The Man Who Gave The Protagonist a Halo

Chapter 7: The runaway little wife of the domineering president


It's just a pity that there is no way to see that person again.

Bai Xiyu sighed silently, watching the sunset slowly sinking in the sky, the sky was gradually eroded by the darkness, and the stars could be faintly seen twinkling.

Qin Zerong, who was behind him, bent down and asked him softly in his ear: "Do you want to go back? Or do you want to watch for a while?"

Bai Xiyu didn't answer Qin Zerong's question directly, but asked him, "Where's Teacher Pei?"

"She should still be at school." Qin Zerong pushed the armrest behind the wheelchair, turned the wheelchair around, and pushed it towards the school.

For a while, no one spoke, the path in the mountains was quiet, and the last quarter moon hung in the air, casting a layer of cold moonlight on the stream behind him.

"Are you here to take Teacher Pei back?" Bai Xiyu asked suddenly, and before Qin Zerong could answer, he said to himself again: "We should take her back, the conditions in this valley are too bad , She is a girl who is really aggrieved."

"What about you?" Qin Zerong couldn't help asking.

"Me? I've been here for a long time and I'm used to it. It's pretty good here."

Qin Zerong could see a smile on Bai Xiyu's face under the moonlight.

He thought, this teacher Bai might really like life here.

After a while, Qin Zerong looked at the soft hair on Bai Xiyu's head, and asked him again, "Then why did Teacher Bai come here?"

Of course, I know that the heroine will come here, and I am always ready to give the heroine a halo! He had been looking for this place where the birds don't shit for two whole months, and he didn't know how the heroine got here!

"It's been many years since I've been here, so I forgot about it." Bai Xiyu looked up at the moon in the sky, blinked, and said softly.

Qin Zerong naturally didn't believe Bai Xiyu's words, but he didn't ask any more questions, and silently pushed Teacher Bai back to school.

Currently used, it is the most complete and best-used app for listening to books. It integrates 4 major speech synthesis engines, over 100 kinds of timbres, and is an artifact that supports offline reading.

When they came back, they saw Pei Qingqing standing at the door of the classroom. It seemed that they had been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Qin, please talk to Ms. Pei first, I'll go back first." After saying this, Bai Xiyu rolled his wheelchair and walked to the dilapidated small dormitory over there.

When he reached the door, Bai Xiyu turned around and called out, "Call me if you need anything!"

Although it's useless to call me Lao Tzu, we still have to keep the words of the scene.

Hey, there are not many fathers who are so considerate, so cherish them, heroes and heroines! Dad will leave after delivering the halo!

In fact, these words are reserved for the heroine to a certain extent, but most of the time it doesn't work. No matter what deep hatred there was between them before, they always wanted to hit each other when they met. No matter how unhappy the heroine was, she never asked him for help.

However, Bai Xiyu said that it is understandable for young people to be angry, after all, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed!

It is already early autumn, and there are a few fireflies flickering not far away, and the night is as cool as water.

Qin Zerong glanced at Pei Qingqing who was wearing a short shirt, and said to her, "It's getting cold, let's go in and talk."

Seeing that Pei Qingqing didn't move, Qin Zerong saw through what the girl was thinking at a glance, and said with a smile: "What's the matter? Are you afraid that I will do something to you? If I do something to you, you can naturally call Teacher Bai, and Miss Pei, I have to say, you think too highly of yourself."

"You—" Pei Qingqing stared at Qin Zerong.

"If Miss Pei doesn't feel cold, of course we can continue chatting outside."

Pei Qingqing pushed open the classroom door and walked in.

Qin Zerong followed behind, walked in slowly, and then turned on the light.

Under the dim light, Pei Qingqing had unspeakable sadness on her face. She said to Qin Zerong, "Qin Zerong, let me go back with you, but you have to promise me not to touch Teacher Bai and the children."

What's going on in this girl's head? Why did he move these people? Qin Zerong secretly laughed, but on the surface he replied seriously: "Of course I won't touch them."

Bai Xiyu had just arrived at the door of the classroom with a ball of quilts in his arms, and when he heard Qin Zerong's words, he expected that the two would have to talk for a while, so Bai Xiyu left silently in the wheelchair again.

Qin Zerong didn't know that Bai Xiyu had just been here, so he asked Pei Qingqing: "Miss Pei, do you really like staying in this place?"

"I..." Pei Qingqing glanced at Qin Zerong, as if hesitating to speak, but did not dare to say anything.

"I think I know your answer, Miss Pei." Qin Zerong said with a smile: "Miss Pei, I am very grateful that you saved me three years ago, and I have always wanted to repay you, but I don't want to let you You think I arranged your life, Miss Pei, do you understand what I mean?"

Qin Zerong took Pei Qingqing and left here overnight. Pei Qingqing didn't even say goodbye to Bai Xiyu. Because of this, she had a rather hypocritical talk with Qin Zerong. Her farewell would only make Teacher Bai more sad, why not She left without saying goodbye, knowing that Teacher Bai would understand her.

Understand shit! This is because Bai Xiyu knows the relationship between the hero and heroine, and understands Qin Zerong's character. How much to worry about other people who don't know anything!

Like mentally handicapped! Apart from this sentence, Bai Xiyu didn't want to say anything else.


As soon as Qin Zerong returned to S City, he was called back by Mr. Qin with a call.

The old man was sitting on the teacher's chair, with a purple sandalwood walking stick on his right hand. Seeing his favorite grandson come back, he sighed and said to him: "I know you like that Pei Qingqing, but you can't. I've seen that Girl, I really don't know what you think, how can she compare to Xi Yu at all?"

If Bai Xiyu was present, this is the time when he would silently complain about Mr. Qin's words, because at least the heroine's breasts are still bigger than his.

Qin Zerong lowered his head and replied obediently: "Okay, Grandpa, I know how to measure."

"Hey, I don't know where Xi Yu went, I haven't seen her for several years."

Qin Zerong looked pale, and said, "Don't talk about grandpa, if she wants to, she will definitely come back to see you."

Qin Zerong is not interested in talking to Mr. Qin about that Miss Xiyu, no matter how Mr. Qin praises her as hard to find in the sky or hard to find on earth, he is not interested.

He never told Mr. Qin that five years ago, he was kidnapped and injured his head just to save that Miss Bai, but in the end, that Miss Bai left him and ran away.

Heh... Think of it as a free life counseling class, although the price is a bit high, so that he still doesn't have the slightest impression of that Miss Bai in his mind.

But this is also very good, who hasn't met a few scumbags? Besides, he was lucky enough to forget about this scum immediately.

What a wonderful thing! (83 Chinese.83.)