The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 33


In the psychiatric rehabilitation center, most of the inmates are severe mental patients with impaired behavior or social hidden dangers. There are also some rehabilitation areas for children and adolescents. Unfortunately, mental illness is a disease with a high genetic probability—especially when both parents have a family history of mental illness, the onset age of the next generation is often earlier than that of the previous generation, and it often has a tendency to worsen. Some diseases—such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be detected before the age of five, but they always recommend that high-risk groups need early prevention even if they do not have prodromal symptoms, so they opened a rehabilitation area specially for children and adolescents. Ling Chennan glanced at Hummingbird, and the other side followed him with an expressionless face, looking left and right as he walked, and said boredly: "I don't think this is all very calm, I thought the mental hospital was full of chaos every day."

Aren't you a mental patient yourself? Ling Chennan didn't have the guts to say this, so he followed his gaze to look at the rest area inside the window sill, and said, "Of course, take medicine on time every day." After saying this In a word, he suddenly thought of Bai Sheng's experience of drug abuse, and quickly glanced at Hummingbird, but the other party didn't respond, he just said, "I see, it's so boring, I thought he was screaming in that small white room."

Ling Chennan smiled wryly: "That kind... There are also more intense ones... Patients who need more radical treatments and drugs are isolated."

"Oh?" Hummingbird raised his eyebrows, becoming interested: "Are you familiar with this?"

Ling Chennan nodded: "I worked here for a while when I just graduated."

Hummingbird turned around, put his arms on the window sill, and looked at him with interest: "Oh? Let's hear, is there any particularly violent and terrifying lunatics?"

Ling Chennan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Don't do this, it's not funny, you'll find out later when you go to the children's area with me, some children are very pitiful."

Hummingbird clicked his tongue: "You are the Virgin Mary, let's hear it."

Ling Chennan thought for a while and said: "I remember when I first came here, on the first day of work, a patient slipped out of the ward at night to steal food from the kitchen, but no one noticed, and he choked himself to death."

Hummingbird didn't expect such a story, her expression froze: "... huh?"

Ling Chennan continued: "And it was the next morning when we found out, so we quickly sealed off the lounge to avoid affecting the emotions of other patients, because his death was too ugly, and the refrigerator was always on, and some of the things in it were broken , hydrated all over the ground, and he became incontinent again..."

"Wait, stop, stop!" The hummingbird had blue veins on its forehead, a fit of cleanliness, and the hair on its arms exploded. He opened his mouth several times without saying a word, and finally walked forward angrily.

The two came to the children's area. Hummingbird originally wanted to follow Ling Chennan into the consultation room inside, but he sent him to the waiting room next door. Hummingbird saw a lot of children and saliva-stained toys and wanted to run away, but was grabbed by the nurse Caught in.

Ling Chennan smiled and waved at him through the glass on the door, then turned and left.

An hour later, Ling Chennan walked out of the room, stretched his neck and shoulders, looked left and right through the corridor - the children were almost gone, only a few were still fighting with their parents in the corridor, he looked up at the opposite In the waiting room, the toys inside are as orderly as a supermarket warehouse, but the hand sanitizer is missing by half, and the trash can is full of wet wipes.

He went in, found a small yellow bench and sat down, with his long legs curled up in front of his chest, and deliberately pushed a stack of crayon picture books, causing the edges of the books to be misaligned with the edge of the table, and he took another Picking up a blank picture book and flipping through it, he found a page with a drawing of a hummingbird, which looked similar to the one on the teacup in his office. He picked up a crayon and colored it out of boredom.

Well, what color is a hummingbird's feathers? It's pink.

After playing for ten minutes, Ling Chennan felt bored. The hummingbird hadn't come back yet, so he stuffed the crayons back in a mess that had been arranged according to the color, closed the book, and went out to catch the bird.

He first went to the toilet at the end of the corridor, but there was no one there, and then asked the nurse who was washing the mop, and the aunt said, "That guy left 20 minutes ago."

Ling Chennan hurried to the window and looked down—there were no other buildings around the rehabilitation center, only a large parking lot—there were no hummingbirds, so he trotted all the way to the clothes storage at the gate to look—the hummingbird’s coat was still there.

Ling Chennan exhaled, and began to search one by one. Soon, he found Hummingbird outside the lounge where they stayed before. The other party put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked expressionlessly at the room that was reacting under the influence of drugs. A slow patient who doesn't know what to think.

"Hummingbird?" Ling Chennan called him.

The other party didn't turn back immediately, and after a pause of two seconds, he realized that he was calling himself, and slowly turned his head to look at him.

Hummingbird only glanced at him, but this glance made Ling Chennan a little stunned—the other party's gaze was as deep as the sea, and it was blank again. He didn't stare or frown, but it was inexplicably oppressive. Can't tell what the other person is thinking.

But the hummingbird only took one look at him, then turned his face back, leaving him with a ruthless profile—his nose bridge is high, browbones are pressed a little low, and the long eyelashes are almost connected together, and his lips are not Thick, but the upper lip is a bit upturned, like a romantic look, which immediately melts the coldness of the facial features.

Then his lips moved and he made a sound: "It's slow to die, wait for you for a long time, can you go?"

Ling Chennan blinked - the other party seemed to be as impatient as Hummingbird and wanted to be beaten.

Ling Chennan walked up to him and looked at the room side by side—they should all be normal office workers, workers, housewives, and businessmen, but when they arrived here, they were all wrapped in the same hospital clothes, their faces were pale, their eyes were empty, and they didn't know what to do. Sitting blankly as time passed, or repeating meaningless and grotesque behaviors, thinking that he was trying his best to maintain the last bit of dignity as a human being.

Hummingbird spoke again: "In the future, if I... Bai Sheng doesn't get better, will I still come here?"

Ling Chennan was taken aback, and turned to look at him: "What? No..."

Hummingbird didn't seem to care about his answer, and interrupted him: "Sure enough, it's better to leave Bai Sheng alone? He has a pleasant personality, works with peace of mind, and never causes trouble. It's just..." He turned his face and looked directly at Ling Chennan: "The other one, just because it's not likable, should it disappear?"

Ling Chennan felt that there was something different about the hummingbird, but he couldn't tell what it was. He blinked quickly and tried to explain: "That's not what it said..."

Hummingbird still continued on his own: "It's been like this since before, and it really is easier to live as Bai Sheng, for everyone."

Ling Chennan asked: "Do you think Bai Sheng's life is easy?"

Hummingbird kept silent, he said: "I'm afraid when I can't sleep, I'm afraid when I fall asleep, I don't know who I am when I wake up every day, and my lover is a psychologically twisted control freak, I don't give myself a good time in prison, let alone What will happen after prison, the work cannot be continued, and life is also difficult to maintain, do you think it is easy for him to live?"

The hummingbird remained unmoved, and said, "Really, do you feel distressed? If you feel distressed, can you help me get rid of that scum together?" He snorted again: "That's great, there are people like this Distressed, who has an easy life, but Bai Sheng always has people who feel distressed."

Ling Chennan squinted his eyes: "I know you grew up with Bai Sheng, you have an independent personality and a complete personality, but as I said before, integrating personality is not destroying personality..."

The hummingbird interrupted him again: "Who should be eliminated, doctor? What about eliminating or not? Doesn't anyone in this world have several sets of masks? How do you judge who is the master personality? He showed a familiar yet unfamiliar sad wry smile: "Forget it, the perfect side of the heartthrob always has the upper hand without any objection, hehe, even you think so."

Ling Chennan pursed his lips and looked at him—no, there must be something wrong: "Hummingbird, what do you mean, no, are you really a hummingbird?"

But the other party suddenly bent down, as if being hit in the back of the head by some invisible blunt weapon. He scratched the edge of the window with white knuckles and gritted his teeth. The painful cry stuck in his throat, which was more panic-stricken than screaming.

The passing nurse took a look at them and was about to step forward, Ling Chennan hurriedly raised his hand to signal that the other party was okay, and saw Hummingbird slowly knelt down, resting his forehead against the white wall.

It seems to be the same as last time... After he fainted from the headache, he woke up the next day and turned into toffee. Ling Chennan stared at him without blinking.

However, this time he did not lose consciousness and fell down as Ling Chennan expected, and kept curled up, pressing his temples tightly with both hands, and hitting his fisted palm with his forehead.

Ling Chennan quickly squatted down, put his hands on his forehead, and comforted him softly: "'s okay, it doesn't hurt, it's okay..."

After a while, the other party's shoulders finally relaxed slightly, and his legs seemed to be paralyzed, and he fell backwards on the smooth floor tiles. Ling Chennan was startled, and hurried to help him. After being grabbed by the arm, he looked up - his eyes were blank, and he opened his mouth, as if he didn't know what to say.

Ling Chennan looked at him for a while, then asked, "Bai Sheng?"

Bai Sheng nodded dully