The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 1


"The Man I Buried Alive"

Author: vampire_j

brief introduction:

In the psychological clinic on Friday afternoon, a special patient came in.

[the first week]

When Ling Chennan opened the personal information form, a strange name came into view.

He remembered that the guest who had originally made an appointment at this time canceled the regular appointment two weeks ago, saying that the situation had improved a lot and that he would move to another city with his family. So, the last appointment time slot at 4 pm on Friday had a new customer.

Ling Chennan has always called them guests, not patients, and he has always called himself a counselor, not a psychiatrist.

One minute after the pointer passed, there were two knocks on the door.

Two tones, instead of the three tones of the public, there is a subtle pause between the second and the first, which seems to be very restrained, but also seems to be a little uncertain.

The door was pushed open, and the new guest came in, nodded at him, and said, "Doctor Ling, hello."

The guest didn't extend his hand, so Ling Chennan didn't either, but stood up to greet him: "Mr. Shen, please sit down."

"Has Mr. Shen consulted about psychological problems before?"

While chatting with him, Ling Chennan blatantly looked at this guest—tall, thin, very handsome, sitting upright, very different from the type of regular customers who appeared here.

Generally speaking, most of the people who come to consult for psychological problems are older women with tense family life - women are generally more likely to ask for help than men.

But Ling Chennan noticed that after sitting down, he quietly turned the ear of the coffee cup twice, pushed the coffee saucer to the place where the pattern on the wooden table was aligned, and felt awkward about the biscuit crumbs in the small saucer, it should be People with mild obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness.

"So," Ling Chennan released a reassuring smile from above the glasses, and said, "Is there anything troubling you want to tell me?"

The guest looked at him, and his Adam's apple twitched.

The swallowing action is suppressing some strong emotion.

He opened his mouth slightly, looked up and down, as if he was thinking about how to speak, but Ling Chennan didn't rush him, and just looked at him quietly.

The guest finally made a sound: "I once had a lover."

Ling Chennan caught the keyword: once.

There are two reasons for lovers to become past tense: natural disasters and man-made.

Not sure if this lover is still alive, Ling Chennan waited conservatively for the other party to continue, but the thread of silence was getting longer and longer.

Seeing that the other party seemed to have a lot of thoughts, and didn't know where to start the narrative, Ling Chennan guided: "Aren't you two together now?"

The other party was silent for a long time, and said, "I, I lied to him."

Deceit, Ling Chennan began to build a file in his mind, the most common deception in the relationship between the sexes is cheating. But Ling Chennan waited for a long time, but did not hear these two words.

To be precise, he didn't hear a word.

Generally speaking, this kind of silence mostly happens to clients who passively see a psychiatrist, unwilling to face their own mental health problems or admit that they need help, and it is even more difficult to build a sense of trust in the doctor. In contrast, most of the guests who take the initiative to seek help have a strong desire to confide, such a long silence is very sorry for the high consultation fee.

But the other party unconsciously folded his arms around his chest, completely in a gesture of rejection.

Ling Chennan put his notebook and pen aside, took off his glasses, put his hands on his knees and said, "Tell me how you two met."

The guest finally raised his eyes and looked directly at him, instead of looking at a certain part of his chin. The other party's eyes are very beautiful, which are the most outstanding parts of his facial features. If he smiles, he should be very attractive. It's a pity that he has no expression at all now, and the back of his face is empty, not so much dazed, but more sickly.

"He is..." the guest spoke, although the speech was slow, but this time it was a string of sentences: "We met at the place where he worked."

[Shen Yinchuan's First Story·Acquaintance]

[The first time I saw him was in a coffee shop.

It was a Tuesday morning, and I was waiting for a meeting, so I found a random place with Internet to sit in and process emails. Then, he showed up, and I saw him walk past the glass next to me into the front door of the store and order a soy latte to go. He is very handsome, especially when he smiles, he is a bit high-spirited. He didn't hold anything else in his hand, and he put it in his trouser pocket smartly while waiting, leaning against the bar and looking around casually.

Then I watched him take the latte, cross the street, and enter the office building across the way.

It stands to reason that this kind of glimpse on the street usually ends here, but that time I don't know why I suddenly had a very strong feeling, the urge to get to know him. But the two of us were complete strangers, we had no intersection, and it was almost time for the meeting, but at that time, I only thought that if I didn't catch up now, I might never find him again in this life.

So I quickly put away my notebook and followed into the building.

The building has a total of twenty-three floors, and I looked up floor by floor, looking very slowly, for fear that I might miss him in some corner or in his separate office. Finally, I found him on the nineteenth floor, his name is Bai Sheng, he is a home decoration designer, his name is pasted on the glass door.

I hesitated for about five seconds, then pushed the door open and walked in. I pretended to be a customer who wanted to consult about home improvement, and I got to know him.]

After listening to Ling Chennan, he thought to himself: Even if you don't care about your work, you have to be brave enough to chase after a stranger you don't know. Looking at the person in front of you, you can't think of such a bold and courageous style.

He asked, "How long have you been together since then?"

Shen Yinchuan said: "Three months, we went out for dinner within the second week of our acquaintance. I told him frankly that I didn't really want to find a home decoration designer, I just said this to get close to him. He was a little surprised, but also There was no anger, and we were officially together after dating for over two months.”

Ling Chennan nodded and said, "It doesn't sound like a problem. Although you didn't tell the truth at first, it was just a trick to break the ice."

"No." Shen Yinchuan closed his eyes and shook his head: "I lied to him."

"That's not me. The person he's dating is not me. I pretended to be funny and gentle in order to please him, but in fact I'm not. I'm a very bad person." Shen Yinchuan said.

Ling Chennan nodded understandingly: "This is normal. I will try my best to show my perfect side in front of the person I like, and pretend that I like the other person's hobbies. As time goes by, maintaining this illusion will become more and more tiring. It's getting harder, especially for people who live together, and vices will be exposed more easily."

Shen Yinchuan shook his head: "No, I lied to him completely, I am not that kind of person, doctor, I am sick, I... I may not be able to control myself."

"Can't control myself" also has many scenarios. According to the other party's description, his lover is also a man, and at first glance, the other party's body is considered thin, otherwise Ling Chennan would have thought it was domestic violence.

But Shen Yinchuan frowned, and was a little speechless again. After a while, he said, "Doctor, the conversation here is confidential."

Ling Chennan nodded: "Doctor-patient confidentiality rules, unless what you are talking about involves harm to the public or others, I have no right to tell anyone."

Shen Yinchuan nodded and said: "I, I can't control it, I don't want to hurt him, I really want to trust him, but I hate him talking to others, I know, sometimes it's just work, just friends, but I just can't control it live."

Ling Chennan thought to himself - such a handsome person would have such a strong sense of inferiority complex and insecurity, he asked: "Did you do anything?"

The other party nodded slightly with his mouth open, and shook his head again: "I didn't mean it, he's so popular, as long as he doesn't go home directly after work, I'll think wildly, I can't help losing my temper, and regret it later, and He apologized, and then he tried to go home and work overtime, but I was still worried, what if his customers liked him, what if he chatted with others while buying coffee? I didn't mean to... "

The other party's word order began to be confused, and his emotions gradually became agitated. Ling Chennan hurriedly said softly: "I understand your mood, but... we may need to discuss the behavior carefully."

Shen Yinchuan paused, and when he was in a daze, the electronic watch on the table suddenly gave a beeping sound—it was time for consultation.

Ling Chennan was also taken aback, the other party just wanted to open up a little.

It was Friday, and there were no other guests after that, Ling Chennan said: "Mr. Shen, if you want..."

It's okay to continue talking.

But Shen Yinchuan quickly stood up as if stepping on a poisonous snake: "Thank you doctor, I will come back next week."

[the second week]

It was Friday afternoon again, and several colleagues in the clinic gathered in the tea room to chat about their weekend plans.

Ms. Zheng, who was in charge of the front desk, smiled at Ling Chennan while covering her hot teacup, and said, "Doctor Ling, do you have a weekend date?"

Ling Chennan also laughed: "A man is an old dog, no one wants it."

Ms. Zheng laughed for a while and said, "Is that man still here last week?"

Ling Chennan pretended to be stupid: "Which man?"

Miss Zheng blinked: "Of course it's that handsome guy."

Ling Chennan smiled helplessly, and Ms. Liu, the clerk, said, "Handsome is handsome, but I always feel creepy when I look at it."

Ling Chennan understood what she meant, but he had to say that he found the man's sickly look a bit sexy.

I have a strong interest in things that are biased by the minority, and it is also

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