The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 120: Qiqiao shopkeeper 2


"What are you doing?" Liu Qiqiao smiled calmly: "Open a shop, do business! Be the shopkeeper!"

"Doing business? With men?" Lan Xiang said in surprise.

Liu Qiqiao nodded and stopped, Lan Xiang looked at her in surprise, and stretched out her hand to lift the curtain for her.

Summer has passed, but the gauze curtains are still hanging. After Lanxiang lifted the gauze curtains, she stopped talking. There were a lot of people in the main hall. When they heard the movement, they all looked over. walk in.

Liu Qiqiao lowered his head and walked in, hurried two steps forward, and said a blessing: "Old lady, Qiqiao is back, please greet the old lady, the old lady is well and peaceful!"

Everyone saw Liu Qiqiao wearing a pink-green light gauze long skirt. The skirt was of average texture and vulgar color. But as soon as Liu Qiqiao came in, everyone felt that her temperament had changed and she was no longer petty. Where is a cat going? Now, when I stopped there openly, I was a little imposing. After greeting the old lady, she turned to Madam Shen: "Qiqiao to Madam!" Turning around again, Shen Yunong and Huangfu Haoyue Sitting in one place, she only glanced at it, and then went down: "Qiqiao to the young master, young lady please peace!"

Others just looked at her, but Mrs. Shen smiled and raised her hand to her: "Come here, come here, Qiqiao, let grandma look at you, I heard that you ran away, I scolded them, good children, forced to become What's up, come, grandma take a good look at you!"

Liu Qiqiao was a little bit shy, and walked over, Shen Yunong's sister, Shen Xiurong, sat on the other side of Mrs. Shen, tilting her head towards Liu Qiqiao: "Hello, Auntie Qi!"

Liu Qiqiao smiled and met with her: "Miss Xiurong is getting more and more sensible and beautiful!"

Shen Xiurong smiled charmingly, "Second brother has just divided the things you brought back to everyone. You bought them all? It's so beautiful!" Shen Xiurong raised a safe blessing in his hand.

"I didn't buy it. The gifts we brought back to everyone were made in our store!" Liu Qiqiao laughed.

"We're in the store? We don't even have stores, aren't they all sold?" Aunt Zhou asked in surprise.

Liu Qiqiao turned her face and saw her belly at a glance. It should have been five or six months. She was very pregnant. Liu Qiqiao was startled. After coming in, she showed an uncomfortable look for the first time. She smiled. Laughing: "Hello Auntie Zhou, the shop is sold, but we can open it again!"

Aunt Zhou was stunned, and the other aunts were also stunned.

Mrs. Shen took Liu Qiqiao’s hand and patted her hand with a smile: "Yes, yes, Qiqiao is right. Don’t be afraid if you sell it, you can leave it with the green hills. Don’t be afraid that there will be no firewood. Let’s start again. That's it!"

Mrs. Shen was a little unhappy on the side, and muttered: "Simply speaking, do you think it's so easy to open a store? Just open it, you just open one for me to see!"

Liu Qiqiao didn’t look at her. For her mother-in-law, her deep-rooted dislike of herself, she didn’t know where it came from. She didn’t want to argue with her. For someone who didn’t think much of herself and embarrassed herself everywhere, she I don't want to be shy to please anymore, but, she is an elder, her own mother-in-law, Liu Qiqiao only lowered her head and smiled, not picking her up.

But someone helped her speak.

"Mother, the store mentioned by the second brother Gang is actually being managed by Qiqiao!" Shen Yunong said.


"What?" A lot of people said in unison. Although everyone didn't believe it, Shen Yunong said it. They all stared at Shen Yunong.

Liu Qiqiao also looked at him. This was the first time she saw him after entering this room. When she asked for peace, she looked up and only looked at Mrs. Shen Shao. For Shen Yunong, she was timid with nostalgia, even with her eyes. Did not dare to look at him.

Now she saw him.

Liu Qiqiao felt a little distressed, how well, he turned himself into a sick man again, with a pale face, as white as a paper. Seeing himself looking at him, he smiled at her. In that smile, there was a lot of helplessness. As if to say, did you finally look at me

Liu Qiqiao said that he didn't feel good about him, and when he came back, I looked forward to the whole way, when I heard the grievances of my wife, and now, seeing him like this distressed.

"How could it be her? She is a girl from the countryside, what kind of shop would she open?" Aunt Zhou said. Some don't believe their ears.

"Shenjia Distillery, Shenjia Silk and Satin Shop, and the newly opened Yunshang Fang are all taken care of by her. Didn't you all receive the little gifts from her just now? Those things are all Yunshang. It was made by the shop! My second brother just told me that within half a month, Yunshangfang has already become famous. All the ladies and ladies in the capital are proud to wear or wear the things of our Yunshangfang. Especially this thing marked'Revlon' is very popular, Xiurong, do you like it?" Shen Yunong finished speaking and asked his sister.

Shen Xiurong took the Ping An Fu and said with a smile, "I see the three words Revlon in the lower corner, it turns out to be the name of our store! I like it, of course I like it!"

"If Miss Xiurong likes it, she can go to the city when she has time. When we shop, there are a lot of these things!" Liu Qiqiao said.

"Okay, okay, I'm going!" Shen Xiurong said excitedly.

"When I get back to the city, I will take you there!" Liu Qiqiao said.

Aunt Zhou said: "Oh my god, that's true. A woman who went out to show her face and opened a shop, oh my god, it's not like seeing foreign men all day long, oh my god, tsk..."

Liu Qiqiao was startled, unable to answer her words for a while.

Shen Yunong coughed lightly and said, "Begonia, don't save the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I let Qiqiao learn to do business. She is outside and always shows her in men's clothing. Of course, this is not true. I can’t let the Shen family lose like this, but I’m inconvenient to get ahead. Yuyuan doesn’t know how to do business, so I had to let Qiqiao go out to support the facade. She is my aunt, and these are all me. In the future, no one should talk about her mouth because of this, or embarrass her because of it, even more so. Have you written it down?"

Shen Yunong's voice was not high, because of his body, he was very slow to speak, but he spoke word by word, so that everyone could hear clearly and understand what he meant.

"Remember?" He asked again, looking at Aunt Zhou.

Aunt Zhou was boring to ask herself, and now she couldn't pick things up anymore, so she murmured, "I see!"

Others replied again and again: "Msang-gong, the Nujia recorded it!"

Mrs. Shen saw no one talking on it, and she smiled: "Qiqiao has only come back. Everyone has been waiting for a long time. If they are all tired, let’s go away. This Qiqiao is doing business outside. Nong'er is right about our Shen family's own affairs. No one is allowed to publicize it. In the house, no one is allowed to chew on this matter. If you let me know, the designation is not followed. Seriously, do not hesitate to use the family law! "

The Shen family has always been loyal to the family, and the family law is there, but it has never moved. It can be seen that the old lady of Shen is quite serious this time. As a result, these women dare not say anything.

Shen Yunong stretched out his hand to Liu Qiqiao: "Come on, Qiqiao, help me go back to the room!"

Liu Qiqiao hurriedly got up, and walked over in the envious or jealous eyes of those aunts.

Helping Shen Yunong to get up, Liu Qiqiao saw Huangfu Haoyue, the young lady's eyes were faint, she smiled at her, Liu Qiqiao also smiled at her, Shen Yunong stood up with her strength Here, Lu Tong came over to help Liu Qiqiao, and one by one, helping Shen Yunong to go out.

Everyone here watched them go out without making a sound, but Miss Shen Xiurong said crisply: "I really envy Qi Yiniang who can go out and do business, and I really want to follow her!"

Mrs. Shen was aside, and said a little annoyed: "She is like that, what is there to learn, you are a dignified eldest lady, learn something women should learn!"

Shen Xiurong rolled her eyes and looked disapproving.

Mrs. Shen took her hand and smiled and said, "Didn’t your elder brother say it? That’s no way, a woman, it’s still in the house, good husband and child, by the way, we are also beautiful. Now, it’s time to find a good house!"

"Grandma, I won't listen to you!" When Shen Xiurong heard the old lady suddenly mention her relationship, she couldn't help but flushed her face, twisted her body and walked out.

"Oh, I'm sixteen, and a kid!" Old Madam Shen smiled and pointed to her back.

While Mrs. Shen also laughed, she immediately said: "Speaking of sixteen years old, that Cui Cui is still there, mother, she is an unmarried girl who lives in our house like this, it’s not a problem at all. This, it’s true. Let Noon marry her?"

When Mrs. Shen said this, Shen Yunong's wives and concubines all pricked their ears and listened.

Mrs. Shen shook her head: "This matter, we have to listen to Nong'er, alas, let's talk about it after the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Madam Shen only nodded, and the people below all said goodbye and left in a sigh of relief.

Liu Qiqiao and Nong Yunong's maid, Lutong, helped Shen Yunong back to his yard.

After helping Shen Yunong to sit down, Lu Tong and Xiao Cui changed clothes for Shen Yunong and went down. Only Liu Qiqiao and Shen Yunong were left in the room.

"Would you like some water?" Liu Qiqiao asked.

Shen Yunong shook his head: "It's late, I'm afraid I won't sleep after drinking tea, Qiqiao, what are you doing so far away from me, come here!"

Liu Qiqiao came to him slowly.

"Second brother said, Yunshang Square is open, this is all your credit, you have worked hard!" Shen Yunong said.

Liu Qiqiao sat on the chair beside the bed and said politely: "I do all my credit, and my second brother takes care of it. Miss Yuan also helps me everywhere, I don't dare to take credit for it!"

Shen Yunong yawned: "Come, let's lie down and say, Qiqiao."

Lying down side by side, Liu Qiqiao was a little nervous, Shen Yunong turned sideways, hands naturally about to reach her, she hit out all at once.

"Oh?" Shen Yunong looked at her unexpectedly.