The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 98: Qinyuanchun


Bai Yang, who has never been able to read, has been with Jin Shi'an for a few years, and gradually he can calm down and learn to write. It's just that reading is about childish skills, and it's not as deep as childhood influence after all. In addition, the cultural atmosphere in his family is not heavy, so even if he wants to read, he doesn't know where to start.

"I can't understand the books you read." Bai Yang felt wronged.

This is the truth, it's not that he's being coquettish. What Jin Shi'an used to read was often nine points in classical Chinese and one point in modern times. Bai Yang asked him why he didn't read so much now, and Shi'an laughed and said: "Whoever has a book or theory, it is inevitable that the world will praise it and become a flashy for a while. You must know Words are like jade and gold beads, which cannot be seen until they have been sunk for a long time. In my own opinion, no matter what a good book it is, I will never read it if it is only fifty years old.”

Bai Yang half-understands what he hears, but he thinks that Grandpa Jin is very good, very good--he reads books whenever there is a word, and is happy when he knows a plot. You have to wait fifty years before you are willing to read it!

Because of this problem, Jin Shian reads carefully selected books, even in classical Chinese, he has to pick and choose. Among the literati in the former Qing Dynasty, Mr. Jin only looked up to Yuan Mei, and the rest were half-praise and half-sarcasm. These books were only enough for Bai Yang to read before going to bed.

Boss Jin said emphatically: "These things are always beneficial. After all, they are still kept for thousands of years, so it must be good."

When the two were at home with nothing to do, they often sat together to read and write. Although one was an old man of eighty years and the other was a half-hearted young man, they could still enjoy themselves happily.

So Paul would see his two bosses sitting on the patio, reciting each other's shit poems. For example, before the beginning of winter this year, there was an early snowfall in Nanjing suddenly. Shi'an took Bai Yang's hand and looked at the snow on the terrace. Shi'an was wrapped in a fur, and Bai Yang was wearing a plump down jacket. The two pretended to be gods and ghosts, and first praised them, Shi'an said: "It's snowing in the morning."

Bai Yang held back for a long time and said, "The autumn grass is already green."

Shi'an glanced at him, and read along with him: "The seasons change."

This Bai Yang memorized it backwards: "How fast is the end of the year!"

Shi'an smiled and slapped him on the head: "I'll try your skills, but you just use some nineteen poems to prevaricate me—it doesn't fit the scene and doesn't fit the rhyme. This is the drinking order and you will be judged to be a loser."

Bai Yang snuggled into his arms and said back: "Then it's snowing in autumn. I said autumn grass is fine."

All right, all right, you are right, you are cute and you are right.

Shi'an smiled and held him in his arms: "It's rare that the snow falls so early, are your hands cold?"

Bai Yang is not afraid of the cold, he mainly wants to be coquettish, the two of them got bored for a while, and then went to look at the snow in the morning light together - this is under the Zijin Mountain, high in Nanjing, and the entire Jinling City is covered with snow and frost at a glance. As Bai Yang said, because of the thin snow, there are lush and green autumn grasses in the dry water of Xiaoshan Mountain, and the entire Zijin Mountain has turned white, and the vast expanse is covered with white.

Bai Yang whispered casually: "Mountain Dance Silver Snake, Yuan Chi Wax Elephant, I want to compete with the God of Heaven."

Shi'an had never heard of these two lines of poems, so he thought that his Yang Yang wrote them casually, and couldn't help being surprised: "These lines are full of spirit, I underestimated you."

Bai Yang looked confused: "Huh?"

Shi'an said joyfully, "Go ahead and try again."

Bai Yang didn't understand what he was happy about at all, but Jin Shi'an was happy and he was happy too, so he thought foolishly and recited: "The country is so beautiful, it attracts countless heroes to bow down."

Shi'an didn't move, and while listening to him read, he only thought that Bai Yang had accumulated a lot of money, and now he had a feeling that he must be speaking casually, and he felt very strange-this Bai Yang has always been surprisingly stupid in reading, why did he suddenly become enlightened today

When Bai Yang read out "I only know how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle", Shi'an couldn't help but cheered from the sidelines.

He hugged Bai Yang and kissed him first, Bai Yang blushed from the kiss: "What are you doing?!"

"No, I was thinking about how you suddenly have such a good literary talent. The spring scenery in Dongting is really heroic!" Shi'an lifted him up, and said: "Although the writing is thicker, the words are not harmful, and the spirit is strong. It's me. Delayed you!"

If the wording was more subtle, Shi'an would not think it was made by Bai Yang, but the words were bold and unrestrained, and President Jin felt that this was Yang Yang's talent.

Bai Yang was extremely confused: "Isn't this Qinyuanchun?"

"Well, it's all the same, how did you learn how to write lyrics?"

Bai Yang told the truth: "Chairman Mao learned poetry in elementary school..."

This is very embarrassing, President Jin.

After all, as an old man of the Republic of China, Mr. Jin still has a prejudice against the current party, and he has never read the party's works.

Now Bai Yang was proud: "Let me tell you, there are good things in modern times. Chairman Mao's poems are great!"

Because Bai Fuqiang likes it the most, Bai Fuqiang has a red heart towards the party, and loves reading the chairman's poems the most. Bai Yang didn't know anything else, he was too familiar with reading Chairman Mao's poems—you don't need to read them, he's been able to hear them since he was a child.

That day, the two of them went to Pioneer Bookstore together and bought a trunk full of anthologies of Chairman Mao—hardcover, large format. Although Shi'an has a preference for poetry and drama, men still like heroes after all. Bai Yang led him to look at Mao Zedong's poems first, and Jin Shi'an was not only surprised, but also praised.

"He is only five years older than me, but his literary talents are far superior to mine. When he did some rebellious things in the backcountry, I only thought he was a reckless hero. I don't think heroes are real, but recklessness is not necessarily—from the writing. It can be seen that he has this ambition, no wonder he can achieve the emperor's career."

Bai Yang went to cover his mouth: "Emperor, you are so big, the people are the masters, okay? Don't you dare to bury me."

Shi'an laughed: "Yes, yes, it's really amazing."

The two watched under the lamp all night. Paul got up at one o'clock and delivered a cup of tea. After getting up at three o'clock, he delivered a midnight snack. Seeing that the two of them were still awake, he had no choice but to say, "Sir, it's time to rest."

Bai Yang sat in Jin Shi'an's arms, blushed and said, "There's no need to send anything, Paul, go to sleep!"

Paul understood and felt that the husband might have something to do with Mr. Bai again. He skillfully closed the doors and windows, and sent the servants to evade.

He really got it wrong, Mr. Jin and Yang Yang just wanted to study, Bai Yang's blushing didn't mean he was in spring, he was really excited.

In the past, when Jin Shi'an took him to study, he was always force-fed, and he only relied on kisses and love words to motivate his teaching. Today is completely different. Today they are equal to each other in knowledge, and they can not only study together, but also discuss together.

Bai Yang could understand what Jin Shi'an said, which made him very happy.

Bai Yang sat on his lap and listened to him comment on Mao Zedong's poems word by word. After finishing the thick book, Shi'an said with emotion: "He is very similar to Cao Mengde. They both have a hearty style. They are also the same. They are in high positions. But have a broad-minded ambition."

"Are Cao Cao's poems also very good?"

"It's natural. His two sons may not have his share of heart."

Bai Yang leaned against his neck: "I thought it was because he was so good that people said he wrote well. I learned from Cao Zhi in high school."

His son is a literary giant, this Bai Yang still understands.

Shi'an sighed: "This is where I say it's a pity. He is a Wenjie who was delayed by hegemony. Cao Zijian is unrestrained and generous, of course he is outstanding, but his father's way of explaining things in simple terms is something that a son can't learn. "

As he said that, he shook Bai Yang's hand, and said softly, "The journey of the sun and the moon, if you come out of it, the stars are shining, if you go out of it."

"Such a generous sentence will not be seen until Li Taibai later."

Although Bai Yang didn't understand it very well, he felt very fascinated when he heard him read it out loud and clear.

The two looked at each other holding hands under the lamp, feeling a little indescribably sweet in their hearts, it was rare for them to find a common language in literature for the first time, Shi An was happy, and Bai Yang was even happier.

Love is like this, accompany each other, slowly move closer, a life is very long, it doesn't mean that only daily life is left after getting married.

The only side effect, Mr. Kim has had a problem since then, he likes to quote Chairman Mao's quotations. Lian Zhongyue asked Bai Yang to cut the ribbon, but his tone was a bit domineering, and Jin Shi'an was about to comment: "Zhong Yue is a bit arrogant now."

... People are not party members and cadres, what are you commenting on!

Bai Yang ignored him: "As long as you talk too much, it's none of your business, if Xiao Zhong calls me, I'm going!"

Mr. Jin will not give up when he is bullied, but continue to implement Chairman Mao's teachings—understanding, support and friendship are more important than anything else.

Mr. Jin forgives, Mr. Jin supports, and Mr. Jin gives friendship. He accompanied his baby Yang Yang to Tangshan to cut the ribbon.

It was spring coming to Tangshan at that time, and Mr. Sun, who was in charge, never expected Anlong Entertainment to come out in full force. He couldn't bear the face, so naturally he had to arrange to speak on stage one by one. It was Jin Shi'an's turn, Mr. Jin was too poisoned, he looked at Tangshan Mountain in the distance, the green spring, and waved his big hand: "You are not old after walking all over the Qingshan Mountains, the scenery here is the best!"

Everyone applauded vigorously. This is the glorious achievement of national unity and unity, and this achievement is led by the proletariat to move forward with the bourgeoisie.

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