The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 105: Shen Yunong is missing 1


Liu Qiqiao wanted to fight to death, but didn't want to, but was easily subdued by King Ye.

Don't say that Wang Ye is capable of martial arts, and the martial arts is pretty good, even if Wang Ye is not good at martial arts, then he is a man, and Liu Qiqiao is a woman, she is soft and tender, and she stretches out her hand without any strength, Ye Wang strangled Liu Qiqiao’s neck with one arm, and twisted Liu Qiqiao’s hand with the other arm. The hairpin in her hand has now fallen into the hands of King Ye: "Dare to scold me as a beast, You are the first one in the world. Since you have been scolded, this king will do something to not be wronged!"

Liu Qiqiao couldn't move, and it became difficult to breathe. King Ye took her hairpin and followed her cheeks and slid all the way down. The cold gold object scratched her tender skin and pale face. Exhausted breathing: "You kill me!" She has already thought about it now. Shen Yunong must have encountered an accident. If that happens, she doesn't want to live anymore, but Ye Wang obviously thinks differently.

"Liu Qiye, why is this king willing to kill you!" The hairpin slipped onto the front of Liu Qiqiao's shirt. "This king has never played with such a handsome young queen, and loves you too much. How can you be willing to kill you... "The hairpin used force, filled with internal force, not a sharp point, and easily cut the shirt away.

The sound of the cloth being torn apart by external force, accompanied by King Ye’s heavy breathing, from his line of sight, Liu Qiqiao was forced to cut open the skirt of the clothes, a piece of snow white, King Ye tilted his head and kissed On Liu Qiqiao's neck, she was leaning against the wound she had accidentally injured herself.

"Hiss..." Liu Qiqiao felt a rush of warmth, and then a painful sucking sensation, that King Ye was actually sucking the blood from her wound.

"It is said that blood is fishy, but Liu Qiye's blood is sweet..." King Ye sucked into his mouth, then licked with his tongue.

"You... You kill me, you bastard!" Liu Qiqiao could only say this again and again. She had never been a bitch or cursed people, and only this.

"My king said, can't you bear it?" King Ye looked at Liu Qiqiao, the hairpin in his hand was twirling in the skirt of her clothes, stabbing Liu Qiqiao from time to time, and when he heard her nervous and frightened, he pumped The voice of anger made him excited, his pupils widened, and his blood spurted, "Killing you will make you cheaper. You want to be a chastity martyr, but this king makes you unable to do it..."

Liu Qiqiao was so insulted by him that she just wanted to die. She opened her mouth and wanted to bite her tongue to commit suicide, but her mouth was pinched, her chin creaked, and Wang Ye stopped her everywhere. "This king has said that those who rebel against me will die, and it will not be so easy to die. I want you to experience it for a while. It's like not being able to survive or begging for death!"

In fact, it was only a moment. The blood and intimidation coexisted in this cabin. Liu Qiqiao couldn't say anything. His eyes were staring. There were waves of thunder and lightning. The cabin was bright and dark, dark and bright. , The ship was unstable, but King Ye held her steadily and walked towards the only one in the cabin step by step.

With each step, the despair in Liu Qiqiao's heart increased.

King Ye likes this. He defeated his opponent first in mind defense. Looking at Liu Qiqiao’s horrified eyes, he found this game fun and exciting. He looked forward to more exciting, and he couldn’t wait. The last few steps were a bit quicker, and he was about to arrive. At the bedside, there was a big bump in the hull of the ship, almost about to capsize, and there was a loud noise louder than thunder, following the impact.

"Light… "

After the loud noise, the things on the table on the ship rolled to the ground together, with a screaming sound.

King Ye hugged Liu Qiqiao staggered, and almost rolled down with her. He barely stood firm, but Liu Qiqiao in his arms rolled down and fell into a panic. He was in shock. Liu Qiqiao instinctively retreated to the bed, and when he was free, he shouted: "Help, help! "

Ye Wang is in a good mood, don't know what's wrong? Did the ship crash into something

"What's the matter?" Ye Wang yelled, toward the outside of the cabin.

The hull seemed to be slowly calming down now, but it was still shaking slightly.

There were footsteps and it was very chaotic. Someone was shouting something. At this time, someone came over, "Master, our boat collided with another boat!" It was He Qingyuan's voice.

Wang Ye looked back at Liu Qiqiao, and saw that she was about to climb down from her sex. He was one of the first two big people. He didn't know what was going on. He walked over, pulled off the bed, and tied Liu Qiqiao a few times. So, afraid of her yelling, he tore another piece of cloth and stuffed it into her mouth. Then he turned around and opened the hatch all at once.

Seeing outside, the rain had begun to fall, and there were several lightning bolts. I saw that this painting boat was parked alongside another painting boat. The painting boat was bigger and more luxurious. There were a lot of people on it. Because the boat collided, there were a few boatmen on both sides. Together, are talking about something.

King Ye was disturbed by the good things, and was angry. Seeing that the style over there was bigger than himself, he became even more angry. He said to He Qingyuan, "Who are they? Tell them to stay away!"

He Qingyuan was busy taking the order, but after a while, he walked back, attached to King Ye's ear and said, "Master, it's Father Xue..."

"Is it him?" King Ye frowned and looked to the front, only to see someone holding an umbrella over there, under the umbrella, with a face as white as snow, and a sick face. Not far away, he called King Ye a thousand: "The old slave has seen the prince, but I don't know that the prince is driving here. He ran into the prince and begged the prince to forgive him!"

King Ye hurriedly walked over. Although he felt bitter in his heart, he smiled on his face: "Oh, it's Father Xue. It's rare weather like this. Father Xue has the heart to visit the canal!"

Father Xue coughed lightly, and then smiled: "Well, where is I willing to come out? It's my new godson. He said that he wants to invite me over, and that King Ye invites him over first, so we can watch the moon together. Jing, my boat went ahead early, and when the sky was bad, I hurried back, but unexpectedly, I ran into King Ye!"

King Ye said strangely: "What godson? Father Xue has recently accepted a godson?" Vaguely felt something wrong.

Father Xue coughed and smiled on his pale face. In this dark river, he felt so weird. He smiled and said, "Didn't Qi'er tell you? He sent someone to come and talk to you." Ask him to be here today for a while, tell me to come over, I thought, there is nothing wrong with you, and I haven’t seen you King Ye for a while, so I’ll join in the fun. Where is he? He must be hide and seek with me, this stubborn child. !"

Immediately, Father Xue raised his throat: "You guys, go get him out for me!" He said so, a few neat guard-like people standing behind him suddenly jumped to the painting boat on King Ye's side. Above.

"Hold on!" Seeing these people about to rush into the cabin, King Ye shouted angrily.

He usually wanted to make friends with this father-in-law, because the older the father, the more solitary he was, and it was difficult to hear anyone's words, but he was very generous to this father-in-law, and from time to time he went into the palace to chat.

Therefore, a father-in-law who came out of the palace would be sought after by the nobles in that way, and ministers would often visit him to investigate the emperor's voice.

However, at this moment, King Ye didn't know what this Father Xue meant: "Duke Xue, forgive me for being stupid, who is the godson in your mouth? He said he was with this king?"

Father Xue was stunned when he heard King Ye say this, then clapped his hands and smiled gloomily: "Oh, Lord, it seems that Qi'er hasn't told you yet that he worships me as a foster father. Liu Qi'er, come out, prince, a Liu Qiye recently came out of the capital, isn't he on your boat? He is my son, he is quite temperamental to me..."

"Liu Qiye?" Wang Ye felt his scalp numb, as if he had been calculated.

At this time, the rain was lighter and there was no lightning and thunder. Father Xue stood there with a smile on his face, but he didn't smile, "Yes, he said that today the lord invited him to drink, so the old slave Come join in the fun!"

"Um... You newly recognized a godson, is it Liu Qiye?" King Ye asked hesitantly.

"Yes, yes! You're helping him fool the old slave, right? Actually, you knew it from the beginning, yes, he is naughty. Lord, you must not help him in ambush, I know he must be hidden in your cabin. Inside!" said Father Xue.

At this moment, there was a thumping sound from the cabin, and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Look, what kind of demon he is catching there again, go and show him to find it out for me!" said Father Xue.

Those subordinates, who listened to him, took advantage of the fact that King Ye was in a daze, and two people had already jumped into the cabin.

He Qingyuan was alone and couldn't match these people, so he had to tie his hands and couldn't do anything. Wang Ye's face was blue with anger, but he had to weigh his face with Father Xue. He wanted to befriend the father-in-law Xue, but he couldn't offend the father-in-law at this moment.

The two people came out, and Liu Qiqiao followed behind, but they were already loosened, with a cloak of one of the two on their shoulders.

Liu Qiqiao walked past King Ye and said calmly: "King Ye, I forgot to introduce you to me, this is my foster father."

She was so calm, as if she hadn't been persecuted by King Ye just now, she turned her head, saw Father Xue, smiled: "Foster father, Qi'er has given you a kowtow!"

It was really kowtow, no one saw the tears on her face, she leaned on the board, her hands and feet trembling constantly.

"Okay, okay, come here, don't bother the prince anymore. It's not suitable to enjoy any scenes this day, another day, prince, let's make an appointment another day, okay!" Father Xue smiled and he turned to him His subordinates gestured, his subordinates quickly jumped back, and two of them were still holding Liu Qiqiao in their arms.

Seeing that Liu Qiqiao was safe and sound, Father Xue bent over and arched his hands towards King Ye with a smile.

Father Xue turned and walked back, and entered the cabin with Liu Qiqiao.

On the side of King Ye, although he was calm, he was very annoyed in his heart. He Qingyuan saw that Father Xue and those people had entered the cabin, and said to King Ye: "Just let her go like this?"