The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 128: The brave Jiang Cuicui 2


Aunt Zhou couldn't see her unruly appearance, she couldn't help but sneered here: "What are you, you hang around in this house every day, and you speak your name to each other every day!"

Jiang Cuicui is not familiar with Aunt Zhou. Seeing her being so cynic with herself, she didn't think there was anything. Since entering this house, secretly, she pointed out that there were too many people in her, she didn't care at all, she just said she If you want to say, do what she wants to do: "What are you, I came to see Shen Yunong, what does it have to do with you?"

"You are a girl who hasn't left the pavilion. You open your mouth and call the man's name without getting married. You just walk in and out of the man's yard like this before you get married. Do you know the rules, etiquette and shame?"

"You are a national girl in the hook column, and you told me the rules, what manners and shame to tell me! A joke!" Jiang Cuicui said, although she doesn't care, but she is not stupid. She has been here for a long time, and the character here has long been here. The relationship is clear, and she also knows how a few aunts came from.

But Jiang Cuicui didn't care who the others were, what a scholarly daughter, what a teacher's daughter, what a prostitute, or a girl, she didn't care.

But Jiang Cuicui said this to her. She hadn't been aggrieved since she was a child, so she naturally stunned her.

Shen Yunong saw these two men, inexplicably, the first time they confronted, the gunpowder like this was enough, he said hurriedly: "Cui Cui, are you coming to see me? I will send Aunt Zhou out first, you go to the main hall and wait for me. Right!"

Jiang Cuicui hummed and walked over. When she passed Auntie Zhou by mistake, Auntie Zhou was not upset. Since she married Shen Yunong, she has been very concerned about her origin. She is usually the most taboo when people talk about her. People don’t tell me about her background, she must suspect that those people are chewing their tongues behind their backs, let alone Jiang Cuicui, who is so blatantly insulting her, how can she stand it.

"Delicious embryo, you dare to scold me!" Zhou Haitang saw that Jiang Cuicui was close, she squeezed the distance and slammed it over.

She expected that her slap would definitely hit Jiang Cuicui's face, but she had mistaken Jiang Cuicui's agility and agility. She held the wind everywhere, and Jiang Cuicui only dodged her body and avoided it.

However, Zhou Haitang's slap slapped his entire body with all his strength.

Without focusing, Zhou Haitang slapped it over, took his body over, and rushed forward all at once.

Although Shen Yunong followed behind her, she didn't expect that she suddenly made a move, and naturally there was no time to pull her.

As a result, Zhou Haitang fell firmly to the ground.

Fortunately, there was no ashlar on the ground, but when she fell from the heights, Aunt Zhou still frowned in pain. Besides, she was always very careful. Now, fear is more frightening than pain, she ah An exclamation came out.

The yard was suddenly messed up.

Shen Yunong was busy helping her while calling others. He was also weak. He helped Zhou Haitang with the servant who rushed over, and was busy calling people to call the doctor.

Jiang Cuicui stood on the side without any help. She stood with arms folded and sneered in her heart. She was so strong and wanted to hit her. How stupid!

"In that case, Cui Cui is not to blame, Mr. Jiang, don't blame yourself, besides, there is nothing wrong with Aunt Zhou, just tell her to be careful in the future!" Mrs. Shen laughed.

Jiang Cuicui murmured: "I said it's okay, so I said she pretended to be golden, how can something happen if she can fall!"

Old man Jiang stretched out his hand and hit his granddaughter all at once. Everyone was in pain. Old man Jiang said embarrassingly: "The old lady doesn't care about it. It's because my old man is too accustomed to her. That's why!"

"This child is my temper. I like her very much. Don't blame her, don't talk about her, let alone beat her. What a good child, he looks so painful..." After that, Mrs. Shen smiled. Looking at Shen Yunong, "We are blessed to survive in catastrophe, and we can still get this kind of fate!"

After listening, everyone knew that the old lady Shen had acquiesced to the marriage.

When Old Man Jiang heard Mrs. Shen say this, his face showed a smile. He smiled back and forth, but said: "My granddaughter, I don't understand anything. I'm afraid she is here. If she is here, we will do anything wrong. I am ready to go. This has been annoying for a while, and I am very grateful to the Shen family for taking care of our grandparents and grandchildren!"

Everyone was stunned by his exit, even Shen Yunong was stunned: "Grandpa Jiang..."

"Hehe... Master Shen Da, this time we came, we can be regarded as seeing the world, although my house is broken, but it is not easy to leave for too long!" Old man Jiang smirked. "Cui Cui, kowtow to the old lady again, we are leaving now!"

"You, what are you talking about! This..., are we going to have a happy event for the two children?" Mrs. Shen said.

"Hey, it's my old man who doesn't care about it, but I didn't know what the eldest young master's house was like at that time. This... We are not the right door, the family is not right, we don't mention the marriage again, we came here and got a lot of money Good things are enough for our grandparents and grandchildren to eat and chew for a while. Master, if you have a car, you will send us a ride. No, we hire a car by ourselves. This afternoon, we will leave!" Old Man Jiang said.

Before Shen Yunong could speak, Jiang Cuicui said, "I won't leave!"

Several aunts could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard what the old man Jiang said. Jiang Cuicui is so beautiful, if they really become eight aunts, they won't have a bright future.

But, now, Jiang Cuicui couldn't leave, the hearts of the aunts were raised again, and even Liu Qiqiao looked at Jiang Cuicui in surprise.

I thought to myself, this Jiang Cuicui could not be successful, and he was still thinking about marrying Shen Yunong and becoming his eighth aunt

Hearing this from his granddaughter, Old Man Jiang hurriedly winked at her granddaughter. He smiled and said to Mrs. Shen: "Cui Cui is just for fun and doesn't like to go back to work... Hey, just a child!"

Jiang Cuicui said, "I'm not a child, grandpa, didn't you say that I have the life of being a young grandmother?"

Old man Jiang was embarrassed. He didn't expect his granddaughter to be stubborn again at this time. He hurriedly said: "I was talking nonsense, what young grandma, Mrs. Shen, you've seen it before, so how can you be a young grandmother? Stop talking about children here, let's go!" He stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Cuicui up and drag her away.

However, Jiang Cuicui did not move at all. She made up her mind: "Who said that she would marry Shen Yunong!"

At this time, even Shen Yunong looked at her in surprise.

Jiang Cuicui shook off her grandfather's hand. She knelt in front of the old lady Shen, walked two steps further, and supported the old lady's knee: "Old lady, I want to marry to our Shen family!"

Everyone inhaled, and the old man Jiang called her annoyedly: "Cui Cui, don't mess around!"

Jiang Cuicui turned her head and glared at her grandpa: "I'm not fooling around, I just want to be a young grandmother!"

Old Madam Shen was so overwhelmed by the appearance of their grandchildren, she had to smile awkwardly: "Cui Cui, this young lady really can't be a grandmother, you see, I already have a granddaughter like Haoyue, but, If you have to marry Nong'er, you will be an aunt. I know that being an aunt has wronged you, but Nong'er will be good to you!"

Jiang Cuicui snorted and said disdainfully: "I don't want to be an aunt!"

Everyone looked at her, and Mrs. Shen was very embarrassed: "Cui Cui..."

"Old lady, you are not just a grandson, and your Shen family is not just a young master. I... I just want to be a young grandmother..." After that, her white face turned red.

After listening to her, everyone was still confused, but Shen Yunong and Liu Qiqiao looked at each other, and both of them were relieved, and then smiled again, they were not as direct as Cui Cui.

If you want to explore what you have to say, they won it directly for themselves.

Mrs. Shen also heard something at this time. The old man's mind turned, her face changed from surprise to joy. She really liked the child Jiang Cuicui. One was that she saved her eldest grandson, and the other was that this child. She is good-looking and innocent. She has been accustomed to seeing the wind in her life, and she has seen a lot of people who greet her. It is rare for such a woman with a true temperament.

"I am indeed two grandchildren. So, Cui Cui, you want to marry Yuyuan!" Old Madam Shen smiled.

The rest of the people suddenly came to a sudden.

Only then did they remember that Shen Yuyuan was also the young master of the Shen family.

Although Jiang Cuicui's face was blushing, he nodded heavily after listening to Mrs. Shen's words.

Old man Jiang was behind and wanted to pull his granddaughter away, but at this moment, he started to daze in a daze. He can't turn this corner at all...

Aunt Zhou was in the back room, and her maid whispered to her, talking about the situation outside.

At this moment, the maid said in disbelief: "It turns out that Miss Jiang actually has a fancy to our second young master!"

"Bah, what a young lady is she!" Aunt Zhou bitterly scolded, and then said: "However, she is a good match for that one, hum!"

Liu Qiqiao looked at Jiang Cuicui and couldn't help admiring her.

Many people like Shen Yunong because he is good-looking, smart, and wealthy. Even if he has three wives and four concubines, women can't wait to stick to him when they mention him.

This Cui Cui is really admirable.

Suddenly thinking of Shen Yuyuan, Liu Qiqiao laughed and thought, second brother would like this Cui Cui, I really can’t wait to tell him the good news!

Mrs. Shen touched Cui Cui's ground and said to Shen Yunong, "Nong'er, what do you think about this matter?"

Shen Yunong was anxious that Yu would become the pair, but he didn't know what Shen Yuyuan meant, so he said: "I listen to you, grandma, second brother, I'll go and pass you a message first!"

Mrs. Shen nodded, and then smiled: "Cui Cui, I said that our mothers are destined, and I will recognize you, granddaughter-in-law first!"

Jiang Cuicui twisted her fingers and smiled shyly.