The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 18


Yes, it is not necessary to use it. "

At this time, Lu Baizhou picked up the cold water on the table and drank a few sips, raised his eyelids to look at him from the mouth of the cup, and said, "Oh, junior, we are full of old men here, a men's prison, If you dress so handsomely, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive and annoying."

Ling Chennan took off his coat expressionlessly, rolled the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows, and said, "Okay."

Lu Baizhou raised the corner of his mouth: "It's so easy to control, then... Actually, it's best not to wear it."

Ling Chennan's face continued to be paralyzed: "Senior, are you crazy? Too strong male hormones broke you?"

Lu Baizhou grinned: "Treat patients as gentle as spring breeze, and treat me as ruthlessly as winter."

Ling Chennan raised an eyebrow and said, "Is this something new?"

Lu Baizhou laughed twice and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Ling Chennan: "I ate it, I ate it between every red light."

Lu Baizhou said: "That's good, I'm afraid that if you say that you didn't eat, you won't be able to continue the topic."

Feelings don't have breakfast at all, do they? Ling Chennan glared at him sullenly.

After drinking two more sips of water, the two walked towards the gate of the prison together. At the security checkpoint, they met another man, in his forties or fifties, with gray hair. He wore a leather jacket over a black T-shirt on a cold day, laughing. Greeting hello to the prison guards, Lu Baizhou also waved to him from a distance.

There was a distance between them, Lu Baizhou smiled, and explained to Ling Chennan through his teeth: "This big brother is very powerful, and he is also a supervisor and counselor for felons before they return to society."

Ling Chennan took another look at him - it's not surprising that this is a delivery man, his demeanor is very simple.

Lu Baizhou saw what he was thinking, and looked disgusted: "You snobs in private clinics!"

Ling Chennan said decisively, "I was wrong."

Lu Baizhou continued to explain: "He is mainly responsible for tracking and recording the daily reporting and emotional state of prisoners during the parole period. My eldest brother used to be the tour manager of a rock band."

Ling Chennan finally showed his first expression this morning, and said unexpectedly, "Huh?"

Lu Baizhou was happy again: "I didn't expect it. It took a long time to recruit people. Who are the serious criminals? Think about it, drug dealers, intentional murder, intentional injury, robbery, although they have been reformed for so many years, they are not the same as outsiders. Even more disjointed, the rules of this small society like a prison are not the same after all, and you have to go back outside the high wall all of a sudden. The psychological pressure is huge, and it is difficult to adjust the expected value. This job is really unbearable for ordinary people. This brother, here for the interview When I actually looked at his resume, it didn’t completely match our recruiting resume, but my eldest brother talked about his experience of leading a band in the past, such as drugs, violence, fights, and troubles. Basically, he was given three meals a day. At that time, I thought it was too funny when I heard it, but it was really good to recruit in later.”

After passing the security check, they entered the first gate of the prison. The surroundings became quiet, and it was no longer suitable for gossip. The two walked in silently with another female teacher who was providing employment guidance. There were only her high heels and The click of the ground touching.

After passing through the second door, they saw a few inmates cleaning at the end of the corridor. They turned a corner and went upstairs to the side door of a small auditorium. Ling Chennan poked out his eyes and took a sneak peek at the cropped head of a prison uniform with a watery blue background. At a glance, he felt that he was face-blind.

Lu Baizhou brought him back, followed the procedure again, and said: "All the prisoners who came here today have less than two years left in their sentences. Some of these people have only been here for a few months, and some have been here for decades. The length of time, there is a certain gap with the outside world, and prison life has changed people so much that it is hard for people who have not had first-hand contact to imagine. So what we are talking about today is different from the one-on-one correction in the past. It is mainly to give you a warm-up on the psychological construction and preparations to be done before returning to society, what parts can be self-adjusted, and what channels can be sought for help. Your identity is more objective, try to treat them as social people rather than criminals It will be more effective to treat it, and I will mainly explain the process of psychological evaluation and comprehensive evaluation to you.”

Ling Chennan listened carefully, and reorganized what he was going to say in his mind—he studied criminal psychology very well in college, but he didn't have many opportunities to practice it, at least he couldn't compare with someone like Lu Baizhou who has been doing criminal psychology correction all year round.

When Lu Baizhou came on stage, Ling Chennan sat in the first row with the female teacher, waiting for his time to speak.

The process went smoothly. Although the audience seemed to lack interest, at least no one disturbed them. They finally said everything that needed to be said. When it was time to interact in groups, the three of them each divided a dozen or so prisoners into a group. Circle for Q&A.

Ling Chennan originally came to this place with selfish intentions, but after learning about it, he suddenly discovered the joy of it—ordinary psychotherapy may relieve the pressure on an individual or a family, but the psychological correction of criminals obviously has a greater recoil and far-reaching impact. There are many people here who once thought of self-mutilation or suicide because of inferiority and self-blame, and there are also people who threatened to take revenge on their wives and kill their biological fathers after they were released from prison. atmosphere. Ling Chennan thought of a sentence his criminal psychology teacher once said—you should never focus on their perverted points, but on their sensitive points. The important thing is not what caused them to commit crimes, but what gave them humanity .

Ling Chennan led them to chat and share, and at the same time faintly ignited some original intentions that he hadn't experienced for a long time, and was enthusiastic and fascinated by this job.

It was almost lunch time, and Ling Chennan remembered the purpose of this trip. He looked around, but he really didn't know which one was Shen Yinchuan—he only knew that the other person was about 176cm tall and had bad knees, but everyone was sitting, so it was impossible to tell who was Shen Yinchuan. who. While everyone was doing interview practice, Ling Chennan quietly slipped back to the podium and looked through the list—there were not many people, so he found it quickly.

Standing on the podium, with the matching black and white photos, Ling Chennan saw Shen Yinchuan. He took a look, then looked at others, he was a little uncertain, so he looked down at the photo and then looked up, yes, it was him. The legendary Shen Yinchuan, Ling Chennan thought, couldn't express what he felt in his heart, but felt that it was unreal—the other party looked very ordinary, and he might be considered handsome with a different hairstyle, with a medium build, and he couldn't tell that he was the protagonist of the story of imprisoned lovers.

The other party noticed his gaze and looked back. Ling Chennan did not avoid it, but stared at him calmly, just like an ordinary teacher sizing up students.

So the other party turned his head back expressionlessly.

He stepped off the stage and walked to Shen Yinchuan's side - the other party did not practice with anyone, but he was not the only one alone.

Ling Chennan spoke casually: "You don't participate? What was your job?"

Shen Yinchuan was a little surprised, looked at him, and said, "Sales."

Ling Chennan asked, "Sales? What industry?"

Shen Yinchuan said: "There are all of them, real estate, insurance, office area and so on."

Ling Chennan let out an "oh" and asked again: "You haven't been here for long, have you? Do you still want to do sales after you get out of prison?"

"Let's talk about it later." Shen Yinchuan replied without interest.

Ling Chennan asked again: "Where's the family? Are they all in this city?"

Shen Yinchuan moved his wrist unnaturally—there was an electronic bracelet, Ling Chennan knew that the prisoner's personal information and money from his family were usually stored there, but he also thought that the other party seemed to have no immediate family members, so he added: "I heard that you applied for Family members called several times."

Shen Yinchuan turned his head abruptly: "How do you know?"

Ling Chennan looked calm: "Ah? Is this a secret?"

Shen Yinchuan frowned and said, "No, there is no privacy in this place."

Ling Chennan continued the routine: "Just now I chatted with another person, saying that his mother left him a house, and it turned out that his father took it as mortgage when he was still in the interrogation stage, and he can't get in touch until now, nor can he Take his call."

Shen Yinchuan frowned even tighter: "No..."

Ling Chennan: "Huh?"

Shen Yinchuan: "Not relatives, not immediate relatives."

Ling Chennan said slowly: "Oh... no wonder the application is slow."

Shen Yinchuan said: "My former... um... object."

Ling Chennan was surprised and said: "Ex? Even if everything is normal, it may not be possible to get in touch."

Shen Yinchuan said vaguely: "No, before us... the situation was more complicated, so it was... a little unpleasant."

Ling Chennan felt a little uncomfortable - he made Bai Sheng look like this by himself, and he covered it up with "a little unpleasant".

Shen Yinchuan might really treat him as a passer-by, and said quite unguardedly: "I came in because of him, intentionally hurting me, saying that I have a mental illness." He deliberately emphasized the word "I", Ling Chennan turned to look at him: " oh?"

Shen Yinchuan also looked at him, and moved the corners of his mouth with a smirk: "I know I have a bad temper, I admit it, but he... he is schizophrenic, can you believe it? He usually looks harmless, but occasionally , all of a sudden, I will become another person, not angry or anything, from eyes to personality are completely different, as if possessed by something."

Ling Chennan's heart trembled, he swallowed calmly, and said, "schizophrenia and split personality are not the same disease, the former is a functional mental disorder, and what you describe is multiple personality, which is very rare."

Shen Yinchuan snorted, turned around and said, "It doesn't matter,