The Man Who Married a Tyrant

Chapter 70


"It's full term, how can I take it off?" Fang Tianzhuo told the truth lightly.

Obviously he just hugged him, but He Zheng suddenly felt that he didn't care about him at all. He said angrily: "You might as well cut me open, at least I can live with him."

Fang Tianzhuo's tone was calm: "I have the best Taiyuan Hospital, you will be fine."

He Zheng was so annoyed by his expression that he was in control of everything: "Why do you think I'm fine?"

"If I say no, I won't." Fang Tianzhuo looked over with a serious expression: "Don't worry, don't worry about yourself."

"What do you mean I'm asking for trouble, my troubles are clearly brought to me by you!"

Fang Tianzhuo pursed his lips, and sighed for a while: "You have such a heart, how can you open up branches and leaves for me in the future."

He Zheng opened his moist eyes: "You, how many more do you want?"

"It's best to have nine sons." Fang Tianzhuo looked over, and before the next prospect could be said, He Zheng suddenly got up from the couch and walked out.

It never occurred to him that Fang Tianzhuo had seen him go from morning sickness to edema, and now he was having nightmares, yet he still hadn't let go of the idea of having nine children.

In other words, even if he survived to give birth to eight children, he might die with the ninth. He didn't understand Fang Tianzhuo's obsession, and he couldn't understand it, but his heart was suddenly stretched out because of this little bit of unhappiness, and he felt stuffy and swollen.

He opened the curtain, and the cold wind blew, Fang Tianzhuo immediately pulled his body back, and wrapped him in the cloak again, "Be careful of catching a cold."

He Zheng pushed him away, and said patiently: "Please don't appear in front of me for the time being, Your Majesty, I want to go out for a walk by myself."

He walked out wrapped in a cloak, the cold wind gradually froze his emotions, he walked numbly for a while, feeling a broken pot in his heart, he hoped that he could die during this delivery and make Fang Tianzhuo regret it for the rest of his life.

But thinking of that ending, he was very unwilling. In addition to his previous life, he was only in his twenties, and he hadn't lived enough.

After walking in a daze for a while, he suddenly noticed that the palace people were coming and going, and they seemed much busier than usual: "What's going on in the palace recently?"

Shunyi hurriedly answered: "The first day of the twelfth lunar month is His Majesty's birthday. On that day, ancestors will be worshiped and worshiped, and all officials will pay homage to them. Your Majesty will use this auspicious day to pray for the common people. Altars will also be set up in various provinces to pray for Your Majesty's longevity."

Such a big ostentation was thanks to Fang Tianzhuo being the Chosen Son of Heaven. According to superstition, some people's life is not big enough, and if they can't hold it, their lifespan will be shortened instead.

He Zheng said, "I haven't heard him say that."

"Such a major event should have been known to everyone."

He Zheng turned his face to look at the pavilion, the man was still standing there, too far away, he couldn't see Fang Tianzhuo's expression clearly, he only knew that he should be looking at himself.

He Zheng turned away, continued to walk forward, and said, "I've been suffering so much that I couldn't sleep all night, but he is very proud of himself."

Nan Jing and Shun Yi looked at each other the same way, the former said: "I don't know if I should say something if I have something to say."

"Just say what you like, it doesn't matter what you sell."

Nan Jing also knew that Empress He was different from other concubines, so she didn't mention what he might be blaming, and said: "The empress has had a hard time conceiving, and although His Majesty doesn't say anything, all the servants can tell that he is worried about you , otherwise I wouldn’t be responsive to your requests, would I?”

"If he is really worried about me, why would he say he wants to have nine sons?"

"Your Majesty is the son of a real dragon, sitting in the world, he naturally hopes that there will be many dragon sons... Besides, he only said that you will give birth. From another point of view, wouldn't he want to be a couple with the queen forever? If your majesty is really just innocent If you want more dragon sons, how can you abandon so many concubines and just want to have children with you? Isn't it?"

He Zheng looked at her sideways: "You are loyal to him."

Nan Jing lowered her head, "Did the maid say something wrong?"

He Zheng didn't speak any more.

In fact, he knew what Nan Jing said. Fang Tianzhuo said that he would have nine sons with him. In a sense, he really recognized him. But in his opinion, he was special because he was not a woman he hated. Once another fertile man comes along, it can be easily replaced.

Sometimes he feels that Fang Tianzhuo loves him, after all he has done all kinds of mischief and is still alive and well, but sometimes he feels that Fang Tianzhuo doesn't care about his life at all, just like he knows that he doesn't want to live and is afraid Life, but still stubborn, even at this time.

This made him feel that all his concessions were just because he could bear him a child, that's all.

He Wenchu didn't come here very much recently, Fang Tianzhuo worried that He Zheng's overthinking would affect his production, so he ordered someone to summon him, and he finally showed up after a few days.

He Zheng's listless expression finally got better after seeing him. He hugged He Wenchu for a while, coaxed him to eat more, and suddenly thought: "I want to eat cake."

He Wenchu didn't ask why he suddenly wanted to eat it: "Then I'll go back and try to make it. There are too few ingredients here, so the taste must be different."

He Zheng immediately said: "If you make it, give me the recipe."

He Wenchu saw his thoughts at a glance: "Why, do you want to make it yourself for your majesty?"

He Zheng nodded: "He hasn't eaten a birthday cake yet."

"Don't think about what you have recently. Look at you now, can you cook yourself?"

"Then I'll greet the Imperial Dining Room and talk to the head office."

He Wenchu thought that he could find something to do to divert his attention, so he said, "I will try to let your majesty taste the food of our gods as much as possible."

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He Zheng squinted his eyes and smiled. He didn't mention his fear to his brother. He Wenchu pretended he didn't know. He tried to talk to him about some light topics. When he left, he gave him a notebook. He Zheng opened it. At first glance, they were all uncolored graffiti, and there was nothing substantial. He wondered: "Did you draw it?"

He Wenchu nodded: "I drew it overnight when I came here the night before yesterday, so you can take it and color it."

"It's so ugly, it's not as good as my painting."

He Wenchu's face darkened, "Take it as homework, paint well."

He Zheng guessed that he was painting specially to color himself to relieve stress, and he felt warm and happy, and couldn't help laughing: "Understood, don't worry."

The drawing book He Wenchu gave is really good. Although some details are not drawn very well, once it is colored, it looks pretty good. He Zheng is still drawing other brain holes on the side. His attention is highly concentrated, so time passes quickly, and he usually eats or sleeps after he finishes a painting. He has no time to think about messes, and the days are not so difficult.

That night, after the imperial doctor's pulse was diagnosed, He Zheng got up and was about to go to the front hall, but suddenly he heard the other party talking to Fang Tianzhuo: "From ancient times to the present, there has never been a prince born in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Now that the queen is about to give birth, I think that your majesty should send her to the palace." She will return to Pize Temple to wait for delivery, so as not to affect the temple."

What effect, it is because he is afraid that he will dirty the temple when he gives birth.

He Zheng didn't finish listening, turned around and went back to the bed, quietly waiting for Fang Tianzhuo to drive him back, but unexpectedly, Fang Tianzhuo didn't mention the matter at all, He Zheng's mood improved slightly, and he turned his head and shrank back. into his arms.

After all, what was supposed to come has finally come. When He Zheng woke up this day, he suddenly felt restless. Painted in a mess.

He pressed his stomach, his face pale, until the pain came gradually, he looked down, and saw the white clothes under his body quickly smeared with a large amount of blood red, his mind went blank for a moment, his vocal cords seemed to be eaten suddenly, he couldn't say anything talk.

Huge panic seized his heart like a demon, and he heard Fang Tianzhuo's faint voice from outside: "Is the queen awake?"

This is Fang Tianzhuo coming back from the court, he is like this every time, as soon as he comes back, he will ask himself if he is awake, if he has eaten, where he is, and what he is doing.

It's just that the one who came back today seems to be a little later than usual.

The maid answered softly. He Zheng sat behind the table and raised his eyes. He saw the man who took off his court clothes and crown walked in. The black boots came into view. He held the pen and looked up along the robe. With the man's dark eyes, he smiled stiffly.

Fang Tianzhuo raised his nose, his pupils shrank suddenly, and strode over: "Zhenger?!"

"Come on! Quickly pass on the imperial physician!"

He Zheng was shaking like a sieve, boundless fear wrapped him like a fishnet, he grabbed Fang Tianzhuo's clothes tightly, his lips opened and closed, the pain in his abdomen became heavier and heavier, he finally found his own voice, but let out a cry of pain.

It hurts so much.

He felt as if something in his stomach had sprouted sharp fangs and scratched his abdominal cavity, or someone was trying to tear him apart, and because he was not strong enough, he couldn't give him a good time.

These people have already been trained well, and under Nanmenliang's call, they are ready to prepare hot water, towels and other items in an orderly manner. The imperial doctors filed in and saw the blood stains under He Zheng's body stained on the dragon couch. They were all shocked: "Your Majesty , the place is full of blood, I am afraid that the temple will be polluted and the ancestors will be shocked, so I dare to ask the queen to give birth in Pize Palace, and it is still too late."

Fang Tianzhuo's expression was forbearing: "You just have to deliver the queen, don't say anything else."

Imperial physicians look at me and I look at you, the best thing to do is the next best thing: "Your Majesty, please move outside to prevent the blood from under the fetus from contaminating the holy body."

Fang Tianzhuo turned his head to look at He Zheng. The latter was so painful that his whole body was soaked in cold sweat. He couldn't speak a complete sentence, but trembled helplessly, like a dying fish.

Fang Tianzhuo's Adam's apple rolled, and he strode out at the begging of a group of people.

He Zheng burst into tears crazily, he just felt that every second was so difficult that he lost his voice in pain.

When Luo Yuanhou arrived in a hurry, he saw Fang Tianzhuo walking back and forth in front of the door, his eyes met, he bowed to salute, but was grabbed by Fang Tianzhuo, the man's face was full of evil spirits: "I want to spare your life For today, the holy medicine was made by you alone, now I want the queen and queen to be safe, can you hear me clearly?"

Luo Yuanhou was in a complicated and anxious mood, but he still respectfully said: "I obey the order."

The screams came from the hall, and the palace people were in a hurry. He Zheng cried out in pain, scratched his hands, and lost his mind.

Fang Tianzhuo took a breath, raised his hand and pushed the door, but Nanmen Liang hugged his leg: "Your Majesty, please be safe and don't be impatient. The queen has the protection of her ancestors, so nothing will happen. You just changed your robe, but don't worry. Don't get dirty any more."

Fang Tianzhuo's lips trembled, and he clenched his fingers tightly.

Time passed minute by minute, and the sun was fading to the west, and He Zheng screamed again: "Fang Tianzhuo—"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Nanmenliang was kicked down the stairs by him. The man pushed open the door, and rushed to He Zheng like the wind, grabbing his hand.

The soft hand was trembling with pain at this moment, and the joints seemed to be broken at any time. The imperial doctors were shocked: "Your Majesty, your holy body..."

Fang Tianzhuo said coldly: "If the queen has three advantages and two disadvantages, I will punish you and other nine clans."

Everyone was silent, Fang Tianzhuo turned to look at He Zheng, stretched out his hand to stroke the sweaty long hair on his forehead: "I'm here, don't be afraid, Zheng'er will be fine."

He Zheng's eyelashes trembled, "In the book, it's all deceptive... It hurts, it hurts, it won't be numb... it will only get more, more..."

His abdomen was pushed and rubbed by one hand, his body was so painful that he flexed and stretched restrainedly, his beautiful face was twisted, his lips were dry and pale because of biting the cloth, he was so painful that he had no strength, and his eyes turned black: " I want to go home…”

Fang Tianzhuo lowered his head, saw the hand slowly let go of him, and suddenly held it back, his eyes were about to split: "Prince doctor! Luo Yuanhou!!"

He Zheng passed out and woke up again, a new round of pain came again, his voice was hoarse, the pain was so painful that he didn't know what day and night, in a trance, his life of more than twenty years suddenly came into his mind like a horse watching flowers. I heard that people can see what they have experienced in their life before they die. He suddenly found that he seemed to have been to an antique place when he was seven years old. There, he cheated a child his age. oath...

Memories flashed by quickly. He saw his parents, brother, and Fang Tianzhuo with a calm expression as he wished. Suddenly, a force was poured into his body. He lifted it up in one breath, and heard Fang Tianzhuo's hasty whisper: " Zhenger, Zhenger, wake up."

Suddenly realizing that there was a little guy in his body, he blinked tiredly, sucked in a breath with all his strength, and stood up in great pain: "You fucking come out for me!"

A loud baby cry came, and He Zheng saw a white light blooming in front of his eyes in a trance. The severe pain made his body sink again, and his thoughts gradually fell into chaos again, and he passed out completely.


Fang Tianzhuo's eyes were full of white light, and the light spread from the center of the Hall of Mental Cultivation to the surroundings in an instant, illuminating the entire imperial city as bright as day.

The people in the center of the white light all raised their sleeves to cover their eyes.

Fang Tianzhuo shouted: "Come and see the queen!"

Luo Yuanhou put down his sleeves and hurried forward: "It's passed again, I'll give you the needle now."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty! You are a little prince!"

"Your Majesty, all blessings are in the sky! The little prince must be an auspicious body!"

Luo Yuanhou applied the needle in front, and Fang Tianzhuo conveyed his inner strength again, and everyone behind him knelt down with joy on their faces.

Fang Tianzhuo stared at his lover on the bed until He Zheng's breathing slowly stabilized and the white light faded. Luo Yuanhou wiped the sweat from his forehead, knelt down on the ground, and said in a shy voice, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, mother and child are safe. .”

Fang Tianzhuo's eyes were dry, and his whole body was wet like rain. He looked at the blood stains on the dragon couch, then turned his eyes on He Zheng's face again, and said in a hoarse voice, "What time is it?"

The person kneeling behind him has not been ordered and dared not get up. Someone replied: "It's already the second watch."

A full day.

Fang Tianzhuo finally turned his face away, the imperial physician hurried over on his knees, and handed the infant little prince to him, Fang Tianzhuo looked at it for a moment, and said, "What day is today?"

Nanmen Liang immediately said: "Today is the first day of the twelfth lunar month, and it is His Majesty's birthday."

Everyone reacted suddenly, and they all sang and kowtowed: "Your Majesty is overjoyed! The queen is overjoyed! The world is overjoyed!!"

In the fifth year of Emperor Qi, on the birthday of the eldest son of the royal family, a miracle fell from the sky, and heavy snow fell. The happy bell rang six times, with the palace as the center, the sound was transmitted at intervals, and the good news spread throughout the entire imperial city overnight.

Some people who were awakened by the glaring white light came out one after another, knelt down in the direction of the palace and congratulated them. Everyone opened their hands and let the snowflakes fall on their bodies in surprise. Everyone agreed that today's light, this clock, this snow , will bring them luck.

At this moment, it is the day of the Double Ninth Festival in modern times. In He Zheng's small European-style room, a young Taoist suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise: "Kung fu pays off, I have sensed your brother!"

The author has something to say: Zhengzheng: I want to go home 1551

Brother: I will take you home now!

Fang Huang: ...! ! !

#Thank you for the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Shiyi 20 bottles; Wufu Hongying, mimo 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!