The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 20


Wu anxiously harassed the front desk lady's daily life, holding a teacup and leaning against the window in a daze.

Looking down from the tall buildings—every passerby is small, and the winter clothes are all black and gray, the bare branches are also very thin and depressing, the old snow has been trampled dirty, and is piled up in ugly piles on the side of the road.

That looks a bit like Bai Sheng, he thought, with a gray coat, he looks quite tall.

Oh, not like the front, the hair is too short.

Um? Is that this

No, not so fat, the shoulders are too thick.

After watching for a while, Ling Chennan felt a bit like a little girl at the airport waiting for her idol to get off the plane.

The time was almost up, Ling Chennan went back to his desk and pretended to be calm, but Bai Sheng knocked on the door and came in on time, wearing a navy blue woolen coat, he was not at all who he thought he was just now.

Ling Chennan found a familiar smile and said hello: "Come on, is it cold outside?"

Bai Cheng's nose was red from the cold, he nodded and said, "Okay, it's so cold." He looked down at the boots that changed from light to dark, and said, "Ah, they're all wet."

Ling Chennan didn't like the period when the snow water froze into ice and then melted. He had fallen, and his clothes and pants were wet and dirty, and his butt hurt for a week. Thinking of this episode of the past that made people's foreheads turn black, Ling Chennan showed great sympathy for Bai Sheng, and blurted out: "Take it off and put it next to the heater."

Bai Sheng said "Huh?", and said hesitantly, "It's not very good."

Ling Chennan asked back: "What's wrong?"

Bai Sheng thought about it, ran to the radiator by the window, took off his shoes, and came back with two socks of different colors.

Ling Chennan couldn't help laughing, Bai Sheng blushed immediately, and said falteringly: "I didn't! I never thought anyone would see it!"

Ling Chennan pursed his lips: "I can see it."

Bai Sheng hid one foot under the other wool sock, as if this could cover up the huge difference in their designs, and curled up his toes, as if he was also shy.

Ling Chennan couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth, and said, "I didn't say anything, just sit down."

Bai Sheng puffed his cheeks, his previous cold and pale appearance disappeared, the warmth in the room made his cheeks slightly flushed, and his lips moistened. He sat down on the reclining chair, put his hands on both sides of his body, lowered his head and raised his feet to look at his left and right socks, and didn't notice Ling Chennan looking at him from above his head.

Ling Chennan asked: "Bai Sheng, do you trust me?"

Bai Sheng didn't expect him to ask this suddenly, he raised his head in surprise, his eyes widened, and said inexplicably, "I believe it."

Ling Chennan sat down opposite him and said, "You don't need to answer so quickly, think about it seriously, do you really believe me from the bottom of your heart? It doesn't matter even if the answer is no."

He said so, so Bai Sheng looked away, wrinkled his nose slightly and thought for a while, then turned his face, looked at him sincerely and frankly, and nodded.

"I believe it," Bai Sheng said, "At first, I tried my best to believe in the doctor, but it's different from now, I believe in the doctor."

Ling Chennan looked at him for a while, then smiled and said, "Thank you, I'm very happy."

Bai Cheng's eyes dodged again, and he whispered, "Doctor... that... I, I want to tell you..."

Ling Chennan: "Huh?"

Bai Sheng didn't dare to look at him: "What I want to tell you is... um, photos, everything, I took it down, and I... I didn't, so... followed the doctor."

Ling Chennan wanted to say of course - otherwise, if you knew where I went yesterday, you wouldn't be so calm.

Bai Sheng rolled his eyes back, took a quick look at him, and found that his expression was as usual, but he was a little bolder, and he promised flatteringly: "I won't be a doctor in the future, really."

Really like a puppy, Ling Chennan thought inappropriately.

"Got it," he said, "Today I actually want to talk to you about what happened that day."

Ling Chennan briefly recounted how Bai Sheng cried in an abnormal silence on the day half a month ago, and how he went berserk and almost hurt himself. After he finished speaking, he asked, "How much of these things do you remember? I know you remember some .”

Bai Sheng began to bite his lips nervously again, and stammered: "I don't... don't remember anything..."

Ling Chennan interrupted him, but his voice was still calm: "Bai Sheng, you just said you trusted me, did you forget?"

Bai Sheng became short of breath, his chest rose and fell, as if he had made a lot of determination, and finally said: "I, I remember some things, but I don't know which things are true, I'm a little confused, I think I may be Paranoia."

Ling Chennan said: "Let me judge what symptoms are. Are you sure those are not fragments of memory but delusions?"

Bai Sheng said dejectedly: "I... not sure, but, how should I put it, but I know I won't do those things! I didn't want to do those things, but my body moved by itself, as if being manipulated by someone else , like a ghost pressing a bed, no matter how hard I struggle, I can’t make a sound, my body doesn’t move as I want, and the words I say are not what I want to say.”

Ling Chennan's heart sank gradually, and he asked: "When I couldn't control my body, was it because of some strong emotion that made me lose my mind? Or did I feel that it was not me at all."

Bai Sheng nodded: "Yes, no, it's not the feeling of losing my mind, but... completely losing control over my body and everything, I can almost see another person occupying my body, I'm being held Crowded in a corner, unable to break free, able to see bits and pieces, then I'd pass out, then wake up..."

Ling Chennan asked: "Does he have a name? The one who occupied your body."

Bai Cheng's eyelashes trembled, and he said, "The one who can't speak... I don't know his name, but the other one, who gets angry easily, is called Hummingbird."

Ling Chennan froze for a moment, then repeated: "Hummingbird?"

Bai Sheng nodded: "He gets angry easily, and is also easy to fight. He likes to drink black tea, and he drinks very strong tea. I can't sleep in the middle of the night..."

Ling Chennan's hands and feet felt cold, but he still tried his best to calmly ask: "What else?"

Bai Sheng thought for a while: "He still likes Van Gogh. I looked at him in the mirror several times... I took a knife and gestured to cut off my ear, although I didn't actually do it..." He couldn't help but raised his hand and touched it. In his left ear, he said with lingering fear: "Because I don't necessarily have the memory every time, so sometimes I can't tell what's going on, but if I wake up and see a newly bought sunflower at home, I know It's the hummingbirds."

Bai Sheng intermittently talked about some details about this "hummingbird". Ling Chennan felt his heart getting heavier and heavier, and he forgot to control his expression. His brows were tightly knit and his face was serious, causing Bai Sheng to be stunned when he accidentally looked at him. .

"Doctor..." Bai Sheng misunderstood his sternness, and defended himself: "I know this sounds ridiculous, and I also think it is ridiculous, so I always thought that I had a mental problem... Actually, the reason why I made up my mind Healing is also because of Hummingbird, he...he is so out of control, I don't want to hurt people anymore."

"Furthermore," Ling Chennan caught the word and asked, "Is there any pattern for his appearance?"

Bai Sheng said: "I've thought about this problem before, it seems that... if someone doubts me or doesn't believe me, the hummingbird will be very angry."

Ling Chennan recalled it for a while, that's right - the first time when the violent personality appeared, he questioned the real identity of Bai Sheng, who was still named "Shen Yinchuan" at the time, and the second time he appeared, he questioned the existence of Shen Yinchuan and the purpose of the other party to approach him.

Bai Sheng looked up at him uncertainly, and asked tentatively, "You, do you trust me, doctor? I swear I didn't lie to you, really."

Ling Chennan nodded and said, "I believe it."

Bai Sheng's pupils dilated a little, he seemed a little surprised, he was encouraged again, and continued: "Then... Actually, I didn't dare to say it before, that is, those photos, the information about the doctor, the investigation, in fact... it's not me. …”

Ling Chennan looked at him in shock: "Is it a hummingbird?"

Bai Sheng nodded slightly.

Thinking back to the number of photos and the level of paranoia—is this personality already strong, wholesome and accurate? And... has it been able to exist independently for such a long time

Ling Chennan had a lot of thoughts in his head.

Bai Sheng added some details about other personalities that he could think of in an upside-down manner. According to the usual Ling Chennan, he would definitely lead a clue to go downstream, but today he suddenly realized that this is no longer the solution.

No, he should have made his decision tens of minutes ago before Bai Sheng entered the office.

He cleared his throat and said, "Bai Sheng, I want to discuss with you, no, I want to suggest something."

Seeing his seriousness, Bai Sheng also sat up straight: "Yeah."

Ling Chennan took a breath and said, "I think you should have multiple personality disorder. Other personalities with independent and complete personalities have developed in your body. This is what we often call split personality. This kind of disease is relatively rare and does not belong to my business diagnosis expertise. , I don't have the confidence to be the person who can help you most effectively, so I suggest... I need to refer you to another counselor."

Bai Sheng froze, his face was full of shock, he opened his lips but didn't make a sound, a few seconds later, a large tear rolled out.

Ling Chennan's heart skipped a beat—it wasn't the first time seeing him cry, but the first time seeing him cry as "Bai Sheng". His surprised face was full of heartbreak, and he silently