The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 94: [Special episode 5] Classmates


Sun Chunmei never expected that Li Nianhui would really appear at the class reunion.

Invitations for the class reunion are sent out every year, and of course not everyone comes—Li Nian never came once—the invitations are sent to Anlong Company but nothing happens. Sun Chunmei once thought that maybe they were never handed over to Li Nian, or maybe they were thrown into the trash can after being handed over.

There are quite a few successful people among their classmates, but there are not many who are as successful as Li Nian.

People are always divided into classes, based on performance in the past, and now based on performance. When Li Nian was alone, everyone didn't feel sympathy for him, so we can't blame him for alienating his old friends after he became prosperous. Sun Chunmei is the type who will always shrink to the side of the majority, and will always just wait and see for the maverick Li Nian.

But these years, out of some mentality, she still insisted on sending invitations to Li Nian—anyway, a big man like Mr. Li should not come, and as the director of the classmate association, it would be rude not to send invitations.

She had never expected him to come, and he was here in front of her now.

He came alone in the afterglow, wearing a light gray formal suit without a tie, he was more casual and unrestrained than when he was young, and the setting sun cast a round of brilliant golden light behind him.

He is still so thin, not yet forty years old, and his temples also have gray hair.

It should be dyed, Sun Chunmei thought, but not dyed is still very playful, now men are so old-fashioned, the age of a flower, blooming is the style after the vicissitudes of life.

His arrival caused a small commotion, and many people surrounded him enthusiastically, keeping Sun Chunmei out of the crowd. Standing in the center of classmates whom he hadn't seen for many years, this influential figure in the entertainment industry was friendly, talkative, down-to-earth, and started with a joke. Many female classmates were teased by him, and the men also laughed around him.

It seemed that they had a close relationship with Li Nian in the past.

Sun Chunmei couldn't squeeze in, so she could only hold the wine glass and stare blankly at him. It wasn't until the crowd dispersed and Li Nian looked over at her that she lowered her head in a daze.

Li Nian walked towards her, the two of them looked at each other for a moment, but they didn't speak - a group of people chatting, instead of exchanging names, as long as you and me are enough, two people talk about old times, but they have to say hello first.

Sun Chunmei felt that he probably didn't recognize her, or had forgotten about it long ago.

"I, Sun Chunmei." She said dully.

Li Nian then smiled cheerfully: "Oh! Sun Chunmei!" He scratched his temples, "I'm sorry, I was a little sick before, and my memory is very bad."

Sun Chunmei knew that he was sick. At that time, Li Nian had liver cancer, and the news was reported. She even ran to collect donations from her classmates. Everyone laughed at her: "Is his celebrity boyfriend still unable to pay for the medical treatment?"

Then Sun Chunmei felt that she was really stupid.

She ran to the gate of Huashan Hospital, wandered around for two or three days, thinking in her heart that Li Nian was inside, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

And she didn't go in in the end.

Sun Chunmei didn't dare to mention his illness, so she had to find another topic and said, "We have been classmates since high school...just you and me."

Li Nian looked at her in surprise, with a rippling smile on his lips: "What a coincidence!"

Sun Chunmei suddenly discovered that when Li Nian smiled, there was a dimple, only one, and it was small and hidden by his lips. It was so pretty. She looked at him for a while, and then saw his strands of white hair, and said involuntarily: " Over the years, we have all changed."

Sensing her gaze, Li Nian flicked his hair: "Yeah, it's a waste of my body to be in my line of work, drinking all day—I think everyone is well maintained, and I'm the only one with gray hair in the audience."

His voice was a nice voice of tobacco and alcohol, scratching people's hearts rustlingly—just now when he opened his mouth, Sun Chunmei was actually taken aback. Li Nian's voice became so powerful, how clear it was before, but now it is so hoarse. It's just that no matter what kind of voice he has, it doesn't matter what kind of voice he speaks. All he says are polite words, but the polite words are as touching as the truth when he utters them.

Sun Chunmei then felt that she had been rude, and she looked at her fat arms embarrassingly: "I can't do it either, I won't lose weight after giving birth. Your hair is not's very fashionable."

Li Nian put down the champagne glass with a smile: "Don't tell me if you see it, I just want these two white hairs to add charm to me."

Sun Chunmei felt that they were very happy when they said these words together, so she blushed and smiled, and said with more courage: "I have been sending you invitations all the time, I really didn't expect, I didn't expect you to come this year."

Li Nian gave her a gentle glance: "That's my fault, I was too busy in the past."

Sun Chunmei was bewildered by his glance, she lowered her head and said, "I think you will come, so I keep sending it to you."

Li Nian was silent for a moment, and said sincerely, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Sun Chunmei said, "I should... I'm a member of the classmate association. I saw you in Tangshan before, and Mr. Xie from your company came to discuss the project."

Li Nian smiled: "Oh, so that's your project? Xiao Xie is a fucker, and negotiating a contract with him is the most difficult thing." He flattered her: "Mr. Sun, you didn't call me before. Greetings, I said earlier that this matter would have been done long ago."

Sun Chunmei shook her head in embarrassment: "I'm not the supervisor, I just saw you, and I wanted you to catch up but didn't catch up."

Li Nian just smiled and flattered her again: "Blame me, blame me, Mr. Sun, take care of me in the future."

People who can't speak always try to use flattery to get closer, while those who can talk use flattery to keep distance-Li Nian's flattery is a kind of reserved politeness. Sun Chunmei was called "Mr. Sun" by him twice and couldn't talk anymore. Li Nian's thoughts are still so deep, she thought, he is not the same as them after all.

They stood side by side at the window, as if they had nothing more to say. Li Nian was called away, and he chatted happily with everyone just like he did with Sun Chunmei. Standing outside the crowd, Sun Chunmei looked at him dimly, suddenly felt an uncontrollable sourness, and felt an indescribable peace in her heart, satisfied and desolate.

Satisfied because she can still see him after all, desolate because Li Nian still came here alone after all.

Sun Chunmei didn't dare and had no reason to ask about his life.

Everyone came here alone, but Sun Chunmei always wanted to see with her own eyes how he lived with other people.

The sun was setting slowly, slowly, and the twilight was closing in, and the banquet hall was already full of light. Sun Chunmei regretfully looked at the sunset that no one looked back on. The sunset shone into her eyes. This sunset was the same as it was twenty years ago, but the people and things it illuminated were different.

She thought that the banquet that day ended badly like this—for her, it broke up badly. I can't explain why, but Li Nian lived a successful life, but with such vicissitudes, she is like a lost girl, full of regrets in her heart.

No one expected that Zhong Yue would also rush over.

In fact, the whole of China knows about Li Nian and Zhong Yue. They are the few gays in the circle who are openly married and have sex in pairs. At the beginning, the entertainment news was published every three days, but later it was discovered that they really had no intention of hiding it. People often witnessed it in the streets and alleys. In the end, everyone was forced to get used to it and stopped paying attention to this topic.

It’s just that couples in the entertainment industry, regardless of gender, have a bit of an acting element in it. Showing affection is a little help to the career, so that they can appear loyal and loyal. Anyway, the girlfriend fans are all stripped, and selling personal settings can stabilize it CP fan, right

So Sun Chunmei never imagined that Zhong Yue would really come, he really came.

First, there was a small commotion in the front hall. She and Li Nian stood in the depths of the hall, unable to see the movement ahead. After a while, the crowd separated automatically, and Zhong Yue was swept towards Li Nian in a gust of wind.

He was as surprisingly beautiful as in the magazine, his long hair was slickly combed into a big ponytail, and he was wearing a formal suit of the same color as Li Nian—the style was slightly different. The two stood next to each other, looking like an engagement party.

No one is ashamed to come and talk to them. After all, they are all successful people. Even if they are not successful, they have to save face. If it's a female star, she can praise her beauty, but a male star really doesn't know what to say.

So everyone continued to maintain the state of talking, but all their eyes turned to this side.

Before Li Nian could speak, Zhong Yue consciously dragged his hand: "Did you drink too much?"

Li Nian smiled wryly: "I didn't drink, don't worry." He asked again: "Are you back from Vancouver?"

Zhong Yue switched his left hand to his right: "I'll be back early."

Li Nian sized him up: "Where did the clothes come from?"

"It was changed in the car."

"... you stripped in the car?!"

"Nanny van."

... Sun Chunmei felt that the conversation between the two of them seemed to be subtly not on the same channel.

It was only then that Zhong Yue saw Sun Chunmei—it was also because Sun Chunmei had been looking at the two of them. Sun Chunmei met his eyes, and he was embarrassed at first, and it would be impolite to move his eyes away, so he had to smile dumbly.

She heard that Zhong Yue had a bad temper, and the entertainment industry didn't dare to provoke him, so Sun Chunmei was afraid that he would embarrass her on the spot.

Zhong Yue looked at her for a while, but politely smiled at her: "You are Brother Nian's classmates."

... This is really beautiful. Sun Chunmei herself was dumbfounded. She urgently thought about how to address Zhong Yue—everyone called famous people without honorifics and used to name them habitually. Now that the living person was in front of her eyes, she didn't know what to call him properly.

After being stupid for a long time, she said in a hurry, "Mrs. Li, hello."

The people next to me burst out laughing.

Sun Chunmei wished she could dig a hole and get in.

Zhong Yue didn't think he was disobedient, he laughed again.

The last time it was a polite and reserved smile, this time it was obviously a very happy smile, and this title seemed to please him greatly.

Thanks to Sun Chunmei's stupid sentence, everyone gathered around and laughed again: "Chunmei, you are too honest. Fortunately, we don't have Yuji here!"

Li Nian also joked: "No, no, it's not Mrs. Li, I am Mrs. Zhong."

Zhong Yue looked happier, and his whole body was full of high spirits. Everyone knows that Zhong Yue Jinkou is difficult to speak, but at this moment, no matter who asks, he is willing to answer.

What an honor, at the end, all the students finally couldn't help but took Zhong Yue to take a group photo.

Sun Chunmei looked at the photo on the digital camera, and thought, Zhong Yue had never smiled like this in a magazine, he was actually quite approachable, as expected those Yuji's words were not credible, they were all Mai Tai people.

The classmates beside her praised her softly: "Chunmei, you are really different from before, you are so good at talking."

Sun Chunmei didn't know why others praised her so much, she was always stupid, and she couldn't use her brain when speaking in a hurry—but, in a daze, she felt that she might indeed be right in saying something today, because the classmate banquet that day was simply Dzogchen.

Everyone got an unexpected harvest.

Several bosses came over and tentatively invited Zhong Yue to be a spokesperson for their company. Before Li Nian could speak, Zhong Yue nodded first.


Li Nian looked at him in embarrassment: "No, what are you doing?"

Zhong Yue said generously: "Your classmate can do it."

He didn't even ask about the company or brand, which means that Li Nian's classmates, he just gave them face.

Li Nian had no choice but to scratch his head with a wry smile: "Well, if he agrees, he really agrees, but the endorsement cannot be repeated. I will go back and ask people to negotiate. I can endorse those who can endorse, and arrange for him to do activities for those who cannot. OK?"

Of course, they came here with the intention of being rejected, so what is there to be dissatisfied with

And Sun Chunmei got an unexpected harvest.

Everyone went to take advantage of it, she just watched in the corner by herself, until the banquet was over, Li Nian came over with Zhong Yue on his arm: "He has been looking for you for a long time."

Sun Chunmei raised her head inexplicably.

Li Niandao: "I don't know what you are short of. Since you are in charge of the Tangshan project, I will let him go when the ribbon-cutting ceremony opens."

To be honest, she was really overjoyed, because what Li Nian said were two gifts, one was to explain that her project would definitely be negotiated, and the other was to tell her that Zhong Yue would support her.

Xi Jin rushed forward, she started to be silly again, and blurted out: "Thank you, Mrs. Li."

The people next to him burst out laughing again.

Sun Chunmei didn't think she was stupid at this moment, because in her heart, she recognized that Zhong Yue was indeed qualified to be "Ms. Li". With such a person by Li Nian's side, she felt at ease without authorization, although she actually had no qualifications to be reassuring for Li Nian.

Laughing, Li Nian rolled his eyes and said, "He brought it up by himself, and I don't know why he likes you so much."

Zhong Yue confessed to him, "I only like you."

Sun Chunmei: "..."

Zhong Yue turned his eyes to look at her, as if because of Sun Chunmei's second stupid sentence just now, he said softly: "My name is Bai Yang, and I will come with you."

Sun Chunmei: "..."

He Dehe Neng, this small project she is in charge of, has two superstars at the opening ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Sun Chunmei felt as if she was dreaming until she got home and entered the door. She really wasn't admiring power and admiration, she was grateful for Li Nian and Zhong Yue's kindness.

She walked back under the moonlight, thinking of countless trivial things about her childhood, things related to Li Nian and things not related to Li Nian.

The daughter welcomed her in and asked her casually, "Mom, why are you so happy?"

Sun Chunmei touched her face, only to realize that she was smiling.

At that moment, her smile froze, and for some reason, she wanted to cry again.

This is how life is, and I didn't understand what I couldn't say at the beginning. Seeing him happy now makes me feel happy too.

"Yes." She stroked her daughter's forehead: "Mom is happy."