The Man Who Gave The Protagonist a Halo

Chapter 105: Western fantasy


In order to seize the throne, he did not hesitate to kill his father and brother; in order to seize the world, he did not hesitate to give up thousands of lives. He has always regarded human life as worthless. The world judged him as heartless, bloodless, and ruthless. But, only he knows that he is not unintentional, but his heart is too small, so small that he can only accommodate one person, but that person has been away from him for too long...

At that time, the whole world was foregone, but it was discovered that he was leaving too. Just to look at him a few more times, just to be able to grasp his whereabouts, he, sent him to quell the rebellion in the north. He went, but it took three years.

Three years is enough to change a lot, and it is also enough to make them miss a lot. Three years. After he was established, he accepted a concubine, and he seemed to have long forgotten the brother who fought bloody for him at the front line. But he is the only one who understands the bitterness of his longing in the middle of the night.

Three years later, the appearance of her when she returned was an untouchable pain in his heart. His head full of black hair had turned into white hair, his slender body was like a leaf fluttering in the wind, and his paper-like pale face seemed to silently rebuke his selfishness and cruelty. He was still smiling, still as calm and breezy, but compared to three years ago, there was more bitterness in his smile that he couldn't understand.

He didn't know what he did wrong, which made him lose the enthusiasm he used to when seeing him. All that was left was a smile, a faint smile, which made him want to go up and tear off that fake smile. He played and sang in the palace every day, and had fun with his concubines every night. He was indifferent, and he didn't even give any advice. It's just that he doesn't know, his indifference is only because his heart is dead.

It wasn't until that day that he realized that he had occupied such a large place in his heart. he died. When the queen toasted himself, he said that the wine was poisonous, and he shook his head in disbelief. It's not that he doesn't believe it, but he just wants to know how much place he occupies in his heart. He knew that there was a solution to the poison, so when he drank that glass of wine, he didn't stop it. It's just that he didn't know that the three years he had been in the north had already overwhelmed his body, and he could no longer bear any injuries. He died, and died after drinking the poisonous wine offered by the queen for him. It was only when the imperial doctor felt his pulse tremblingly that he knew that he was her, the alluring beauty. He froze in place, not knowing whether to cry or laugh, laughing that he knew how important he was in her heart, but he didn't want to sacrifice her life.

He gave the queen to death, but he couldn't restore her who was dead. He still remembered the words she said before she died, "Qing Ben is a beauty, Qing Ben has no tears. If there is a next life, I will definitely cry happily!" Then, he saw the crystal in the corner of her eyes, but it never fell down...

He gently hugged her who was already cold: If there is a next life, if there is a next life, I would like to be that shoulder for you to lean on and cry...

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I haven't come into contact with * that year, if I did, this article should be *.

And, I have a second grader hahaha

The following article was also written in junior high school, and it is not finished. If you are curious about the ending, I will give you a spoiler~

Although I almost forgot qaq

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I am dressed in red and stand before the throne. Looking down at Wan Min who was kneeling in the court, no, it was "Wan Gui". Smiled disdainfully. Turn around and take the throne.

A long and heavy bell rang in the distance. Every sound seems to knock on my heart.

Don't laugh, there really are bells here. Even though, here is hell...

I don't remember when I was the king, the king of hell.

The sound of the bell was heavy and calm.

Ironically, I can hear peace in hell? Laugh self-deprecatingly.

The day and night in hell are the same. The same darkness, the same blood. But I don't care, treat my memory like... don't care...

It was quite accidental, but it was just a tour, and I met him.

Even though he was in hell and had already seen all kinds of killings, he still couldn't help admiring him.

Surrounded by large expanses of ghosts, he stood still in it, without the slightest expression, and his fingers changed various spell gestures extremely quickly, which made me overwhelmed.

Seeing the ghosts being wiped out one by one, but his pure white robe was not stained with any blood.

But the ghosts did not retreat in the slightest. It seems to be a posture of fighting more and more bravely.

I was very curious, so I took a closer look at him. Even though he was a little far away, I still clearly sensed that he is a god.

So, I think I can understand those ghosts who will never live forever, is it because of jealousy? Jealous that they can be reincarnated forever, but they will never fall into hell.

Since I am a god, I don't have the mood I had when I watched the play just now. She glanced at him with some pity, turned and left.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet him again, but this time, I didn't see any ghosts around him.

I met the same person twice in one day, should we say we are destined

He said that he was the god of heaven, and was sent to hell by the emperor of heaven because of his sin. As long as he gets out of hell, he can return to heaven.

I laughed at his arrogance.

But I have no doubts. Because, there is no need. Why bother asking for trouble for a stranger? What's more, I did smell the smell of heaven on him, mixed with a trace of aura that I am very familiar with, which made my heart palpitate.

Shake your head and walk away.

The bell rang again at midnight.

I asked Impermanence: "Will this bell never stop?"

Impermanence laughed,

"This bell was struck by the Buddha himself. No one knows when it will stop. Perhaps, it will never..."

I closed my eyes and listened to the bell. It seemed that the Buddha was holding a golden lotus in his hand, a lotus flower radiating golden light, facing thousands of monks and tens of thousands of people in the audience, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

Morning, morning like midnight.

Unexpectedly, I saw that man again. The white robe was stained with blood, and the elegant face also looked a little hideous because of several scars.

Obviously, the night of hell is not easy.

I looked at him, he was brought over by the bull-headed horse face. My heart hurts a little. However, it doesn't matter, the pain is more, it doesn't matter...

This is hell, and of course there will be blood. The little devil is difficult to deal with, but even if you are a god, so what? However, I thought, how can a high god understand these things

I shook my head and ordered the bull to send him off with a straight face.

It's just that I didn't expect that the look when he left would surprise me so much. After all, she was still reluctant and left him behind.

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He seems to be like a transparent person, coming out every few hundred years, silently.

I still don't care because I'm the king and the midnight bells still ring...

"Will you be lonely after being alone for too long?" I asked Po Meng.

"If you have a calm heart, you will never be lonely. Original heart, my king, please don't lose your original heart in this endless darkness." Meng Po looked at me and said sincerely.

Heart? Oh, do I have that? I think so.

Turn around and leave.

I didn't see a deep smile on the corner of Po Meng's mouth behind her.

Back to the palace, my palace. A palace as luxurious as the day. Yes, it is really a miracle that you can still see the day in hell. And my palace, is a miracle.

White, pure white. It's no wonder that when Monkey King came here, he joked that this place was like the mourning hall. Thinking of Monkey King, I smiled unconsciously, what a strange monkey!

Reflected in the mirror, he walked in through the door. I turned my head and looked at him, speechless...

He stared at me blankly, as if he had something to say. But without speaking, he turned and left.

I remember one day, Jin Chanzi came to me and asked me what is the difference between hell and hell.

I laughed, laughed at his ignorance, laughed at his shallowness. The hell is where every dead person goes, and this hell... I smiled and didn't say any more.

Jin Chanzi shook his head and left.

I don't understand why he shook his head, and I don't want to. Because, in hell, you don't need to know so much. Because, in hell, those don't work.

Here he is again.

I really admire him, even after hundreds of years in this hell, his will to go to heaven has not been wiped out. I really don't know whether to call him stupid or stupid.

"How long will it take to return to heaven?" I asked.

"have no idea."

he replied sullenly. But I couldn't hear any sadness in his voice. I don't know, maybe I heard wrong.

The bell tonight sounded extraordinarily heavy.

I can not sleep. That's right, does the king of hell need to sleep? Self-deprecating smile.

I saw him again, drinking alone on the roof of the palace, his back seemed a little lonely.

Hehe, when can I see if a person is lonely

Flying over, he seemed to have expected that I would come. But still alone, drinking his wine lonely.

I smile. I don't care about his indifference. There seems to be nothing in this world that I care about. Even the "many ghosts" under my control, even this supreme throne.

That night, I seemed to have drank too much wine, as if dancing to the music under the moonlight for a long time.

I laughed again. Is there moonlight in hell? Is there music in this hell? And me, can I dance

Everything seems to be negative. But somewhere... I can't think of it, and I don't want to think about it again.

"Why are there more and more ghosts in hell?" I asked Po Meng.

"My king." Granny Meng saluted respectfully.

"Most ghosts don't want to be reincarnated, but voluntarily join the river of forgetfulness and come to hell."

Will throwing oneself into the river of forgetfulness lead to hell? Then how did I come here

"Is life in hell full of light?" I smiled lightly. Unexpectedly, one day there will be people vying to come to hell. That person must be very angry.

Suddenly startled, that person... who is it.

"No, my king. The world is too bitter."

"Back off." I said.

"Yes, my king." Granny Meng saluted me respectfully again.

Looking at the back of Meng Po leaving, I laughed. Is there a place worse than hell

Suddenly remembered Jin Chanzi's question again, and couldn't help but sigh, is it his ignorance, or my shallowness

He came out more and more often. Almost comparable to the chime of the clock at midnight, I think about it every day.

Impermanence said that the mouth of hell, oh, I forgot again, it is the "ghost mouth". Some are full.

I laughed, "Could it be possible to send them to heaven?"

skyline. These two words made my heart throb a little.

I admit, I am not a conscientious king. But I'm still king, just like the bell that rings every midnight.

Impermanence didn't expect me to say this.

Yep, it's a bit cold in hell to make jokes like that.

That day, Yan Luo actually came. That's right, the underworld is almost deserted, so how could he not come

"Pluto, you should take care of your people."

I responded with a smile. But this kind of thing, don't worry...

He walked in through the gate of the palace, and I didn't miss the surprise that flashed in Yan Luo's eyes when he saw him.

However, I am not surprised. After all, these two people are under the control of the Emperor of Heaven.

Yan Luo left. He said to me before he left,

"Pluto, you should go see the Emperor of Heaven."

I still responded with a smile. However, Heavenly Emperor, it should not be necessary.

The blood-red flowers of the other shore bloom on both sides of the river of forgetfulness, so enchanting and bewitching. It's just, unfortunately, it can't confuse me...

"Manzhu, it's time for you to stop." I smiled softly.

"No, Wang, I won't. Please forgive me for disobeying you". A soft female voice said.

"Manzhu, why bother to be persistent?"

"Wang, you don't understand. You don't understand..."

Don't understand? I am still laughing. It seems that there are more and more things I don't understand.

"Manzhu, do you know that Shahua a thousand years ago also wanted to do this. It's just that the Emperor of Heaven found out..."

"That Sahua..."

"Flowers and leaves grow differently from the same root, you understand. Manzhu, you should stop."

Only, I didn't tell her. Sha Hua, sent into the human world by the Heavenly Emperor, went through a thousand calamities and was reincarnated for hundreds of generations.

"No—King! Impossible! I won't stop! I won't—a thousand years! We've missed too many thousand years! This time, I won't let go no matter what— "

From beginning to end, I listened to all this with a smile. Although, her words buried too much ignorance, too much resentment, too much hatred. But I still laugh. (83 Chinese.83.)