The Man Who Married a Tyrant

Chapter 55


There should be a detailed introduction about Fang Tianzhuo in the original book, but He Zheng didn't see it. A large part of his thoughts on reading the text were spent on He Zheng, and some of the few words that he mentioned were all ignored by him.

Just like Fang Tianzhuo being exiled, he seems to have some impressions in his memory. On the day they left the ship, he asked Jiang Fuyang if it was appropriate to fight with them at such a young age. Fang Tianzhuo mentioned it, but He Zheng didn't take it to heart at all.

Because he didn't care why Fang Tianzhuo became a tyrant, he just remembered that he was violent all the time.

He Zheng picked up a grain of rice with the tip of his chopsticks, and heard the pounding sound of the rainstorm in his ears. He didn't know what to say for a while.

Fang Tianzhuo looked at his white face, clear and clear, as if he didn't know much about the world, and said: "Zheng'er can't even eat the food in this temple, and she is still whimsical, and wants to leave me, leave the palace, you know the imperial city Most people outside of China can't even eat this bowl of brown rice."

He Zheng's eyelashes trembled. How could he know? He only knew that in modern times, even the low-level people with a monthly income of two to three thousand can definitely get by on food and drink. He knew that there was a big gap between the rich and the poor, and that many children in the mountains were very miserable. , but he has never experienced it himself.

How can something in the legend have a sense of reality

Ever since he came here, his consumption of food and drink has been at the normal level, and there is meat in every meal. Even if he is not used to being served by others at first, he will get used to it after tasting the sweetness.

Although he felt that ice cubes were very troublesome to cool off the heat, it was only a matter of one sentence, and only the servants were troublesome, and he didn't need to do it himself.

Even knowing this, He Zheng still heard a bit of ridicule from his words. Whether Fang Tianzhuo intended it or not, He Zheng felt ashamed: "So what, even if I farm the land by myself, at least I still have freedom!"

The corners of Fang Tianzhuo's lips were bent, and his eyes were dark: "Are you sure, when you can't eat enough for three meals, can you still think about your so-called freedom?"

"How do you know that I don't have enough to eat? I'm just not used to it." He Zheng picked up the chopsticks again and picked up the rice silently. Even if the righteousness is awe-inspiring, it's unpalatable, and no matter how much you eat, it's still hard to swallow.

He Zheng finished eating in one breath, his face turned blue, Fang Tianzhuo handed over a glass of water, he gulped it down, took a breath, raised his chin and said, "See, I can live without you Very good!"

Whether or not to leave is one thing, but he doesn't allow Fang Tianzhuo to look down on him, as if he can't live without him, wouldn't that be okay!

Fang Tianzhuo's smile remained unchanged: "It's one thing to eat it, but another thing to be able to get this meal."

He Zheng said angrily, "You..."

Fang Tianzhuo calmly got up to wash, then sat on the couch, and said, "If you hadn't already had a little prince in your womb, I should have let you go to a farmer outside the city to learn more."

He Zheng got up viciously, packed the bowls and chopsticks into the lunch box, and waited to send them back to the kitchen, and then sat down on the bed. He took a breath, feeling aggrieved by being looked down upon.

"Yes." He couldn't help but said, "I don't know how to farm. I might not be able to get this meal here, but so what? When I was a fairy, I sat there every month. It’s a big income. What I do is not something that everyone can do. I am not really supported by others. I make money by myself, and I remember to buy gifts for my parents and brothers every month. Why do you deny it? my worth?"

Fang Tianzhuo pulled the quilt and looked sideways at his blushing face. He Zheng felt a sense of gloom in his heart, and Fang Tianzhuo's words made him feel too uncomfortable, because he knew that Fang Tianzhuo was telling the truth. Maybe he left Fang Tianzhuo, and life would be really hard, but the devil knows Why did he come to this crappy place? He didn't deserve to be born here!

He Zheng became emotional, and his eyes became hot with anger.

When Fang Tianzhuo said this, he missed his parents even more, where he would not be unable to live without a man, and would not be belittled as worthless.

He thought viciously, if he could go back, he would definitely go back, let this ashes return to ashes, ashes return to ashes, let Fang Tianzhuo continue to be his master of the world, and he will go back and live his little life well.

He wanted to yell these words to Fang Tianzhuo, to show him his confidence, but he thought of being exiled when he was young, but he couldn't say it.

He knew that Fang Tianzhuo was right, they were all right, Fang Tianzhuo had his three views and standpoints, what was wrong was fate, they shouldn't have met in the first place.

Fang Tianzhuo chose to skip the topic as usual: "Go to sleep."

He Zheng turned over and lay down, pulled the quilt to his shoulders, and continued to sulk with tears in his eyes.

After a long time, he heard the man beside him sigh. There seemed to be a thousand words in this breath. Then, his waist was gently hugged.

The man's warm breath was in his ears, and He Zheng's mood suddenly calmed down strangely. His hand slid down and was placed on the hand on his waist. He hesitated to spread his slender fingers and intertwined with his. .

He closed his eyes and felt that Fang Tianzhuo also tightened his five fingers slightly.

The torrential rain was still falling. I don't know if it was because the sound of the rain was too loud, or because the atmosphere between them was so rare, or because they were not used to this simple bed. He Zheng never felt sleepy. The matter of Fang Tianzhuo's exile was over and over again in his mind, and he wanted to ask, but he didn't know how to ask.

There was a sudden knock on the door outside, He Zheng was puzzled, Fang Tianzhuo had already got out of bed, opened the door, a man in a waterproof suit stood outside, and handed Fang Tianzhuo a lunch box.

He Zheng smelled the fragrance, immediately opened his eyes, struggled to sit up like a penguin, and couldn't wait to put on his shoes and get out of bed, but felt that he looked too unreserved, so he asked weakly, "What, what?"

He stared at the wooden lunch box like a hamster staring at melon seeds. Fang Tianzhuo took out the food and put it in front of him, put the lunch box on the ground, and said, "Eat."

He Zheng swallowed: "You, when did you ask someone to buy it?"

He Zheng couldn't remember who he had ordered.

Fang Tianzhuo didn't answer, but just gave a reason: "I'm not used to the food in the temple either."

The man sat down opposite him, and silently picked up the chopsticks again. There are two of He Zheng now, and he was not full at all just now. Although the rice sent here is all vegetarian dishes and looks like there is no meat, it is fried with oil from fat meat, and the seasonings are also well added. Not as bland as the one I ate just now, there is also a cucumber and egg drop soup, and a bowl of white jade-like polished rice, exuding an attractive fragrance.

He Zheng lowered his head to eat, looked at Fang Tianzhuo secretly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised as he chewed the food, and whispered, "Thank you, Mr.

Fang Tianzhuo didn't respond.

After eating and drinking, He Zheng lay down with Fang Tianzhuo after washing, turned his face to look at him, and then quickly looked away.

It would be nice if Fang Tianzhuo lived in the same era as him, in fact, others are still very good, if he is not the emperor, it would be nice if he could only have himself for the rest of his life.

"Master." He Zheng called him suddenly, Fang Tianzhuo opened his eyes to the roof, but He Zheng had already hugged his waist and tugged at him: "Look at me."

Fang Tianzhuo turned around: "?"

He Zheng was very grateful for his meal at night, and with a grateful heart, he said, "Is there anything you want to talk about? I can be a trash can."


"Why not? I want to know... I want to know Mr. Xiang better, can you tell me?"

"Will Zheng'er leave?" Fang Tianzhuo looked at him and asked, "The last wish is to leave me?"

He Zheng paused, then shook his head: "No."

Fang Tianzhuo silently hugged him tightly, stroking his long hair with his fingers, he didn't wait until he took the initiative to tell himself the third wish, his eyes darkened a bit, he lowered his voice and restrained: "Whoever you go I will find you anywhere."

He Zheng's ears were numb, he covered it subconsciously, and said softly, "Who said it wasn't?"

Fang Tianzhuo closed his eyes, and finally said, "I was framed and exiled by the former empress."

He Zheng waited patiently for him to continue, but Fang Tianzhuo fell silent again. He Zheng raised his face to look at him, breath blended, Fang Tianzhuo touched his lips, and said: "Those who have bullied me, all He died in my hands. That foolish king didn't know people clearly and was deceived by others, so I gouged out his eyes. The queen mother had no way to teach her children and ignored me, so I wiped her throat. The former queen insulted her. I abused me and ordered the fourth prince to bully me, so I drugged my fourth brother to have her eyes gouged out by her own son, her nose cut off, her tongue pulled out, her heart gouged out..." He seemed to be recalling that scene again, his eyes flicked across A long memory: "I have taken revenge one by one, trampled the hated people under my feet, and crushed them into the mud. I am happy."

When he said this, his tone was extremely calm. He just stared at him without blinking. Fang Tianzhuo said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Fang Tianzhuo's eyes flickered.

Those were past events that Fang Tianzhuo didn't like, so he only chose what he liked to talk about, but He Zheng knew that Fang Tianzhuo remembered people who were kind to him, just like the current empress dowager, the former concubine, the only protector past his elders.

He can be cruel or gentle.

Fang Tianzhuo lowered his head, sniffed the intoxicating fragrance on his body, and said in a low voice: "Whatever I want, I will definitely get it. This is the world, and so is Zheng'er."

He is declaring sovereignty.

He Zheng was stunned for a moment, his ears were suddenly touched by something wet, and he couldn't help being startled: "Your Majesty, um..."

Fang Tianzhuo kissed his lips.

The torrential rain didn't stop until early in the morning, and He Zheng was exhausted until the sky brightened. When he woke up, the kitchen had brought hot water, which was prepared by the servants brought by Fang Tianzhuo.

He Zheng rubbed his eyes, and complained that Fang Tianzhuo was so energetic that he did what he said while cleaning himself up, put on a new dress and walked out the door. Fang Tianzhuo just finished practicing the sword into the sheath.

I should have woken up a little earlier.

Fang Tianzhuo has already looked at him: "When will you return to the palace?"

He Zheng still didn't want to go back, so he asked, "When can we come out again?"

Fang Tianzhuo walked over, took the towel handed by the servant to wipe his hands, and said indifferently: "That depends on whether Zheng'er is good or not."

Whether he is good or not is not a matter of Fang Tianzhuo's words. He Zheng is very upset when he speaks like this. Fang Tianzhuo reached out to caress his cheek, combed his long hair with his fingers, and asked, "Why are you wearing it?"

"I can't do it." He Zheng took out the hairpin and said in frustration, "I can't pull it off anyway."

They didn't bring any female envoys with them this time, and few of the guards knew how to do their hair. He Zheng raised his arms sorely after he stroked them a few times, so he had no choice but to give up. He didn't think there was anything wrong with wearing his hair, but in Fang Tianzhuo's view, it must be different. The man frowned slightly, "What do you know?"

"You..." He Zheng was aroused by him early in the morning: "Don't you know what I will do? Didn't you feel very comfortable yesterday? You were about to scream."

The servants immediately bowed their heads, Fang Tianzhuo didn't expect him to say something surprising, his face changed, He Zheng shrank his head timidly, and was suddenly picked up by the man, He Zheng swallowed: "Master, Mr., I, I said something wrong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Fang Tianzhuo put him on the chair with a cold face, and took a comb to comb his hair. He Zheng shrank his neck, afraid that he would tear off his scalp all at once.

Fang Tianzhuo took part of his hair, tied it in a knot, and fixed it with a hairpin. Then he sat opposite him and stared at him coldly. After a while, he said, "You are not allowed to talk to me like that in front of people."

He Zheng nodded obediently. There was no mirror here, and he didn't know what Fang Tianzhuo had done with his hair, but the other party's movements were very light, and he didn't feel his scalp being pulled until he was done.

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Sensing his thoughtfulness, He Zheng also wanted to be considerate. Just as he was about to say whether he would go back to the palace, he suddenly saw a familiar man walking into the opposite room from the window.

Recognizing who it was, his heart suddenly thumped wildly, he turned his face to peek at Fang Tianzhuo, and tentatively said: "Actually, I want to stay for another two days. If Your Majesty is busy, go back first?"

Fang Tianzhuo's face turned cold again: "I didn't hear you clearly, please say it again."

He Zheng didn't dare, he held Fang Tianzhuo's hand hesitantly: "Then, I, I let my brother meet you?"

The author has something to say: Fang Huang: Come on.

Brother: Come on.

Zhengzheng: ...

inexplicable panic jpg

#Thank you for the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Line mines]: 3 pieces of hee hee;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

13 bottles of Shuibobuxing; 10 bottles of sweet water fish and sleeping cubs with 700 points; 9 bottles of the cutest and most invincible in the universe; 6 bottles of Yixian and Jiang Feng; 5 bottles of Yunying, Black Eyes, and Quail; 2 bottles of Shan; ..., I don’t know what name to take, Shuaiqian, 30319209, Fanchen※Huanwai, Nine-Tailed Baisawa, Self-awareness, 34025624 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!