yang, and the other half was entrusted to them to establish a fund aimed at pensions for all living and deceased veterans of the Anti-Japanese War.

They followed Qiu Yue's will and brought the ashes back to Nanjing. People who knew and didn't know attended the Jiang funeral, not only the crew of Qin Huai Meng, but also the city government sent special personnel to attend the ceremony to express their condolences.

Seeing the ashes of the human world, Shi'an followed the wind of the river into the water, and said softly: "The white dew is born on the jade steps, and Linglong looks at the autumn moon. His name was chosen for Lu Sheng."

What love is tied to is life and death.

When Bai Yang got home, he took off the little bird on the wall.

Shi'an was a little funny: "What's wrong with calligraphy and painting, if you hang it, you will hang it."

"No." Bai Yang said, "I like Nan Xiaoniao very much, but Jin Qiuyue is also my friend."

He rolled up Nan Xiaoniao, put it in the cabinet, and looked at Shi'an again: "Jin Shi'an, write a letter and hang it here."

Shi'an teased him, "What are you writing, Double Happiness?"

"Anything." Bai Yang blushed again.

Shi'an led him, walked to the desk, pondered for a moment, studied ink and wrote.

Bai Yang saw that he had written the words "Sheng and Qing are the same pronunciation".

"What's the meaning?"

"Drum bell general, Huai Shui Tang Tang, gentlemen, Huai Yun never forgets. Drums, zithers, zithers, sheng and chimes sound the same." Shi'an wrote in lower case on the front side of the scroll, "This is a sentence from Xiaoyali. The virtues of the ancestors will never be forgotten, I just hope we live well and don't let them live up to their ambitions."

- Drum Bell General, Huai Shui Tang Tang, Shuren Gentleman, Huai Yun never forgets.

It's spring again.

Shi'an and Baiyang strolled to Lion Mountain, and then climbed to Yuejiang Tower. The two joined hands, remembering the first time they came here, watching the river from the building, the two felt infinite tenderness in their hearts, and felt infinite emotion.

Tigers occupy Zhongshan Mountain, Longpan Stone City, the ancient capital of ten dynasties, charming and graceful. Looking far and wide, there are green mountains, verdant and beautiful scenery, rivers flowing thousands of miles, and traffic is busy.

Where they know, where they don't know, when they know, and when they don't know, the city has experienced the moon in the south of the Yangtze River, the wind in the Qinhuai River, rouge dipped in wine, beautiful faces in tears, thousands of people bathed in blood, and gunfire.

But Shi'an and Bai Yang knew that in the green mountains and green waters, there were loyal bones and heroic souls. How many people cut off their lovesickness, left their families, and parted with each other, so that today, they have many new romantic legends in this city.

Jinling's charm is soft and sonorous, since the beginning of the Six Dynasties, and it lasts forever.

There are still countless people who have hated, loved, died, lived, parted, and reunited during their time in this city.

And Nanjing stands here quietly, like a mountain like a river, like a chant like a complaint. Time does not stop for anyone, and memories are not lost due to spring and autumn.

Time engraves visible or invisible red lines on people's wrists.

The water in the spring river is warm, and the swan geese in the distance are lined up. They are the swan geese who have known the meaning of spring, flapping their wings high in the sky, and flying away.

"Jin Shi'an, there are wild geese."

Yes, the geese have gone, and they will come back. Spring has gone, and there will be countless springs. And when they hold hands, the palm of the hand is a red thread entwined for life. This thread connects their miraculous eighty years, like an endless gossamer in the clear sky, like a love thread in this world, woven into continuous stories by time.

It is a story of never-ending love engraved in this city.


It's finally over, and there will be a lot of episodes in a few days.

Thank you all for being with me all the way, and I will wait until the end of the episode to say embarrassment. Thank you for your encouragement all the time. Love you guys.