The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 44



Actually, I was surprised to say that, but all of this is also in my plan, because I never do things I didn't plan, whether it's work or love. You say that whether I am deliberate or scheming, people always have different methods to achieve their goals.

We got together anyway, didn't we

But slowly, I discovered that he actually didn't want to be as perfect as he appeared on the surface.

Nervous, emotional, looking at humans and animals as harmless and innocent, but in fact has a strong desire to control and knows how to manipulate people. Sometimes unconsciously, you will follow his thoughts.

After recognizing this imperfect side of him, to be honest, I was finally relieved.

It is difficult for ordinary people to experience this feeling. Imagine that you are mentally fragile, suspicious, and insecure, and it is always difficult to obtain trust and balance in normal interpersonal and romantic relationships; imagine that you always need layers of disguise to create a mask suitable for display, I am always worried that my weirdness and morbidity will scare others away; imagine that an outsider finally meets another outsider one day. His disguise is thicker than yours, and his inside is more sensitive and weak than you. You think, great, He will definitely understand me, and we will definitely be together.

It's actually true, and in the days we've been together, I know we've believed in each other for a long time.

So he gradually relaxed, revealing more of his true self—that was no longer the forbearing and gentle him.

It was a irascible, capricious, mean soul.]

Ling Chennan asked: "So what? You were hit hard after the disillusionment."

Hearing what he said, Shen Yinchuan showed a weird and joking expression: " don't understand, none of you understand, disappointed? What are you kidding, I can't wait, I'm so excited!"

Ling Chennan was stunned, and Shen Yinchuan went on to say: "Do you understand how rare this is? This is simply the biggest surprise. I thought he was just a rich young master with neurasthenia due to an unsatisfactory growth environment. ..." He took a breath, tried to calm his emotions, and rephrased: "I realized that the more twisted his personality is, the more he is a match made in heaven with me?"

Ling Chennan was shocked by his distorted pleasure—this is exactly the mentality of a demon in the abyss desperately hoping that everyone will fall into the abyss.

"But! He is slowly getting tired of all of this. He is dissatisfied with living with me. Why... Isn't he saying that he wants a home where he can feel safe and relax and be his own? If that's the case, why bother? Spending unnecessary time going out to meet people? He is so tired, and he has to pretend to be different every time, isn't he tired? It's too hypocritical... It's too hypocritical... "

Shen Yinchuan began to speak incoherently, Ling Chennan quickly stopped him, and asked: "That's why you start to feel disappointed at this time, you are disappointed that he is actually not as extreme as you, and the degree of sickness is far less than you."

If Shen Yinchuan had listened carefully to what he said, he would have found that his words were full of aggression, and would not be the comments of a psychiatrist at all. However, he was not listening, and was still immersed in his emotions and kept rambling: " Do you think you are different from me? We are basically the same kind of people, but do you want to go back to live the life of ordinary people? Dreaming! It’s too good to think, how is it possible! How can I let this happen?”

Ling Chennan looked at him—the straight facial features were distorted, distorted by a kind of fanatical and perverted emotion, Ling Chennan felt his heart speed up, overflowing with anger or other emotions, so strong that it was difficult to suppress.

"So, you imprisoned him. Since he was unwilling to obey your wishes, you helped him make a choice." Ling Chennan said.

Shen Yinchuan glanced at him in surprise, the frenzy seemed to have been cooled a bit, Ling Chennan raised the document in his hand expressionlessly and explained: "The victim's testimonial."

Naturally, these contents would not be handed over to a psychiatrist who supervises and guides, but Shen Yinchuan would not know.

He went on to say: "Anyway, I went to prison because of him... The life here is really a fucking inhumane life. He actually, actually sent me to prison. The only person in this world who understands him and agrees with him. Why did you treat me like this. I called him, and he... he actually said that kind of thing to me. I hate people disrespecting me the most. No one can! No one can say that kind of thing to me! Think I'm disgusting? Don't want to See me? Want me to die? Hehe, it’s impossible, as long as I live... Even if I die, I won’t be alone... "

Ling Chennan interrupted him: "So, you put him under house arrest and don't go out except when you go to work. No, it's best not to even go to work, and don't see your colleagues. In case What if someone else saw him and approached him like you did? Would he also fall into someone else's trap and abandon you? How could you allow this to happen, right? , so you beg him, or lose your temper, tell him to focus on you, and no one else will look at you."

"However, even so, he will still say hurtful things, make you angry, and say that he wants to leave, so you think, why not let him fall asleep, after he falls asleep, he will be quiet and obedient, and he will not go anywhere .”

Shen Yinchuan stared at him, and his breathing became short of breath.

Ling Chennan continued: "This is not enough. Even if he is exhausted and unconscious, he still wants to leave. Why did he leave? You can't figure it out, don't you want to start a family with you? They shouldn't be abandoned by the world Does the disabled personality need to be interdependent. So you decided to lock him up and lock him up. Anyway, there is only each other in your life. Isn’t it the relationship and ideal state of the two of you? Lock him up on the bed and rely on you for eating, drinking, and messing up , like the closest relative, like a fragile baby, and you are the only person he can rely on."

Shen Yinchuan scratched the edge of the table with his fingers, his chest heaved and heaved, he couldn't tell whether he was nervous or excited.

All the past events that Bai Sheng told him came back to his mind, Ling Chennan gritted his teeth and said, "Sometimes you even think, in fact, you don't care so much about whether he is pretty or not, no, it's better to say that you don't care if he becomes beautiful or not. Whatever you think is beautiful, why not cut off his limbs, make his throat hoarse, and turn him into a doll, now he can't go anywhere, he can't say anything hurtful, and his life belongs to you."

"But he still lied to you, and he almost ran away with all kinds of lies. You think, if you knew it, you should have poisoned him and mutilated him, so you lost control and almost beat him to death... Are you I really thought I beat him to death, so I was confused for a moment and buried him alive without making sure."

Shen Yinchuan's hands trembled, and the stool slid back half a meter, making a loud noise.

Ling Chennan leaned forward, observed him for three seconds, narrowed his eyes and said, "You got an erection? Listening to these processes, you actually developed a sexual desire?" He showed a disgusted expression: "You are so disgusting."

Shen Yinchuan's whole body tensed up, and he wanted to stand up, but the sound of his ankle chain was disturbed. Aware of the current situation, he firmly controlled himself to stay still, and asked through gritted teeth, "What do you mean?"

Ling Chennan showed a chilling smile: "It's not interesting, I just want to confirm with my own eyes that a scum like you is really not suitable to be released into society."

Shen Yinchuan frowned, looked at him for a long time - as if he was looking at him seriously for the first time after entering the room, and asked hesitantly: "You... who are you, and what exactly are you writing in your information?"

He suddenly got into trouble, reached out and snatched the manuscript paper from Ling Chennan's hand, and opened his eyes in disbelief when he got it in front of him—it was all blank A4 printing paper, without a word on it.

He raised his head in astonishment, looked at Ling Chennan who looked down at him with a stern face, and asked after a while: "You, who are you!"

Ling Chennan smiled—his eyes had no smile: "What did you say earlier, you have an emotional cleanliness? Bai Sheng has no one else besides you?"

Shen Yinchuan wanted to say something, but suddenly realized: "How do you know his name?"

Ling Chennan said: "I'm his current boyfriend. Did he tell you that he doesn't like to do sex or feel uncomfortable? When he was fucked by me, he kept holding me and wouldn't let me go."

These words finally ignited the oil barrel, Shen Yinchuan jumped up from his seat, leaped over the table and punched towards him, Ling Chennan was already prepared, but he didn't raise his hand to block it, he just tilted his head slightly in the direction of his punching and fell down Going down, Shen Yinchuan dragged his ankle chain and couldn't move, but his eyes were red, his face was ferocious, he completely lost his mind, and rushed over with a roar. Ling Chennan fell under the desk, subconsciously covered his head and received two punches, then gritted his teeth and let go, Shen Yinchuan immediately choked him by the throat. After just a few seconds, he felt his brain was hypoxic and his eyes were bloodshot. A strong sense of vomiting welled up.

But soon, the weight on him lightened—the police who heard the movement outside rushed in, threw Shen Yinchuan to the ground, forcibly subdued him and tried to handcuff him.

Ling Chennan knelt on the ground and coughed violently—his eyesight quickly recovered, quickly wiped away the physiological tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, quickly opened the drawer, and took out the barbiturate that had been prepared earlier—this kind of sedative hypnosis drug because of its addictive