The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 50

Views: could you..."

Ling Chennan laughed at this moment: "Although it's not the time to miss the past, but I can still see the senior stuttering."

"Ling Chennan, don't make funky faces with me!" Lu Baizhou's voice was a little loud, and the passing waiter glanced at him, but he ignored him completely, not knowing whether he was saying to him or to himself: "You will do it for him?" At this point, is it true that I am still too relaxed about it... Before I turned a corner to remind you that you didn't buy it, I told you clearly last time, I thought you would listen to it after you were unhappy, but the result is still... "

"It has nothing to do with you, senior," Ling Chennan said. But Lu Baizhou interrupted him: "It has nothing to do with me! From the beginning to the end, it has nothing to do with me. Didn't you come to me for help with a look of hesitation? Please let me help you contact Shen Yinchuan and refer Bai Sheng to me for treatment." , Every time something goes wrong, I want to find me, but I refuse to listen to a word of persuasion!"

Ling Chennan also put away his smile. He felt that his EQ was being lowered by the hummingbird, and said dryly: "It's true that I've been bothering you all this time, and I won't do it in the future."

Lu Baizhou took a deep breath and said, "You know that Shen Yinchuan had a big fuss in the hospital and was sent for ECT."

Ling Chennan looked up at him—ETC, commonly known as electric shock therapy, is theoretically only used on patients with bipolar disorder like Shen Yinchuan when various physical drugs and psychological treatments are ineffective. Nowadays, ETC combined with muscle relaxants and anesthesia has become more effective than before. Much safer, but clinically there are still some sequelae of amnesia or brain damage.

"What... ETC doesn't need a consent form to..." Ling Chennan was surprised.

Lu Baizhou smiled sarcastically: "Who knows, probably the human rights of inmates and ordinary patients are different, don't you think so too? His anti-social personality is not suitable for release into society at all. After the procedure, the charges against him are too light, you two, who do you think you are? You can override the law and decide the fate of another person?"

Ling Chennan hadn't been in a good mood for the past few days, and now he was at the bottom of the valley, biting his lips and retorting: "It's not because of this reason, justice? You don't think I'm doing this with such a high awareness Kind of thing, right? But I believe you understand it well, after all, I gave up public positions in various social welfare institutions and 'degenerated into a private clinic'."

Hearing his stinging tone, Lu Baizhou also became angry: "I didn't want to tell you about Shen Yinchuan's electric shock treatment before, oh, how should I put it, although I don't know the specific situation, it is vaguely related to you, but I want to say that you may have done it unintentionally. For this reason, the scale of judgment is influenced by feelings, if I tell you, it will inevitably make you feel guilty, now it seems that I really think too much."

After Lu Baizhou finished speaking, both of them realized that their emotions were out of control and their volume was a bit loud, and they both sighed and quieted down at the same time. Ling Chennan was silent for a moment, the half cup of coffee in front of him was already completely cold, and the feeling of exhaustion continued to ferment in his body, as if he had returned to the day when he just walked out of the prison education center—he made a choice , I can’t say how regretful he is, but he is still struggling. He has no one to tell, or even if he tells it, he will definitely not be understood. The most tragic thing is that he has fully understood his incomprehension before he set off. The reason — because he was wrong.

No matter how cruel and ruthless I say to that person, the fact is that his obsession has fallen to such a point, whether that person is a mysterious and split lover, or an integrated body with twisted and extreme personality, even if I finally realize He saw the lies and saw through the layers of fog, but the shackles on him did not loosen at all.

"Didn't you say before that Bai Sheng is completely my type, and it's completely tailored according to my preferences? That's right, that's it, it's such a simple and stupid reason, to be led by the nose and do this kind of thing , everything is completely out of selfishness, I am such a person, and it is almost time to realize it, you... don't give me any wrong expectations, so I will be under a lot of pressure and troubled." Ling Chennan said every time In a word, I felt even more sad. For a while, I seemed to be the unlucky ghost in the story who was isolated and imprisoned and had to say goodbye to his work, life, and friends. He was followed and deliberately approached in the past. Wouldn't his future also be killed and buried

But Lu Baizhou was not offended by his dark speech. He showed a shallow wry smile and said calmly: "I won't report you. After all, I'm not that enlightened. I won't report you. It's all because of the friendship I've had with you... between us over the years."

Ling Chennan looked at him with wide eyes, feeling as if he had missed some important information, but the other party had already continued: "But I can't forgive what you did, I can understand it, but I can't accept it, it violates my life creed and Professional ethics, perhaps these are ridiculous persistence and principles, but it is indeed where I cannot retreat, and the biggest compromise I can make is to protect you from ruin."

Ling Chennan: "Senior..."

Lu Baizhou said: "But I hope you will stop practicing for at least five years. You are not worthy."

Finally, huge self-blame poured out of Ling Chennan's chest. This self-blame is not only for Shen Yinchuan's miserable situation, but also for letting things go so far for letting go of opportunities to investigate further, and for letting down All kinds of self-blame come together for seniors who rely on trust to learn.

It turned out that he just wanted to hear someone criticize him directly. In the world of adults, this kind of harshness and reprimand turned out to be precious, and the words "you are not worthy" miraculously lifted the weight on his shoulders.

"I actually regret it a bit. I thought that there is a kind of friendship that can last for a long time as long as you understand each other even if you don't meet frequently. It seems that I am too naive. I should pay more attention to you and remind you more bluntly. You are right." Lu Baizhou drank the last bit of water from the bottom of the cup, stood up and said, "That's it, this is the end of the matter, I can take care of myself, take care, junior."

After Lu Baizhou left, Ling Chennan sat alone in the coffee shop for a long time, until the waiter came over to ask if he needed other meals, and then he suddenly came to his senses. He stood up, his knees were numb and he was breathing cold.

It was getting late, he walked to the street, and found a person standing still and looking at him among the moving crowd.

He raised his head and met his eyes.

Bai Sheng was wearing a light windbreaker jacket, with his hands in his pockets, standing tall and straight among the crowd, looking at him expressionlessly. People in the bustling crowd looked back at him from time to time, but no one knew his story.

Ling Chennan suddenly thought: Yes, this person understands me, because he is my motive and my accomplice.

As soon as he took a step forward, Bai Sheng strode across the pedestrian barrier and walked up to him. Ling Chennan asked, "How long have you been here?"

Bai Sheng said, "I've been here for an hour and a half since you came in." After thinking for a while, he explained again: "I didn't follow you, it was Lu Baizhou who asked me to come over, I had already declined, But I thought he might have called you to come over and have a look.”

Ling Chennan was noncommittal - at this time, these things don't matter anymore.

Bai Sheng seemed to see his frustration, wanted to hug him but was afraid of being rejected by him, so he just stood closer and said, "Is that person so important? He looks like an abandoned dog, I'm so jealous. "

Ling Chennan raised his eyelids and glanced at him, passed him and walked forward on his own.

Bai Sheng quickly followed him and walked in a row with him, asking, "How did you get here, the bus? Take a taxi? It's the evening rush hour, let me see you off."

"Are you taking me?" Ling Chennan turned his head in doubt: "Did you come by car?"

Bai Sheng nodded, shook out a bunch of keys and said, "It's been parked in the garage before, and it's the first time I opened it today."

The other party is no longer the person who needs to rely on him for everything, no, or he never needs him that much, even when he is haunted by nightmares.

It is he himself who needs to adapt to the new role.

It's a pity that my defense power is now zero, and my IQ is also very low. It is too difficult to complete this matter.

Ling Chennan looked at him expressionlessly, the other party's Adam's apple moved, and pursed his lips invisibly.

Are you nervous, what are you nervous about, are you afraid that I won't take his car

Ling Chennan said: "First of all, to be clear, I didn't forgive you. I'm just too tired today and don't want to quarrel with you."

"Got it," Bai Sheng said quickly, hugged him, and let go of his hand before he could say anything: "Don't bother scolding me today, go home."

This was the first time - Bai Sheng sat in the driver's seat and he was the passenger himself. Ling Chennan put on his seat belt and realized that the person next to him was looking at him. He turned his face to look at him, and the other party showed a faint smile.

He didn't respond to that smile, but just looked back and stared blankly ahead.

Only now did he finally see the play clearly, every step of the way, the patient and cunning hunter put on the skin of a lost animal, led himself into the trap inch by inch, and did not tighten until he was sure that he had nowhere to escape and no help rope.

The man started the car, and the door lock popped with a "shua", Ling Chennan finally had to admit that he was locked firmly, and there was no way out for this man.

His emotions, his career, and his friends are all calculated by this person to the last step, and there is nowhere to go