The Man Who Gave The Protagonist a Halo

Chapter 92: Western fantasy


The male protagonist in this world walks in an upgraded style, plus a little bit... Cough, stallion.

Because the role of Duke Lars only exists in the first half of the whole plot, there are not many plots for Bai Xiyu.

The male protagonist's name is Oledo, and his identity is unknown at the moment. We only know that he is an orphan. When he was eight years old, he became a genius in both magic and martial arts by various chances and coincidences. Later, he did not know where he practiced hard. , When he came out, he was already a holy swordsman, and he also had a magister as a hidden identity.

There are magic and high martial arts in this world, and it seems easier to become a swordsman than to learn magic. As long as your physique passes the test, you can practice swordsmanship, but most people stay in the position of junior swordsman all their lives, unable to learn. Take another half step. As for learning magic, first you have to have the talent to get close to the elements, and then according to the type of elements you attract, you can judge which department of magic you are suitable for learning, and then you are allowed to enter the local magic academy to learn a series of magic.

It is not as simple as swordsmen for magicians to upgrade, but Oledo is a full-line magister. Doesn’t it sound ridiculous? You must know that it took most people a lifetime to go from an apprentice magician to a magister. success. What's even more surprising is that Oledo also knows a little bit of pharmacy, a little bit of animal taming, and a little bit of military, etc., but the hero is the best at picking up girls.

As the hero in an upgraded stallion storyline, Oledo is undoubtedly the number one straight man in the universe. He has a coquettish and beautiful female teacher, a pure and flawless elf princess, a holy and noble saint of the Holy See, The twin princesses of the Bauhinia Empire, as well as a bunch of beauties whose names Bai Xiyu couldn't remember, in short, anyone who was pretty fell under Oledo's crotch.

You must know that the main plot of this world is to upgrade and add stallions. It is absolutely impossible to tolerate the existence of a supporting role who is more attractive than the hero. If he is tolerated, then such a person will probably be a hypocritical gentleman. villain. Lars is not a villain, but his fate is not much better than that of a villain.

Perhaps in order to highlight the charm of the male protagonist Oledo, Oledo agreed to the request of the twin princesses of the Bauhinia Empire and came to Yaao to steal the Yao military map. He disguised himself as a slave, sneaked into Lars' mansion, and stayed here for more than a year until he completely gained the trust of Duke Lars. However, Duke Lars still didn't tell him about Ya'ao at this time. Where is the military map, and although Lars didn't tell him where the military map was, he brought him even more exciting news, and Lars begged him.

This is simply a joke! A homosexual appears in this kind of stallion plot, which is similar to a fly surrounded by a piece of cake, which must be killed.

So Oledo directly exposed Lars to the Holy See, and Lars stood in the public court wearing a costume, his expression was indifferent, and he did not refute Oledo's identification.

In the end, Duke Lars was burned at the stake.

With Lars gone, the presence or absence of that military map has no effect, so the Austro-Austrian Empire was engulfed by the Bauhinia Empire not long after.

Bai Xiyu didn't quite understand that with Oledo's ability, he could get rid of Lars without anyone noticing, why he pretended to be a slave and bowed his knees in Lars' house for more than a year. He was not afraid of this period of time The twin princesses cuckolded him.

Damn retarded.

When Lars raised his head again, the slave in the Colosseum below had already lost his breath. He was covered in blood and his limbs were mutilated. The ferocious beast sniffed him twice, as if he was not satisfied with the meal , so he walked slowly to the other side, and the nobles watching around cheered one after another. They threw hats, gold coins and flowers into the sky to celebrate the great victory of the beast.

The lion had long been accustomed to the cheers of these nobles. It turned around twice, and felt bored, so it lay down directly, stretched out its tongue and licked its paws carefully, then closed its eyes and began to take a nap.

Several soldiers wearing hard armor and holding guns walked into the Colosseum. They bent down and lifted the slave's body down in the Colosseum.

Not long after, another slave was brought up. He has honey-colored skin, and his bare|exposed chest is full of powerful muscles. A pair of azure blue eyes are particularly attractive on his face full of dirt. You can still vaguely see him Looks handsome.

There were aristocratic ladies discussing quietly in the arena, thinking that this slave is really a pity.

Lars' head was slightly tilted back, the golden sunlight shone on his fair face, he squinted his eyes, his long eyelashes trembling slightly, casting shadows under his eye sockets.

The slave below is Oledo, the one who will kill him in the future.

The king asked him from the side: "How long does Duke Lars think this slave can last this time?"

Lars shook his head and replied, "I don't know."

"Can there be something that Duke Lars doesn't know?" The king's words seemed to mean something else, but Lars didn't even give him a superfluous expression, and the king didn't ask the Duke any more, just focused on watching Beasts in the arena.

The ferocious beast on the opposite side was still sleeping soundly, and Oledo sat down leisurely. His sitting down made the watching nobles in the Colosseum anxious. These nobles shouted at the beast and took off their cuffs. Throw it at the beast.

He half-raised his head and looked around the stands of the Colosseum, and finally saw Lars sitting in the center above the Colosseum. Oledo retracted his gaze, lowered his head, and licked the corners of his dry lips.

The shouting and cursing of the people finally alarmed the beast, it moved its eyelids, and opened its eyes to look at the slave opposite. The beast stood up and growled at Oledo.

Oledo stood up, but he couldn't see the slightest sense of urgency on his face. He lowered his head and moved his fingers. His punches were swift and nimble, and even those nobles who had always looked down on slaves couldn't help but gasp in amazement .

Although Duke Lars had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, he still didn't like this kind of bloody scene. He lowered his eyes and looked at the various delicate patterns on the hem of the clothes. Lars felt that his calf was aching again.

It didn't take long before he heard a bang, because the sound really didn't sound like a slave could make when he fell down. Lars looked up, and as expected, the one who fell was the lion.

There was silence in the Colosseum.

The corner of Lars' mouth curved into a sneer, which was really interesting. When the beast won, these nobles wanted to run up and sing a few songs, but when the slave won, the expressions on the faces of these nobles were much more intriguing.

"Change to a lion." The king looked away and said to the knight commander beside him, "Find one that is hungry for a longer period of time."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Not long after the knight grew up, the dead lion in the Colosseum was carried down, and then it was carried up to a huge iron cage. The lion in the cage looked like it had been hungry for a long time. There was bloodthirsty ferocity in the eyes looking at Oledo.

And Oledo stood where he was from the beginning to the end, he didn't see any distress on his body, and he didn't show any dissatisfaction with the inexplicable need for an extra lion now, but his eyes occasionally drifted to the king.

The cage was opened, and the others hurried down, leaving Oledo alone in the Colosseum. However, this lion, which is said to have been hungry for five days, still has not been able to be more vicious than the male protagonist, and it has not even lasted as long as the previous lion.

The nobles seemed to be still in shock and did not recover. There was no sound in the Colosseum. Lars glanced at Oledo below, and said to the king next to him: "Your Majesty, you should pardon me." This slave."

The king looked at the dead lion below, and finally shook his hand, signaling the knight commander to let the slave go.

Then a group of people ran out from the doorway on the side, hugged Oledo and took him to the bloodbath to wash away the blood on his body.

The king stood up, turned to Lars who was still sitting on his seat, and said, "Let's go, Duke Lars, it's time for me to pardon this slave."

Those people carried Oledo through the Arc de Triomphe, and countless flowers fell on Oledo's body. His face did not show any joy, but this stern face attracted the girls to throw more flowers at him. flowers.

The king stood on it, and the sun made the crown on his head more dazzling. He held a long sword in his hand and pointed it at Oledo's chest. Pardon your slavery."

The slave looked up at Lars secretly, pursed his lips and said to the king, "I want... I want to follow the Duke!"

The king was taken aback, the total number of slaves he pardoned over the years was less than a dozen, and this was the first slave who refused him when he announced the pardon. He put down the long sword in his hand, turned his head and glanced at Lars who was standing beside him. Lars' face was still icy cold, as if the person the slave said was not him.

But in the entire Asian-Austrian Empire, he was the only Duke, Werther Lars.

The king found this very interesting. He put the long sword back into its sheath and threw it into the hand of the chief guard. He leaned forward slightly and asked, "Why do you want to follow Duke Lars?"

Oledo expressed his admiration for Lars in nearly 3,000 words, like a torrential river,

In fact, few people would take these words seriously. The king felt bored after listening to half of them. After he finished speaking, the king said to him: "You must know that if you follow the Duke, I will not be able to forgive you. slave."

Oledo replied: "I know, I would."

The king didn't ask Lars about his wishes, besides, he was just a slave, his master decided whether he would live or die, and he said to Lars: "Duke Lars, I will give you this slave. "

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Lars finally turned his head and glanced at the slave who was still kneeling on the ground. There was no slight fluctuation in his eyes, and he just said to the king: "Thank you, Your Majesty the King."

Oledo immediately showed a joyful expression when he heard this, and he climbed to Lars' feet with admiration and respect on his face.

He bent down, and his lips lightly touched Lars' boots, extremely pious.

"Master," he called. (83 Chinese.83.)