The Mark of Youth

Chapter 8: You didn't discuss it


"Where are you? I'll send it to you."

"The small supermarket downstairs, hurry up."

I put on my coat, picked up my wallet, and hurried downstairs. As soon as I entered the supermarket, this lady stood in the checkout area and waved to me. When I saw what was in front of her, I was startled. It's cold.

"What's all this?"

I pointed to the snack in front of her and said.

Xu Qingxi’s coat was half over her shoulders, revealing her sexy fragrant shoulders. She slowly approached me and leaned on my shoulders. The smell of her body made me fascinated. I began to imagine that this pile of food might be sandwiched. Set it.

"People just want to have some snacks and check out quickly."

I glanced at the aunt of the settlement, and took out my wallet reluctantly, "No, didn't you say that you came downstairs to buy something for me? Where are my things? I don't want to eat this snack."

She patted her pocket with a smile, "How can I forget you?" She took it out of her pocket as she said, the woman looked lighthearted, but at least it was the girl who bought this openly, and she still couldn't hold her face. , Now I am here, and then I took it out of my pocket.

She took out the four things in her pocket and patted it on the table. I couldn't help but yelled out, "Game console? Game console?"

Hope that there is as much disappointment as there is, this is definitely not a lie.

I really want to collapse now. I thought she was going to have a revolutionary friendship with me. I didn't expect that I was thinking too much. She just made me addicted to it.

But I still checked out, who made her a beauty, wanting a home run, naturally is not a simple matter, I admit it.

Back at the hotel, she took off her coat as soon as she entered the door, and just put on a small vest, and then turned on the game console. It was from Nintendo, so I got some interest.

"Don't you boys all like games! The long night, you and me..." When she said this, she suddenly approached me slowly, her eyes filled with indescribable lust.

While I was slowly taking over my feelings, she suddenly lay down and said, "You and I have nothing to do. It's good to play games. See you in a daze. Will the games be a game?"

She changed her face too quickly. Just now, she was still passionate. Desire slowly. Now she looked at me with an expression of caring for children with intellectual disabilities. I grabbed the game console and said, "Will you watch it yourself? ."

She heard me say that, it’s really true. The King of Fighters played a trick and abused me miserably. I can’t blame me for losing the face of the majority of men. When I was in school, I had to buy a game console. That dad threw it away, buy one and throw one, I have no chance to release my nature.

Naturally, this game is not so slippery, plus this woman is too slippery, so I can only be beaten in the face.

The two of us played until midnight, and in the end we ran out of snacks and played the game all the time. I was too sleepy, but she was still in a terrible spirit.

"You got sleepy so soon? How old are you? My grandma slept later than you."

This girl seemed to be black from me when I was born. I glanced at my watch and said, "My eldest sister is a little too much, your grandma still doesn't sleep for a little bit?"

She tilted her head and looked at me, "I don't know about this, because I don't have a grandma, haha."

If i compare with her

Speaking, I really asked for trouble. This woman became more and more weird as she looked at her. Under her strong request, I played with her for a while. When she went to bed, it was dawning.

I usually go to bed at ten o’clock. I went to bed at dawn last night. I woke up in the morning, my head hurts and I yawned constantly. Xu Qingxi was lying peacefully in her arms, breathing steadily, with a smile on her mouth. This woman is really a stunner. what.

Looking along the sun, it is even more beautiful. I was going to be late for work, but I couldn't help sitting by the bed and after watching for a while, I reluctantly left.

I hurried to the factory quickly. Fortunately, my dad had something to come late this morning, otherwise he would have to give me another meal after seeing me.

When I was eating at noon, my dad and I looked at me face to face for several times, and my eyes became more careful, "Dad, what are you doing when you look at me at a glance?"

"What's wrong with your eyes? The dark circles are so heavy? Your mother said you didn't go home last night?"

My mother is so old, I have to tell my dad if I return home at night.

"I didn't go back, it's my friend's birthday."

My dad put down the tableware and coughed, "I won't go home and talk to your mother to save her worry. Will you go home tonight?"


The conversation between me and my dad has always been so short. It may be the same between father and son. He understands me, but he also needs to control me. He always has a serious face, and it goes far away over time, but I respect my dad , It’s just that I don’t know how to get close.

After dinner with my dad, I took out my phone to see that there were several missed calls from Xu Qingxi, and I hurried back to her.

(End of this chapter)