The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 2


One of the original intentions he started to study psychology.

Miss Zheng took a sip of the brown sugar water: "Ah, it's probably from the iceberg system."

Ling Chennan looked at the wall clock on the wall, took a water glass, and turned his head as he walked, telling: "Don't stare at people when they come."

Miss Zheng waved with a smile: "Doctor, don't worry."

Ling Chennan returned to his office, moved the guest's seat behind the curtains, leaving only a bench to lean on, and wondered how long it would take for the other party to start talking smoothly this time. Not long after, there were two knocks on the door, and Shen Yinchuan walked in.

Still wearing light gray clothes, tall and restrained, Ling Chennan couldn't imagine the scene where the other party questioned his lover hysterically.

Shen Yinchuan's profile says 176cm, but it seems to be taller than him to the naked eye. Ling Chennan does not admit that he has shrunk, and desperately brainwashing is the illusion caused by the other party being too thin.

This time Ling Chennan was standing in front of the desk with his hands hanging by his sides. There was nothing between them, but the other party still nodded to him and did not take the initiative to shake hands.

Sure enough, when Shen Yinchuan wanted to sit down, he found that the chair was gone, he looked around anxiously, Ling Chennan said: "Is it okay to sit here?"

Shen Yinchuan nodded and sat on the side of the reclining chair, but he didn't lift his legs up, nor did he lie down on his back, it was still straight, as if he was sitting on a bench.

Ling Chennan sat on the leather office chair obliquely in front of him, raised a comfortable posture, and said, "Relax."

The other party looked at him and tried to lean back.

Ling Chennan said, "How are you doing this week? What are your plans for the weekend?"

But Shen Yinchuan only replied vaguely, as if he wanted to talk about other private life.

Ling Chennan then gave up trying to deal with it, and asked: "The last time we talked about some problems in your relationship with your lover, a week has passed, do you have any different thoughts on this relationship?"

Shen Yinchuan's eyes seemed to be a little empty, and then he slowly shook his head.

Ling Chennan said: "Last time you said that you deceived the other party, that you couldn't control your possessiveness, and... did something that hurt the other party?"

Harm can be verbal, physical, or physical.

Shen Yinchuan nodded and said: "Yes, I, I hurt him."

Ling Chennan asked: "What kind of behavior is it, can you give an example?"

The other party licked his lips, took two breaths, and then let it out hastily: "In the beginning, it really wasn't that bad."

[Shen Yinchuan's second story·Sprout]

[The first time I showed strong jealousy was when we were together for half a year. At that time, he seemed a little frightened. I must have been terrified when I roared. When the photo frame shattered by his ear, his eyes were full of disbelief. Seeing his expression and seeing his cheeks bleeding, I actually felt guilty, but when I thought of the scene where he was eating alone with others, talking and laughing, I was still very angry. I couldn't control myself, and I said a lot... It was too much if.

After I said those words, his expression gradually turned cold. I hate and fear his expression the most. He always smiles at everyone, but he will show me an indifferent face, as if under Turn around and leave in a second.

I can't help it, I don't know how to keep him, I can't keep him. I'm always afraid that he will see a better person in the next second, a shining person like himself, instead of me... me who is ordinary and without any advantages.

I asked him why he was with me. I couldn't think of anything he liked about me. I was afraid that all this was a dream, a joke, and a tease. But after he answered it a few times, he became impatient. Once, he said, he actually said to me: "If you ask this question a few more times, I won't be able to remember the answer."

I want to tie him by my side, I want to break his legs so that he can't walk away, I want to blind his eyes so that he can't see others, I want to poison his throat so that he can't say parting words.

Of course, I didn't do that, I just suppressed my anger and apologized to him.

But he turned his head away and didn't want to talk to me. I begged for a long time before he said, "How can you say that about me."

I said sorry and never again.

He believed me.

He shouldn't have believed me.]

After finishing speaking, Shen Yinchuan lowered his eyes, pursed his thin lips, and his face was full of sincere remorse.

Ling Chennan said: "Change should not start with others believing, but you should believe in yourself."

The other party looked up at him, Ling Chennan said again: "Did you also show such a strong possessive desire in the previous relationship?"

The other party still looked at him: "I don't remember."

He replied with no recollection at all, he was lying. Ling Chennan thought, but why

Ling Chennan changed the subject: "So, have you tried any other methods to adjust the intensity of love after your conflict broke out?"

Shen Yinchuan turned his eyes away, and recalled: "I told myself, I kept promising myself that I would trust the other party, but...but I couldn't do it. He...he is too good, much better than me, not just in looks, He's taller than me, he's richer than me, and I, I have nothing to compare to him or his friends."

Ling Chennan looked at his flawless facial features, then at the Vacheron Constantin mechanical watch on his wrist, and the horsebit shoes, and felt that if he was not in a serious psychological consultation, he would think that the other party was showing off on purpose I'm looking for someone to scold.

The lover of the other party may be a half-blood prince from a super noble family, but is there really such a person in life

Ling Chennan said: "Inferiority is a very subjective emotion. No matter how much material wealth a person has, people may have inferiority complex. It may be because of appearance, talent, gender, skin color... No one is perfect. Even your lover... ex-lover may have low self-esteem because of something. Excessive low self-esteem will produce a strong radical emotion, which is then released infinitely magnified by self-esteem."

The other party leaned back on the recliner and listened, then nodded dully staring at the ceiling, and said, "I didn't mean it, I really didn't, I just wanted to be with him, I didn't mean to kill him."

A gust of cool wind blew past Ling Chennan's back, his palms were sweating slightly, and he asked calmly, "What?"

Shen Yinchuan was a little dazed, unable to answer: "I made a mistake, I really didn't mean it."

Ling Chennan's heart beat faster, but he still slowed down his breathing as much as possible: "So where is he now?"

Shen Yinchuan turned his neck slowly, there was no ripple in his beautiful but lifeless eyes: "He is dead, doctor, I buried him in my yard."

Ling Chennan's expression froze, but he knew that his pupils must have dilated, but the other party didn't notice, he turned his head back, looked at the ceiling and thought: "I didn't beat him to death, so I knew I didn't hit him that hard. I didn't really mean to hurt him, but he didn't wake up that night, I really thought I killed him, and when I buried him, I didn't know... I, I buried him alive ,I did not do it on purpose… "

Ling Chennan quickly discerned the truth and falsehood in his words.

Ten seconds later, he decided to stabilize the other party's emotions before making any plans.

It's a pity that just as he opened his mouth, the timer bell rang. Shen Yinchuan woke up from the relaxing bubble, quickly said goodbye and left.

[The third week]

Appearance attractiveness bias (PAS), a psychological bias, when people see beautiful people, they will think that they also have other good characteristics, such as they will be more kind, successful, happy, etc.

Ling Chennan spent a quarter of an hour examining whether he had fallen into this prejudice.

After the diagnosis and treatment last Friday, he thought about it for a long time—if what Shen Yinchuan said was true, if he really killed his lover and buried him in the backyard, then he was obliged to inform the police about it.

If what he said is true.

But after just two hours of contact, Ling Chennan felt that the other party probably had some delusional symptoms.

First of all, when he described himself, he described a lot of details that were different from the reality. For example, he himself is obviously rich in economic conditions and looks good. From the perspective of living habits and etiquette, he also came from a family with a good education, but there are a lot of details in his description. Strong inferiority complex about looks and family conditions. Furthermore, he mentioned his "sister" once, but later said that he was the only child. Another time, he mentioned that he had injured his knee while playing basketball, but Ling Chennan observed that he did not avoid the habit of exerting force on his injured knee alone, and there was no abnormality in his standing and sitting posture.

Amid all these inconsistencies, Ling Chennan did not doubt the authenticity of this "lover".

When referring to the love process, Shen Yinchuan added a lot of unnecessary details, such as the color of the date dress, the TV show of the day, etc., and sometimes self-corrected inaccurate narration, which only happens when recalling real events .

Unless... He spent a lot of time and energy delusional about a complete character and story, causing himself to believe it.

Ling Chennan overturned his own ideas repeatedly, and decided to get to know the other party better before making any plans.

When the appointed time came, Shen Yinchuan appeared in the consultation room on time.

Ling Chennan asked: "Your lover, what's his name?"

Shen Yinchuan hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Bai Sheng, his name is Bai Sheng."

Ling Chennan: "You said, you accidentally hurt him last time, and then buried him in the