The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 93: [Extra Story 4] Red Rose and White Rose (2)


It doesn't matter to Li Nian anymore. The mistakes she made and the tears she shed cannot be made up for by regret. She has to stand up to make up for all the incompleteness in her past life.

In the world of mortals, no one can guarantee that there will be no better people in life.

Are people more ruthless or more affectionate

Many poets have discussed this topic for thousands of years, but no results have been seen.

Sitting opposite Li Jin, Qin Nong rested his chin and thought, Li Jin is not ruthless to her, let alone to his brother. It's just that no one will believe that he is a lover when he says it out, I'm afraid he will have to spit.

Li Jin came back from England and wanted to see her. What was she afraid of? "I'm in Nanjing, so come if you want."

The two of them had nothing to say when they came, they sat opposite each other in the private room, Li Jin still had that warm face, helping her get some snacks in a gentle manner.

"How are you doing now?" he asked her.

Thinking of Zheng Meimei, Qin Nong raised the corners of his lips brightly: "Very good, how about you?"

Li Jin didn't speak, he lowered his head, smiled sadly, then raised his head after a long time: "How is my brother?"

Hypocrisy is really the most terrible human nature. Unlike the forced pretense, Li Jin is just that kind of natural liar, and the hypocrisy in his bones really cannot be changed. Qin Nong knew that he came here because of Li Nian - he is used to hypocrisy, no matter what he does, he will never be frank and straightforward, and he always has to turn around before he dares to speak out.

She doesn't like to mention Li Nian now, let alone mention it with Li Jin. When Li Jin asked her, she only showed a slight smile: "Li Jin, I told you a long time ago, don't go to Li Nian again, he forgot is you."

These words stabbed Li Jin's mind, and Li Jin stood up suddenly: "Impossible!"

Qin Nong's assistant stopped him.

Li Jin roared, then restrained himself, and said submissively, "Let me meet him."

His words were about to come out, the door of the box had already been stomped open, and three or five big men rushed in and pressed Li Jin on the table. Both Li Jin and Qin Nong were surprised, there was a sound of high-heeled boots, Zheng Meimei walked in unhurriedly, and leaned against the door: "Little pole, if you don't stay abroad and come to Nanjing to shake your head, who will you?" The guts his mother gave you."

Li Jin couldn't help being panicked when his head was held down. He turned his eyes upside down to look at Qin Nong. Qin Nong wanted to laugh, so he could only hold back, stood up and said, "Sister Zheng, why are you here?"

Zheng Meimei saw the smile in her eyes, and suddenly became embarrassed. She heard that Li Jin had returned home suddenly, and Qin Nong's assistant was clever, so he called her first—probably because he was afraid that Li Jin would go crazy and make trouble. The assistant saw that Sister Nong and Mr. Zheng had gotten close recently, so it was natural for her to call for help.

Zheng Meili's younger brothers did not attack lightly. Li Jin was stuck in the neck, his face was flushed, and he couldn't struggle. He coughed and said, "I didn't come to make trouble. I liquidated the property. I want to ask Miss Qin to hand it over to me. Give it to my brother... I'm not making trouble."

He was quite obedient, and he didn't even dare to call Qin Nong by his first name.

Zheng Meili glanced at him, "Forget it, let go."

Li Jin was lifted up and thrown on the chair, unable to catch his breath for a long time.

Zheng Meili sat down beside him, "Go back, Li Nian is not short of your money,"

Li Jin was like a frightened dog. It took him a long time to recover. He got up without saying a word, put an envelope on the table, turned and left.

Neither Zheng Meili nor Qin Nong kept him, let alone asked him what was in the envelope.

Don't ask again.

The two of them faced each other in silence, and the assistants and younger brothers behind them kept silent. After a while, Qin Nong burst out laughing: "What are you doing? Make such a big show."

Zheng Meili finally blushed: "How do I know that he suddenly looks like a human again."

Qin Nong smiled and kicked her under the table: "Mr. Zheng, is this considered a hero saving the beauty?"

Zheng Meili just waved her hand: "Farewell, you are beautiful, so don't call me a hero, it's so vivid."

Qin Nong scolded the assistant in a whining voice: "Don't make such a fuss next time, Mr. Zheng is busy."

"I'm not busy, I'll make the phone call." Zheng Meimei called the waiter, "I'm hungry too, so I might as well have a meal."

Both of them put the matter of Brother Li Jin behind them, chatting happily and having lunch. At the banquet, Zheng Meimei talked about her daughter going abroad again, Qin Nong said: "When will I meet you?"

"Let's have a look," Zheng Meimei said, "See when you have time recently."

And the day when Xinxin went abroad finally came.

Two single women, with a little girl, had a light meal at Xinjiekou.

Xinxin is fourteen years old, and it is the time of a young and lively girl. Qin Nong originally thought that Zheng Meimei's daughter would not be very beautiful even if she was raised well. Who knew that when she met Xinxin, she was tall and slender, with almond eyes and peach cheeks. She was actually a beautiful embryo with bright eyes and white teeth. , and her own mother are not like a mother and daughter, but more like Qin Nong's little sister.

Qin Nong cut a goose wing for her and put it on the plate: "Really, with Xinxin's face, even if she enters the industry, she will not lose to others. She doesn't look like you at all. Who does she look like?"

"Like my dad." Xinxin said bluntly, "He just left me a face."

"She looks like me," said Zheng Meimei. "She is tall. If she grows taller, I'm afraid she will be 1.8 meters in the future."

Qin Nong didn't expect that their mother and daughter didn't shy away from their ex-husband at all, as if this man was just a chance for them to meet, and they didn't care about his fickleness and shamelessness.

She looked at Zheng Meili, then at Xinxin, and smiled softly.

Xinxin is really cute, Zheng Meimei raised her really well. Her demeanor is impeccable, graceful and unaffected. It is obvious that she has been educated by Miss Qianjin since she was a child, but she does not have Miss Qianjin's temper. Qin Nong looked at Xinxin and couldn't help feeling envious. She was the same age as Zheng Meimei, but what else did she have besides this half-mature face? It's not as good as Zheng Meili, who has such a smart and beautiful daughter Cheng Huan.

Xinxin swallowed and asked her, "Aunt Qin, am I really qualified to be a star?"

"Why not?" Qin Nong twisted her face, "I am a big star, you are a little star, your mother, a female orangutan."

Zheng Meili put down the knife and fork, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about in front of a child?"

Xinxin laughed happily: "Aunt Qin, you and my mother must be very close."


"When most people say that, I would have hit her long ago," Xinxin said playfully, "but if you say that to my mother, I think you must have a good relationship."

She turned to look at Zheng Meili: "Mom, I wish I could recognize Aunt Qin as my godmother."

Before Zheng Meili could speak, Qin Nong was already overjoyed, and immediately took off the shining diamond necklace around his neck. After thinking about it, he also took off the two pink diamond earrings, and even took off the ring—Qin Nong took off the A pile of jewelry was pushed in front of Xinxin: "My dear girl, you can't take it back after you say it. It's a gift from your godmother."

Xin Xin blinked, only looking at Zheng Meimei.

Zheng Meili twirled the fork unhurriedly: "Just take it if you give it to you, and it's not worth much money."

"What's money, it's my godmother's wish!"

"Good daughter, you can really talk." Qin Nong sat next to Xinxin and rubbed her in his arms, "You said that your mother is such a hard-headed and uninterested person, how did you give birth to such a fun daughter?"

Xinxin swayed in her arms: "She's not emotional, but I like it." Then she said: "Aunt Qin, I'm leaving, you spend more time with my mother, she's quite boring in the country by herself. "

It's so childish, Qin Nong and Zheng Meili were told by her that there were ghosts in the center, and they looked at each other, laughing in embarrassment.

Xin Xin hugged them at the gate of the airport, then took Qin Nong's hand and said, "Aunt Qin, my mother is very boring in the country by herself, and she doesn't have many friends, can you spend more time with her?"

Zheng Meili wanted to say that Qin Nong was also busy, but Qin Nong cut her off, "I'll be with you every day, dear girl, don't worry, study hard."

They kept watching Xinxin walk in, and they couldn't see each other again. Qin Nong said sadly: "Xinxin is so cute, you are willing to send her abroad."

"Be independent and become a talent early," Zheng Meili said with a smile, "She is better than me, and she will be more promising than me in the future."

Qin Nong remained silent, and said for a while, "If my daughter is not willing to send her away no matter what, how can she suffer alone."

Zheng Meili took her hand and whispered: "I want to say that I still have you, are you laughing at me?"

The two were stunned for a moment, Huazhi laughed out loud tremblingly, there was warmth in the hunting wind.

Within a few days, Qin Nong moved out with great fanfare.

Zheng Meili looked at her big boxes one after another, piled up at the door of her house, and said, "Come here, why are you carrying so many things?"

"What do you know?" Qin Nong said coquettishly, "You live such a rough life, learn from me, this bag, this bag, this bag is for daily use."

Zheng Meili laughed angrily at her: "Let me see if you will never grow old after using so many things!"

In the days to come, like all stories, there is no end to tell. Looking back, they feel that they don't know where to start.

isn't it? A woman's life is like a flower every year, blooming and thanking. Looking up again and again in the spring breeze, waiting for others, living many years, loving, hurting, and haggard, always thinking, will this beautiful life in the world of mortals be an empty dream in the end

But time always has a gentle hand. Even if Dongjun disregarded his worries, the flowers surrounded each other, and they bloomed spring and autumn after spring, turning Huanian into a splendid splendor.

They are still so busy. Occasionally, when they are free, they don’t go to other places, they only stay at home, you lean on me, I lean on you—it’s like girls in their teens and twenties, holding each other’s hands and squeezing each other when they sit. together. This gentle thought of a woman will never be changed. It is the softness of nature that cannot be removed no matter how strong she is.

The two cuddled together and read a story, "The Last Night of Taipan Kim". Look at Bai Xianyong's writing: Forty-year-old woman—even a real man can be given up! Forty-year-old woman, what more can I ask for

Yes, they are almost forty years old, their youth has passed away, their beauty has faded, and men are no longer so important to them. From the perspective of others, maybe they will gradually have nothing, money, power, and fame. These glitzy things are like the youth of those years, only exchanged for hypocritical pity. But there are always some things that don't fade with time.

Zheng Meili put Qin Nong's fingertips in the palm of her hand, the rough one and the soft one, like the two sides of a woman's heart, her strength and softness will never fade away.

Yes, they are forty years old, and the world will grow old like spring.

But they still have love.