The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 95: [Fanwai 6] An open letter


The author has something to say:

In the past two days, I browsed Weibo and occasionally saw "Imperfect Girl" sung by Zhou Dongyu, so I suddenly wanted to write this open letter.

Thank you for always having someone in your life who takes your imperfect thoughts to heart and accompany you to think about your imperfect dreams.

To my lovely little trees:

I am your Poplar.

Today is my tenth year of marriage with Mr. Jin Shian. Yes, we were married a long time ago, in America. Forgive me for only now officially and publicly franking this with you.

I know you already know that.

My Chinese has always been bad, and I can't tell the story from the beginning to the end, and I can't flashback and interlude, so let's start from the beginning.

That was fifteen years ago.

I was 22 years old at the time.

Like all young people chasing their dreams in this city, I have worked in many jobs, including model, host, singer, anchor of station B, wedding master of ceremonies, I have tried everything, and I don’t know what I can do or want to do What, hit the wall everywhere, but also arrogant.

In that way, I met my lover, Mr. Kim Se-an.

The acquaintance between me and him is very hard to describe. It was a coincidence. I did him a favor. He asked me what my wish was, and I said I wanted to be a star.

Are you particularly shameless? Ha ha ha ha. Thinking about it now, he was too gentle at that time, as if he would agree to whatever I said, but I made random requests when my brain got hot, but I didn't expect him to agree.

From then on, I stumbled into my acting career.

The difference from the rumors is that we were really ordinary friends at that time. He was different from other big bosses. He was very kind. We often went out to play, and I even accompanied him to buy clothes. You won't believe it, when I took him shopping, the clerks all said he was handsome, and walked around him! ignore me! Don't you think it's very fake? I also find it funny when I think about it.

Thinking about it now, maybe I fell in love with him at that time. There is no other reason, he is so nice, he just thinks how wonderful it would be if this person could be with me forever. I didn't dare to think about it at the time, but I felt that I really liked being with him.

He is always with me.

True to the rumour, he spent a lot of money on me in the beginning, and I was terrible. Old fans should all know that my acting skills used to be very hahahahaha. The first time everyone knew me should be "Sword Trail of Love"? In fact, my acting skills are much worse than those in the TV dramas, and I am so confident that I feel that I am very ignorant and ignorant.

I am very grateful to Director Ding Congyuan, that play was the beginning of my growth. Perhaps many people think that "A Dream of the Huaihe River" is my real starting point, but I know that it was from the beginning of the sword trace that I began to realize my flaws and realized that I was really bad. I met Director Ding, Director Lin, and Director Jiang in that play. Director Jiang was still a popular little fresh meat at that time, and his acting skills were very good at that time. I have been hit and suffered in this drama, but my lover has always encouraged me and helped me - in this drama, I have not only gained the growth of acting skills, but also gained the most precious things in my life Love.

Yes, from then on, we were in love.

Forgive me for not telling you at that time. He's my biggest secret, and we're secretly in love in this corner of the world. I want to say it countless times, but I know that I don't deserve it.

Later, you all know that the reporter took pictures of us. That was the first time we were exposed to everyone's sight. And I chose to back down.

I admit my mistake here, to him and to you.

I believe that many of you have been in love and understand that feeling. The more you love someone, the more you hate yourself for not being good enough, and you don’t know what posture to stand by his side. Guilt towards fans and confusion about love both tormented me, it was really a particularly gloomy day.

At that time, I was thinking every day, can I still act? Can you still play? what can i play Can you act well

During those six months, I spent almost all of it on the set, eating and sleeping on the set. Life may always give us a lot of dissatisfaction, but work can always bring me happiness. I know that I love someone, and I also love what I am doing now. No matter how many mistakes I made in the process, I am willing to make up for it and learn. Indeed, this road makes me fall very painful. But I guess it's better to be injured than to stand still. Injuries are due, and these injuries and pains tell you that you are really moving forward.

Life should rush forward.

Remember when we sang Tomorrow Spring at the fan club? I am humming it now, after so many years, I have stopped singing, Zhong Yue is still singing. And I still remember the encouragement this song gave me, telling me that spring will definitely come.

I think the most amazing thing about love is that it can give you infinite courage to change yourself for it. I love him and have always loved him, so when I fall, I still have to get up. For many years, I didn't know what I was pursuing. Later, I realized that I had been chasing a dream, and he was my dream.

I want to catch up to him, grab his hand, and walk down with him.

I changed a lot for him, and he changed a lot for me. It is well known that he left Hai Long and changed from a businessman to a great writer that you all know today.

He wrote the script "Qinhuai Dream" for me. I always believe that this is a miracle in my life. This movie did not bring me the best actor, but it really taught me how to act, also taught me how to give love at all costs, and taught me how to protect my love.

Then, when I was 27, on his birthday, we got married.

Before that, like all lovers, we had quarreled, separated, and even experienced many unexpected things. He nearly lost his life on a trip, forgive me for wanting to leave this world with him then. I understand that I cannot live without him.

So over the years, no matter how many reporters and media have asked me whether I am married or if I am with him, I have never denied it. I don't disclose it because I know I'm not good enough; I don't deny it because I love it with a clear conscience and don't want to deceive you.

I think you have long understood that your Yang Yang is cared for and loved by others. I am thirty-seven years old, you still call me Yang Yang, just like my lover.

Thank you for your love and making me grow. In the fifteen years since I was in the shadows, I took the golden bear, the golden statue, the golden horse, and the dragon. Behind every trophy is full of love.

In the past ten years, we have been suspected and vilified, and we all understand these. I am very grateful for the setbacks and warmth in life, just like the words I wrote to you during the ten-year film club, hardships and hardships, Yuru Yucheng. This is something my lover taught me and I want to share it with you.

I don’t know how you guys know about his and I’s wedding anniversary, but I saw you lit up hearts together on May 1st, on Weibo, on Tieba, and on Twitter—I suddenly couldn’t help crying at that time .

You didn't say anything, I understand. It's like I didn't say anything and you guys get it.

Thank you for willing to protect my willful love.

You, like him, made me feel my own imperfections and made me dare to face my imperfections. Because of him, and because of you, I hope that I can do better.

You all make me feel that there is a lot of love in this world, no matter how much malice and setbacks there are on the road, there is always someone who loves you waiting for you, cherish your dreams, and work hard with you.

Right now, I'm sitting in front of the computer, typing this letter, and he's sitting next to me, and just started asking me, do I want him to write it? I said no, I should write it myself, and now he was laughing beside me, I asked him if he had any wrong sentences? He said "I believe in my Yang Yang".

How can the matter of language be resolved by trust? This is his fault, he has no principles for me, but I like it. He lowered his principles for me, and I hope that I can be higher and higher, and move closer to his true standards, to be an ideal lover.

I don't know how to prove to you that I love him very much, or that he loves me very much, but I know that if you want to ask me how long I am willing to live like this, as said in the movie, I hope it is 10,000 years.

I know he is too.

I hope each of you can get a lover like him. I hope that each of you can meet someone who truly loves each other and loves you as much as he loves me.

I bless you with my happiness.

After ten years of hidden marriage, a letter cannot express my apology. What the reporter photographed was true. We adopted a daughter named Jia Jia. We played with her that day. My daughter is still young, thank you for your attention to her, and thank you for resisting the forwarding of her photos and giving her a space to grow up happily.

We will all grow up, just like her.

There are also many people asking me if I have emigrated abroad, and I still say that my lover and I will not leave Nanjing. We met in this legendary city, which has too many memories for me. When you are free and want to play, you are welcome to come here for a walk.

Maybe we'll meet somewhere.

your poplar

May 20, 2026