The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 117: Love doesn't know where... 1


Shen Yuyuan finally found an opportunity to ask about Cui Cui. After he finished speaking, he waited for Shen Yunong's answer.

When Shen Yunong heard what Shen Yuyuan said, he couldn't help but feel bitter. He frowned and said, "Oh, this is the trickiest thing for me now!"

"What's the matter?" Shen Yuyuan supported Shen Yunong and sat under the canopy in the courtyard.

A maid came over and brought Shen Yunong a couch. Shen Yuyuan helped his brother sit on the couch. There was a table beside the couch. There was a glass bowl on it. The grapes in it were just picked by Shen Yuyuan. Yes, the people in the back kitchen have cleaned it up and sent some to the masters of each yard.

"Oh, this matter, I have to talk about it since I fell into the water that day!" Shen Yunong said.

That night, on top of the painting boat, He Qingyuan beat him cruelly and hit the canal with a stick.

Shen Yunong would have some water. He spent two years in the south and learned to swim with the guys, but he only took two swims by the river and the sea. Such a deep canal was another rainstorm night. He I was injured on the brain and fainted all of a sudden. I only remembered that in the last consciousness, countless water rushed to him. I died, and he said in his heart that he didn't know anything anymore.

When he woke up again, he felt like he was lying dangling. The back of his head hurt so much that he didn't dare to move. Someone was feeding him something beside his mouth: "Eat something. Grandpa said that you are not dead, and you will get better!"

Shen Yunong opened his mouth subconsciously, and a thick soup entered his mouth. It was fish soup. He slowly opened his eyes. There was a fuzzy figure in front of him. When he slowly adjusted to the light, the people in front of him were slow. Slowly see clearly.

It was a girl, facing him at this time, took the towel, and wiped the corner of his mouth, because when he had just eaten the soup, he spilled some on his chin.

The girl was dressed plainly, with a coarse cloth skirt under the blue and white gown. She wiped the corner of his mouth, put down the towel, turned around and handed him a spoon while saying: "Take another bite!" Shen Yunong's eyes were open.

Shen Yunong also saw her looks clearly, a very nice little girl, her dark hair was combed with two braids and hung on her chest, and a necklace made of clam shells was wrapped around her neck.

"Wow, you're awake!" Seeing Shen Yunong opened her eyes, the little girl yelled in surprise, then put the bowl on the side table, jumped up and ran out: "Grandpa, he's awake , Grandpa, he woke up..."

After the little girl ran out, Shen Yunong could see the room clearly. Everything was simple and clean. The room was very short and everything was tightly packed together. Shen Yunong felt it swaying around and realized it for a long time. , He was still on the boat, so he was shaking like this.

At this moment, someone walked in, and the little girl in front of her came in and rushed over and pressed her against the bed: "Look, I'm really awake, hey, who are you?"

Behind her, followed an old man, topless, holding a pulp in his hand, apparently pulled by the girl: "Oh, I really woke up, son, where are you from? Why did you fall into the canal? ?"

Shen Yunong wanted to answer them, but before speaking, he coughed up. He realized that as long as he breathed out, his chest became very stuffy. It took him a long time to speak: "My name is Shen Yunong. Yesterday I was having a drink on the painting boat with my friend, and it fell off accidentally!..."

"Your name is Shen Yunong?" The little girl leaned closer and looked at Shen Yunong: "You have been faint for two days, and you keep calling Qiqiao, Qiqiao... You have a fever. This morning, you have a fever. Return!"

Hearing this, Shen Yunong said hurriedly: "I have been fainted for two days? Then it is already two days later!"

The old man nodded: "Yes, Cui Cui saved you the night before, and we thought you were going to survive! No, you are alive! I touched the back of your head, it's so big that I dare not touch it. , I’ll find a doctor for you when I’m on the shore tonight, and show you..."

"Where are we now? My family, my family must be looking for me!" Shen Yunong said.

"Here, this is Jiangzhou, where did you fall into the water?" the old man asked.

"I'm in the canal section of the capital, which is called Suzhou River!" Shen Yunong said.

The old man shook his head, "I don’t know the Suzhou River. Our name is Jiangzhou here. It’s in the lower reaches of the capital. You floated along the river. That night, our father and I went to fish and chased the fish and walked upstream. When it rained, I came back along the river, but Cui Cui found you, she jumped down and saved you up!"

Shen Yunong understood, and hurriedly stood up: "In this way, the two are my saviors, please accept the little ones!"

But when he was about to get up, a dull pain in his head made it difficult for him to get up, and he fell back.

The old man came over, touched the back of his head, and stretched out his hand: "Fortunately, I think there is a hole, so I will simply bandage you up, don't move, so as not to bleed the wound again!"

No wonder it was so painful that Shen Yunong did not dare to move anymore, so she had to lie there, but Cui Cui came over and looked at him with a smile: "You said you are from the capital, your name is Shen Yunong? What do you say? You are so stupid that you would fall into the water, but you are so pretty!"

When Shen Yunong heard her say this, he had to sneer.

The old man smiled and said, “It’s fine if you wake up. We’ll go ashore tonight and invite a doctor to have a look. However, according to my old man’s experience, you just choked on water, got hurt again, and infected the wound. , I have been in a coma for two days. There is no trauma elsewhere. There should be nothing wrong. Come on, Cui Cui, you continue to feed him and let him drink it. This soup is nutritious, and it will be better if you drink it. I will go boating. , Let's go ashore soon!"

After the old man finished speaking, he turned around and went out. The girl named Cui Cui continued to come over with the soup bowl and patiently fed Shen Yunong.

Shen Yunong had eaten the fish soup, and slowly sat up. Looking out from the hatch, their boat was really too small. He saw old man Jiang rowing hard in the stern. The old man was bare-backed and wearing A hat, basking like this all the year round, his body is dark, but he looks pretty old, but his body is good, his arms are all muscles, and he rowed a boat without letting a young man out.

The ship is too small. Shen Yunong occupies the bed. Below, the seats are full. Cuicui doesn’t always stay in the cabin. She sits on the side of the cabin door. Shen Yunong has also seen her good water quality. When she saw a fish, she suddenly jumped into the river, several ups and downs, she jumped on the boat again, holding a big fish in her hand, showing it to Shen Yunong with a smile, and said: " This fish is bigger, so I can make soup for the son at night..."

Shen Yunong looked at the two grandpa and grandson with admiring eyes, listening to the old man drinking the bleak fisherman's song, watching Cui Cui twist her clothes down with water, she untied her hair and twisted it again. Once twisted, the whole person is young and innocent. Seeing Shen Yunong looking at her, she didn't know how to avoid taboos. Her clothes were close to her body, and her graceful figure was really drawn out. Shen Yunong had to avoid it. Closed eyes.

In the evening, the boat came to the shore. The grandfather and grandson lived in a small house by the river. The yard outside the house was covered with nets. An older and older boat was buckled outside the yard. Cui and Grandpa helped Shen Yunong to sit down in the room, and she put the net used for fishing this time on the broken boat. The old man walked in and saw Shen Yunong looking at Cui Cui outside from the window. Hanhan smiled: "My granddaughter, her father once went out of the boat and wrecked and fell into the river and drowned. Her mother was pregnant at that time and she gave up her baby in a hurry. I left in 2015, so she has been following my old man since she was three years old. This year is sixteen. If the family is good, she should have said kiss!"

Shen Yunong nodded, thinking that the old man was talking to him. He said, "Xiaosheng is from the capital, and his surname is Shen. I don't know how far it is from the capital. My father helped Xiaosheng heal the illness and sent me home. Xiaosheng will definitely thank you!"

The old man nodded and said with a smile: "I don’t have to thank you very much. Although the old man is poor, I can eat three meals a day and be self-sufficient. It’s just one thing. I’ve been bothered by it recently. I can't sleep!"

"What's the matter, if Xiaosheng can help, I will help Dad fulfill his wish!" Shen Yunong said.

The old man smiled and said, "Old man, I have this plan. How good do you think my granddaughter is?"

Shen Yunong nodded: "Innocent and romantic, and very capable, of course it is good!"

The old man said: "I am very old. I don't know when, Lord Yan called me away. I will live a hundred years, and I can't get rid of a dead word. I am just worried that if I leave, Cui Cui will be alone. Yes, this kid has followed me since he was a child. He has never been in school or invited a husband. He doesn’t understand anything, but don’t be afraid, son, she’s innocent, she’s not stupid..."

"That's natural..." Shen Yunong said.

The old man smiled and said, "Since you are a citizen of the capital, you must be born rich and wealthy if you look at your clothes. I have nothing else to ask for, so I will entrust Cui Cui to you!"

"Huh?" Shen Yunong was stunned, and he didn't understand what the old man meant.

"My son, I'm thinking about the life-long events of my family Cuicui. This is also a fate from heaven. She is your savior. I think you won't treat her badly. It depends on your age. She is married too, and I don't care about it. Let her be a kid and treat her better in the future, that's it!" said the old man.

"What?" Shen Yunong understood, but it was a little unacceptable. Na Cui Cui was walking back and forth. When she reached the well, she hit the water, and stood on the edge of the well, holding the bucket, Splashing water on the face while washing.

"I Cuicui looks good, don't you? Your kid is good-looking, and it's not a loss to her!" The old man smiled and said, "Besides, Cuicui helped you up and said that you look good. Yours! So, my old man is in charge and ration her to you!"

Shen Yunong was busy shook his head, and couldn't care about the headache: "Father, this is absolutely not the case, I have a wife at home!"

"I said, it's okay to be a kid, as long as you treat her well and make her worry-free in this life!" the old man said.