The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 5


I imprisoned Bai Sheng and locked him in an underground storage room. There was only one bed and one table. I couldn't let him be heard by others. He became very thin, but he still wanted to leave me. Why did he leave? I! Why don't you believe that I really love him and want to treat him well, why don't you believe me. "As he spoke, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes bursting with anger: "You don't believe me, why don't you believe me!" "

Ling Chennan carefully walked around to the side of the sofa, slowed down and said, "Mr. Shen, calm down first, I don't believe you, I just hope you can trust me more and be honest with me, so that I can help you."

Shen Yinchuan was still huddled in the corner and trembling all over, Ling Chennan slowly bent down, picked up the kettle and cup on the table and said, "Sit down first, drink some water, and calm your breath."

Unexpectedly, Shen Yinchuan would suddenly get into trouble, he rushed over and overturned the teapot full of hot water in Ling Chennan's hand, screaming: "Don't drink water! I don't want to drink water!"

The high-temperature hot water was sprinkled on the back of Ling Chennan's hands and wrists, and the calf bone was knocked against the table leg by the opponent's impact. At the same time, the water glass hit the surface of the coffee table with a loud explosion. Within two seconds, the office The door was pushed open from the outside, and several colleagues rushed in to help subdue Shen Yinchuan together.

Shen Yinchuan screamed and resisted desperately: "Don't!! Let me go!! Let me go!!"

Ling Chennan flirted with another female colleague, and she hurried out to find tranquilizers—psychological clinics are no more than nursing institutions or mental hospitals, they generally provide counseling and stress relief services, and rarely use injection drugs. At the same time, Shen Yinchuan was still struggling desperately, while letting out a panic-stricken scream.

Not long after the female colleague came back, she swiftly broke off the sedative. The moment Shen Yinchuan saw the needle, he became manic and almost escaped from the restraint of the two male colleagues, with endless fear showing on his face.

Wait, this is not right, Ling Chennan thought.

Generally speaking, this kind of violent resistance would be reflected on human faces through emotions of anger and contempt, but Shen Yinchuan's face only had great panic.

He turned his face to Ling Chennan, and begged, "I'm sorry! Please! Don't get the injection! Don't get the injection! Please, I'll be good, I won't run away again, please!"

The other party had never spoken to him in such a low-pitched tone. Ling Chennan walked two steps closer and found that his eyes were out of focus, as if he had fallen into some kind of nightmare. He grabbed the other party's shoulder and said: "Shen Yinchuan, look at me, look at me Me, who am I?"

Shen Yinchuan was still half-kneeling on the ground, desperately avoiding the direction of the needle, and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, I won't run away, don't get the injection, please..."

Ling Chennan raised his hand to stop the female colleague holding the needle, and knelt down in front of Shen Yinchuan, holding his neck with both hands and told him to raise his chin to look directly at him: "Look at me, I'm Ling Chennan, your psychiatrist, I'm won't hurt you."

If he couldn't calm down by his own ability and needed to use tranquilizers, Ling Chennan had to send him to a mental care facility for observation for 48 hours to make sure that he was not a danger to others before he could be released.

If that's the case... If Ling Chennan's conjecture is correct, it will only exacerbate the other party's illness.

The other party was trembling all over, barely intertwined with his eyes, and murmured: "Don't get an injection, I don't want an injection..."

With hot palms, Ling Chennan dragged his face steadily, and asked again: "Who are you? Tell me, who are you?"

He asked repeatedly, no matter how the other party shook his head and refused, he only asked this question firmly: "Tell me, who are you and what is your name?"

Finally, the other party gave up struggling, his beautiful eyes were filled with deep sadness, he stared at Ling Chennan, his teeth loosened from his bleeding lips, and slowly uttered a small but clear word: "Bai Sheng, I am Bai Sheng."

Ling Chennan let go of his chin and put his arms around his shoulders, and the two colleagues also let go of their hands when they saw this.

Ling Chen Nanxu embraced him, gently comforted his back, and said, "It's okay, Bai Sheng, you survived, you are already safe."

Bai Sheng lowered his head, his thin body was as cold and swaying as a river in late autumn, he stared at Ling Chennan's skirt, the fear on his face hadn't completely faded away.

While comforting him, Ling Chennan signaled his colleagues to leave. Several colleagues showed expressions of disapproval, but Ling Chennan gave them a stare and had no choice but to give up.

Ling Chennan touched his face, it was covered with cool water stains, and the drying process relieved the burn on the back of his hand. He coaxed softly: "They have all gone out, no one will hurt you anymore, no injections, we will not give injections."

Bai Sheng raised his eyes to peek, a lot of water kept overflowing from the corners of his eyes, rolling down his fair and slightly sunken cheeks, with a thrilling beauty.

Ling Chennan tried to tighten his embrace a little, but Bai Sheng didn't resist, he knelt down on the ground and hugged him in his arms, saying, "I know, I know everything."

Bai Sheng's beautiful eyebrows were pulled into a sad shape, and he cried for a long time while clutching the hem of his clothes.

[Fourth Week Night]

After more than half an hour, Bai Sheng's tears seemed to have finally dried up, and Ling Chennan gradually let go of his arms to keep a little distance from him.

Bai Sheng seemed to have completely calmed down, although his breathing was still a little short, but his expression was calm.

Ling Chennan wanted to stand up, but his calf felt sore and itchy, and he fell back to the carpet again. He smiled at Bai Cheng and said, "Legs are numb."

Bai Sheng pursed his lips habitually, but his lips were covered with blood from his bite. He also followed Ling Chennan's example and slowly straightened his legs, gently rubbing his calves.

After a while, Ling Chennan stood up. Although his calf bone was still aching, he didn't care about it right now. He helped Bai Sheng up and sat down, stretched out his hand and said, "Let's get to know each other again."

The other party raised his head, looked at him for a moment, then reached out and shook his hand: "Hi doctor, my name is Bai Sheng."

Ling Chennan sat across from him and asked, "Is Shen Yinchuan your lover? He imprisoned you?"

Bai Sheng nodded sadly.

Ling Chennan thought, this makes sense, the details of their love are true, but the narrative angle is just the opposite, which explains Bai Sheng's understanding of home decoration, his fear of tranquilizers, and He was impressed by the smell of earth that night.

Even... Ling Chennan recalled the details of their first meeting - he said that Bai Sheng ordered a cup of soy milk latte, and the person in front of him was lactose intolerant.

"It's brave of you to seek professional help, but why use the identity of the perpetrator?" Ling Chennan asked. Seeing that the other party didn't answer, he asked again: "Is it because you feel that you can't speak out with your own identity?"

Bai Sheng nodded, and said hesitantly: "I've actually been guessing, thinking, why... what motive did he do such a thing, why did he become like this, such a violent and manic person, I have also thought about it Is it my own problem, I didn’t give the other party enough sense of security, it was really not like this when he first met me.”

There are not a few victims of this kind of mentality. There is nowhere to vent a lot of anger and blame. Over time, you will start to wonder if it is your own fault that caused the tragedy, such as "If I hadn't taken this path, I wouldn't have been killed." robbed", "if I hadn't gone out and the kids wouldn't have had an accident" and so on. And in Bai Sheng's conversation in the first few weeks, he was indeed making various excuses for Shen Yinchuan's behavior.

Ling Chennan moved closer, placed his hands on his knees and lowered his neck to look up, looked straight into his eyes and said, "Bai Sheng, you are a victim, this is not your fault, don't blame yourself."

Bai Cheng looked at him, then tightened his mouth again. He didn't seem to be able to adapt to the new identity, his hands and feet were stiff and he didn't know what to do.

Ling Chennan asked: "Were you rescued or did you run away by yourself?"

Bai Sheng seemed to be encouraged by his eyes, and said, "I am myself, I ran away by myself. I remember trying to persuade Shen Yinchuan to help me untie the bracelet. I wanted to wait for him to relax his vigilance before running away. But at that time I was too nervous, in short... In short, he caught me, I can't remember the specific process, I just remember that he hit me on the head with something, and I passed out. Later... I probably I woke up in the middle of the night, maybe early in the morning. I just felt out of breath. When I opened my mouth and inhaled, all the dirt ran into my mouth, and a lot of it was choked in the trachea. Later, I crawled out. Running into the street, I…”

Bai Cheng trembled again, he curled up his knees, Ling Chennan hurriedly followed his back comfortingly: "What's wrong, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Bai Sheng hid his face between his knees, folded his tall body into a strange posture, and said in a low voice, "Headache."

Ling Chennan saw that he often felt dizzy and dazed, probably due to the sequelae of taking sedatives for a long time, but luckily he didn't give him an injection just now.

He backed away a little, patted the other person on the shoulder and smiled lightly: "Don't force yourself too much, and don't be in a hurry at this moment. You have enough emotional ups and downs today. Specifically... Shall we continue next week?"

Bai Sheng buried his head in his knees and nodded lightly. After ten seconds, he finally raised his head, looked at Ling Chennan and said, "Doctor, you are fine."

Ling Chennan bent his eyes: "Really?"

"It's true, you're fine!" Bai Sheng said eagerly, his eyes full of sincerity.

Ling Chennan smiled slightly, and didn't care too much—in the process of psychotherapy, it is easy for a patient to be wrong because of the establishment of a relationship of trust.