The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 13: The second young master Shen Yuyuan 1


Huangfu Haoyue turned her head and looked at her close-fitting maid, Wan'er. She felt a tingling pain in her heart. Didn’t she know that this was her last chance, leaving Shen Mansion, like this, let Shen Yunong open a peace Huangfu Haoyue’s marriage certificate is not difficult, but Huangfu Haoyue felt sad for a while. If he said that he loved him so much, it may not be true. Since he was born, he has been a sick man. The acquaintance said that she would not live to be ten years old. Therefore, her parents were very careful to raise her. The wind could not blow, the rain could not beat, and she had grown to more than ten years old. There were rumors outside that the lady of Shangshufu was in front of the Guanyin seat. A virgin, if she is not alive, she will pass away to heaven, and her appearance will be as beautiful as a fairy.

Because of illness, Huangfu Haoyue’s parents never thought of letting her get married, but after eating a recipe prescribed by a monk who traveled, they survived, but that recipe cost a lot of money, and it’s Ganoderma lucidum. It's ginseng, and ordinary people can't afford it at all. Even if her father is a master of the ritual ministry, he can't afford it. Everyone knows that the ritual ministry is a Qingshui yamen. Besides, her father is upright and upright. Taking bribes unscrupulously. In this way, when Shen Mansion had the intention of coming to propose a marriage, her parents agreed without saying a word.

There was also a saying in the dynasty that studying was first, farming was second, work was second, and merchants last. Although Shen Mansion is a rich world, it is a merchant after all. If it weren't for Huangfu's family who wanted to save his daughter, he wouldn't. Let my daughter marry.

To put it bluntly, it was just using the silver of the Shen family to exchange her daughter for adult ginseng.

Huangfu Haoyue didn’t want to marry. She knew her body and didn’t want to harm others. However, the matchmaker told Shen Yunong so well, and secretly asked Huangfu Haoyue to have an interview again. Speaking of which, it was really Huangfu Haoyue. The most extraordinary thing I have ever done in my life.

The matchmaker’s mouth can be said to be alive for the dead. Moreover, Huangfu felt that he wanted to save his daughter, so he agreed, and asked his wife to encourage her daughter to take her to the Huangjue Temple outside the city to offer incense at the temple fair that day.

Huangfu Haoyue was few when he went out of the house. He was greedy for freshness that day. After the incense, he was supported by the maid Wan'er and Ziyuan in the temple, looking at the mountain scenery behind the temple.

It was late autumn, when the mountains were full of fallen leaves. In this mountain, there were still mountain flowers blooming. I knew that the ancient poem did not deceive me. The four o'clock in this mountain is indeed high and deep, and it will never be too late. . Huangfu Haoyue thought this way, but after hesitating, he hesitated. The two maids went to the temple to cancel the lottery, and she stood in a daze among the flowers, twisting the lottery that she had just drawn.

"April in the world is Fangfeichi, and the peach blossoms of the mountain temple begin to bloom."

Suddenly someone read this ancient poem at a leisurely pace, as if he had spoken out the thoughts in Huangfu Haoyue's mind.

The clearer the voice, the better. Huangfu Haoyue knew that she was an unmarried daughter, and it was inconvenient to see a foreigner, so she had to cover her face with her sleeves, hoping to find a way back.

I don’t want to be at this moment, but a mountain wind blows by. Her body has always been thin. The mountain wind has been fierce for a while. She is almost unsteady. She is weak as a willow body. After a while, she is about to fall and fall behind her. But someone stretched his arm over and supported her. When she stood firm, the man retracted his arm, very gentlemanly: "Xiaosheng is rude!" It was the person who had just recited the poem.

Huangfu Haoyue was very busy, panicked in her heart, but couldn't bear to be curious. When she got up, she looked up at the person in front of her.

Shen Yunong was only seventeen years old that year, the same age as Huangfu Haoyue, and a few months younger than her. He was young and young, with a face like jade and a handsome posture. Standing next to a bunch of mountain flowers, he looked like a face. Yu, he was born with a smiley face. Seeing Huangfu Haoyue look at him, he laughed first. There was no sign of Meng Lang, but infinitely gentle. The petals that had just been blown off by the wind were scattered and flying around. Around his body, it seemed as if he was an immortal in this mountain, coming from the wind and flying flowers.

Huangfu Haoyue was in a deep boudoir, and rarely saw anyone, let alone a man, let alone such an excellent man, she fell into love with her heart.

The matchmaker did this good deed and won a lot of rewards. In the year Huangfu Haoyue got married, I don't know how many women in the capital were so soft-hearted, it was said that Shen Yunong was the first romantic boy in the capital.

Huangfu Haoyue married Shen Yunong. According to her status, it is not an exaggeration to say that she was married. Shen Yunong treated her like a guest, with little thoughts and gentleness, and she has treated her with respect until now. Guest.

Because Huangfu Haoyue was weak, Shen Yunong was really a gentleman, and she had to endure hardships every time she was in sex. Later, Huangfu Haoyue felt very sorry for him, so she gave him her maid as a maid. It's also good to continue the blood of the Shen family, but it is not her full-time wife, and she always feels sorry for her mate.

Later, Huangfu Haoyue never complained to the extent that Shen Yunong's concubines, who had one room and one bedroom, married in. On the contrary, she got along with these concubines like sisters.

Therefore, Shen Yunong is boasting outside that he is not boasting about the beauty of his wife and concubine.

All those who marry him love him and indulge him, of course, he is kind to everyone.

Now Wan'er persuaded Huangfu Haoyue like this. Huangfu Haoyue knew that the maid was doing her own good, but she still couldn't accept the fact that she wanted to leave Xianggong.

She shook her head slowly: "I said that life was a member of the Shen Mansion, and death was a ghost of the Shen Mansion, not the words of my father." She bit her lip, then looked at Wan'er and said, "Originally. I thought, staying for another two years, I will find you a good mate. The reason why I don’t want you to lift auntie is because you are too straight-tempered. There are so many mates, so I am afraid that you will not get along. , It’s better to marry, even if you are a small official or a small official, you can be a big lady yourself. I don’t want to be like this... However, after waiting for a while, I will also ask my mother to find a good one for you. Don’t worry."

When Wan'er heard Huangfu Haoyue say this, she hurriedly knelt down with tears in her eyes, "Does the young lady think I said this for myself? I just don't want the young lady to be too persistent. Since the young lady has already identified it, she will be a slave. It’s the girl who accompanies the young lady, and it must be the one who accompanies the girl!"

Huangfu Haoyue took her hand and asked her to get up: "I know, Wan'er, you are good for me, but in these years, you have also seen it. How can I be treated by my father? When I leave, I'm afraid that my illness will drag down the Shen family. After all, if something like this happened, I'm afraid that after Shen Mansion, it will not be the original Shen Mansion!"

The two masters and servants were so sad. But Liu Qiqiao here is another situation.

For two consecutive days, Liu Qiqiao was alone and awake. On this day, someone accompanied her. She took Lan Xiang to bed: "Don’t talk about masters and servants now. We are the only ones in this entire yard. It’s scary!"

Lan Xiang smiled and agreed. The two nests were in one place. Liu Qiqiao told her that this Lan Xiang was also a bitter child. Her father took her from the south and came to this capital. However, her parents were infected with current duty and both died. She was only eight years old at the time, and she learned how others put grass blades on her head. It happened that Mrs. Shen went to the temple to offer incense and saw her. Seeing her pitifully, she took her in.

"The old lady is really nice!" Liu Qiqiao said from the bottom of his heart.

Lan Xiang just smiled and didn't speak. Liu Qiqiao said, "It's not because I got married that she said she was good. Before, she treated me very well and rewarded me a lot!"

Lan Xiang smiled and said: "What about those things, I remember that the old lady rewarded you later, as well as hairpins and chains!" What she didn't say was that several aunts, but she was said by the people that she was too stingy and only donated one. The ring comes out.

"Where did I get the money? When I got home, I gave the money to my daddy. When I got home, my mother searched all the money. She said it was saved for me. When I got married, I gave it to me. … Hey!" Liu Qiqiao blinked.

"Oh, that aunt, you are also suffering. They say that if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. If you want to come, you also suffered at home!" Lan Xiang said.

Liu Qiqiao’s eyes were shining in the night. When she mentioned this, she immediately had the opportunity to talk, with her elbows on her hips, her hands against her head, and she lay facing Lanxiang. She said: "It’s not too hard, father pays. Counted as my stepmother, although she was a stepmother, she didn’t bully me too much, because I’m capable. I can’t tell them to say that I’m a casual meal, and I can’t let the stepmother find a reason to beat me. I work desperately. , Look..." Liu Qiqiao stretched out her hand to show Lan Xiang. She was small, her palms were small, and she was thin and thin. Lan Xiang couldn't help but feel sorry for her, but her thin hands were thick. There are old calluses on the fingers, and there are old cracked wounds on the fingers, "It's all work, I can do the work at home, and I can do the work in the field, cook, weed hogweed, cut wheat, and men do too. But mine, the stepmother said, I'm one of two, I will still do work, hehe, otherwise, the old lady will not match me!"

Lan Xiang covered her lips and smiled. The new master, speaking of this, looked very proud, with bright eyes and a small face with a strange brilliance.

"Don't laugh, don't you believe it? I heard that I was going to marry and be an aunt. The first reaction was that Shen Mansion must be short of an embroiderer, so I was chosen!" Liu Qiqiao said.

Lan Xiang shook his head and smiled: "Where can I use my aunt for embroidering work in the mansion? We have people doing the usual work, and the better ones are from embroidery workshops!"

"Oh..." Liu Qiqiao was startled, thinking in his heart, what would you do after marrying me

Lan Xiang looked at her dazedly and stupidly, and couldn't help but feel funny. This new aunt looked like a child, and her mind was also like a child. She blushed and asked in a low voice: "That day, you said, you And the eldest master, haven’t...really?"

Liu Qiqiao stared at Lan Xiang blankly. Hearing her unclear words, he asked strangely: "What is it, what is it?"