The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 125: Discuss pro 1


The moon on August 15 is still hanging in the sky, and the bright moon shines like water waves, and everything in the world is covered in this radiance.

After midnight, the whole sunken house seemed to be asleep, and even the big yellow dog in the front yard fell asleep in the den.

Jiang Cuicui believed Shen Xiurong's story, and when she had promised her wish, she went out to hit her luck.

The whole house is very large, divided into several yards. There is a long yard in the front with fruits and vegetables grown in the yard, and there is an artificial lake in the back and a back garden. There are more than ten yards in the middle, for Mrs. Shen, Mrs. Shen, Mrs. Shen Yunong, Mrs. Shen Shao, and all aunts, one yard for one person, and it saves a lot of speech and trouble.

The second young master Shen Yuyuan also has a yard here. He has lived here since he was a child, but because Shen Yunong came back with his female relatives, in order to avoid suspicion, Shen Yuyuan went to live in the Shen family's Zhuangzi since they moved in.

Today was a holiday, and when the dinner was over, it was already very late. Mrs. Shen said, "Yuan'er, don't go back to Zhuangzi. Go back to your yard for a day. It doesn't matter!"

Therefore, Shen Yuyuan did not return to Zhuangzi, but stayed in the house.

His yard is very close to that of Jiang's grandfather and grandson, with a lotus pond in the middle and a warehouse for grain in winter.

The lotus pond is not big. It was a small pond dug after the lake in the back garden was drawn over.

I planted a lot of lotus. At this time, the lotus did not fill the pond like in summer. There were frogs, and they kept screaming. Shen Yuyuan was asleep but soon woke up again, with his head resting on his hand, looking at the top of the bed, the frog The screams joined together.

He couldn't sleep because the blind date was mentioned again at home today.

Originally, it didn't matter. The male elders should be married and the female elders should be married. He has reached this age and naturally he will find a woman to marry, but Shen Yuyuan feels a little sad.

The third young lady of Chen Shilang's family didn't have much interest, but since the eldest brother and grandma both said that they should see it, then he would take a look. It was nothing.

Turning over, Shen Yuyuan appeared in front of Liu Qiqiao again. He was accustomed to Liu Qiqiao wearing menswear, he was used to calling her seventh brother, and he was accustomed to listening to her instructions. He likes to plan tactics in the store and has the ability to kill. The determined and imposing Liu Qiye, but that Liu Qiye, once returned to the house, turned into a well-behaved and dull Liu Qiqiao, and became the only concubine Qi Yiniang.

Alas, it's a pity that there is no male body, Shen Yuyuan sighed at this moment.

After turning over a few times without sleeping, Shen Yuyuan simply sat up. He hadn't come back in this house for a long time. He felt that the house was not like his own home, and the bed was also strange. He walked a few steps in the house, and the moonlight moved indoors. According to the light, it was clear that such moonlight made him want to take a look outside.

Pushing the door open, Shen Yuyuan walked out.

He has always been dressed up, and now he is still wearing the robe at the family dinner.

You can't go anywhere else, because they are all Shen Yunong's aunts. If he went there by mistake in the middle of the night, he would be defiled, and he wouldn't be able to explain clearly.

Next to the yard was the lotus pond, with the croaking of frogs, and the willow tree by the pond, yelling constantly, he wandered over.

The scenery is so beautiful, he hasn't come out to wander around in the middle of the night like this, but he also thinks it is worth it. The coolness in his heart, the things that disturbed him, now he has forgotten, standing in the yard for a while, and closed His eyes were bathed in the clear moonlight, and the wind slowly blew his azure gown, and then listened carefully, there was a crisp sound of wind chimes. He tilted his head and saw that he took it back that day. The string of wind chimes that Jiang Cuicui gave him was hung under the porch without knowing who was placed under him.

Shells of different shapes turned around, and the part with white color reflected the light. Shen Yuyuan smiled, thinking about the simple and childish girl.

Liu Qiqiao was also young, but she was also obedient. She grew up next to her stepmother when she was a child. She was used to observing others vigilantly. She had more restrained her intelligence and let herself be mediocre. If it weren't for Shen Yunong's careful cultivation, Deliberately digging, now, she is just a little woman in the house, who is intriguing with those aunts.

But Jiang Cuicui is different, she is simply a wayward child.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuyuan smiled and walked towards the pond.

Before reaching the pond, I heard a'plop', which was very loud, because it was too quiet at night and it was obviously the sound of heavy objects falling into the water.

Shen Yuyuan was taken aback. He ran over a few steps and saw that there seemed to be a person in the lotus in the pond.

Shen Yuyuan was taken aback, and ran closer, but it was a woman, looking at the figure, in a green dress, her face sank in the water, but her arms were slapped in the water, Shen Yuyuan hurriedly shouted: "Who is there?" But the woman did not answer. He was anxious, ran to the pond, and jumped in without thinking.

Shen Yuyuan instinctively wanted to save people, but when he jumped down, he just scratched, he couldn't swim at all. When the woman heard the movement here, she stood up and turned around in the water and looked over. Shen Yuyuan Before falling into the water, I recognized that it was Jiang Cuicui.

"Save..." He only had time to say a word, but he choked on the water all of a sudden, and his body was about to sink. He used his hands and feet together, but he threw for a while.

Jiang Cuicui swam over quickly, grabbed Shen Yuyuan, Shen Yuyuan took a sip of water, choked water in his nose, and kept coughing. Jiang Cuicui grabbed him and swam back to Chi Yong with ease, while Shen Yuyuan scratched the shore indiscriminately. Climbing up, halfway through, hands and feet are already weak, and the upper part of the body is on the shore, the legs are still underneath, crooked there.

Jiang Cuicui smiled at him and said, "Aren't you the second young master? Your young master is really weird, everyone likes to fall into the water..."

Shen Yuyuan was speechless for a while, the water in his nose finally choked out and was very uncomfortable, his nose burst into tears, he turned his head: "I thought you were in the water!"

"Me? Falling into the water?" Jiang Cuicui stepped on the water, as if he heard a big joke: "I can fish in the river, and my grandpa can't hold my breath. Can this little water drown me?"

Shen Yuyuan also laughed at himself for being stupid. First, he didn't see the situation clearly. Second, he didn't know the water yet and wanted to save others.

"In the middle of the night, what did the second young master come here for, why did you fall into the water?" Jiang Cuicui said, she leaned closer, leaned on the shore, jumped up, and sat down with Shen Yuyuan, she smiled Look at Shen Yuyuan.

Shen Yuyuan said helplessly: "I said, I thought you fell into the water!"

Jiang Cuicui said "Oh", then thought of something, and asked in surprise: "So you want to save me, don't you?"

Shen Yuyuan nodded, and smiled like a self-deprecating smile: "Miss Jiang laughed. The eldest brother said that I sometimes have a tendon. I really didn't make a mistake!"

Jiang Cuicui didn't smile. She looked at Shen Yuyuan with a strange feeling in her heart, "You know? You are the first person to save me. I have always saved others!" Jiang Cuicui finished speaking and watched again. Xiang Shen Yuyuan.

Shen Yuyuan felt much better after choking the water out. Only then did he realize that this Jiang Cuicui was sitting too close to him. Her green dress was stuck on her body after being exposed to the water, because she was swimming all year round. The figure is well-proportioned and vigorous. Her hair was wet, half-combed and half-sparsely hung behind her head. Jiang Cuicui was dressed in disheveled clothes. However, her face was wet with water, and under the moonlight, her eyes were as pure as jade, and her eyes were as simple and simple as jade. Vivid, just leaning on Shen Yuyuan's side like that made him a little at a loss.

"You gave me good things, and you want to save my life, you are such a good person!" Jiang Cuicui said.

Shen Yuyuan was ashamed secretly, and hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Where did I save you? I'm too ugly, I can't help myself!"

Jiang Cuicui didn't let him blame herself. She stretched out her hand and held his swaying hand: "You are not ugly at all, although you are a bit worse than your eldest, but you are not ugly at all, you are beautiful!"

How could Shen Yuyuan be praised by a woman? Fortunately, at night, his face instantly turned red, he felt the heat on his cheeks, and Jiang Cuicui held his hand. The only woman he had ever had physical contact with was Liu Qiqiao, but both It was an unintentional touch in normal life, but it was the first time that a woman held her hands so fiercely.

"Miss Jiang..." Shen Yuyuan thought about leaving here soon.

"What kind of lady I am, just call me Cui Cui!" Jiang Cui Cui said.

"I can't make it, I can't make it!" Shen Yuyuan said, trying to get away from his hands.

Jiang Cuicui smiled and said: "What makes it impossible? By the way, you save my life, I will ask you to eat good food!" When she finished speaking, she jumped and jumped into the pond again.

With a plop...

Shen Yuyuan shook his head, very similar to the sound he had just heard. It turned out that it was just the sound of Jiang Cuicui entering the water.

Not long after Jiang Cuicui went into the water for a while, he swam back and put the thing in his hand next to Shen Yuyuan: "No, I ask you to eat water chestnut!"

The water chestnuts are pointed, three or four, placed beside Shen Yuyuan.

Seeing that Shen Yuyuan was not moving, Jiang Cuicui jumped ashore again, picked up a water chestnut, and said to Shen Yuyuan: "It's a pity that there is no water chestnut here, but it can't trouble me..." After that, she picked up a water chestnut and faced Shen Yuyuan. The edge of the other, struck down vigorously.

"Be careful!" Shen Yuyuan said. Jiang Cuicui turned his head and looked at him: "You have a good heart, Second Young Master, you are such a good person!"

This is over, and the actions of her men are also over. A water chestnut was cut and peeled. The white, slightly sweet and crisp fruit was exposed. She held it in her hand and handed it to Shen Yuyuan’s mouth: "You Try it, it's delicious! I always find them to eat!".

Shen Yuyuan couldn't avoid it, so Jiang Cuicui almost fed him directly. He had to stretch out his hand and took the water chestnut. One bite, as Jiang Cuicui said, it's refreshing and cool, not very tasty, but better than fresh.

"It's delicious?" Jiang Cuicui said.

Shen Yuyuan smiled and nodded.

"You entered the water just for them?" Shen Yuyuan said.

Jiang Cuicui smiled and said: "It's not all for them. I am not hungry now. I eat too much at night, so many delicious ones, and there are better ones. I have never seen them... I just want to get into the water. It’s been a long time since I swam in the water. I said to my grandpa that I wanted to swim. Grandpa said that my appearance would scare the people in this mansion and told me to endure it, but today I drank a lot. Wine, but I can't sleep this night, I ran out secretly!"