The Man Who Was Buried Alive by Me

Chapter 6


The doctor develops a positive sympathy, which is beneficial to the treatment as long as it does not develop into excessive dependence. He smiled and said, "If you think I'm nice, treat me to a meal." He raised his chin to signal Bai Cheng to look out the window: "It's getting dark again, and this time it's overtime."

Bai Sheng was more silent than before during the meal this time, but Ling Chennan felt much more comfortable. Those feelings of disobedience about Bai Sheng in the past disappeared, and what I saw in front of me was indeed a well-educated but hurt vulnerable patient, who was trapped, imprisoned, hurt, almost killed, and buried alive.

Ling Chennan really wanted to ask him where the real Shen Yinchuan was now, but he couldn't bear to spoil the peaceful atmosphere at this moment. The way the other party carefully peeled the shrimp shells was too cute, Ling Chennan couldn't disturb him.

Bai Sheng hollowed out half of the plate containing the prawns and then stopped, obediently put his fingers on the edge of the table, like some greedy little animal sitting on the edge of the table. Ling Chennan said: "Eat it, I ordered it specially for you."

Bai Cheng frowned: "You didn't even eat."

Ling Chennan smiled: "You are the one who treats me to dinner, of course I eat whatever I have." Seeing that the other party was still not satisfied, Ling Chennan stretched out his chopsticks and took a piece of Bai Cheng's peeled shrimp and threw it into his mouth.

Seeing his wide-eyed eyes, Ling Chennan found it funny, and quickly stole another pink shrimp and left.

Bai Sheng hurriedly protected the plate: "You don't eat if you don't eat."

Ling Chennan laughed so hard that Bai Sheng's ears turned red from his laughter.

After eating a meal for just over half an hour, Ling Chennan felt that the other party finally seemed to relax a bit, and this was the first time he had been in this state today. Recalling the previous signs, Ling Chennan guessed that Shen Yinchuan might be the one with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Bai Sheng would reveal his original habits and personality once he relaxed. Today they didn't chat for as long as last Friday. After all, Bai Sheng was not in good condition and was exhausted, Ling Chennan didn't want to force it.

After walking out of the restaurant, Ling Chennan wrapped up his coat and looked back at him, only to find that the other party was only wearing a thin coat, and asked strangely: "Aren't you cold, how do you go back?"

Bai Sheng said, "Walk."

Ling Chennan said "Ah?" and asked, "Where do you live and walk? It's very cold."

Bai Sheng stared at the stone at his feet and said, "I, I'm not in good condition right now, I'm not suitable for driving. I don't like too many people on public transport."

Ling Chennan nodded in understanding, and said, "It's too cold, let me see you off."

Bai Sheng thought about it and agreed.

The two walked back to the downstairs of the clinic to pick up the car, Ling Chennan lit the fire, Bai Sheng opened the back seat and got in, Ling Chennan laughed and said, "You thought you were taking a taxi?"

Bai Sheng was a little embarrassed for a moment, and not sure if the other party was joking with him, Ling Chennan said again: "Come to the front."

What a small animal, though tall and alone, he thought.

Bai Sheng sat back in the co-pilot obediently, looking out the window silently all the way.

After sending him home, Ling Chennan drove back alone, thinking a lot about the street lights in winter.

[fifth week]

My colleague, Ms. Zheng, saw Ling Chennan bent over to take the water, and said mockingly, "Doctor, are you afraid to take the hot water this time?"

Ling Chennan laughed and said, "Who said that, my heart is hot and I need to cool down."

The temperature outside the window was above zero, and Ms. Zheng said she didn't want to talk.

She folded her arms and pursed her mouth, and said, "Didn't you just remove the gauze two days ago, and you forgot the pain so soon? Is he still here today?"

Ling Chennan straightened up and twisted the bottle cap, and agreed: "Come on, why don't you come."

Miss Zheng walked back together with him and said, "Do you need to raise the security level? Although the handsome guy is handsome, the life of the doctor is more important."

Ling Chennan curled his lips, covered his heart and said, "With your words, I feel extremely at ease."

Ms. Zheng rolled her eyes as usual: "I'm flirting all day long."

Ling Chen Nanxu blew a kiss, and it happened that a familiar figure came out of the elevator behind Miss Zheng.

Bai Sheng was blown a kiss, and froze in place.

Ling Chennan's indecent appearance was caught, and he was extremely embarrassed. The gentle and wise doctor had a crack in his skin, and Miss Zheng buried her face under the partition of the desk and laughed.

However, he has excellent psychological adjustment ability, and within three seconds, he put back the smiling No. 1 expression and greeted: "Mr. Bai is here."

Bai Sheng nodded "Mmmm" and followed him into the consultation room.

After chatting for a few words, Ling Chennan found that the other party was a little absent-minded, he put away his notebook and walked to him, leaned on the table and lowered his head and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

Bai Sheng looked at the table legs and said, "I'm sorry."

Ling Chennan laughed: "Why do you apologize as soon as you come?"

Bai Sheng frowned and said, "Because I lied to you, I have never apologized, and last time, last time I burned you and smashed things, causing a lot of trouble."

Ling Chennan patted him on the shoulder: "I accept your apology, how about today? How do you feel?"

Before Bai Sheng finished speaking, he said again: "Also, thank you for not giving me an injection or sending me to a mental hospital, but still willing to accept my appointment."

Ling Chennan said clearly again: "I also accepted your thanks, is there anything else?"

Bai Sheng thought for a while: "And the first time I told you that I killed Bai Sheng, you didn't call the police."

Ling Chennan said: "What else?"

Bai Cheng shook his head with his mouth half open: "No, no more."

Ling Chennan smiled and said: "So, how do you feel these few days, are you okay?"

The other party nodded and said, "Yes."

Ling Chennan tilted his head, looked at him seriously and said: "Then let's start with... let's talk slowly about your relationship with Shen Yinchuan."

[Bai Sheng's First Story · Opening]

[I don’t know why people around me always think that I have rich emotional experience, and that men and women can take it all. In fact, I have only had two relationships in my life.

The first part is with a junior high school classmate, a girl in the same class with good academic performance. We dated from junior high school to freshman year. The real time we were together was only two years in junior high school. In high school, we were in the same school and in different classes, and college was even more fundamental. If you are not in the same city, it is better to say that you have made a good friend than to say that you are in love.

When we were together, we held hands and kissed, and we also had further explorations. We did everything except the last step. Looking back now, the process seems to be more like exploring unknown areas with each other's help. At that time, I didn't think too seriously about my sexuality, and everything went with the flow.

The second love is with Shen Yinchuan.

Before that, I had been vacant for four or five years. Not only had I never dated a boy, but I had never been seriously pursued by anyone. The pace of love is so fast now that I haven’t had enough opportunities to be safe. Feeling, the other party is already tired of it.

But Shen Yinchuan is very patient, willing to understand me, and doesn't dislike my slow progress. He has always tried his best to express that he thinks that I am the best and most special person in the world, and I have always been a soft-hearted person. As long as I am taken seriously—no matter what Whether it is a friend or a lover, it will be very important.

At that time, I also thought that I thought I could live without relying on love and only friendship, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with having a closer person.

It was the first time for me to be in a serious relationship, and I didn't have many lessons to refer to, so I listened to what Shen Yinchuan said at the time. He said that after two people get together, they should "avoid suspicion". Considering my situation, both boys and girls should avoid suspicion, and set many rules, such as not contacting others after what time, and what kind of people should not get too close . Even when I go out to meet up with friends on weekends he doesn't like it, he has a lot of reasons and I always compromise to avoid disputes.

As time goes by, I will inevitably feel annoyed, after all, it is too boring to have only one person in my life, but Shen Yinchuan will be very hurt every time I express this kind of thought, and he will give all-round evidence to say that I am a scum, think about him He really likes me and treats me well, the starting point is love, and I have to start to reflect on whether my concept is really wrong, let alone the idea of breaking up with him.

After all, it's the first time I fall in love, and I want to cherish it.

Little did I know at the time that the first step of compromise was followed by ten thousand steps of compromise.

You can allow him to stick to you, and you can allow him to control you and manipulate you. If you allow him to check your mobile phone communication records and social software without privacy, you can allow him to install GPS positioning for you and harass your friends to check your attendance. You can leave early to spoil your friends' gatherings, you can turn down their invitations, and in the end, no one really asks you out. You finally became the only person in each other's lives as he wished.

Generally speaking, when you get here, you either enjoy it or walk away, but things often develop unexpectedly. You don’t know that he will tamper with your diet, delete your friends privately and refuse other people’s contacts. When you are really completely imprisoned, the long-term estrangement will not make your relatives and friends suspicious, thinking that you actively chose others to abandon them.

But now, you have escaped back to this unfamiliar world, how can you open your mouth and tell them all this?]

From the previous description of "Shen Yinchuan", Ling Chennan roughly guessed that Bai Sheng's original personality was cheerful and outgoing, and he had many friends. In fact, when the two of them went out for dinner for the first time, they could catch a glimpse of this Bai Sheng. I can feel that he himself misses his former self very much, but his lack of confidence in his own state makes him always linger outside the seemingly normal life and cannot integrate into it. However, psychological wounds are no better than external wounds. After hemostasis and anti-inflammation, there is still a long rehabilitation work. Compared with ugly