The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 14


Should I rush out and question the other party loudly, or should I rush out and never look back.

Suddenly, he thought of something again.

Since there is a whole body of evidence of stalking at home, why would Bai Sheng let him in and let him walk around.

"Every time he told me one more thing, it became clearer in my heart that he didn't intend to let me go."

Bai Sheng's words resounded in his mind, like a flash of lightning passing across the plain, all the withered grass was ignited, and then the thunder rolled.

The drowning man becomes himself.

Ling Chennan stood on the spot and took a few deep breaths, but still couldn't calm down his heartbeat. He turned his head slowly, no one was behind him, and listened intently—the room was still full of silence.

He was so nervous that he felt his heartbeat echoing throughout the room. He walked lightly, and was afraid of any noise when the door was pushed open.

The lights were dim and the aisles were cold and long.

To his surprise, Bai Sheng was still hiding behind the big cushion in the corner of the coffee table in the living room, with his knees curled up in front of his chest, his body shaking slightly from side to side.

Ling Chennan felt that he must be making a very big mistake, but he just couldn't move his legs.

Come on, he said to himself.

Bai Sheng seemed to feel that someone was staring at him, so he raised his face and met his eyes.

Neither of them spoke, and the only sound in the air was the sound of water flowing slowly from the radiator.

Ling Chennan opened his mouth and found his own voice after five seconds: "Bai Sheng."

The person at the other end of the living room was called by name, without even blinking, they still stared at him without blinking.

"Are you Bai Sheng?" Ling Chennan asked, and then he thought—why do I ask that

The other party knocked his chin on the pillow and shook his head slowly.

Ling Chennan froze for a moment, and said, "Then who are you, not Bai Sheng, who are you?"

The other party seemed to think for a while, but shook his head.

Ling Chennan suddenly became bold again, the blood seemed to flow back to his limbs and bones: "Can't say it, can't anyone say it?"

Bai Sheng shook his head more eagerly.

Ling Chennan frowned, and took a step forward: "What do you mean? You can't speak?" An extremely absurd idea suddenly arose in his mind - schizophrenia? Could it be that what he saw in front of him was a dumb split personality

"Can't you speak?" Ling Chennan asked, but he was indeed full of doubts—he had never encountered a real split personality patient in his practice for so long, which was too rare and too weird.

Bai Cheng pursed his lips and shook his head again, while letting go of the cushion and trying to stand up. Seeing him approaching, Ling Chennan stepped back vigilantly.

Unexpectedly, he would hide. Bai Sheng was a little surprised and anxious, but just as he took a step, he almost fell down due to numbness in his legs. Ling Chennan didn't help him, but took a step back.

"Just stand there and say, I know you can talk, and if you talk, I won't blame you." Ling Chennan said.

Bai Sheng's long and curly eyelashes were once again steamed, and he stretched out his hand to hold him like before, but Ling Chennan just felt creepy at the moment, so he had to raise his voice and say, "Don't come here! It doesn't matter who you are!"

Bai Cheng was stunned, standing where he was, tears streaming down his face.

Ling Chennan raised his face and narrowed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "You said you were not Bai Sheng, then who are you? Didn't you say you were Shen Yinchuan at the beginning? Now? What name did you give yourself?"

Bai Sheng sobbed silently, shaking his head all the time, but he didn't dare to approach him because of being murdered.

Ling Chennan was unmoved, and said: "I know you can talk, I know you can tell who you are, but you have to speak, so I can help you, do you still want me to help you?"

While Bai Sheng was crying, he opened his arms to get close to him, Ling Chennan said coldly: "Forget it, I understand. Then I'm leaving, see you next week."

Bai Cheng rushed up to grab him, but was pushed back by his wrist, "I saw it, I saw the photo in your room, I saw it all." Anxiously: "I've seen it all, Bai Sheng, are you following me? Since when did you start following me? How much of the story between you and Shen Yinchuan is true? When did the rest of the story be made up? It's following me." What month is it?"

Bai Sheng's shoulders trembled, and he wanted to break free from his hand. Ling Chennan continued to ask: "Is it interesting to see me walk into your trap step by step? What are you going to do after that? Do you imprison me according to your fantasy? Why not?" What about doing it? Am I already here?"

Ling Chennan suddenly felt extremely tired from this one-man show, and his temples were aching. He recalled as if talking to himself: "How many things have you lied to me? You lied to me if you forgot to bring your clothes, and you lied to me when you found me through the introduction of a specialist. What, did Shen Yinchuan really track you down and bury you alive? Did he really call you from the prison? No, I thought I had the answer before, but now I think I'm too naive, Shen Yinchuan Does it really exist?"

He let go of his hand, took a step back, and sighed: "Forget it, you don't have to say anything now, no matter what you say now... I don't have the energy to listen to it, you see, I've been off work for two hours It's been many hours, why do you have to encounter this kind of thing here? I take back what I said before, please don't come to the clinic again next week, I won't receive you. "

After finishing speaking, Ling Chennan turned his head, picked up his coat and put it on, and walked quickly to the door to put on his shoes.

"Why...why don't you believe me..."

Ling Chennan turned his head with wide eyes - Bai Sheng actually spoke.

There are still water marks on his chin, but the fog in his eyes has dried up. He bowed his back and shrugged his shoulders, and said through gritted teeth, "Why don't you believe me? Shouldn't you believe me?"

Ling Chennan said: "How can I trust you, I can't..."

He suddenly stopped - the scene in front of him was extremely familiar, and even the words he said were exactly the same as that time.

"Why don't you believe me, and you don't believe me?" The other party's voice became sharp, and the sadness and fear on his face were replaced by anger.

This is what Bai Sheng looked like when he had an attack in the clinic last time! Before Ling Chennan had time to gather his thoughts, the other party rushed forward and shouted hysterically: "Why! What I said is true! Why don't you believe me! I didn't! I didn't lie! I haven't met anyone, why don't you believe me? Didn't you promise me to believe me!"

Ling Chennan was knocked backward by him, fell against the coat rack, was hit hard by something hard on the waist, and hit the back of his head on the wall—this time no colleagues from the office could come in to help, he was beaten by Bai Sheng Pressed under him, staring at his eyes, his mouth was tightly covered.

Bai Sheng glared at him condescendingly, with no trace of rationality on his face, he repeated frantically in a high-pitched voice: "Why don't you believe me, why don't you let me go, kill me! Why don't you just kill me?" Well, kill me, Shen Yinchuan, do it!"

Ling Chennan's heart was shocked, Shen Yinchuan? Is Shen Yinchuan real

He couldn't think about it, his stomach ached from the opponent's knee.

He secretly exerted strength, held the opponent's wrist with one hand, and punched him in the throat with the other hand, Bai Sheng instantly rolled over in pain, lying on his side and retching.

Ling Chennan quickly got up from the ground, opened the door and ran out.

He ran downstairs, dropped the key on the floor twice before opening the car door, his hands were trembling badly but he didn't dare to stop, and after driving two streets in one breath, he chose a lush street to stop, gasping for breath, The chest rises and falls.

He lowered the sunshield and turned on the dome lights, and looked in the mirror—there were a few slightly red fingerprints on his cheeks, which couldn't be seen behind him, but they were definitely blue.

He opened the car window to let in the cold wind, rested his head on the back of the seat, but his mind was spinning so fast that he couldn't stop.

Even if the one just now wasn't Shen Yinchuan, it certainly wasn't Bai Sheng. Ling Chennan thought.

At least it wasn't the Bai Sheng who walked into his clinic, ate with him and played with him, holding his mouth shut and smiling.

This is no longer purely in the scope of psychological counseling, he secretly decided - he must find the real Shen Yinchuan and find out who he is.

[Ninth Week · Tuesday]

Ling Chennan was sitting in a box in a private restaurant at the south end of the city - it was at least an hour and a half drive away from his home and work place, as long as there was no traffic jam. He subconsciously booked a seat not by the window, and laughed at himself as a frightened bird.

As soon as the a la carte cup of mint tea was served, the person Ling Chennan asked to meet arrived—it was his senior during graduate school, named Lu Baizhou.

Lu Baizhou was so wet that his head and shoulders were wet. After entering the box, he took off his coat, towel and hat, placed them in a row on the radiator, and then greeted Ling Chennan.

Lu Baizhou: "I'm sorry for being late, but something happened suddenly before I got off work. It's rare for you to invite me to dinner."

Ling Chennan said: "It's okay, I just asked you out temporarily yesterday."

Lu Baizhou walked across to him and shook hands with him vigorously, then sat down on his buttocks. Although he looked a little tired, his voice was still loud and energetic: "I just said we can meet in the city, you still ran all the way to us Come from the suburbs."

Ling Chennan laughed: "I'm afraid you're starving to death in the city in your state, and you... I'm afraid your underwear will be soaked through."

Lu Baizhou also laughed: "Why do you want to play on other people's underwear as soon as you come up, junior."

Ling Chennan smiled and shook the menu in his hand: "Do you have any recommendations, learn, grow?"

Lu Baizhou took out his phone and wiped the screen with a napkin, and said nonchalantly, "His pancakes are delicious, you can order anything else."

Ling Chennan nodded, asked the waiter to order a few dishes, and ordered a bottle of beer for the other party.