The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 114: Lin Pingmo's prank 2


Shen Yuyuan nodded: "In short, you are good at the seventh brother, and the second brother can only do some rough work. It's up to you to command the formation of troops!"

On the one hand, the shopkeeper of Yunshangfang said: "The little one admires Qiye too much. The profit of this shop has been the same as that of my original small shop for a month. It is really enjoyable. After the young one, he must be more than Qiye. Ask! The way you do business is something I have never seen before."

Liu Qiqiao waved his hands again and again shyly: "Oh, don't praise me, this is my luck. What kind of means do I have, I'm just fooling around according to my own ideas!"

At this time, a lot of guys were standing by and listening. At this time, someone said: "Where is Qiye fooling around, Qiye, you are great!" After he finished speaking, everyone applauded together.

Seeing everyone's face excited, Liu Qiqiao came and went crazy, stood in front of the guys, pressed down with both hands, everyone stopped applauding, and they all looked at her.

Liu Qiqiao stood in the front: "Since everyone is here, let me say a few words below. First of all, I want to thank you all. Today's Yunshang Square is an instant success. It is all the credit of everyone. I will sink on our behalf. The eldest master, and the second master of the second master, bowed to everyone and thanked everyone!" After finishing speaking, she really bowed deeply.

These guys are standing here. They have always been guys. Now they are the scholars, farmers, industry and commerce. This business is the last. Even the rich businessmen and bosses are inferior in front of the rich and powerful. What's more, they are the guys, they are inferior in the inferior.

They spend the whole day with smiling faces and bowing to others. Whenever they have received such a big gift from others, they were shocked for a while, and they were touched in their hearts.

Liu Qiqiao stood up straight again, and continued: "We will not stop at Yunshangfang. I know that some of you came from the original store in Shen's house. You must have seen the original store in Shen's house. Xinglong, I dare not praise Haikou and return to the way it was then, but I want to guarantee that our Shen family will slowly get better. Everyone must have confidence in us. Everyone here today will get a reward. , I will pick it up from this counter in a while. After we do a good job, there will be more rewards, and the wages will increase accordingly. Thank you for your continued trust in me, Liu Qiye, and hope that in the future, everyone will be able to support you more. Thank you in advance!" Liu Qiqiao finished speaking and bowed again. There was another round of applause and applause.

This uplifting remark, coupled with the uncompromisingly rewarding silver on the spot, made all the people of Shen Qiqiao motivated. At this time, Liu Qiqiao’s reputation also spread even further. Yuan Qiluo in Yuluofang, later heard of Liu Qiqiao’s remarks, and many of the guys in Yuluofang wanted to try, and wanted to join Yunshangfang. Of course, this is all something to follow. Up.

Now, after Liu Qiqiao sent this narration, everyone went to the counter to take the rewards one by one. Shen Yuyuan said to Liu Qiqiao: "Seventh brother, let's go back to the house and the car is ready!"

Liu Qiqiao hesitated: "Um, second brother, I don't want to go back!"

"What?" Shen Yuyuan was too surprised: "Big Brother is back, you don't want to see him!"

Liu Qiqiao was very confused, "Madam doesn't like me. I go back like this for fear of annoying her again. Besides, this shop only opened today. I'm afraid it will be messy tomorrow. I'm not here. I don't worry!"

"Didn't you say that it's completely fine for Dunzi to stand alone?" Shen Yuyuan said.

"But in case something happens, we still have to have someone in charge. We can't go back all at once. This..., tell your eldest brother. After these two days, I will go back to see him!" Liu Qiqiao said.

She was a little hesitant at first, but at this point, she felt as if the reason was quite sufficient, so she took a firm stand again: "Second brother, the eldest brother has come back anyway, and there is nothing wrong. If he knows that we will Put it down here and go back to see him all the time. Regardless of the business, maybe he will still be angry. Didn't he always tell us that business is the most important thing!"

After hearing her say this, Shen Yuyuan couldn't hear anything wrong, so she sighed, "Well, then, I'll come back as soon as possible to change you, and I will work hard for you, the seventh brother!"

Liu Qiqiao hurriedly smiled and said: "No hard work, no hard work, you don't need to rush back, take a good look at Big Brother!"

Her enthusiasm drove Shen Yuyuan onto the carriage, and soon the carriage turned a corner on the road and was never seen again.

The carriage was no longer visible, and the smile on Liu Qiqiao's face disappeared. She turned around and was in a daze. When a guy saw her coming in, he closed the door busy. She smiled and said to the guy, "Close the door. Come in for dinner!"

The guy agreed. Liu Qiqiao walked inside. The food was being served inside. Most of the guys were holding a bowl and looking for a place by themselves. Three in groups, two in groups gathered somewhere to eat and talk and laugh. See Liu Qi. He came in by accident and stood up and greeted with a smile.

Liu Qiqiao motioned to them to continue eating and leave her alone, she walked inside, and the master in the kitchen saw her coming in and smiled: "Seven masters, you are not eating. Come, I will warm you up, come. Here, this is your favorite little fried fish. It was freshly served by Uncle Wang today. It is fresh. And this pancake, I will fry it specially for you!"

Liu Qiqiao took it. She used to be very casual in eating. When she was a child, she went farming, sat on the ground with her father and brothers, and had dinner with her dad and brothers. Now, she sits on the edge of the well. It’s cool here. While eating, he smiled and talked with the guys beside him.

After they had eaten, Liu Qiqiao and the guys sent the bowl to the kitchen, and then she went back to the upper room by herself and entered the room. Some guys knew that she loved cleanliness and needed a bath every day. She prepared hot water for her.

She stood behind the screen, took off her clothes, and soaked in the tub.

Feeling all the fatigue soaked in the water, Liu Qiqiao sighed with satisfaction, every pore was as comfortable as clamoring, Liu Qiqiao pillowed the tub, closed his eyes, was about to take a nap, but listened. Going outside, with a squeak, she was startled, "Who?"

No one answered her, but she would not think it was wind, because she heard someone jumping in: "Who?" Her heart lifted.

"Me!" A slightly hoarse voice.

"Lin Pingmo!" Liu Qiqiao was relieved, and then shouted again: "You can't do it, go out!"

"Isn't it just taking a bath? What's the big deal!" Lin Pingmo said.

"Do you know that I am coming in while taking a bath?" Liu Qiqiao exclaimed depressedly.

"What's afraid of a big man taking a bath? Guys just stand naked by the well and wash! Dare to see anyone bluffing!" Lin Ping said indifferently.

What he said was the truth. This was what made Liu Qiqiao a little embarrassed because it was too hot in summer. A while ago, those guys took a shower at night before going to bed. They were really standing by the well. She didn't wear anything. Liu Qiqiao bumped into it once, and Liu Qiqiao screamed for a while. Later, she stipulated that it was okay to take a bath, but not to wear nothing, at least a set of clothes.

The guys are a little strange. They are all men. There are men in this yard. What are they afraid of, but this is the rule of the master's house, and they will act accordingly.

When Lin Pingmo said this, Liu Qiqiao couldn't refute him for a while. She yelled anxiously, "You... don't come to my room if you're okay from now on!"

"Could it be that there is a woman hidden in your house? What are you afraid of?" Lin Pingmo said, his voice was always low and hoarse, but he couldn't tell if he did it on purpose.

Liu Qiqiao was a little angry. According to Shen Yunong, this Lin Pingmo knew he was a woman. He...

"Anyway, you have to pay attention to some measures. I have stipulated it a long time ago. Guys can't come in casually!" Liu Qiqiao said.

"Okay, I see, trouble, yes, I heard that Shen Yunong found it, why don't you go back to the house to see him!" Lin Pingmo asked.

"You know again, what are you doing this day? It just opened, the store is very busy, you are missing, you are less and less like a buddy!" Liu Qiqiao said.

"I said, I can't do it, you have to let me come!" Lin Pingmo said.

Liu Qiqiao couldn't see him. She looked at the clothes on the screen, thinking that she had to get up and put on the clothes. She was afraid of this time when Lin Pingmo broke in. Oh my god, it was a dilemma.

"I asked you to learn craftsmanship. You can't always be a kid!" Liu Qiqiao said.

"What's there to learn when opening a store? I'm not a kid, and I didn't want to be a shopkeeper!" Lin Pingmo said.

"You're a real cow, I really can't afford you this great god here!" Liu Qiqiao thought, you, a person, are becoming less and less obedient to me. I don't know what the cow is.

"Master Qi, do you want to rub your back for you?" Lin Pingmo said suddenly.

"No, no, don't come over!" Liu Qiqiao sank into the water in fright, leaving only his head on the water.

"Who haven't I served yet? Seventh master, you have a lot of face!" Lin Pingmo said.

Listening to his footsteps, Liu Qiqiao seemed to be moving towards here a little bit. She was terrified and hurriedly called out, "Don't come here!"

The footsteps were getting closer, and Liu Qiqiao was so frightened that her head was soaked in the water, but she couldn't hold her breath too long, so she had to come up, and the water dripped from her hair: "Lin Pingmo, you are too Excessive, you can't come over, I tell you, I am..."

At this moment, she heard another creak from the window, Liu Qiqiao stopped talking and listened, only to hear the creak of the window a few times, but in the end, there was no sound.

"Lin Pingmo? Lin Pingmo?" Liu Qiqiao asked tentatively, but couldn't hear anyone answer again.