The Man Who Gave The Protagonist a Halo

Chapter 34: Ancient time travel


Concubine Bai stared at Meng Jing with wide eyes. Her eyes were full of disbelief. She never believed that Meng Jing would say such a thing. Looking at Meng Jing, she asked him sadly, "Do you really have no affection for me?"

Through the window, a few rays of warm sunlight hit her body, and countless dust swirled behind her, which rendered the place extraordinarily bleak. She lowered her head in frustration, and a few strands of hair scattered on the ground. In front of her forehead, this noble concubine who was always arrogant and arrogant, at this moment was unexpectedly in an unprecedented embarrassment.

But Meng Jing's face was still indifferent, his face seemed to be covered with thick frost, he didn't even pause, and directly replied to her: "No."

"Then why did you marry me in the first place! Why did you marry me!" Bai Xi suddenly raised her head, her whole body was like a madman, the hall was quiet, and the people around were watching coldly, and her questioning sound echoed throughout the hall .

Meng Jing didn't feel guilty at all, so he smiled coldly and asked her back: "Why did I marry you, don't you know very well?"

Yes, of course she is clear, if her father hadn't used the concubine to persecute him back then, how could he have married her? He married reluctantly at first, so after ascending the throne, he only made her a noble concubine, but did not give her the title of queen.

He didn't like her, he never liked her, she should have known.

But she is not reconciled, why can the little showy hoof in front of her get his favor, and why can't she get it after so many years of hard work? How can she be better than her

Concubine Bai stood up straight, stared at Meng Jing closely, and asked him word by word: "You like this little fairy, don't you?"

Meng Jing didn't want to see Concubine Bai in the past, but now he thinks she's bothering her. Meng Jing really didn't want to see him, so he turned his head and said, "If you still want to keep this noble concubine, leave Jinyan Palace now."

Hearing this, Concubine Bai's entire body swayed backwards, the gold hairpin on her head jingled and was about to fall.

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"Good, good, good!" She said three good words in a row, two lines of tears dripped from the corners of her eyes, she took a deep breath, raised her head high, saluted Meng Jing again, and said in her mouth: " The concubine resigns."

The long skirt spread out meanderingly, and she straightened her back, still looking like a proud peacock when she left.

As soon as Concubine Bai left, Shangguan Zilian uttered a voice, perhaps it was because Meng Jing did not refute Concubine Bai's words just now gave her confidence, she also imitated Bai Xirou and shouted softly: "Your Majesty..."

Meng Jing Shangguan Zilian also had a half-good face, and said coldly: "Miss Shangguan, it's better not to talk, if you talk again, I won't guarantee that you will see the sun tomorrow."

So Shangguan Zilian didn't dare to speak out anymore, and could only watch Meng Jing and Zuo Lian discuss Bai Xiyu's condition.

Zuo Lian is obsessed with medical skills, especially researching some rare and complicated diseases, but now he can't see the patients, and he can't make a conclusion for a while. Finally, Meng Jing decided to wait a few days and if Bai Xiyu still looks like that, he will send Zuo Lian Lian took it over to show him.

Bai Xiyu packed everything in Baixi Palace and immediately ran to Meng Jing's bedroom. When he finally arrived at the bedroom, he took a deep breath and collapsed on the bed in an instant. After performing such a big show today, now he only feels his body being squeezed. Hollowed out.


A few days later, Bai Xiyu's condition still did not improve, so Meng Jing summoned Zuo Lian to treat Bai Xiyu.

When Zuo Lian was about to leave, Shangguan Zilian stopped him from behind and begged him: "Ah Lian, can you help me kill that dead eunuch?"

Seeing Zuo Lian's hesitation, Shangguan Zilian continued to cry: "If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be imprisoned here, Lian, I don't want to be imprisoned here for the rest of my life! Please, Lian, I know you Best for me."

At this time, she also cared about the other two blue-faced confidantes beside her, but she was only thinking about killing the dead eunuch who was in the way, without any consideration of the consequences of doing so.

Zuo Lian didn't understand the world affairs, he only knew that the girl in front of him was the one he liked and he shouldn't make her sad, so he nodded and agreed with Shangguan Zilian's words.

Shangguan Zilian smiled contentedly.

"Come here, Zuo Lian, I have something to tell you." Zuo Lian was just about to leave with the people outside, but at this moment he was called aside by Leng Sixie, the two of them whispered for a long time for some unknown reason, In the end, Shangguan Zilian could only see Zuo Lian nodding his head, probably agreeing to something to Leng Sixie.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, they all like her so much, and they won't harm her, so what else does she care about


Bai Xiyu was lying on the bed, and Meng Jing was sitting beside him. It was May, and the weather was warm and pleasant. The imperial garden outside was lush and full of vitality.

There is a saying called spring sleepiness, autumn fatigue, summer nap, Bai Xiyu has practiced this sentence very thoroughly now, he has been busy with Meng Jing for more than ten years, and now he can finally take a rest.

It's just that Meng Jing is suffering. I just think that Bai Xiyu has some strange disease. During this period of time, he has not had a good day of rest, and he has lost a lot of weight.

Bai Xiyu also felt a little distressed. After all, he was the male lead who had been with him for more than ten years, but there was nothing he could do about it. He would leave sooner or later. It was impossible to stay by his side all the time. It would be good to make him prepare early.

It was already evening when Zuo Lian came, he had checked Bai Xiyu's pulse, frowned, and said, "I can only find out a little bit about his illness, and there is no other way for now, I can only give him a try. .”

Meng Jing nodded and responded to Zuo Lian's words.

Bai Xiyu was always groggy these days, and it took him a long time to wake up after falling asleep. The imperial physicians all said that he had no problem, but Meng Jing always felt that his little Yuzi might leave him suddenly one day. This feeling of worry and fear became more and more serious day by day, and it almost became his innermost feelings. magic.

He suppressed the fear in his heart. In front of Bai Xiyu, he was still the omnipotent hero. He patted Bai Xiyu's hand and comforted him, "It will get better."

Zuo Lian took off the brocade bag at his waist and opened it. Inside were thirteen thin needles gleaming silver. These were the thirteen needles of gods and ghosts that had been well-known in the world for a long time.

People in the rivers and lakes have only heard of the thirteen stitches of the gods and ghosts of Juegu, but they don't know what these thirteen stitches are. However, Bai Xiyu knew that the so-called thirteen needles of gods and ghosts, twelve of them are magic needles, which are used to cure diseases and save people, and the remaining one is called ghost needles, which are full of poison. , that person will surely die, and there is no cure in the world.

And now what Zuo Lian took out from inside was the ghost needle.

So who is the needle in his hand going to fall on? (83 Chinese.83.)