The Man Who Gave The Protagonist a Halo

Chapter 57: modern travel


"Boundless" is a large-scale 3D martial arts role-playing online game created by Tianming Company for three years. There are six professions for players to choose from, including archer Pofeng for long-distance attack, Shaolin and Jinjia for melee combat, Tianji who uses hidden weapons, Suwen who focuses on healing, and a dragon slayer who can attack from a distance or close up.

The name of the profession of Dragon Slayer sounds quite cool. I think that when "Boundless" first opened its server, a large number of players chose the profession of Dragon Slayer. Later, these players discovered that Dragon Slayer Although the name sounds good, but it is fucked! It doesn't matter that the skills are complicated, its upgrade tasks are also boring, and it is even more difficult to operate, so in the end there are really very few people who can really get started with Dragon Slayer.

In fact, for the profession of Dragon Slayer, the designers of "Boundless" were quite optimistic at the beginning. The promotional posters of "Boundless" also put a lot of effort into this profession, and specially invited famous painters at that time Sierra to design. On the poster, a dragon-slaying man in a black costume holds a gun in his hand, the red karmic fire is burning behind him, and a golden dragon hovers and crawls at his feet, and the slogan in the upper right corner has only one sentence: My life has a limit, And my life is boundless.

It's a pity that there are too few people playing Dragon Slayer nowadays. Most of them were stuck by a task of "hard training plum blossom piles" when they were at level 19. The top dragon slayers can even be counted with two hands.

It has been more than two years since "Boundless" opened its server, and tens of thousands of new characters are still created every day, and then enter "Boundless". And most of these players, no matter they are old or newcomers, are used to skipping the opening animation of "Boundless". However, in the opening animation of less than five minutes that most people ignore "The entire background of the book is introduced one by one.

In the thirty-eighth year of Jianzhang of the Great Shang Dynasty, Emperor Zhao Kang of the Jin Dynasty was innocent and cruel. Under the leadership, they rose up, and the whole world gathered to respond.

When the imperial court learned of this, they immediately sent troops to exterminate the uprising people. In the past three months, more than half of the hundreds of thousands of people who participated in the uprising were killed or injured.

In the spring of the thirty-ninth year of Jianzhang, Xue Yan broke into the palace alone and stabbed the Jin emperor Zhao Kang to death. The world called him the Dragon Slayer.

Since then, the world has fallen into strife.

In the next year, Yongzhou Qianwang unified Kyushu, ascended the throne as emperor, established Dayin, and changed his reign name to Xingyuan.

In the first year of Xingyuan, it was the time when all kinds of wastes were flourishing. There was a shortage of talents in the court, and the emperor was thirsty for talents. Mr. Shen Le of Baishui.

Shen Le used to be an aide of the King of Xiang, but after the King of Xiang died of a heart attack, Shen Le stayed in the palace of the King of Xiang and never took another step. Legend has it that he is a closed disciple of the Taoist in the cloud, and has the talents of the world, but unfortunately the emperor sent people to recruit him several times, but he was never seen.

The story of "Boundless" begins in the first year of Xingyuan. What players have to do is to build a prosperous Xingyuan together with npcs, or organize a rebellion secretly.

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A few days ago, someone with a heart found out in a new message from the "Boundless" official that Shen Le of the Xiang Palace should have a hidden identity, but he had to complete the follow-up mission of "Longevity" to find out, but he wanted to complete this mission. Shen Le had to be pushed down.

All the players said that this is clearly a bug! Now the ghost can push it to Shen Le!


Bai Xiyu was bored in the Hunan Palace, but there was nothing he could do about it. As a boss in a dungeon, firstly, he couldn't run around, secondly, he couldn't have any extra communication with the players, and thirdly... Anyway, most of the things people do, he is I can't do it anymore.

But although playing an npc in the game is a bit boring, but if you don't believe it, you can still have a relationship with the male lead!

As soon as he returned to the headquarters from the last world, he was called over by the team leader before his butt was warmed up.

The team leader sat on the office chair, looked at him with suspicion, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It's pretty amazing, Xiaobai, sending a halo will directly send the whole world to collapse!"

Bai Xiyu bowed his head guiltyly and said that the team leader praised him.

Hearing this, the team leader slapped the table angrily, glared at Bai Xiyu, and gave him a scolding immediately. The team leader said that when you gave the halo, he also recognized the story that collapsed to grandma's house. After all, the relationship between this job and the protagonists The relationship is very sensitive, but it's the first time I met him!

Bai Xiyu silently wiped the saliva off his face, stood obediently on the spot, and was about to meet the next wave of stormy baptism of the team leader, but the team leader suddenly raised his head and covered his ears. He must have received some important news. Chang's expression became serious in an instant, and after a while he put down his hands, packed his things and walked outside.

Before leaving, he did not forget to give Bai Xiyu a look, and said that he would settle the score with him when he came back.

In fact, Bai Xiyu also looked innocent, who knows how that world collapsed!

Taking advantage of the group leader's absence, Bai Xiyu immediately found another world and got out. He chose a world of travel. In this world, most of the grievances and grievances of the protagonists and supporting actors happened in the game. In reality, it was just a reminder. I said a few words.

He doesn't believe that an npc who gives the protagonist some equipment can also wipe out the sparks with the protagonist!

Bai Xiyu stood expressionlessly in the Xiang Palace. His only entertainment now was to watch the team channels of the players in front of him, and watch them discuss how to explode in front of him.

I have to say that this group of players in "Boundless" is really good. In the past, there were only a small group of players who liked to blew themselves up in front of him. For some reason, more and more players blew themselves up in front of him recently.

And these players are getting better and better, and they know to take off their equipment before they explode.

Damn, hot eyes!


Outside Xiangwang Palace.

A bunch of players are densely gathered here, most of them are waiting for someone or waiting for a team that is short of people to go in and paddle.

At this time, I saw a person in a Lingyun suit coming from the sky, and everyone took a closer look. This person is the leader of the first gang in "Boundless", and the first dragon slayer in "Boundless", Nan Feng soaring.

The players immediately became excited, this was the first time that they had such close contact with the Great God.

[Nearby] Fei Fei: Group photo! group photo!

[Nearby] Liu Yiyu: I'm so cute! I'm going to go downstairs and run around twice to be quiet!

[Nearby] Paradise Magician: What a delicate forehead! Guess what I saw

[Nearby] I am a fire in winter: God, can I ask that dragon slayer when he was upgraded to level 20, there was a 90th floor plum blossom mission, how did he jump over it

[Nearby] Kneel down and call Dad: God, I am your old fan! ! !

It's a pity that all the players maxed out the nearby channels, and Nanfeng Fuyao didn't say a word.

In the team channel.

[Team] Nanfeng Fuyao: I'm here

[Team] Warrior Wolf: Guild Master, I see you!

[Team] Qingqinghebian: The lord and we are all here, you can go straight to your job

[Team] The South Wind Swings: En

As soon as Nanfeng Fuyao entered the dungeon of Xiangwang Palace, he saw his gang members standing in a neat row like a group of elementary school students in front of Shen Le, and Zhan Lang was still directing in the team channel.

[Team] Wolf Warriors: Are you ready, everyone!

[Team] By the Qingqing River: No. 1 is ready, please instruct

[Team] Grass: No. 2 is ready, please instruct

… (83 Chinese.83.)