The Man Who Gave The Protagonist a Halo

Chapter 39: Ancient time travel


In the early morning of the next day, after the snow fell, the plum blossoms in the west corner of the palace quietly bloomed, sending out bursts of fragrance, and the whole world was covered in silver, shining colorful halos under the sunlight.

When the palace people were cleaning the palace, they found Bai Xi's body buried under the deep snow.

The appearance of the corpse was not ugly, his eyes were slightly closed, his face was calm, his cheeks were still slightly flushed, as if he was still in a deep sleep.

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There are only spots of dried blood on the corner of his mouth, reminding the visitor that he is not deep asleep.


After waking up from a hangover, a eunuch came in and told Meng Jing that Concubine Bai had gone.

He was stunned for a moment, then remembered the jug of wine from yesterday, after a moment of silence, he said I got it, and there was no other words.

Seeing Meng Jing's attitude, the eunuch withdrew silently. After Eunuch Yu left, the emperor no longer needed anyone to serve him personally.

Meng Jing sat up from the couch, squinted his eyes and looked out of the window. Outside the window, there were a few green pines covered with a layer of white. It disappeared in an instant.

After a few quarters of an hour, another young eunuch ran in, saying that he had something important to report.

"Your Majesty..." The little eunuch is a newcomer, with red lips and white teeth. If you look closely, you still look a bit like Eunuch Yu back then. His ears were red from the cold, and he stared blankly at Meng Jing with a look of desire. The appearance of saying nothing.

Meng Jing glanced at him, then turned his gaze elsewhere, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The little eunuch knelt on the ground and stammered to report: "When the servants were changing the clothes for the imperial concubine, they found... found that the imperial concubine is...she is..."

"What is it?" Meng Jing asked lightly.

"It's a man..."

After not hearing Meng Jing's response for a long time, the little eunuch couldn't help but secretly looked up at the emperor on the couch, but saw that the emperor didn't have any expression on his face, just staring straight at the few green pines outside the window, as if he had been eclipsed. Generally frozen.

The cold wind seeped in through the crack of the door, the little eunuch couldn't help shivering, and called out, "Your Majesty?"

Meng Jing was awakened suddenly, he lifted the thin blanket on his body, got up from the couch: "I'm going to see him."

He picked up the clothes from the hanger at the side, and slowly put them on, his movements were very methodical, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry.

The little eunuch watched Meng Jing closely from the side, saw that his face was calm, his movements were neither fast nor slow, and he didn't see the slightest frightening appearance in the palace people's mouth, so he became bolder and crawled to Meng Jing's feet: "Your Majesty, what are you doing?" The clothes are worn backwards, the servant will help you..."

Meng Jing stopped, looked down and saw that his robe was worn backwards, then glanced at the slave at his feet, opened his lips slightly, and said only one word: "Get lost."


Everyone in the palace knew that Concubine Bai was not favored by Meng Jing, and she had often neglected him during his lifetime, let alone now after his death.

They only found a dilapidated palace nearby and put him there. Because of the embarrassing time when he went, there was no order from Meng Jing for a while, and they didn't know whether they should mourn or not.

This palace is the Jinyue Palace where the Concubine Nian lived in the past. Now it has not been inhabited for many years. The corners are full of spiders, the ground is full of dust, the walls are mottled, and there are traces of time everywhere.

As soon as Meng Jing stepped into Jinyue Palace, he saw pointing and whispering to the people on the bed inside.

When they saw Meng Jing coming, they fell silent for a moment, knelt on the ground and shouted long live.

But Meng Jing felt that he couldn't hear anything, and there was silence around him, as if everything had lost its color and turned into nothingness. He could only see the man lying quietly on an old carved wooden bed, all the clothes on his upper body had been peeled off, his pale skin was in the cold air, and the mole on his shoulder was at this moment It was incomparably eye-catching.

A burst of dizziness struck, Meng Jing closed his eyes, stabilized his body, opened his eyes again after a long time, opened his lips, and said hoarsely to the surrounding servants: "You all go out .”

After all the palace attendants were gone, he staggered to the bedside, knelt down, and stared at the small mole on the man's shoulder on the bed for a long time.

Finally, he stretched out his hand and caressed the man's face.

With trembling fingers, he pointed at the melted snow on the man's face, and wiped off the powder on the man's face little by little. Finally, he revealed the extremely familiar face hidden under the powder.

"Xiao Yuzi..." Meng Jing called softly, his voice choked with sobs.

And the person on the bed still closed his eyes tightly, did not respond, and would not wake up again.

Meng Jing silently looked at the person on the bed for a while, then suddenly remembered something, he lowered his body and picked up the clothes thrown on the ground by the palace people, and dressed the person on the bed carefully.

He stood up unsteadily, bent down and hugged the person in front of him, just like he did before, only this time, this person would never respond to him again.

He walked out of Jinyue Palace with him in his arms, the north wind was howling outside, the wind was mixed with the shrill chirping of unknown birds, and the snow under his feet was also creaking, Meng Jing was expressionless all the way, Carried him back to his bedroom.

He put Bai Xiyu on the dragon couch, and sat beside him, tirelessly drawing his eyebrows and eyes over and over again.

He thought of the troubled times he had with him when he was young, and also remembered the embarrassing wedding between him and Bai Xi when he was young, and finally...he thought of yesterday...

He knew that the pot of wine was poisonous, and he had made arrangements for the funeral, so he fulfilled the wish of those in the Bai family and went with Xiao Yuzi.

But yesterday at the Qianqiu Festival, Concubine Bai asked him for the pot of poisoned wine. He thought it was interesting, but also felt that it would be a bit bad to go to find Xiao Yuzi on such a day, so he gave him the wine and said something like that .

Just never expected...

Things in the world are really unsatisfactory!

He raised his glass to him, wishing him longevity and longevity.

Live long and healthy, live forever...

But I don't know what kind of expression he had on his face when he said this.

What a Bai Guifei, what a Bai Xi!

Meng Jing sneered, and there was a dense pain in his chest. He held his chest with his right hand, coughed a few times, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

A few traces of blood splashed on Bai Xiyu's face, Meng Jing was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand to stain the bright red blood on Bai Xiyu's pale lips, looked at him stupidly, and asked him crying: "Will you come back again?" ?”

There was no sound in the empty palace.


Many years passed in a blink of an eye, and it snowed heavily in the imperial capital.

There is a delicately carved jade coffin in the emperor's bedroom. The person in the coffin is wearing a black robe, with his hands folded on his chest, and his expression is peaceful, as if he is just asleep.

Meng Jing stood in front of the coffin, stroking the face of the person in the coffin. Now his face is covered with weather and frost, and his hair is gorgeous, while the person in the coffin is as young as ever.

He lowered his head and kissed the corner of the lips of the person in the coffin, sat down slowly with his back against the jade coffin, and murmured, "Why haven't you come back yet?"

"I have listened to your words. You said that you wish me a long life and a long life..."

"I've been waiting..."

He paused, his breathing gradually weakened, and two lines of clear tears slid down the corners of his eyes.

"I can't wait any longer..."

He closed his eyes and never opened them again in his life.

The wind blows the snow all over the city, playing palace merchants sadly.

I searched for Penglai guests a few times, and the black silk was dyed with hoarfrost.

… (83 Chinese.83.)